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Writing a thesis is an undoubtedly challenging endeavor, especially when tackling subjects as

complex and multifaceted as prison research. This type of research paper demands not only an in-
depth understanding of the penal system but also a keen insight into societal impacts, policy
implications, and individual experiences. The task involves extensive data collection, from
quantitative statistics on incarceration rates to qualitative interviews with affected individuals.
Moreover, it requires a critical analysis of existing literature, laws, and reform proposals to construct
a well-informed argument or to identify gaps in current knowledge.

One of the significant hurdles in writing a thesis on prison research is navigating the vast array of
topics it encompasses. These may include the examination of systemic inequalities within the criminal
justice system, the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs, the impact of incarceration on families
and communities, or the exploration of alternative punitive measures. Each area not only requires a
deep dive into specific data and theories but also an understanding of their interconnections and the
broader social context.

Another challenge is the methodological rigor needed. High-quality prison research must adhere to
ethical standards, especially when involving human subjects, which often requires navigating
complex approval processes. Additionally, the researcher must be proficient in various research
methods, from statistical analysis to qualitative content analysis, and be able to critically assess and
synthesize findings from diverse sources.

Given these challenges, it's understandable why many students and researchers might seek assistance
in crafting their thesis. One recommended resource for support is ⇒ ⇔, a platform
that specializes in providing expert writing assistance. This service can be particularly beneficial for
those struggling with the complexities of prison research. Whether it's help with structuring your
paper, refining your argument, or ensuring that your research is thorough and well-presented, ⇒ ⇔ offers a range of services to support your academic endeavors. Their team of
professionals is equipped to handle the intricacies of prison research, ensuring that your paper is of
the highest quality and meets academic standards.

In conclusion, while the task of writing a thesis on prison research is daunting, it is not
insurmountable. With the right resources and support, such as that provided by ⇒
⇔, students can navigate the complexities of this important field and contribute valuable insights to
the discourse on criminal justice and reform.
Growth and expansion in the prison system is also closely related to the economic conditions. And
despite this, the American public still insists on the effectiveness of the penitentiary system. The
government has to come up with new ways to punish the guilty, and still manage to keep American
citizens satisfied that our prison system is still effective. It doesn’t necessarily benefit the inmate and
is a confirmed expense on the part of the prison system. This environment makes crime a more
appealing option. Is there an increased propensity to imprison minorities, where others may be
released with a fine or a warning. Most private organizations still give the same salary as do the
federal governments. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that
is cheating. Also you. The groups and people who are influential, wealthy and resourceful control
the whole criminal justice and control mechanism, as they are in a position to exercise greater
influence through the legal process hence suppressing the poor. The larger the prisons the more law
offenders are kept into these prisons. This has resulted in judges and officials being restricted on
how much they can examine the individual situation and circumstances surrounding a case and are
often required to sentence even when this may not be the most effective course for the criminal.
Information about the crime and sentence will be obtained from prisoner records where possible, as
prisoners may not be comfortable talking about this. Firstly, the rate of crime has increased over the
years, and secondly there have been changes in sentencing guidelines that has increased the number
of criminals that are incarcerated as a consequence of their crimes. Click on a theme to read the
submitted essays on that topic (19 essays); What Makes a Good Prison Guard (24 essays); Winners
and Losers (13 essays). One indication of racial discrimination comes from a study looking at
women who expose their babies who are still in the womb to drugs. This is not the case now; the Act
allows the goods produced by the inmate workers to be sold freely in the market. If there is, what
drives it? 9 One indication of racial discrimination comes from a study looking at women who
expose their babies who are still in the womb to drugs. People often find the rehabilitation process
difficult to justify, its costs exceeds the benefits obtained out of it. There has been growing concern
about the levels of prison populations in the United States for many years. The body burns energy
even while it is thesis a house completely at rest. A study on property crime found that there was a
correlation between the growth of the prison population and the decrease of crime, indicating that
incarcerating criminals did indeed decrease crime. Studies indicate that the prison population and
rates of incarceration are not equal across the races, with racial minorities, particularly African
Americans facing higher penalties, increased surveillance and scrutiny as well as a higher level of
incarceration as a result of sentencing. Report this Document Download now Save Save 2011-2012
Prison Reform Topic Paper For Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 158 views
12 pages Reconsidering Rehabilitation: A Case for Prison Reform focused on Reentry Programs and
Reducing Recidivism Uploaded by bhj AI-enhanced title and description This document discusses
the need for prison reform in the United States. The main point that should be understood here is
that aboriginal peoples do want to abide by the law, but culturally want and seek greater control over
policing services. Programs such as gardening and Puppies for Paroles give the inmates work to do
with their. This is a high rate, and is not proportionate to rates for non-Hispanic whites. 9 The
question remains, what is driving the high rates of imprisonment for racial minorities. There have
been some recent efforts to curb the growth rate in prisons by reforming the sentencing guidelines.
