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Database is a type of technology that helps businesses store and organize large amounts of data.

In today's database design, two key principles are modularity and flexibility. Modularity means breaking
down databases into smaller parts that work together independently. It's like putting similar things
together in different boxes. Flexibility is about making databases able to handle different kinds of
information and changing needs. For example, imagine being able to change the layout of your room
without having to rebuild the whole house. With dynamic schema designs, databases can adapt to new
data types and requirements easily. Overall, by following these rules, databases become easier to
manage and can adjust smoothly to whatever changes come their way

according Sanchez (1995, 1998) predicted three 'first- order' effects of modular product designs.
Through new combinations of standard modules, modularity should enable a high number of product
varia- tions (or 'product options'). At the same time, the reuse of standard modules should reduce the
time of switching between options (compared to inte- grated designs .

Aim and objectives database design


The aim of effective database design is an establish a robust structure that improve data accessibility
and security while supporting scalability, flexibility and principle. By database design facilitates efficient
data management support informed decision making.


* Data security: database can provide security such as user authentication to protect sensitive data .

* Data consistency : design and normalization database ensure data consistency.

* Data scalability: database can be handle at a large number volumes of a data and scale to
accommodate a growth with out a significant performance degradation.


Database design is a collection of steps that help create, implement, and maintain a business's data
management systems. The primary purpose of designing a database is to produce physical and logical
models of designs for the proposed database system.
Database design involves creating and optimizing data models to meet the needs of an organization. A
number of challenges and opportunities exist in this field, including scalability, security, integration of
machine learning and AI, and data governance. Scalability is a key concern, particularly with the growth
of big data and the need for real-time analytics. Security is also critical to protect sensitive information
from malicious attacks and unauthorized access. Machine learning and AI offer exciting opportunities for
improved data management and analytics, but require careful consideration of ethical and governance
issues. Data governance is an important aspect of any database designs

One prominent figure in database design is Edgar F. Codd, known for his work in defining the relational
model for database management. He published his seminal paper, "A Relational Model of Data for Large
Shared Data Banks," in 1970. This laid the foundation for modern relational database system.

Another significant figure in database design is E. F. Codd's contemporary, Michael Stonebraker.

Stonebraker is known for his contributions to the development of Ingres, Postgres, and more recently,
VoltDB. He has been influential in both academia and industry, receiving the Turing Award in 2014 for
his fundamental contributions to database systems.

Another notable figure in database design is Jim Gray, who made significant contributions to the field,
particularly in the areas of transaction processing and data management. He played a key role in the
development of relational database systems and was awarded the Turing Award in 1998 for his work.
Gray's contributions have had a lasting impact on the theory and practice of database design.

*Barbara Liskov is another influential figure in database design. She is renowned for her work in the
development of programming languages and systems, particularly for her contributions to the design of
the CLU programming language and her work on data abstraction and modular programming. Liskov
received the Turing Award in 2008 for her fundamental contributions to the design of programming
languages and software methodology, which have significantly i

Influenced database design principles.

*Jim Gray, who made significant contributions to the field, particularly in the areas of transaction
processing and data management. He played a key role in the development of relational database
systems and was awarded the Turing Award in 1998 for his work. Gray's contributions have had a lasting
impact on the theory and practice of database design
*E. F. Codd's contemporary, Michael Stonebraker. Stonebraker is known for his contributions to the
development of Ingres, Postgres, and more recently, VoltDB. He has been influential in both academia
and industry, receiving the Turing Award in 2014 for his fundamental contributions to database systems.

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Database design is often described as an intuitive, even artistic, process. Many researchers, however,
are currently working on applying techniques from artificial intelligence to provide effective automated
assistance for this task. This article presents a summary of the current state of the art for the benefit of
future researchers and users of this technology. Thirteen examples of knowledge-based tools for
database design are briefly described and then compared in terms of the source, content, and structure
of their knowledge bases; the amount of support they provide to the human designer; the data models
and phases of the design process they support; and the capabilities they expect of their users. The
findings show that there has apparently been very little empirical verification of the effectiveness of
these systems. In addition, most rely exclusively on knowledge provided by the developers themselves
and have little ability to expand their knowledge based on experience. Although such systems ideally
would be used by application specialists rather than database professionals, most of these systems
expect the user to have some knowledge of database technology.

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