Q3 TOS TQ English5

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
District II

3rd Quarter Examination

Table of Specification in English 5

Learning Competencies No. of % No. of Item Placement

Days Items
Easy Moderate Difficul
(30%) (40%) t
1. Distinguish text-types 15 33% 16 1,2,3,4, 7,8,9,10,1
according to purpose and 5,6 1,12,13,1
features: classification, 1-16 4,15,16
explanation, enumeration and
time order
2. Summarize various text-type 10 22% 11 29,30,3 32 Perform
based on elements 1, ance
(no code) 29-34 test

3. Make a stand 10 22% 11 35, 36, 20, 24,

(EN5OL-IIh-4) 37, 38, 28,33,
35-40 39, 40

4. Provide evidence to support 10 23% 12 17, 19, 18, 22, 26 Perform

opinion/fact 21, ance
(EN5OL-IIf-3.5.1) 17-28 23,25,2 test

Total 45 100% 50 15 20 15

Address: Osilao St., Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bata, Para sa Bayan
Telefax No: (088) – 531-0831 The OROquieta Treasures: Our Learners
Email Address: oroquieta.city@deped.gov.ph Asenso Oroquieta!
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
District II

3rd Quarter Examination

English 5

Name: _____________________________________________ Score: _____________

Directions: Read carefully the sentences below. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. A text type that provides descriptions to looking at things like causes and reasons.
A. Enumeration text B. Explanation text
C. Time order text D. Classification text

2. It is a text type that presents series of events that happened in the past or present in a
chronological order.
A. Enumeration text B. Explanation text
C. Time order text D. Classification text

3. A text type that presents ideas by listing the kinds, characteristics, classes, types, parts,
ways, groups, and other information of a certain thing.
A. Enumeration text B. Explanation text
C. Time order text D. Classification text

4. A type of text that categorizes text into organized groups.

A. Enumeration text B. Explanation text
C. Time order text D. Classification text

5. A text type that retells an experience or an event that happened in the past.
A. Enumeration text B. Explanation text
C. Time order text D. Classification text

6. This text type is also known as text tagging or text categorization.

A. Enumeration text B. Explanation text
C. Time order text D. Classification text

Directions: Read the paragraph carefully and distinguish the text type used. Encircle
the letter of your answer.


Address: Osilao St., Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bata, Para sa Bayan
Telefax No: (088) – 531-0831 The OROquieta Treasures: Our Learners
Email Address: oroquieta.city@deped.gov.ph Asenso Oroquieta!
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
District II

Dogs can be categorized into many groups. Dogs may be wild or domesticated. Wild
dogs are those which live independently in their natural habitat like the forest. Domesticated
dogs, on the other hand, are those which have been living with humans for generations. Dogs
can also be classified by breed like Poodles. Pomeranian, German Shepherd, Chihuahua, etc.
Likewise, dogs may also be considered as a pet, a guard, or even a hunter depending on their

A. Enumeration text B. Explanation text

C. Time order text D. Classification text


Digestive process begins when food enters the mouth. After the mouth chews and
swallows the food, it goes to the throat and then travels to the esophagus or swallowing tube.
Next the esophagus, through a series of contractions called peristalsis delivers the food to the
stomach which acts as the storage tank. The stomach contains hydrochloric acid and digestive
enzymes which when mix with the food, the food begins to break down into smaller
molecules. Then the food enters the small intestine where in 90% of the food nutrients have
been extracted here and absorbed by the body. The remaining goes to the large intestine as
waste product. Finally, this waste product is excreted from the body as a solid matter called

A. Enumeration text B. Explanation text

C. Time order text D. Classification text

The atmosphere is composed of different levels. The first level, called troposphere, is
the nearest to Earth, about 11km thick. Most clouds and weather are found in this layer. Next
is the stratosphere which is about 11-48km above the Earth’s surface. In it is the ozone layer
which absorbs most of the harmful ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. The mesosphere is
above the stratosphere in which the atmosphere is very rarefied, and the temperature
decreases with altitude. The fourth layer is the thermosphere which starts at about 55km. the
temperature is so hot that it cannot be measured by a thermometer. Temperature may be
thousands of degrees high. The second to the last is the exosphere, the region beyond the
thermosphere. Finally, the ionosphere overlaps the other layers from above the Earth. The air
id ionized by the Sun’s ultraviolet rays. These ionized layers affect the transmittance and
reflectance of radio waves. All in all, there are six levels of the Earth atmosphere.

