LN 9368-7

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September 2010 Z| LN 9368-7 1 16848 040 Eee Diesen rt901-41 Luft- und Raumfahrt — Bezeichnung der Oberflachenbehandlungen - Kenn-Nummern fir Verfahren zum Erzeugen von organischen Uberziigen; Text in Deutsch und Englisch Aerospace ~ Designation of surface treatments — Identifation numbers for methods of organic coating; Text in German and English Aéronautique et espace — DDésignation des traltements de surtace ~ ‘Numéros d'identication des méthodes application de revétements organiques; Texte en allemand et angais (Gesamtufang 29 Sten Nermenausschuss Bescichungssote urd Boschicttungen (NAB im DIN Netmenaueachurs Lf und aura () Yn ON Ln 9368-7:2010.00, Contents ete Foren - - — - 3 4 ile of application... : — = vo 2 Normative references : — : 4 3 Gonetannansnn svn — 7 4 Main group 5 Methods of organi coating 8 4 Sec Primer coatings. . a3 coating nn ee ° 43. Soex™ Panis and vamhes for special purposes women = ‘0 $4 Sex~ Coating systems. 5 2 45 SB Spoctal metnods fr preducing organic coalingnmnn a a 4S STex=Anticorocive agents ful eno oc = 8 47 Sbex~ Anticoroeive agents smtigid to soi = ‘4 4b SSer= Lubricant and anicorosive pastes with speci sddve, guido sla 18 LN 6368-7:2010.08, Foreword ‘This Standard was prepared by NA 0200-4 AA “Coatings and coating matt fer asrospace” of he Geatngs ard casing materiale standarce conmiten (NAB) in IN Ie saoperation with NA 131204 AA "Surace prtecon’ othe Aarcepace Sanda care (N.) DIN, LN 6168 const fhe olowing pas under te ganesalite “Aerospace — sigan of suace toatment = Part: Compestion f code subesineatons in design documents, suvoy = Part 2: Code umber for methods of pretestnent = Port: Code numbers for methods of chemical reatment — Part 4: Code numbers formetrods of anode teatmont = Part 8: Code numbers for methods of exe eatment — Part 6: Code numbers for methods of avtocaay plain — Part 7: Coco numbers for methods of orani coatings Zia Standr is apres bythe Bundeant fr Wetec nd Beschung and te Latta Amendments “Ths starr dies fom LN 9968-7: 191411 a flows: 12} Tho group 540% Method for producing ether coatings, was ced 1») Thefetluing coe rumbers wore ade 5012, 5026, 030, $083, 5130, 5131, 8132, 5257, S268, 540, aot 02,08, Seo, 5720. 6) Twefotoving code mabe ware declassted as“Inacive for new desig S007, 6020, 502%. 1) Thedecariicaion “active for new dei of he folowing code numbers was unmarksd 5044, 5208, ©) Code number S160 wa declassified as"Inactve for new desig” an vepicasby code number S026. Thostandaré wae reves estoy, un 93687: 1968.04, 1861-11 i i : See cvs Ln 9368-7:2010.09, 1 Field of appiication “The cose numbers ta inthis standard sal ba ved forthe designation of aerospace sate vestments “These cove ruber ae ind orplace the soreties ute etansve amnolaton on crawings and in design aocumerts, 2. Normative references The owing roca Seog infranal te opeatn oft, Stan Ferd references, only the een sted apples. Ft Unssted feloences the est econ of the eer ocuront ndng ary arpencmens) apps, ‘i 29607, Aerospsoe — Azpcton fps and vamishas DIN EN 4473, Arospsce — Atuminium pigmented coatings — Techn! specieaton LN 6068-1, Aerospaco— Dasinatin of sutice teiments — Part: Composit of code numbers; Inaeaton in design documents survey (German Aion Matar Manu, Pad 1.57002, Aerospace ~ Twcampavant wash prinar— Pvinlectalphesphorcact base, chromate containing inact or oe design 1.570041, One-conponent sine evamstoprinar— Aliyah base, gui native for new dosion \W.5.70042, One-comporent zine eromate primer — Aiycesn bab, processed Incve for ew