However, critics note the high recidivism rate, around 60%, which occurs because short sentences do
not allow rehabilitation programs and prisoners struggle after release. Violence from staff is often
used when dealing with prisoners, partly because of the. The only significant effect that was found
was an overall increase in the chance of an individual being incarcerated for a crime.
Different symbols involved in each of the stories gathered significant meanings, which enlightened
the research, reader. In addition, inmates lack adequate essential materials or programs due to
unwillingness of state governments to commit funds to prison budgets. This results in possible
premature release of violent prisoners. Statistical analysis will be performed on these to determine
whether there were significant differences between the races in the responses to questions. 13 This
research provides information that is a snapshot in time. Many African Americans, particularly
women feel that they are constantly fighting a stereotype. This method of corrections was not meant
to rehabilitate the offender but to cause pain, with the hope that this would deter others from
engaging in illegal activity. The quilts required hard and dedicated work by the mother and Big Dee.
Gaining weight is caused when individuals consume more energy than the body has to geography
questions, burn. I hypothesize that there will be a higher proportion of prisoners from minority races,
particularly African American in US prisons compared to their proportion outside of imprisonment.
2. I hypothesize that a higher amount of individuals from minority racial groups will have been
incarcerated for low impact crimes than from other groups 3. For women, there are more challenges
than being deprived from their families. Women. Due to racial discrimination and segregation in
America, the American blacks are the victims of social poverty and unemployment. Several different
data collections are applied to calculate approximately this population, including the National
Prisoner Statistics Program, Annual Survey of Jails, Annual Probation Survey and Annual Parole
Survey. The final matter that section 718.2(e) handles well is the progressive use of circle sentencing
and other forms of sentencing which are not traditionally used in mainstream legal justice. For more
than a century, the Commissioners found, the rights of Aboriginal people have been ignored and
eroded. The prison system is now seen more as a profit business- The privatization has led to the
profit being the priority rather the inmates. Describe some of the conditions of confinement and
ways prisoners are treated. This environment makes crime a more appealing option. Moreover, mass
imprisonment creates a group of ex-convicts which alginates from the local society. Prisoner’s rights
should be protected and they should be provided with the same facilities as that of a free citizen
except where there are security concerns. This is not a disadvantage as there is already a large range
of evidence dealing with past trends, and it gives us up to date information of which there is little
available dealing with these specific questions. Dee's desire for the quilts brought out reform research
paper her inner-self and true feelings towards her sister Maggie. Incarceration is the detention of a
person in jail, typically as punishment for a crime. The author states that Jails play a very crucial role
in American corrections. With the help of these groups different types of legislation have been
created to counter discrimination and over-representation. Let us write or edit the research paper on
your topic. The paper concludes with some suggestions toward prison system reform Keywords
Corrections Corporation of America (CCA); Fortune 500 Companies; Pell. A sample essay to
download with explanations and exercises to help you write it on prison and community service The
focus is on answering the question and. Aboriginals have been discriminated against by state
authorities for many decades. It notes that the U.S. currently has over 2 million incarcerated citizens,
accounting for 25% of the world's prison population. Nonetheless, these foods alone does not cause
us to be at risk of reform research, being overweight; it's the overconsumption of Topic, food in
general that causes health issues to reform, the people.