A. Enumeration text B. Explanation text

C. Time order text D. Classification text

Address: Osilao St., Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bata, Para sa Bayan
Telefax No: (088) – 531-0831 The OROquieta Treasures: Our Learners
Email Address: oroquieta.city@deped.gov.ph Asenso Oroquieta!
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
District II

The earth surface is constantly changing through slow processes that we don’t usually
see. One is erosion. This has worn away rocks and mountains over millions of years, caused
by air, water and wind. Another change is caused by earthquakes that originate deep inside
the planet. More sudden and violent than erosion, an earthquake results when strains between
Earth’s plates produce shock waves. And the third process results when molten rock-forming
material called lava, escapes onto the surface through gaps on the crust. What we experience
is volcanic eruption.

A. Enumeration text B. Explanation text

C. Time order text D. Classification text


Forests are very useful. They supply lumber which is used for building houses, stones,
offices and other buildings. Some forest trees give materials for making pulp, paper,
wallboard and furniture, rattan, gum and firewood. Medicinal plants are also taken from

A. Enumeration text B. Explanation text

C. Time order text D. Classification text


The amount of water on Earth remains constant. But its form is always changing,
from solid to liquid, from liquid to gas, and back again. It moves in a pattern called the water
cycle. Heat from the sun causes water in oceans, lakes and rivers to evaporate into vapor.
Further vapor is given off by plants and animals.

A. Enumeration text B. Explanation text

C. Time order text D. Classification text


Animals are born in different ways. Some animals are egg-laying while some are born
alive. Animals which lay eggs to the environment are birds, snakes, frogs, turtles, lizards and
insects while animals which undergo gestation are born alive. Cats, cows, dogs, and whales
are animals which are born alive.

A. Enumeration text B. Explanation text

Address: Osilao St., Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bata, Para sa Bayan
Telefax No: (088) – 531-0831 The OROquieta Treasures: Our Learners
Email Address: oroquieta.city@deped.gov.ph Asenso Oroquieta!
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
District II

C. Time order text D. Classification text


Weather is the continuous changing conditions of air around us. These changes can
take many forms, including wind, rain, and snow. They influence how people live every day.
When it rains or snows, many persons are often forced to stay indoors. Weather also affects
one’s choice of clothes. One wears light clothes when the weather is hot and thick, close-
fitting clothes when it is cold.

A. Enumeration text B. Explanation text

C. Time order text D. Classification text

It is already seven o’clock in the evening. You have been waiting for your father to arrive.
You are excited to tell your father about your baked cookies – of course with the help of your
mother. Then, suddenly the doorknob creaks and you hurriedly run to the door. After telling him
how you have made them, he then taste them, and you are happy just with his facial expression.
“You are very good at baking”. Now, I am happy to see that you’re learning new things.”

A. Enumeration text B. Explanation text

C. Time order text D. Classification text


Energy and nutrients are transferred from organisms to organisms through their
feeding relationships. Producers are green plants, algae or microorganisms that are capable of
making their own food. They make their own food by converting the energy from the sun into
chemical energy. Producers provide energy and nutrients to other organisms.
Consumers get their energy by feeding on plants and other organisms. Therefore, all
animals are consumers. Organisms that eat only plants are herbivores. Living things that eat
other animals are called carnivores. Some animals which eat both plants and animals are

A. Enumeration text B. Explanation text

C. Time order text D. Classification text

Address: Osilao St., Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bata, Para sa Bayan
Telefax No: (088) – 531-0831 The OROquieta Treasures: Our Learners
Email Address: oroquieta.city@deped.gov.ph Asenso Oroquieta!
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
District II

Directions: Look at the picture below and tell whether the following sentences state fact
or opinion. Write F for fact and O for opinion. Provide the evidence as to its falseness or
trueness on the space provided for.

