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Name: Mary Cris F. Olog

Yr/Cr/Section: 2 BSHM-B
Draw a diagram on how to conduct a successful activity inside the university

Activity: MAGHIKAY


Planning Risk assessment Communication and Security



Access Control Crowd Surveillance and Emergency Response

Management Monitoring

 Risk assessment: Identify potential risks and threats associated with the activity, such as
accidents, unauthorized access, or emergencies.
 Communication and Coordination: Establish effective communication channels and protocols
for disseminating security-related information to participants, staff, and relevant stakeholders.
 Access control: Implement measures to control entry and exit points, including identification
checks, visitor registration, and monitoring systems.
 Crowd management: Establish procedures for managing large crowds, ensuring orderly
movement, and preventing overcrowding or stampedes.
 Surveillance and monitoring: Deploy security personnel or utilize surveillance technology to
monitor the activity area and identify any suspicious or unauthorized behavior.
 Emergency response: Have a designated emergency response team and clear protocols in
place to handle various emergencies, such as medical incidents, fires, or security threats.


B. Self-Assessment
What experience have contributed to your development? What do you value most in your life?
-Experiences that have contributed to my development include personal challenges, academic
achievements, and involvement in extracurricular activities. I value personal growth, relationships,
and making a positive impact on others in my life.


Instruction: Answer the following questions briefly and submit your answer to your coordinator!
1.For you, what is a good leader? (15 pts)
-A good leader is someone who inspires and motivates others, communicates effectively, leads by
example, listens to and respects different perspectives, and fosters a collaborative and inclusive
2. Answer the given situation.
You are chosen to become a leader in a certain activity in your school. The problem is that your
members are not following your orders; instead, they are doing what they want. What actions you will
make them follow you? (15 pts)
- If my members are not following my orders and doing what they want, I would take the following
actions to make them follow me:
 Communicate openly and honestly with the members to understand their concerns and
 Clearly articulate the vision and goals of the activity, explaining the importance of teamwork
and following instructions.
 Lead by example, demonstrating commitment, dedication, and professionalism.
 Provide clear and specific instructions, ensuring that expectations are understood.
 Encourage and recognize individual contributions, fostering a sense of ownership and pride.
 Establish regular check-ins and feedback sessions to address any issues or challenges.
 Seek input and involve members in decision-making processes, promoting a sense of
ownership and engagement.
 If necessary, address any persistent issues through appropriate channels, such as involving
faculty advisors or mentors.
Answer the following questions in your own word.
1.How do you choose the candidate you vote for?
- When choosing a candidate to vote for, I consider their qualifications, track record, stance on
important issues, integrity, and ability to effectively communicate their ideas and plans.
2. List 5 characteristics that you look for in a candidate (elected positions at the national level)? Why?
 Leadership: The ability to guide and make decisions on a larger scale.
 Vision: A clear and inspiring vision for the country's future.
 Experience: Relevant experience and expertise in governance and public service.
 Integrity: A strong moral compass and commitment to ethical conduct.
 Communication skills: The ability to effectively convey ideas and engage with diverse

3. List 5 characteristics that you look for in a candidate (elected positions ate the local level)? Why?
 Community involvement: A demonstrated commitment to the local community and
understanding of its needs.
 Accessibility: Willingness to listen and engage with constituents on a personal level.
 Problem-solving skills: The ability to identify and address local issues effectively.
 Collaboration: A track record of working well with others to achieve common goals.
 Accountability: A sense of responsibility and willingness to be transparent to the local
4. Do you value your vote in an election in your classroom? Why?
- Yes, I value my vote in an election in my classroom because it allows me to have a say in the
decision-making process and contribute to the collective voice of the class. It promotes a sense of
democracy, empowerment, and active citizenship among students.

5. VOTE Acrostic Poem Write a poem about voting. Start each line with a letter from the word "VOTE

Voting gives us power to choose

Our voices heard, we cannot lose
Together we shape our destiny
Every vote count, it's plain to see

Instruction: Find a family member and do the following: Yoga stretches for stress relief. (While doing
the task don’t forget to capture the moments)

Child’s Pose Head to Knee Forward Bend

Cow Pose

Puppy Pose Cat Pose Bridge Pose

Legs Up the Wall Pose Dolphin Pose Standing Forwand Bend Pose

Extended triangle Pose Easy Pose Eagle Pose

Corpse Pose

Activity # 2. Describe your experience while participating in the Yoga exercise with your family.
- Participating in yoga exercises with my family was a deeply connecting and rejuvenating experience
that brought us closer together and helped us find inner peace and balance.
Activity # 3. How yoga exercises contribute to the development of the following dimensions of
-Yoga exercise contributes to wellness dimensions as follows:
1. Physical: Enhances flexibility, strength, and overall physical health.
2. Emotional: Reduces stress, anxiety, and promotes emotional well-being.
3. Intellectual: Improves focus, concentration, and mental clarity.
4. Social: Builds a sense of community, fosters connections, and promotes teamwork.
5. Spiritual: Deepens self-awareness, mindfulness, and inner peace.
6. Environmental: Encourages respect for nature and sustainability.
7. Occupational: Helps manage work-life balance and promotes overall well-being.
Activity # 4. Why should we engage in wellness activities? How would you describe the benefits of
recreation in this time of pandemic?
- Engaging in wellness activities is important as it promotes physical and mental health, reduces
stress, boosts immunity, and enhances overall well-being. Recreation during the pandemic provides a
much-needed escape, helps maintain a positive mindset, and allows for self-care and relaxation.