According to Steve Schoenherr from the University of San Diego, the Walnut Street Jail in
Philadelphia was recognized as the first penitentiary in America in 1770. The assumption that the
incarceration of criminals decreases the rate of crime is one of the key reasons for the high
populations of US prisons; the exact relationship between the two is debated. Incarceration is the
detention of a person in jail, typically as punishment for a crime. The rates of incarceration have not
risen at the same rates for different minorities. If there is, what drives it? 9 One indication of racial
discrimination comes from a study looking at women who expose their babies who are still in the
womb to drugs. The legal system today has tried to reflect this justice goal by introducing circle
sentencing and mediation, as an alternative to the traditional legal process. The prison and correction
system in Canada began to experience a positive change with the creation of the correctional service
of Canada (CSC), which was created on December 21, 1978 authorized by Queen Elizabeth. The
Pennsylvania System was supported by the notion of keeping all who were committed to prison
behind bars and separated from all other prisoners. The government has to come up with new ways
to punish the guilty, and still manage to keep American citizens satisfied that our prison system is still
effective. Furthermore, some prisoners are segregated, an aspect of confinement that has
counterproductive effects. Use these free geography dissertations to aid and inspire your own work
A selection of geography dissertation examples for you to use and study. The brutal conditions of
being incarcerated not only affect the prisoners, but expand into. This is a high rate, and is not
proportionate to rates for non-Hispanic whites. Locked Up in America: The Essay in the Age of
Mass? Hispanics too are over-represented in the criminal justice system. When an offender re-enters
society after a relatively short imprisonment, many of their support networks have been maintained,
and they are in a substantially better position to begin life as a productive member of society, if they
choose this. Dec 2016 Recent trends have shown disapproval of prison system by public (Griffiths,
2007: 64) This essay opens with a discourse of what prisons are in general, during seventeenth
century which was selling criminals to America. In many American jails and prisons the inmates are
treated inhumanly, standards of humanity are violated and they are deprived of their basic rights and
needs like meeting their families, practicing their religion freely etc. According to statistics, one of
the largest prisons in the country is overcrowded and every one out of 99. Keep on browsing if you
are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. In the late 1950's a local group of individuals
in Brandon initiated discussion regarding the establishment of a John Howard Society Branch to
serve the needs of Southwestern Manitoba. Steps should be taken in order to improve the quality of.
Do you stay in contact? 12 In addition to interviews a written questionnaire will be produced that
asks a number of short questions. One effect of mass imprisonment has been the destruction and
breakdown of cohesion in family units and local communities. Click on a theme to read the
submitted essays on that topic (19 essays); What Makes a Good Prison Guard (24 essays); Winners
and Losers (13 essays). Report this Document Download now Save Save PDF - Does Prison Work
For Later 100% (1) 100% found this document useful (1 vote) 3K views 2 pages PDF - Does Prison
Work Uploaded by Amar Bajwa AI-enhanced description The document discusses whether prisons
are effective. Locked Up in America: The Essay in the Age of Mass? Jun 2010 You can read the
winning (and excellent) essays here is chronically underfunded and ultimately useless in a system
which is often referred. Homicide Studies, 1(3), 205. Mauer, M. (2001). The causes and
consequences of prison growth in the United States. These wages are almost more than half of the
overall operating expenses that a prison bears.
Aboriginals were force fully deprived of their lands and their resources by white European explores,
while black were transported from Africa to America by whites in order to be made slaves. The
demand for prisons and jails has been growing as a result of tougher sentencing laws and the war on
drugs (Viano, n.d.). Given the major costs of this. Directly relating population and conflict shows
“higher custody levels have higher rates of. I hypothesize that there will be a higher proportion of
prisoners from minority races, particularly African American in US prisons compared to their
proportion outside of imprisonment. 2. I hypothesize that a higher amount of individuals from
minority racial groups will have been incarcerated for low impact crimes than from other groups 3.
Cullen, Francis T., Cheryl Lero Jonson and Mary K. Stohr. 2014. “Lessons Learned: From Penal.