______17. The monkey-eating eagle is one of the world’s rarest raptors.

18. ______________________________________________________________

______19. There are around 500 eagles in the wild and mostly found in Mindanao.
20. ______________________________________________________________

______21. I think the female eagle is stronger than male eagle.

22. ______________________________________________________________

______23. It lays 3 eggs every 2 years.

24. ______________________________________________________________

______25. One of the main threats of their extinction is prey depletion.

26. ______________________________________________________________

_____ 27. Male is smaller than female.

Address: Osilao St., Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bata, Para sa Bayan
Telefax No: (088) – 531-0831 The OROquieta Treasures: Our Learners
Email Address: oroquieta.city@deped.gov.ph Asenso Oroquieta!
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
District II

28. ______________________________________________________________

Directions: Read the paragraph carefully and answer the questions that follow. Encircle
the letter of your answer.

The Ant and the Dove

One hot summer day, a thirsty ant was searching for water. The ant walked along,
until reaching the river. She climbed up on a small rock, to drink the water. But she slipped
and fell into the river.
A dove was sitting on a branch of a tree who saw an ant falling into the river. The
dove quickly plucked a leaf and dropped it into the river near the struggling ant. The ant
moved towards the leaf and climbed up onto it. Soon, the leaf drifted to dry ground, and the
ant jumped out. She looked up to the tree and thanked the dove.
Later, a bird catcher nearby was about to throw his net over the dove hoping to trap it.
An ant saw him and guessed what he was about to do. The dove was resting and he had no
idea about the bird catcher. An ant quickly bit him on the foot. Feeling the pain, the bird
catcher dropped his net and let out a light scream. The dove noticed it and quickly flew away.

29. When was the story happen?

A. one windy summer day B. one hot summer day
C. one cloudy day D. one rainy day

30. Who was searching for water?

A. bird catcher B. parrot C. dove D. ant

31. What happen to the ant when she climbed up on a small rock?
A. the ant reached the top
B. the ant did not reached the top
C. the ant slipped and fell on the grass
D. the ant slipped and fell into the river

32. How did the dove help the ant?

A. The dove quickly plucked a leaf and dropped it into the river near the struggling
B. The dove flew towards the ant and catched her
C. The dove catched the ant by her claws
D. The dove watched the falling ant

33. What was the plan of the bird catcher?

A. He planned to give food to the dove.

Address: Osilao St., Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bata, Para sa Bayan
Telefax No: (088) – 531-0831 The OROquieta Treasures: Our Learners
Email Address: oroquieta.city@deped.gov.ph Asenso Oroquieta!
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
District II

B. He planned to befriend the dove.

C. He planned to trap the dove.
D. He planned to eat the dove.

34. How did the ant help the dove?

A. The ant walked away.
B. The ant warned the dove.
C. The ant quickly bit the dove on the leg.
D. The ant quickly bit the bird catcher on the foot.

Directions: Read and understand each paragraph. Decide whether each item bears
CORRECT or INCORRECT writer’s stand based on the paragraph. Write your
answer on the space provided for.

___________ 35. Because of COVID-19 pandemic, people in different parts of the country
do panic buying. People buy more than enough that they need. This result to price increase
and shortage of goods. Some will not be able to buy what they need.
The writer feels bad about panic buying.

___________ 36. School children nowadays can hardly construct a straight English sentence.
Pupils should learn the national language. It is the only way to communicate to people from
other countries. As a Filipino, don’t be afraid to talk in English but we must learn to speak the
language right.
The writer doesn’t like Filipinos to speak in English.

____________ 37. Dengue is a deadly disease. It is brought by a mosquito. To prevent this,

everyone must observe cleanliness at all times. Cutting tall grasses and bushes near our home
could help. There should not be stagnant water near your place.
The writer believes that through cleaning, dengue can be prevented.

____________ 38. Wearing face mask is one way to prevent the spread of coronavirus. We
should always wear it whenever we are and wherever we go. But study says that frequent
wearing of face mask is harmful to our body. It is not good to our respiratory system. By
wearing it, oxygen that our body needs will not be enough to supply our brain. For me, we
must only wear it when we go out or when we are in a crowded place. Never wear it inside
your home.
The writer wants us to wear face mask as often as possible.

