Q3 Tos TQ English6

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
3rd Quarter Examination
Table of Specification in English 6

Item Placement
No. of No. of
Learning Competencies % Easy Moderate Difficult
Days Items
(30%) (40%) (30%)
Present a coherent, 22 55% 28 1-5 6-18 19-28
comprehensive report on
differing viewpoints on an
Evaluate narratives based on 23 45% 22 29-38 39-45 46-50
how the author developed the
Total 45 100% 50 15 20 15

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
English 6
3rd Quarter Examination

Name:____________________________________Grade: ________________Score:_____

Directions: Arrange the following sentences to make a coherent report.

1. 1. A fit and healthy body cannot be achieved overnight.
2. One way to be healthy is to watch our diet.
3. This is because we are what we eat.
4. We also have to exercise regularly and get enough sleep.
A. 1-2-3-4 B. 1-2-4-3 C. 1-3-4-2 D. 2-4-3-1
2.1. However, for most people sleep is the best stress buster.
2. Some people cry to ease themselves from tension.
3. While others cry, some prefer to sing when they want to relax.
4. People have various ways of dealing with stress.
A. 2-1-3-4 B. 3-2-4-1 C. 4-2-3-1 D. 1-2-3-4
3. 1. Let us hope and pray that this pandemic will end soon.
2. Children worry about skipping school because their parents have no money.
3. Many individuals have already lost their jobs.
4. The crisis caused by Covid-19 has affected millions of people.
A. 4-3-2-1 B. 4-1-2-3 C. 3-2-1-4 D. 2-4-3-1
4. 1. Let us not put off for tomorrow the things we can do today.
2. Always remember that time is gold.
3. Most people nowadays are habitual procrastinators.
4. They waste much time on unproductive activities.
A. 1-2-3-4 B. 3-4-1-2 C. 4-3-2-1 D.2-1-3-4
5. 1. Nowadays, one doesn’t have to leave the house to earn money.
2. Stay-at-home mothers earn extra by selling products online.
3. Digital marketers earn thousands of pesos every month.
4. Times are changing and so is our way of living.
A. 1-2-3-4 B. 2-3-4-1 C. 3-4-1-2 D. 4-2-3-1

Directions: Read the passage and complete each sentence by providing evidence to the following
opinions. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in your notebook.

John is a healthy boy. He eats nutritious food like fruits and vegetables. His parents make
sure that they give him the right amount of food so that he stays fit and healthy. Junk foods like chips
and sodas are not allowed in his family. Aside from a healthy diet, he is also involved in several physical
activities like jogging and cycling around the village. We can do many things when we are healthy.

6. In my opinion, John is not sickly because ___________________.

A. he is an obedient boy B. he eats nutritious food
C. he lives with his parents D. He likes to eat junkfood.

7. I think that John does not gain weight because ________________________.

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A. he does not like to eat B. his food is not delicious
C. he eats the right amount of food D. None of the above
8. I guess John can’t eat chips and drink soda because ___________.
A. he does not like chips and soda B. chips and sodas are not allowed in his family
C. he does not have money to buy
chips and soda
9. How do we know that John knows how to ride a bike?
A. because he has a bike B. because his father taught him
C. because he is cycling around the village D.all of the above
10. I believe that staying fit and healthy is important because ____________.
A. others are doing it B. we can do many things
C. parents told us to do so D. It doesn’t matter to me.
11. In my opinion, child abuse may affect children’s growth.
A. Agree, a child who is being abused may have fear of socializing, or sometimes they will be
rude to other children.
B. Disagree, all children have their way of coping with the abuse done to them.
C. Disagree, any form of abuse won’t have any effect on children.
12. I believe that to avoid conflicts in the family, consider the feelings and opinions of one another.
A. Disagree, we should express our opinion no matter what.
B. Agree, we must be mindful of what we say towards our family members.
C. Agree, we should always just agree with what others say.
13. I think every child should be taught how to think, not what to think.
A. Disagree, a child can’t think rightly on his/her own.
B. Disagree, a child should always follow the elderly.
C. Agree, elders should help a child develops his/her creativity and critical thinking.
14. I believe that family is the foundation of a child’s personality.
A. I agree, the behavior a child shows are the reflection of his/her family.
B. I disagree, the child’s behavior is based on his interactions outside the house.
C. I agree, voluntarily the child develops a different habit as he grows up.
15. In my opinion, parents should love and protect their child.
A. I disagree because some parents cannot do their responsibilities.
B. I agree because it is a parents’ responsibility to love and protect their child.
C. I agree because parents must put their children in a bad situation.
16. I think every child must learn from their mistakes.
A. I disagree because it’s okay to make mistakes because they're still young.
B. I disagree because we should always aim for perfection.
C. I agree because mistakes are part of life lessons are learned from them.
17. In my opinion, children should love their parents as parents love them.
A. I disagree, there must always be a limitation.
B. I agree parents must give what the child wants.
C. I agree, it is an expression of the child’s gratitude to his parents.
18. I believe that children should also work for the parent to show gratitude.
A. I agree children are obliged to their parents.
B. I agree children should take care of their parents as the parents take care of them.
C. Disagree, the parents are not children’s obligation but children must be grateful to their

