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NAME…………………………………………………………………………….. AGE……………
1. What did Jesus tell his 12 disciples? (a) that he was going to punish those that killed him (b) that he
was going to die and then come back alive (c) I don't know.

2. Why did Jesus die on the Cross? (a) For you and for me, because He loves you, to take the punishment
for sin (b) so that he would prove himself (c) I don't know.

4. Who were the first people to go Jesus' tomb? (a) Two men (b) two women, who were followers of
Jesus (c) I don't know.

4. What did the angel say to the woman? (a) Jesus is alive (b) go home (c) I don't know.

5. Why where Jesus disciples sad? (a) Jesus left them. (b) Jesus had died on the cross. (c) I don't know

6. What does the Holy Spirit help you to do?

(a) Obey God, be more like Jesus, understand the bible (b) give you courage to witness, comfort you (c) a
and b

7. What was the name of the special Jewish holiday in Jerusalem? (a)! Pentecostal (b) Pentecost (c) I
don't know.

8. What did the Holy Spirit give the disciples power to do at the Pentecost??? (a) gather people (b)
Speak in many different languages so that people could understand God's message to them. (c) I don't

9. What can you do if you are made of for believing Jesus? (a) report them (b) Ask God for his peace and
courage to keep telling other's about Jesus (c) I don't know

10.. How many people believed and were saved at Pentecost? _______________________

11. How can you be saved?



12. How many days did God use to Create the Earth? ________________

13. What did Jesus use to feed five thousand people 5,000?? ___________________________________

14. When you have a problem who should you run to First ? (a) Sunday teacher (b) Jesus (c) Parents (d) I
don't know

15. what does your memory verse,.1 Corinthians 15:3-4 say?

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