___________ 39. Death penalty should not be done. It is against the law of God. Killing a
person is a sin. The life that we have is a gift from above and it’s only God who can take it
The writer is against death penalty.
Address: Osilao St., Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bata, Para sa Bayan
Telefax No: (088) – 531-0831 The OROquieta Treasures: Our Learners
Email Address: oroquieta.city@deped.gov.ph Asenso Oroquieta!
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
District II

___________ 40. Social distancing is another way to prevent the spread of coronavirus, so
everybody should follow. If you caught outside, there is an equivalent punishment you need
to face. But for couples who ride on motorcycle together, this rule should not be applied.
Couples inside their house share many things together. They share towel, glass and even
blanket. They also sleep together in one bed.
The writer believes that couple should not follow social distancing.

Performance Task

Directions: Summarize the story.

The Ant and the Dove

One hot summer day, a thirsty ant was searching for water. The ant walked along,
until reaching the river. She climbed up on a small rock, to drink the water. But she slipped
and fell into the river.
A dove was sitting on a branch of a tree who saw an ant falling into the river. The dove
quickly plucked a leaf and dropped it into the river near the struggling ant. The ant moved
towards the leaf and climbed up onto it. Soon, the leaf drifted to dry ground, and the ant
jumped out. She looked up to the tree and thanked the dove.
Later, a bird catcher nearby was about to throw his net over the dove hoping to trap it.
An ant saw him and guessed what he was about to do. The dove was resting and he had no
idea about the bird catcher. An ant quickly bit him on the foot. Feeling the pain, the bird
catcher dropped his net and let out a light scream. The dove noticed it and quickly flew away.

Rubric Scoring:

5 points 4 points 3 points

All statements are Most statements are Statements are
accurate, accurate, contains irrelevant and the
contains the elements some elements in the elements in the story
story and is not discussed
Address: Osilao St., Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bata, Para sa Bayan
Telefax No: (088) – 531-0831 The OROquieta Treasures: Our Learners
Email Address: oroquieta.city@deped.gov.ph Asenso Oroquieta!
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
District II

in the story and include some

include important important details
details only. only.

Performance Task

Directions: Read the text and make a stand.

How have Korean Dramas influenced Philippine culture? Do you still remember
Crash Landing on You? It was one of the most popular and memorable Asian dramas
broadcast in the Philippines. When it was shown on television, most teens at the time were
eager to go home to watch the episodes. Since then, various Asian dramas have been
emerging and presently, Korean dramas are one of the most popular in Asia, if not around the
world. Many children, teens, and even adults have adored Korean dramas since these were
introduced in the Philippines in 2000s.
Filipinos have always been welcoming of foreign trends and culture. As such, Korean
culture and trends as seen in Korean dramas have invaded and been deeply rooted in the
Philippine society today. Korean dramas have greatly influenced the food, fashion, cosmetics,
music, and entertainment industries, as well as people’s views and preferences.

Write a stand on the influence of Korean culture in the Philippines. State your support
or disagreement in 2-3 sentences.

Korean culture has become a part of many Filipinos’ lives. KPOP has become a trend
among young people. I personally

Rubric in Stand Writing

5 4 3
Introduce Topic Topic is clearly Topic is mentioned Topic is not
introduced introduced
States Stand Stand is clearly stated Stand is stated but Stand is not stated
Provides Reasons Several reasons that One reason is given No reasons stated or
supports stand are to support opinion reasons do not
support stand
Address: Osilao St., Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bata, Para sa Bayan
Telefax No: (088) – 531-0831 The OROquieta Treasures: Our Learners
Email Address: oroquieta.city@deped.gov.ph Asenso Oroquieta!
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
District II

Provides Closing Solid closing is Closing is stated but No closing provided
provided is the same as stand


1. B 21. O 35. CORRECT

2. C 22. It is stated in the fact sheet 36. INCORRECT
3. A 23. O 37. CORRECT
4. D 24. Lays a single egg every 2 years 38. INCORRECT
5. C 25. O 39. CORRECT
6. D 26. It is stated in the fact sheet 40. CORRECT
7. D 27. F
8. B 28. Male usually is smaller than female
9. A 29. B
10. A 30. D
11. A 31. D
12. B 32. A
13. D 33. C
14. B 34. D
15. C
16. B
17. F
18. It is stated in the fact sheet
19. O
20. Around 600 eagles in the wild, mostly in Mindanao

Address: Osilao St., Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bata, Para sa Bayan
Telefax No: (088) – 531-0831 The OROquieta Treasures: Our Learners
Email Address: oroquieta.city@deped.gov.ph Asenso Oroquieta!

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