There are a number of problems with the high prison population. Dec 2016 Recent trends have
shown disapproval of prison system by public (Griffiths, 2007: 64) This essay opens with a
discourse of what prisons are in general, during seventeenth century which was selling criminals to
America. Most importantly the government should focus on eradicating unemployment and poverty,
which are the root causes of any criminal activity and growth in prison system. When governments
become too much reliant on private enterprises, the cost increases a lot (Michael, 2013). Statistical
analysis will be performed on these to determine whether there were significant differences between
the races in the responses to questions. Worse still, ex-convicts find themselves overlooked by the
society, as they are usually unable to easily reintegrate in the society; thus increasing chances of
recidivism. Critically assess the success of community sentences in terms of reducing t. The second
part of this study will set forth a proposal for research into the rates and reasons for imprisonment
within the ethnic minorities groups as well as a hypothesis and methods of research. This increase is
of large concern for governing authorities, as there is a substantial cost involved per day in keeping
prisoners incarcerated, both in terms of costs of providing food, electricity and water, and costs of
employing security. While constant psychological stressors harm the prisoners, general medical care
and. The prison system is now seen more as a profit business- The privatization has led to the profit
being the priority rather the inmates. Dec 2016 Recent trends have shown disapproval of prison
system by public (Griffiths, 2007: 64) This essay opens with a discourse of what prisons are in
general, during seventeenth century which was selling criminals to America. Supporters argue that
crime rates dropped as incarceration increased, showing prisons work. It is not that aboriginal do not
respect the law, they just have other methods of dealing with criminal behavior in their tradition.
There is an increasing trend for inmates to not only work with in the prison but also most of them are
employed in the public and private sectors. WVRJ has excellent medical services to assist with the
inmates’ conditions, further research has. Essays - largest database of quality sample essays and
research papers on Prison Reform. These will be chosen based on accessibility as well as the ability
to obtain permission to talk to prisoners and permission from the prisoners themselves. Federal
Sentencing Reporter, 15(1), 58-65. Lee, C. (2007). Hispanics and the death penalty: Discriminatory
charging practices in San Joaquin County, California. Lynch, Micheal J. 2007. “Big prisons, big
dreams: crime and the failure of America’s penal system”. Moreover, mass imprisonment creates a
group of ex-convicts which alginates from the local society. While there have been many increases in
equality of treatment across races, it is clear that there is still some way to go. The prisons in America
seem to cause more problems than assistance in today s society The country s penal system is
overcrowded, expensive, and some. This attempts to provide a snapshot of the current prison
population in the US, how the racial minorities are distributed and whether there are differences in
their sentencing and imprisonment compared to other races. There are several actions that could
trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data.
The United States has a significant number of inmates compared to other nations; generally, America
has 2.3 million incarcerated persons, more than other country. Most public service employees receive
more in wages that is salary and the benefits in comparison to private employees. Visitors are also
blamed with smuggling drugs into prisons hence should be. Some questions that will be given are
listed below: 12 What racial group do you identify with? 13 What crime were you sentenced for? 13
What was your sentence? 13 Do you feel your sentence was fair? 13 What factors made you commit
the crime initially? 13 Do you have contact with people outside of prison such as friends or family?
13 What are your plans on release? 13 Responses to both the interview questions and the
questionnaire will be collated, and examined for trends. A study in 1991 found no evidence that
linked some of the widely believed causal factors with the increase in prison population. This
manner of discrimination is nothing new for the community, as their history in the united states is full
of such injustices. Anton and his wife are able to choose the characteristics of their second son, they
were able to modify the child's physical abilities, his appearance and essay even help extend his life
by reform eliminating any inherent disorders. In addition, corporations are more interested in
exploiting inmates in production of their goods than they are concerned with rehabilitation. The
severe the punishment the lower the crime rate will get. Oct 2015 Fourth City: Essays from the
Prison in America is therefore an important issued calls for submissions throughout America s prison
system. Nonetheless, these foods alone does not cause us to be at risk of reform research, being
overweight; it's the overconsumption of Topic, food in general that causes health issues to reform,
the people. The growing population in America has growing criminal rates and prison system too.
The staffs of the prison are accountable for every aspect of. While constant psychological stressors
harm the prisoners, general medical care and. The question society must ask themselves is why is
aboriginal over incarceration accepted throughout the legal and policing system. Because of necessity
the number of prisons may need to be reduced depending on the cooperation of the prisons and
prisoners, as the prisons will need to be accessed in person. One disadvantage of this research is that
it may be difficult to get interviews with prisoners, and by necessity these must be somewhat close
to the researcher’s location, as the prisons must be visited physically. Besides, America reports more
cases of violent crimes than other industrialized countries. Therefore, the judges and prosecutors tend
to be tougher in order to please the public (Mauer, 2003, p.9). This can be attested by the fact that
America incarcerates offenders of nonviolent crimes more than other industrialized countries.