desan Wi 5.7005, Arespace — One-conperent frshcostin — Arya bese, mat Insctve for new design grt, Aemseace— Oneconzonent fish costng— Acton Ee got ae fnew as \W.5.7007, Aemspaco— Onecomponant fish coating — Acrtovesin base, scutesint, noms: Insc or now ges 15.7008, Aoraspaco — One-camponent tish coating — Acratoresh base, smile native for new sgn W.5701t, Aerospace Two-component primar coating — Epogiresh base, zo-hvomate cotahing: Imac naw cos \W5.7012, Aerospace Two-component ish costing Epory-vesiypevamide base. loss; Inactive for ew eosin \W5.7013, Arespace — Hardon fer ep coating matras — Amidoamine Das; nace for ew design WLS7014, Aerspace— Haren for epaxy caating materas— Amine-adovet base: Mace for new esr {We 5.7021, On-componentdayghtfurescentpaint— Acnc-esin bas, Bau: atv for new det W.5.70212, One-ompanent dyight Suarescent paint — Aytc-resin bass, processed Inactive fr naw tsar \W.5.7022, Oe-conponent cies ish costing — Acye-esin base, Sic nace for new design |W. 570222, Opecompanent ar frish cost — Aano-esn bate, processed Inctve fer naw design WL 5.7080, Two-component povratane conductive cooing (nt) gut nace or new design wi. gris62, Tresmpmen pcan conte nig (art), ene ie fy now WLS 7041-1, Fungal ping ctfenng dope, gut ace fer new design yoo LN 9368-7:2010.08, \WL.57041-2, Fungal priming stifoing dpe, processed; active or now dosin) WU.S70821, sienna dope, lau nace or new dein Wi. 570122, Sitening dope precosod: Inactve fr now design Wi. 5704241, Fis cntng fr stoning dope sytoms, ult active fr now dst Wi.5 70422, Fn coating fr stein dope systoms, processed: native fr new dion Wi.57050, terospace— Two-component paburethane primar coating— Epoxwresiniccyanato base, ‘hvomete contain, nace ornem deagn \WL57051, Aerospace — Two-component geyuetane fish costing — Payesteresintsceyanate base, ghar ctve for new desir \WS7089, Aeospace — Two-component gayuenane fash costing — Payesteresinfsceyanate base, sem glss ac or now design i WL.57084, Aerospace — Two-component pojrethane finish costing — Paystaresinfeceyante bese, at native for new sion \WLS7055, Asmspace — Two-component polyurethane fish cong — Povestoresiucooyante bess, 1 mat Inctne for nw eet \WLS7056, Aecspaco— Two-component poyurthane fish coating— Poyesteresivisooansle basa seufresisnt narslp: Inctve for new dest 57080, Aarossce — One-component porthene stving coating — Paesorresinisocyanate base; Inactive for now asin WL 57081, Aerospace — Twocomponent poluretiane thish costing — Palesterresiveocyanst base, ‘samiglss, abrasion resiart iacive for now desig ViL87070-, Andeorosive paste, rine-cromate conning, nharening psy sce for new design WLE70702, Anicorasie paste, zhe-chemale contahing, nonardening, processed Insctve for new bai \W_8.7080-, One-componet zine pant Hui: nace fr now dosion \WL8.70802, One- component zinc pat, process Inazve fev new design ‘yn. 7081-1, One-componert coating materia elcticaly conducive, for one-component coating sstons, {iu Incite fr new seal 570812, pocangoner coat maria sbencly conde, fron conrrant oting sso rocessed hace fornow design yn. 57082-1, Qne-comporent coating meters, lcricaly conductive, for two-component coating systoms, Fu nace fo new design ‘yn. 5 7082-2, One-componert coating materia, lcticaly conduct, for two-component coating systems, recessed, ace for row dose! \WL8.7080-1, Backing coating ss usec fornew design WLS. 7088-2, Backing costing, los. procesec: native for now design ‘Yn 570861, Sicon vanish, high thermal stab, ut: nstve fr new design ‘5 7084.2, Sivon vanish, high thmna stably, processed: Ince for ew design [Wn 7000-1, Sati fimuoreant maybdenum csupride,soving, gu: nstve fr new sion |. 