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SEMESTER 2 - 2024

Unit : 3 GRADE: 9B


Task:- Q4. Write the first and last sentences for a composition on
each of the following assignment titles

● A bird’s eye view

● Home Sweet Home
● The place that has most affected my life
● Describe a place you visited which was not at all what you expected
● Jungle

a. A bird’s eye view

Start : I woke to the red of my eyelids straining out the sun , the sky was finally
blanching to blue . The forlorn tree out in the distance had bled into darkness as the
prancing clouds created a wispy shadow around its crown . The other birds jostled
near the beach in sight for some food , as the wrinkled ocean waves playfully
progressed to the shore . The rising sun skittered up in the sky , casting its warmth on
the ground . A new day …..had begun.

End : The day had come to an end , my rheumy eyes pinned me in the nest like an
anchor , the sun by now had coyly set . As I laid supine , my heavy eyes searched for
the augury in the cluster of stars . Now , the only remains of the bustling morning
streets were the lamps dimly lit , the rest of the city was abandoned into darkness. As
my 20/20 vision blurred , a cool breeze from the east slicked my feathers , gently
closing my eyes shut .

b. Home Sweet Home

Start : There is a place where I can be myself , there is a place where

speculation and rumours don’t run every hallway , there is a place where I can
sink in happiness , there is a place to share my thoughts in , there is a place
that I call… home !!
End : At night I lugged myself to my room and put the worries behind the jag
doors . With the tiredness within me I nestled on my bed , observing the moon
linger on in the black sky , it casted a bright light on my home shining it bright
amidst the dark , lonely roads , just shining on like always .

c. The place that has most affected my life

Start : A bright yellow light illuminated the path , the never ending drapes
jutted the place , the cold there goes through your bones and the never
ending possibility of serendipity spreads like wildfire , the drapes open a
gangway to a stirring audience . That place is called …..a theatre .

End : As the curtain closes , the light fades out and the only sound audible to
the ears are those of the claps , as the audience storms the stage to just meet
you , to speak to you , to praise you , is just an experience beyond words . The
delicately carved stage , the bright lights , the threadbare curtains and
audience , in between these words is the place where I find my solace .

d. Describe a place you visited which was not at all what you expected

Start : It has been some time now. I remember a bit more than scattered
images of my life back then, it was during my summer vacations. As I observed
the landscape outside my car , the beauty of nature just flashed before my
eyes ! The streets and trees were bustling with the colour of pink . It was the
Cherry blossom season and we were departing Japan for a visit to Sri Lanka .
As I lugged myself to the airport,a sakura flower rested on my hand , a souvenir
from mother nature , so our journey began .

End : Our Sri Lankan trip was coming to an end , an experience never to be
found by me again. As I laid on the river the dozy current carried me around
the place , I felt the warmth of the radiant sun on my face , and the feel of the
cool depths of the river . I sipped on the cool coconut water and the bright sun
forced the younger me to slumber to glory. By the time I woke up , I was in the
car on the way to the airport , carrying back yet another fascinating account
to recite to my friends .
e. Jungle

Start : The only thing remaining of the fire was embers that shone bright red
like devils eye , the ground below smelled of petrichor and the insects still
dawdled around . Suddenly , the dogs and cats began to cry , not an idyllic
situation to be in , the place turned dingy , the fire way below the hill , hissed
into smoke . Suddenly a huge shadow of a woman appeared , the moon hid
behind the wispy clouds and the sounds of the insects ceased to exist . The
leaves of the crawler plant plaint to the shadow and…..

End : The woman enraged danced with fierce movement and the boy just
remained gape , as the woman struck her legs on the ground , the ground
shook as if hit by a thunderbolt , the vigorous movements caused sweat to
slick her hair , fall upon the ground beneath her feet , the boys stomach
clenched and knifing heaves pressed on his heart . The whole jungle crept
behind the trees as solace , the women occasionally screamt “pratiśodha” , by
now the boy’s mouth was swollen and numb to form any words . The fear made
the boy faint , only to be woken up by his clock , he sighed “ it was only a
hallucination .” Or was it ?

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