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FIELD: Language & communication Subject : English Step : II Class: IV

Lesson’s topic: Learning Situation:

Unit 5: Recycling
Learning outcomes: Key words: recycling, throw away, rubbish,
- listens and do actions to demonstrate meaning.
landfill, hole, ground, newspapers,
- Follows auditory, written and visual instructions.
- integrate other areas of the curriculum through magazines, bottles, jars, glass, metal, earth
English: Science

Sources : C.D. C. D. player. Books, work books, Relating with other subjects:

Methodology pair work, individual work, group work.
Warm up
Aim : to introduce the topic of rubbish • Point to the rubbish bin in the classroom and elicit what it is and
what goes in there. • Introduce the concept of recycling by asking students if there are some things they can
use again. • If you have recycling bins for paper, glass, cans, etc. in the school, talk about these with the
class. • Pre-teach recycling.

Listen, read and talk about the question.

Aim: to extend students’ understanding of recycling Thinking skills: reflection and analysis • Students look
at the picture in the Student’s Book. • Play the recording. Students listen and read. • Check understanding of
new words in the text and understanding of the text as a whole. • Play the recording again. • Discuss the
question as a class and write students’ ideas on the board. Note: Some of this discussion may need to take
place in Albanian language.

Listen and read about recycling. Number the pictures.

Aim: to practise listening and matching skills • Give students time to look at the pictures before they read
and listen. • Pre-teach bottles, jars, glass, metal and earth. • Play the recording. Students read the text silently
as they listen. • They number the pictures and compare their answers in pairs. • Students read the texts again
to make sure of their answers. • Check with the class. • Discuss which of the four things students and their
families regularly do.

Ending the lesson

Aim: to review what students have learnt in the lesson • Write the following prompt on the board: Today I’ve
learnt about: • Elicit from students what they learnt about today, e.g recycling and what rubbish can become
when it’s recycled. • Write it on the board. Students copy it into their notebooks.

- Evaluation : listens and do actions to demonstrate meaning.

- Follows auditory, written and visual instructions.
- integrate other areas of the curriculum through English: Science
Assignment : Work book

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