Tabtiha Sba

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English Sba

Candidate name: Tabitha Mcsween

Centre: 080050


Name of school: St George's Institue

Name of Teacher: Ms. Blake

Year of exams: 2024

Theme: Music

Topic: The Negative Effects of Dancehall Music on Youths in the caribbean

Table of contents

Plan of Investigation Page 1

Artefact 1 Page 2
Artefact 2 Page 3
Artefact 3 Page 4
Reflection 1 Page 5
Reflection 2 Page 6
Reflection 3 Page 7
Written Report Page 8
Plan of Oral Presentation Page 9-10
References Page 11


Plan of investigation

The big theme I chose was “ music ” the sub-topic is the negative effects of dancehall music on youths

in the caribbean how does dancehall effects the youth in the caribbean , I became very interested after I

noticed the amount of young youths listens to the amount of dancehall music which have violence,

sexually explicit music and much more .As an English student I expect to improve my knowledge about

the negative effects of dancehall music on youths in the caribbean moreover I would like to learn more of

the negative effects and what these music do to the youth.

I will be using online websites and a video to collect information for my investigation

Artefact 1

Adolescents’ psycho-social response to dancehall genre has become a national and public health concern

and has raised policy debate in terms of adolescent's sexual and violent behavior (with respect to

pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections (STI) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)).

Issues relating to sex and violence among adolescents have, in recent times, raised much public health

and policy concerns, especially in an era where first sexual debut is at the mean age of 11.4 years for boys

and 12.8 years for girls in Jamaica[1].


Artefact 2

Dancehall music has become a symbol of explicit sexual imagery and violence.

Despite the positive effects Dancehall music might have on our young people, it

has become more a pathway for moral degradation with our young people.

Dancehall is a “style of Jamaican popular music that had its genesis in the

political disturbance of the late 1970’s ad became Jamaica’s dominant music in

the 1980’s and 90’s”, (C.J.Cooper)

“Jamaican dancehall culture is commonly disparaged as a homophobic,

homicidal, misogynist discourse that reduces both men and women to bare

essentials: skeletal remain” (Cooper. J, July2000). Dancehall music as an art

form has great influences on youths. This can be seen where popular Dancehall

artist Vybz Kartel song the song ‘Clarks’ the brand of shoe became an instant hit.

Both male and female youths wanted to be in ‘Clarks’. So, if these artist praise

violence in their lyrics wouldn’t it be inevitable that the youths would follow, due

to the huge influence they already have on them?


Artefact 3

my main objective is to discuss so that's what music can after at the moral behavior of children how it

can contribute to a lack of self-discipline and also to look at the impact of the lyrical content how it

affects their well-being and also their life sad well first of all what is dance or music dance or music is a

genre of music and it is prevalent in here in Jamaica it came into existence in the late 1970s the tempo of

this type of music is fast

and it often requires a DJ to sing over a rhythm the name is stemming from the

fact that parties often called dance were kept in the streets and the singers were known as DJ they were

required to perform life unfortunately the only lyrical content in these songs they are sexually explicit

violent in nature and also they contain a lot of expletives that's how music can impact teenagers due to

the fact that it is during this timeframe the teenagers which is from the ages of 13 to 17 that teenager

develop there's reason skilled and Eagle psychologist by the name of Earth Eriksen he stated that this is

an age

were teenagers searches for new identity and role confusion normally occurs cognitive development at

these stages also there teenagers they tend to act impulsively rather than thoughtfully, and hormonal

changes occurs which influences emotional responses and also impulsive behaviors the DJ's are seen as

role models and they can impact or a pizza at Alison's as the music that they sing can be very persuasive

it can reverse emotions present and most of these songs they contain messages which and taken literally

dance or music can also increase violence


Reflection 1

One perspective may highlight that exposure to explicit content in dancehall lyrics can potentially influence behavior, especially

among impressionable individuals. Young minds may be susceptible to

adopting attitudes and behaviors depicted in music. However, it's equally important to consider the role of other influential

factors, such as family, education, and societal values, in shaping youths' perspectives and behaviors.

Moreover, it's essential to recognize that dancehall, like any genre, has artists who address social issues, share positive

messages, and contribute to cultural expressions. In this light, one should avoid generalizations and appreciate the diversity

within the genre.

Ultimately, the impact of dancehall music on youths is a complex interplay of individual susceptibility, societal influences, and

the broader cultural context. A nuanced reflection should consider these factors to better understand and address any potential

negative effects responsibly.