Directions: Read the selection and make connections between the information and personal

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Answer the following questions. Encircle the letter of your choice.

19. What reminds you about the selection?

A. I need to brag what I do to others.
B. I must be like Angel Locsin who always willing to help others.
C. I should not share my blessings.
D. I can help if there’s an exchange of money or recognition.
20. How does the text relate to your life?
A. It tells me to help others without doubts and uncertainty.
B. It reminds me that I could profit from fundraising.
C. It convinces me to show generosity because I want to become a celebrity.
D. It gives me the idea how to become an awardee of Forbes magazine.
21. Are you willing to help like Angel Locsin even in small ways?
A. Yes. I need to help even without any return.
B. No. I don’t like her because she did it for fame.
C. No. That’s not her real identity.
D. I would think more if I would help or not.
22. What are your feelings when you read the the selection?
A. angry and infuriated B. saddened and sorrowful
C. happy and delighted D. confused and frightened
23. What theme could be gleaned based on the selection?
A. Small things can make a difference.
B. Helping hands are always better than those which are doing nothing.
C. Selfless giving is the art of living.
D. All of the above

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24. What tells you about the selection?
A. Garbage is dirty and shouldn’t be touched.
B. Garbage must be recycled, and those for sale must be sold.
C. Garbage should be dumped right away without segregation.
D. Garbage must be kept inside your home and be rotten.
25. How are you going to make the garbage useful?
A. Separate the recyclable one and sell it to earn money and dump the remaining useless
B. Burn the plastic bottles.
C. Throw it in the river.
D. Sell all your garbage to your neighbor.
26. How can you relate the life of Avilla Lipata?
A. I wouldn’t want to be like her.
B. I only like her because she became famous.
C. I also recycle our garbage at home.
D. I tell my mother to do the task.
27. How did you feel upon reading the text?
A. I felt discouraged. B. I felt unhappy.
C. I felt confused. D. I felt proud.
28. What is the purpose of this text?
A. To inform the readers that garbage could be useful if you have patience of recycling it.
B. To tell the readers that garbage is useless.
C. To show the readers that nothing can be gained from garbage.
D. To inform the readers that garbage is easy to dump.

Read and understand the situation below and identify.

29. She is practicing the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) in order to lessen the garbage and save the
mother earth from too much pollution. This is what she read in the posters spread by the Local
Government Unit (LGU).
A. text-to-text B. Text-to-self C. Text-to-word

30. Yuhan is reading a leaflet given by the DOH about proper wearing and disposal of facemask. He
was already informed about it as he read the same article in the newspaper last month.
A. text-to-text B. Text-to-self C. Text-to-word

31. Filipinos stayed at home for several months due to COVID-19 pandemic. They followed the Inter-
Agency Task Force for Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) memorandum circular.
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A. text-to-text B. Text-to-self C. Text-to-word

32. The World Health Organization (WHO) releases articles about health measures. Patrick as a
responsible father to his children not to become victims of the deadly COVID-19 virus, practices the said
A. text-to-text B. Text-to-self C. Text-to-word

