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Bits and pieces Meaning: Small individual things

2. By and large Meaning: Mostly, generally; with few exceptions
3. Give or take Meaning: Approximately; plus or minus some unknown amount.
4. Hustle and bustle Meaning: A large amount of activity and work, usually in a noisy sur-
5. More or less Meaning: Mostly/ approximately/ almost
6. On and off Meaning: Intermittently.
7. Part and parcel Meaning: An integral or essential piece; that which must be done or accepted
as part of something else.
8. Peace and quiet A period of calm, silence,etc., especially after noise, stress
9. Pros and cons Meaning: The positive and negative attributes of arguments.
10. Safe and sound Meaning: Safe from danger and free from injury or harm
11. Sick and tired Meaning: Bored or Annoyed or frustrated with something or someone, to the
point of losing one’s temper or patience.
13. Short and sweet Meaning: Efficiently brief in duration, especially when referring to an un-
pleasant task.
14. Sooner or later Meaning: Eventually, at some undetermined time in the not-too-distant fu-

15. Step by step Meaning: From one stage to the next in sequence
16. Neat and tidy Meaning: In a state of good order; tidy.
17. Do’s and don’ts
Meaning: Instructions and warnings about what you should and should not do in a particular situ-
18. Live and learn Meaning: To learn from the experiences that life gives us (often you live and
learn), said when you hear or discover something which is surprising.

19. Wine and dine Meaning: To entertain someone to a fine meal.

20. Up and down Meaning: Upward and downward, alternately
21. Back and forth Meaning: Going from one place or position to another and back again.
22. Far and wide Meaning: Over a great distance or large area; nearly everywhere.
23. Loud and clear Meaning: In a clear and easily understandable manner.
24. Skin and bones Meaning: Emaciated; very thin, as from lack of nutrition.
25. Odds and ends Meaning: Miscellaneous things.
26. Make or break Meaning: To be a crucial factor in determining the success of something.
27. Take it or leave it Meaning: A situation has to be accepted without change, or rejected out-
29. Willy-nilly Meaning: Without regard for consequences or the will of those affected.
32. Wear and tear Meaning: Damage or depreciation resulting from ordinary use
33. Ups and downs Meaning: Periods of positive and negative events, moods, or interactions;
highs and lows.
34. Little by little Meaning: A small amount at a time.

36. Spick and span Meaning: Clean, spotless; original sense “like new”.

37. Slice and dice Meaning: To break a body of information down into smaller parts or to exam-
ine it from different viewpoints so that you can understand it better
38. Win or lose Meaning: Whether you succeed or fail
Crash: to suddenly fall or fail. (Decrease)
Dwindle: to become gradually smaller or less. (Decrease)
Escalate: to increase rapidly or sharply. (Increase)
Flatline: to remain at the same level without changing. (Neutral)
Fluctuate: to change repeatedly between different levels. (Can mean
both increase and decrease)
Level off: to reach a stable level and not change any more. (Neutral)
Mount: to rise or climb to a higher level. (Increase)
Mushroom: to grow or increase rapidly and unexpectedly. (Increase)
Outpace: to move or develop faster than something else. (Increase)
Outstrip: to overtake or surpass something else. (Increase)
Overtake: to pass something that is moving in front of you. (Increase)
Plateau: to reach a stable level and not increase any more. (Neutral)
Plummet: to fall suddenly and rapidly. (Decrease)
Plunge: to fall suddenly and forcefully. (Decrease)
Rocket (skyrocket): to increase very rapidly and suddenly. (Increase)
Surpass: to be better or greater than something else. (Increase)
Tumble: to fall suddenly and clumsily. (Decrease)

Armed conflict: A violent clash between two or more groups, such as

countries, regions, or factions within a country. It can range from low-
level violence to full-scale war.

Climate change: Long-term shifts in temperature and typical weather

patterns in a place. Climate change could refer to a particular location
or the planet as a whole. Climate change may cause weather patterns
to be less predictable. A region might experience lower or higher-than-
average temperatures. Climate change may cause more frequent and
severe weather events, such as storms, floods, and droughts.

Epidemics: The rapid spread of disease that affects a large number of

people within a community, population, or region. Epidemics can be
caused by a variety of factors, including the emergence of new infec-
tious diseases, changes in human behavior, and environmental factors.

Famine: A widespread scarcity of food, leading to hunger and malnutri-

tion. Famines can be caused by a variety of factors, including drought,
war, economic instability, and crop failure.

Global capitalism: An economic system characterized by the free flow

of capital across borders. Global capitalism is often associated with
globalization, which is the increasing interconnectedness of the
world's economies and cultures.
Life expectancy: The average number of years a person is expected to
live. Life expectancy can vary depending on a number of factors, in-
cluding genetics, socioeconomic status, and access to healthcare.

Population growth: The increase in the number of people in a popula-

tion over a period of time. Population growth can be caused by a num-
ber of factors, including high birth rates, low death rates, and immigra-

Poverty: The state of being extremely poor. Poverty is often associ-

ated with a lack of access to basic necessities such as food, water,
shelter, and healthcare.

Refugees: People who have been forced to flee their homes due to
war, violence, persecution, or natural disasters. Refugees often face
many challenges, including displacement, loss of livelihood, and lack
of access to basic necessities.

Terrorism: The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially

against civilians, in pursuit of political aims. Terrorism can have a dev-
astating impact on individuals, communities, and countries.

Adapt: To make something suitable for a new use or situation. It im-

plies adjusting something to fit a specific new context.
Adjust: To make small changes to something to improve it or make it
more suitable. It suggests minor alterations.
Alter: To change something in a way that affects its basic form or
character. It implies more significant modifications.
Amend: To change something formally, often to make it more accurate
or improve it. It suggests changes made within a structured process.
Convert: To change something from one form, state, or purpose to an-
other. It implies a complete transformation.
Evolve: To develop gradually over time, especially from a simple to a
more complex form. It suggests natural and ongoing change.
Transform: To change completely in appearance or character. It im-
plies a dramatic and fundamental alteration.
Modify: To change something partially, but not completely. It suggests
making adjustments without losing the essential character.
Revise: To look at something again and make changes to it to improve
it. It implies careful review and considered alterations.
Vary: To change something so that it is no longer the same. It sug-
gests introducing differences or making things diverse.
Change for a specific new use or

Adjust Make small improvements

Alter Make significant modifications
Amend Change formally to improve accuracy
Convert Completely change form, state, or
Evolve Develop gradually over time
Transform Completely change appearance or
Modify Make partial changes
Revise Make considered changes after
careful review
Vary Introduce differences or make things

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