5 7000-2, Sot fimubcant maybonum csp, sovng, processed Insc for new design 1.8 7091-, Sot im wercar mayoenum csupide, arcing, uc Ince nw dest m8 7091-2,Sotsfim usear mayedenum csuphi, arcing, processed, ace for new design ieee — Lv 9360-7:2010.09 YW. 8708, anpce— Dy tnt MeSrcontinng, gure eng — Wee rev: rato WL57085, Asospace— Diy tubioam, MoSrconlnng, halogen‘, stoving— Freting corason ‘prover acnve or new design WL8.7086, Aoragpaco — Diy urea MoSycontaning,halogemtee,soving— For appeston on tsa; Inactive fe now design WL.7057, Aeraspoco — Dry lutea, MoS eo, PTFE-containg,stovng— Wer preventive; Inactive for ew desi WLS 7088, Aercsoace — Ory ubicant MoSetee, PTFE-containg, stevig — Pretingcorsion proven: Inactive fe nw abs WLS 7088, Aerospace Ory reat Moree, PIFE:ceniing stoving— For apaleatin on teed; Insctve fr nw dein WL.7*00-, Fishing amish ols, Sql native for now dian Wi.5.71002, Fishing vanish, lst, processed; active or new design W.5.7110, Aerapace — Two-component pajurethane fish costing — Mat, rain-sresion rian! — High ‘hmniotevst ace for now dean |WL57112, Aospsce— Two-component peyutane fish costhg— Mat ran-ercsion resistant — Median ah va Insave or eae |WL57113, Aarogpece— Two-component pajurethane fash costing — Mat. aorsion resistant nati fernew design WLS7114, Aerospace — Tuecomponant polwetane Mish casting Gloss, raimerasion resistant Inactive fe now oesin WLS7130, Aerspaco— Tro-campanant polwrttane fish coating Acratovesivisooyanste bas: Inactive for nw asin WL57138, Aerspace— Tro-campanant poburthane fish coating Acrllovesivisoyanate bao, ‘nai nate fr new sion WL57138, Aerospace Twosampanan! payuretene dayight luminous vanish paint— Acnfo- resinfsceyaate base nactve oro das WL57138, Aecspsce— Two-component primer coalng— Epaxpresivanine-addvt base, chromate tain, ache er doaige WLST198, Asospsce— Tocomponent paxy primer costing— Epoxyresivamine-adtuc! base, ‘Sromateie:nacve for new dean |WL57140, Aaospace— Twocomrensnt poyurinane primer coaing— Epaxyvesifsocyaate base, ‘hromateo; nase for now Sesh “Te0100012 ", Tecnica! speiston — Costing for equipment of Federal Defence Fores — Zio prevors TLea10.0013, Teatnical speciicnen— Finish cosine of Federal Defonco foe — neomponent acres fh coming, FA-own rreronts 7 2030-00169, Technica speciation — Anfcorosion agort KY, K2, K 19 ‘AIR 4208, Grasse minéral grahito, (- 40°C +121 °6)(Symbale NATO G-355) {AIR 42102, Grasse bos point de congoton “xtreme pression” +) terse by Bunsoant te Wessun Bescating Frdnand Sauce 1, 5607 Kens 2) Ouse by: Sonic de Doxmeraon at teternaon Tecnu de Atoratue, Magesn 1.0, 2 ann de Shoteatey Pace Ln 9368-7:2010.09 [AR4217, Grate “Exhime rosso” au louie do mobsbe, te ester (73°C 124 0) (Symbte avo 6.359) [AR 4247, Vaseline minérale graphite (Symbole NATO $270) [AI 8132, Contons thomelogaton des produits do stokage a fim mou, appcables #3 base do rod patos [DTD 362 9, AnSeie compound ara, gape petritum [070 8063, Grease, afcrat: Graph Nato Code He G 386 Joint Sri Designation X6-285, ‘07D 5002, Approval proce for repre mails and recossas (TD $8279, Grease, aicat synthetic malidenum dsuphite (070 5598, Gnase,sioat ynthote, extreme pressure MI-7-5644 9, Thread compound, Ant Siz, Graphite Petts ML-C-6528 9, Carson Proventve, Ara Engine MLC-16178 9, Corosion Prevent Compound, Solvent Cuback, Cold Application ML-G-21164 9, Grease, Mayedemum Dieu (or low and igh temperatres) ML-6-28627 9, Grease, Art and instrument, Gear ad Actuator Ser NAL-6-27617 4, Gros, Aroat and nstrumont, Ful and Oxia