33. Some sixth grade learners watch a video about wrong disposal of a mining company of its chemical
waste. Children concluded that the mining firm should be penalized for violating and noncompliance of
the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) rules and guidelines.
A. text-to-text B. Text-to-self C. Text-to-word
34. It is usually the “hero” of the story.
A. theme B. resolution C. antagonist D. protagonist
35. It is the struggle between two opposing forces.
A. theme B. conflict C. setting D. resolution
36. It is the “villain” whose character always opposes in the story.
A. conflict B. protagonist C. antagonist D. introduction
37. It tells the time and place of the story.
A. plot B. setting C. theme D. character
38. It describes the people or animal presented in a way that the reader can picture out clearly.
A. theme B. setting C. climax D. character
39. It is a series of related events or actions that happened in a story.
A. plot B. setting B. climax D. Character

Read the narrative and answer the questions that follow.

40. What is the setting of the narrative?

A. forest B. garden C. farm D. sea
41. What character traits did the baby fish show?
A. ambitious B. obedient C. helpful D. responsible
42.What is the theme of the narrative?
A. love B. fear C. trust D. Disobedience

Direction: Read the selection carefully and answer the questions below.

Solomon Judges Wisely

Sometime later, two women came to the king to have an argument settled. “Please my Lord,”
one of them began, this woman and I live in the same house. I gave birth to a baby while she was with
me in the house. Three days later, she also had a baby, we were alone, there were only two of us in the
house. But her baby died during the night when she rolled over on it. Then she got up in the night and
took my son from beside me while I was asleep. She laid her dead child in my arms and took mine to

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sleep beside her. And in the morning when I tried to nurse my son, he was dead! “But when I looked
more closely in the morning light, I saw that it wasn’t my son at all.” Then the other woman interrupted,
“It certainly was your son, and the living child is mine. “ “No,” the first woman said, the dead one is
yours and the living one is mine.” And so they argued back and forth before the king. Then the king
said “Let’s get the facts straight.” Both of you claim the living child is yours, each says that the dead
belongs to the other. All right, bring me my sword,” so a sword was brought to the king then he said,
“Cut the living child into two and give half to each of these women.” Then the woman who really was
the mother of the living child and who loved him very much, cried out. “Oh no, my Lord! Give her the
child, please do not kill him!” But the other woman said “All right he will be neither yours nor mine,
divide him between us!”

Identify the characters based on their traits. Write the letter of the correct answer on your
answer sheet.

43. He was the wise king.

A. King David B. King Solomon
C. King James D. King Abraham
44. “Do not kill him but give the baby to the woman who wants him to live, for she is his mother!”
A. First woman B. Second woman
C. King Solomon D. Third woman
45. “Cut the living child into two and give half to each of these women.”
A. First woman B. Second woman
C. King Solomon D. Third woman
46. “Oh no, my Lord! Give her the child, please do not kill him!”
A. First woman B. Second woman
C. King Solomon D. Third woman
47. “All right he will be neither yours nor mine, divide him between us!”
A. First woman B. Second woman
C. King Solomon D. Third woman

Direction: Identify what element of plot is being presented of each selection. Encircle the
letter of the correct answer.
48. Her dad commanded her to stop. He told her of his story how his life before he became successful.
What shocked Mary more was the fact that her dad was also once a beggar when he was still a child.
A. Exposition B. Conflict C. Rising Action D. Falling Action

49. Mary is the only child of the richest businessman in town, Mr. Diego de la Cruz. One day, she and
her parents went to Disneyland for a tour.
A. Conflict B. Climax C. Resolution D. Faling Action

50. Mary regretted what she has done to the dirty man. She also apologized to the manager whom she
treated badly.
A. Exposition B. Conflict C. Rising Action D. Falling Action

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No. Answer No. Answer

1 C 26 C

2 B 27 D

3 A 28 A

4 B 29 C

5 A 30 A

6 B 31 D

7 C 32 D

8 B 33 D

9 C 34 D

10 B 35 B

11 A 36 C

12 B 37 B

13 C 38 D

14 A 39 A

15 B 40 D

16 C 41 A

17 C 42 D
18 C 43 B
19 B 44 C
20 A 45 C
21 A 46 A
22 C 47 B
23 D 48 B

24 B 49 B

25 A 50 C

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