Reflection 2

The reflection on the impact of dancehall music presents a nuanced perspective. While acknowledging the potential positive

effects it might have on young people, the emphasis is placed on the concerning aspects of explicit sexual imagery and violence

associated with the genre. The assertion that dancehall has become a pathway for moral degradation among the youth suggests

a critical evaluation of its influence. This reflection prompts consideration of the broader societal implications and

responsibilities associated with cultural expressions like music. It underscores the need for a balanced examination of cultural

elements and their impact on the values and behaviors of the younger generation.

Reflection 3

The reflection on dancehall music brings attention to its potential negative impacts on teenagers, focusing on moral

behavior, self-discipline, and overall well-being. Dancehall, originating in Jamaica in the late 1970s, is characterized

by fast tempo and often involves DJs singing over rhythmic beats at street parties. The concern lies in the explicit,

violent, and profanity-laden lyrical content, impacting teenagers aged 13 to 17 during a crucial developmental

stage. Psychologist Erik Erikson's perspective on identity formation and role confusion during adolescence is

mentioned, highlighting the vulnerability of teenagers to external influences. The role of DJs as perceived role

models is emphasized, as their persuasive music can evoke emotions and convey messages that may be

misinterpreted. Additionally, the reflection notes the potential contribution of dancehall music to increased

aggression among Jamaican youth.


Group report

To complete this SBA, we were placed into groups. After a long discussion, we decided that our topic would be

music as we all shared an interest in music. The sub-topics that we focused on were “the positive influence of

music on teens in modern-day life”, “the influence of music on teenagers”, “the negative effect of dancehall music

on youths in the Caribbean” and “the effects of music on adolescents”.

This group came together allowing each member to choose the paragraph that suits them best. Each

member explained the reason for which they chose that paragraph and how they will go about constructing it, we

discussed it in class and made a group on teams so that we can properly communicate when not in school. We

have made our efforts so that our SBA can be perfect so that we can all get the grades we desire.

Several pieces were used to achieve the proposed goal. “The role of music in adolescent development: much more

than the same old song” stated the fact that there is an increasingly number of publications of more investigations

in this topic. In the other hand the artefact “Can music affect teens in a positive way?” It was shown that music is a

tool that can affect teens in a positive way.

So, to close off with my subtopic “the negative effects of Dancehall music on Caribbean” youth is that dancehall

music has increase in the number of students and teenagers in the behaviors that are negatively impacted by the

music, on the other hand according to the fourth paragraph. Can music affect us in a positive way? Yes, music can

have a positive effect, but the lyrics in the music, especially with Dancehall music. They have a lot of gang violence

and sexually explicit behavior.


Plan of oral Presentation

Dancehall's rhythm, a Caribbean breeze,

Yet, whispers of concern in melodies.

In teenagers' ears, the lyrics take hold,

A complex narrative, stories unfold.

From Kingston's streets to sandy shores,

Dancehall echoes, the culture adores.

Yet, within its beats, shadows persist,

Negative effects, a subtle twist.

Explicit verses paint a vivid scene,

Teenagers absorbing, like a dance routine.

Materialism's anthem, a tempting call,

Values shaken, like leaves in the squall.

In the Caribbean sun, where reggae once thrived,

Dancehall's influence, both embraced and contrived.

Stereotypes echoed in the lyrical sway,

Affecting youth in a subtle way.

From Trinidad's carnival to Jamaica's stage,

Dancehall's impact, a multifaceted gauge.

Teenagers dancing to the beat's allure,

Yet, repercussions linger, less obscure.


Gender roles, a tangled thread,

In Dancehall's lyrics, often widespread.

Society's norms etched in rhymes,

Affecting perceptions in rhythmical times.

Violent echoes, an undercurrent strong,

In the dancehall narrative, where they belong.

Teenagers swaying to the lyrical tide,

Yet, aggression simmering deep inside.

A cultural mirror, Dancehall reflects,

The complexities of societal effects.

Caribbean teens, caught in the sway,

Negotiating influences day by day.

In this lyrical journey, a cautionary note,

For the younger minds, let wisdom promote.

Awareness and guidance, a compass true,

Navigating Dancehall's influence through.

So, in the Caribbean breeze, where rhythms blend,

Dancehall's story, negatives to mend.

Teenagers shaping their identity,

Amidst the beats, finding authenticity



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Piza sparks


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