Resistant aL-¢-83281 9, Coating Poyranane, Ran Erosion Resta for xterra and Missle Plats Pts RAL 840-HR 8), Farber 3. General “This starr specties the denileaton numbers fo the deslgnation of methods of epsnc coating commonly used for serospare equine “Tho use of hes code rare explind in LN 8368-4 23) Obtanatio by: Hor May's Stoney Ofc, P.O. Box 60, Landon, SE 4) Cis by: Natal Sanat anion, ie, 5161 Rar Road sign 0.2016 5) Onesie by: Bash Veg Gb, Buanrerbe 6, 1077 ern Ln 9360-7:2010-09, 4 Main group 5 ~Methods of organic coating 44 S0xx— Primer coatings Tine et sheet umber | costa wt Goto — [Tas eargenet wh nor Tee ‘SIO _|Orecorgonet ne evonsin pir GE a STORET Two-enponer pee cing, cca CIBATE | «oy mesnuraen pocyean bse en nt 0a | seer Sei base se atuce ‘Torn soaion Supercced y 20 a 02 peti vest Tamar | Oreconsenent ane conse par cothe = e-course EOE | Fergal omg song pe ‘Sri a eTORE S08 * | Fennel rrr cat fwd Ss 506» | Prine essing or eroscresint hg = Two eonpone pre eciny 2no evn sexys | Sang ae awa srovveinoes ar: peice bse TE | Twosanponer prensa gina ng Te To ompner 2ne carats wah erat 000 | fesetnte erties yu ob are ome) = Stesrooed br 08 BOD est pauebane stain cng ee S012 | Peston ois fargo se isin ape = eeu ik eee pri caren ig = Two-componer reer ecing 2rcevonaGmIBAPG| ror n erereten 220 | cpogeoan be an Fedor pera ose za ean | Roemer pn esi case TENG | Sse ‘icine aie dou ace ened Two cemaner per cna oT CNG so22 | epoeosntnee sri ed ri ot ae -Fecongenet pier costng, Sven a "wo enna pre cing Soma Foe 5 S004 | ponuenebase ara “wo eso pre ang SvoMa Ta sons | (esto renate eo) _ fomosneace ‘ice ine neu ace Hike — wo ean ane TOR het sooo | Tm ssoner pe cing, waar Dem SRA — evtahingcoreeen hang SS Tew angnen pee cca waa bse ona Fe = 7 reahe rence I be t a Eee pea Ln 9368-7:2010.08 42. 6txx~ Paints and varnishes for general purposes (with the exception of primer coating) cee Metros ‘Materia data sheet | Standard umber | coating wth ie = = oe oo [ose we eae oo [metas [OM aan = | aS oe Tee Ea at _ eareG = at [eeareertaiomoremae gee [Gar Sa) ear = = oe Ta ae i va | Seareienoore vo a ait [eesrsemisonn areas at [ent] over a Teepe om ome [eae sm EES = cores To Saeceeaess 33 [eee e = at [ eaten ee a a = 7s eameannsane areas [= Sin [ cients ed = ae a = aan | cor | a or ae | SRE ete err Lv 9368-7:201009, 43. 62xx~ Paints and varnishes for special purposes. — ‘neal data seat | Standard So [oom war =] once saan | RrSmonentgtuetne eh csi, ra S710 cass) Cosi. is aera win CEST = Gmenype! Taoaw | Ss, Hen BEA a ane = Resacesty 28 "SE _| Sens cong igh har ay, aa S Sane osg igh mal sey, eg Tiaras =) me ea a | SSG Rea TS = 207° | Feotcey S08 ‘Oe carbone cig RESET wae zoos | seioveainboe erat rai ‘Se Sorpeon dlaahcsina VL Brat szoge | horacont pare 102 oe seotoveaneowe cnecorgerrt a aia | Boaveaiy reas aren = 322 | Grecerpown ash ong etoaiare noo ‘107 7 Oaesiresnert sree at Sreatad 3219 _| Ropero 18 Ey aide | Conta. hres ah SI 2150 | Coaine wines = 2216" | arosenpan. neorostng = cxir | Tscarpcen pues fash cag, ese caress han le wae [Pisa rong osc SST a caso | Teapanen porcine mah caing rise acyitrnsincyrat toe mat “o-corpon pene oy gh ME SOS = 5220 | punt acerca base Gn) lesirosnen preted cine 7 ymsaweeeter G5 Gene | Ptah oxsng sree = (rote spat on yes) TED rotate cxxing, spe, Grayson on ane = es2 | Pr cating, mae = vag e | Coe rer teabn nnee I oeeaion = Ene emotions win seate grenng oe EEA —[rayurabare neh cntng arson stn EE ais | Pete essing sas atria = Speers eo Lv 9368-7:2010-09 umber | coting nih “we-sapoanipawabane lig, Cea eggs | snot seleten oe! pes 2 