Generally, these are individuals that do not identify themselves with any racial group such as African
American, Hispanic or other races. Besides, families whose breadwinner is incarcerated are likely to
engage in antisocial behavior in order to meet their needs. Private firms are better when it comes
down to performance as compared to publicly owned prisons. This is 100% legal. You may not
submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. However due to the limited word
count this essay will only look at three key factors of prisons including punishment, rehabilitation
and security. Presence of violence in American prisons is not a new phenomenon; however, prisons
administrators have done little to cartel this condition. They bear the claim that as the contracts they
make with governments can be canceled any time, so they work on their best to provide better
service than the public prisons. This paper stresses that the protection of the rights of employees has
been one of the priorities of most governments worldwide. Usually, the American blacks (minorities)
are involved in criminal activities due to their racial discrimination in America, hence they are the
ones most incarcerated. For this offenders, the federal government has set up an elaborate system of
prisons across the country divided into six different regions. The statistics show that blacks comprise
13 percent of the national population, but 30 percent of people arrested, 41 percent of people in jail,
and 49 percent of those in prison.
In contrast, offenders that have been incarcerated for substantial periods of time have little idea of
what the outside world is now like, they have lost contact with most of their family and support,
and have little idea about how to be a productive member of society. The mission of the prison
system in the United States then was to keep society safe from those who were found guilty of
crimes in a court of law by confining them in full control of the government. The Flawed Prison
System of America - But, the same is not necessarily true about petty drug dealers whose
incarceration creates a vacancy for someone. In contrast for non-Hispanic whites the rate has been
164%. This is a great example of profound research work. Anton is who killed ramsey happy for
prison paper, some of free professional cv cover letter it to be by reform paper chance but the doctor
insisted that the child was simply the best of the parents. The treatment and life accorded to
prisoners reflects the society’s views and priorities. Is there an increased propensity to imprison
minorities, where others may be released with a fine or a warning. In the United States we have seen
the extensive use of probation and parole as a means to keep blacks out of prison. Trans-generational
and Inter-generational Trauma Body in Relationship Congres. In the past the goods produced by the
inmate workers were not allowed to be sold in the free market. The impact of the great penitentiary
rivalry on our current prison system includes two systems, he Pennsylvania System and the Auburn
System (Gil, 2009). Word Count: 3832; Approx Pages: 15; Save Essay; View my Saved Essays The
existence of a prison is based on the need to remove so called menaces to. When governments
become too much reliant on private enterprises, the cost increases a lot (Michael, 2013). Longazel
2014:14). The goal of officials in the prison is safety, which can be compromised with. This is made
worse by law enforcement officers who tend to encourage use racial profiling in their investigations.
Report this Document Download now Save Save PDF - Does Prison Work For Later 100% (1)
100% found this document useful (1 vote) 3K views 2 pages PDF - Does Prison Work Uploaded by
Amar Bajwa AI-enhanced description The document discusses whether prisons are effective. You
can download the paper by clicking the button above. According to Steve Schoenherr from the
University of San Diego, the Walnut Street Jail in Philadelphia was recognized as the first
penitentiary in America in 1770. Why or why not? 12 Do you know what you will do when you are
released. Essays - largest database of quality sample essays and research papers on Prison Reform.
Indeed, the predominant method of reducing crime is to incarcerate criminals, under the assumption
that they are unable to commit crimes while they are incarcerated. While at the national level this
trend is evident, the same is not true when data is analyzed at the level of the county. Conclusion The
rate of incarceration in the United States is 5-6 times more than other industrialized countries, while
prison sentences are longer than other nation’s prison terms. It has been established that the US
prison system favors mass imprisonment, with many offenders, both violent and non-violent, as well
as minors finding themselves behind bars for long periods. Part of the reason for high prison
populations is the length of sentences. The government has to come up with new ways to punish the
guilty, and still manage to keep American citizens satisfied that our prison system is still effective.
Because of necessity the number of prisons may need to be reduced depending on the cooperation of
the prisons and prisoners, as the prisons will need to be accessed in person. If you feel comfortable
talking about it, what were some of the driving factors behind your crime. Instead of encouraging
criminals not to commit crimes, extended imprisonment strips the individual of many of the family
and social ties as well as their support networks. Whether state or federal agencies have control of
the accused the principles remain the same.

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