Task 1. Fill out the table with words that describe, or are associated with men and women.

strong nurturing
independent compassionate
ambitious resilient
responsible understandable

Based on the description you have given, what do you think is SEX and what is GENDER?
- Sex refers to the biological and physical characteristics that distinguish males and females, such as
reproductive organs and chromosomes.
Gender, on the other hand, refers to the social and cultural roles, behaviors, and expectations
associated with being male or female.

In your culture, what are considered acceptable for men and women, boys or girls?
-- In my culture, societal norms and expectations may differ for men and women, girls and boys. For
example, it may be considered acceptable for men to take on leadership roles and be assertive, while
women may be expected to prioritize family and exhibit nurturing qualities.
What are the biological differences that make a person male or female?
- The differences that make a person male or female are primarily biological, based on reproductive
organs and chromosomes. Males typically have XY chromosomes and reproductive organs such as
testes, while females typically have XX chromosomes and reproductive organs such as ovaries.

The pictures that follow show beliefs and practices that pervade our society and families. Write your
reflections on each picture. Limit your comments in two sentences only.
Reflects the prevailing belief that Represents the societal expectation
certain jobs or industries are of gender roles from an early age,
predominantly male-dominated, reinforcing traditional gender norms
highlighting gender disparities in the and stereotypes.

Reflects the gendered toys and

Illustrates the influence of gender
activities assigned to children,
norms on personal appearance,
reinforcing societal expectations and that certain hairstyles are
reinforcing gender roles. more appropriate for specific
Task 2. Identify a public space where you or a friend may have experienced being harassed
-A public space where my friend and I may have experienced harassment could be a crowded street,
public transportation, or a park. Harassment can occur in various forms, such as catcalling, unwanted
advances, or verbal abuse.

List down at least two (2) Philippine laws that protect women and children. Discuss briefly how these
laws can protect you in all spheres of your existence.
-Two Philippine laws that protect women and children are the Anti-Violence Against Women and
Their Children Act (RA 9262) and the Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation, and
Discrimination Act (RA 7610). These laws protect women and children from various forms of abuse,
exploitation, and discrimination, ensuring their safety, rights, and well-being in all spheres of life,
including exercise.


1. Why volunteerism is important nowadays?

-Volunteers are important in our society nowadays because they play a crucial role in addressing
various social issues and meeting the needs of vulnerable populations. They contribute their time,
skills, and resources to support community development, assist in crises, and promote positive

2. What is the importance of volunteerism and what is the impact to you as a student?
-The importance of volunteerism lies in its ability to create a sense of social responsibility, foster
empathy and compassion, and strengthen communities. As a student, engaging in volunteer work
can provide valuable learning experiences, develop leadership skills, and cultivate a sense of
purpose and fulfillment.


1. Differentiate intrapersonal peace from interpersonal peace.

-Interpersonal peace refers to peace within oneself, achieved through self-reflection, personal growth,
and inner harmony. On the other hand, interpersonal peace refers to peace between individuals,
characterized by respectful communication, empathy, and conflict resolution.
2.Why do you think interpersonal peace is important?
- Interpersonal peace is important because it promotes healthy relationships, reduces conflicts, and
fosters a sense of unity and cooperation within communities.
3. Give at least one peacemaking and peacekeeping initiative that would help maintain peace in the
Philippine society.
- One peacemaking initiative that can maintain peace in a community is establishing mediation
programs or conflict resolution workshops to help individuals resolve disputes peacefully and find
common ground.
4. Give at least one peacebuilding initiative which would help in the maintenance of peace in the
Philippine society.
-One peace-building initiative that can help maintain peace in Philippine society is promoting interfaith
dialogue and understanding. This initiative encourages people from different religious backgrounds to
come together, learn from one another, and foster mutual respect and tolerance, contributing to a
harmonious and inclusive society.
Exercise 5.2
Compose a brief account highlighting a successful instance of peacemaking and peacebuilding within
your local community. You have the option to engage with and gather insights from individuals such
as peace advocates, public officials, educators, religious leaders, or representatives from non-
government organizations (NGOs), who possess firsthand involvement in a peace related triump.
-In my local community, a successful instance of peacemaking and peacebuilding occurred through a
collaborative effort involving peace advocates, religious leaders, and educators. They initiated a
series of community dialogues and workshops aimed at addressing intergroup tensions and
promoting understanding and harmony among different ethnic and religious communities. By creating
a safe space for open dialogue, fostering empathy, and encouraging mutual respect, this initiative
helped to bridge divides, build trust, and cultivate a culture of peace within our community. The
involvement of public officials and NGOs provided crucial support and resources, further
strengthening the impact of this peace-related triumph. This initiative fostered a sense of harmony,
respect, and cooperation within the community.

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