Trontcasty, Edun e200 etsy ghohae 61 ‘Dae SeraRcatrg atrs eeTEAH EOE |S ro5n wg sans | Bremerton nm orc ea (ee ‘One-conpran cata nawPa ORETEAH cOUEE |S 7oaz 1 wna asa | rtvosrnpnent cost ste, ew mic ve aaa ero) “wo oonptonpeharae ah cong Pah 250 | Sansaty vores eoston gh aricove rat — (Skin eos) Tao | econperatpahurshare conduc cha, rar rnegn Somes (18 nt 282) Troan Tear Twosonperentpajurebare ona Gag, ah | S709 rd to (5 Ns 26). oan “wo-sprent plane ah ing PR soca | Sanity rare estat met hgh chm el s70 (@snatozs way “wo-sonparentpaaan wan aire hh sas | Sixty ra cin esata mec es, sre fab (1$ ki 26K) mar) Twenpanent puis Ra oa, HR aa sin amr rns mae cass | Tweconbernt jarani sing Ft ena sii ra-oune set goes og | Tocomporent payttane cena Sarah = chon SMEs 100} “Gay [ Trozanporen wing coxing gh aay nh aae sze8 | Twocsrporen wang coming a si ee mst st60 [ Fresreoat pant 57S i eng apoio on epee pant 7 rete rner cen " Ln Sree LN 9368-7:2010.09, 44 63xx— Coating systems amber | cong cw | To-sroernt ash oor wisroms *Srecmnperen rah ong at sc Tot mor | To-sipernt wash pare wes7o Tene mperet an neo at esr sca | Tonenponet ort ner eiicsrome Teoconparel wath fier wes7om! soo | Tenctipon Sefer pter eines roe Twocanpinentvaeh ren wesroe® soe | Tempe pmarconing sweszore he conponn ah an scsi sos | SSeacampnent apg heer pat wesroat 1 Scmpanet clear taencneig eines ae “eozpanentponeban pier cin ‘wes7oa> | om 2687 «00 | Thoanrpmnnt pores nce ener Ronson preane an ott INCH Fungi rng seria some WwLs7o4re sor | Senna sone sive Toe! fo ent song doe stone Scrat agi rg feria de WLs7o4 sos | Senna cre eines aes Sree fh ong ENC ose Teozanserent pi csing WLs7Ot® 200 | Stwredan comprare tabconsonepinarconteg | «Wi 11 Tmeconson i cote Sauces Teosonsoentwam ner ‘wLs70m sao | Shwozonpmnenpohurenere pier oxo eco {iconpnent pote sna aera Int Ton | Teo-nooret po aPane promi ‘wis700* Thorson parr een rs smb! ae nar wo ve LNB A 2 i Ln 9368-7:2010-08 45. S4ex—Methods fr producing other coatings umber | casing wt Te Plenton of ponte oni ie = ‘Enovosi aprleatn of pence caingran ‘Ba [ heen of ine gacotaahene in) = = ‘ioe | Fepeatn nr lore = = 48. 66xx- Special methods for producing organ costing 47 tax antcomosive agents, auld ot (825 yen om oa bigs - aston el ee oe oo esa es eon 15707* | Replaced by code numbers $600 and 5801 = Coren re a TASER me on Se Se pected “econ ens nab ape ter pu ane rn ended ein pen. ee 13 Lv 9360-7:2010-08 4.8 81x Anticortosive agents, semi-liquidto solid cont [Testi ecw gee - saggy ote, : tow i LN 9368-7:2010.09 49 69xx-— Lubricants and anticorrosive pastes with special adltives, liquid to solid ae, ea racommendog ages | Saati rayptoner anion Tara 5800 | Roplacouby 5011, 5012, 8013. WL 5 7060-2 Gar siti er none ae Aa We ee Taos seca | neem geste ands. cyte uchie once on ae Wasa ed et | a a ay = es Ce Tames yd can rum ee, EE sew | Sn ore - epee coer) sing ss win ote be marae orb nie) ‘daca Fs Fon aco Gree aS woo | Sepa sone - Stee Sa sore [cose = gent | Byte nate lene tne stoving, wear preventive. LS 7086 Gea | Bynes oietenn dene criatra ceri — hg fag cose Fea ER oven agian ating ape — tg eget ort Few | Bynes nce vena FIFEaRS ee meagan men Tew | Bynes tec ae PIPE vara mag fem cmaenbenete Gow Byte tre ie ta PPE a _stovirg, for apetication on threads 57080 a = opees Yong cou pews Gen] Elite maton anagem PEcananng — fete ae so bt ron he cera | Br mvadrunanapi-tee, Pena = opens son breoston on ess sn |e onenronn et omezein ee ME ‘AIR 4247) ahora aa Ce NEN ae Fiche wan rape er my ed opi at a ene td i i 6 Exper a

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