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Name: Monroid, Kate E.

Instruction: Read and study the material for Lesson 6. Afterward, answer the following essential
questions below. Submit your answers on or before the deadline.

1. What are the two theories about art and literature? Elaborate each theory in your own
understanding. (10 points)


There are broadly two theories about art and literature. The first is called ‘art for art’s sake’ and
the second is called ‘art for social purpose’. The first theory, which is the art for art sake’, refers to art
and literature that these are made primarily for aesthetic enjoyment, such as creating beautiful,
pleasing, and entertaining works. Their works are utterly independent of any and all social values and
utilitarian function and detached from or independent of politics. It has an inherent value independent
of its subject-matter, or of any social, and political significance. Their main goal is to create art only for
pleasing to the eyes, and its subjects are not about politics or propaganda of social ideas. On the other
hand, the second theory, which is the art for social purpose’ is made primarily to serve the community
and society. Individuals and their society are dynamically related. Through their works, they can help the
people to overcome the struggles in life, and to become better person. One of their goal also is to
combat social evils and reform society. This second theory, go beyond personal intrinsic value to art's
social benefits. Most often it is constructed with the intention of sharing responses to and opinions
about life with others.
2. What is the difference between prose and poetry? Present your answer using a Venn Diagram.

(10 points)


It is more literal.
Prose is usually used
Both prose and
uses figurative language to for novels, essays,
poetry are forms of
create images or and nonfiction
literature that
expressive ideas writing.
present a point to
associated with literature, an audience, and It is a form of writing
lyrics, and storytelling. both take some skill. which has a natural
flow with speech and
Literature that expresses writing.
ideas, feelings or tells a
story that uses not only It follows the correct
words but also forms, grammatical

3. Cite one important use of literature and elaborate. (5 points)


One important use of literature is literature in school because it helps students to develop their
imagination and creativity, improves their language skills and also enables them to appreciate the arts.
Our first serious encounter with literature comes at school. Reading and writing have been drilled in all
of us from an early age and this is set in motion with the start of examinations. Additionally, the ability
to sense themes and messages opens us up to another way of thinking. Literature becomes a vessel.
4. Cite one difference between Cinema and Literature. Why are they different? (5 points)


Cinema and literature differs on how they take their readers and viewers away from reality. Literature
takes its readers on a journey of imagination that is away from the real world while cinema shows such
an imaginative world before the audience through visually showing the whole picture on the screen that
helps the audience connect with the moment more closely; and cinema do not have to put much
pressure on their minds to delve into their imaginations.

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