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Chapter V


The problem formulation is made at the beginning to help the research each
connected, the first question is “Why are the seven deadly sins used for the concept of the
game?” which results because the seven deadly sins mostly appear on humans, not alien or
monster, even though the enemy in the palace looks like a monster form even a demon form
and even their underlings also in a monster form, but all of the bosses and their underling is
originally human, not a monster or demon. Those monster formed in their palace only
represents their true self in the palace, while the sins originate from one true self.

The second question which is connected to the first question is “What do the seven
deadly sins represent in the game?” the answer to this question is it represents the human
heart and all humans mostly possess some or even all of these sins as the main source of the
sins is from a human. In the game, the antagonist takes the form of a demon during their boss
fight due to the sins are so strong that they could overwhelm their human side so they could
not become human themselves, as a result, they took a form of a demon due to the
overwhelming effect of the sin. The seven deadly sins represent the sins in each of the
palaces according to certain people. Most human probably possesses one or more of each sin,
but in the game, they decided to focus each sin on each antagonist to focus on like the first
antagonist is more prominent in lust to his sexual desire.

The last question is “How do the seven deadly sins affect the plot or element of the
game?” this question connects with the second because the sins that appear, from humans,
could make the plot more interesting as it is revolving around humans and even it could
happen in the real life due to this sin does exist in the real world. They tweak around the
human heart and desire to form these seven deadly sins which could ruin a human life. The
seven deadly sins affect the plot by giving the example of their personality, we could learn
something about the seven deadly sins. People who do not know the seven deadly sins will
know what each sin represents and how it is similar throughout our daily life.

The analysis of the seven deadly sins in the Persona 5 game is about the character that
possesses them. Each of the antagonists has a valid reason for why they possess each sin, so
it’s not from out of nowhere that they possess the sin whether it’s a good or bad reason. Each
of the seven deadly sins always brings harm to one individual or group and even could drag
someone else that does not have anything to do with them.
Kevin Bennardo (2007) mention that The demon from Peter Binsfeld’s classification
is often taken as the one who possesses the sin at first and where they originated from. The
game itself also takes the reference from Peter Binsfeld’s classification of a demon with each
of the sins. Each of the demons that appear in the palace when the protagonist and his friend
fight will have the same name as the demon from Peter Binsfeld’s classification with
exception of some antagonists. The antagonist will transform into a demon form when they
fight the protagonist and his friends.

The seven deadly sins also have a contrary which is called the seven capital virtues.
These seven capital virtues are considered the good side of the seven deadly sins where if
seven deadly sins could ruin one individual or group and people around them while also
hindering their growth, the seven capital of virtues is helping one individual or group and
even people around them while also helping them grow to become a better individual and
also giving a lot of benefit for them and another people. Doing the good thing could help
someone instead rather than falling to own desire for the satisfaction of someone. A sufficient
amount of desire is required to help someone grow and make their life become a colorful and
promising life because a life without motivation, target, or desire is the same as not living but
an excessive amount of desire w not help one grow. Instead, it could hinder growth and ruin
someone to their fall, if they succeed at first, but only follow their desire, that person will fall
instead of developing.

As a suggestion for further research, students who later will about to research
something regarding the seven deadly sins could take reference other that the Persona 5
game. There are a lot of movies and games that use similar concepts about the seven deadly
sins due to most of the movies and games revolve around humans. The seven deadly sins
mostly come from humans and that’s why many of them are using the seven deadly sins in
their movies or game plots. The student should also more be careful because the seven deadly
sins are not often discussed by the public due to them bringing harm to one individual or
another individual. Even though it’s rarely mentioned by people the seven deadly sins are an
interesting topic to research because they could be seen as bad things that should be avoided
but instead people made them into a plot of movies and games for antagonists and even
protagonists. There is a lot of version of the seven deadly sins where they treated as good in
some movies or games even though in real life we know that the seven deadly sins are not a
good thing and should be avoided instead.

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