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3/2016 + november-lstopod = SO.roGnik + cone: 0706/ 21-K6 Music: JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE Let's be Thankful «on Facebook [Fj casopisirionasnip CHALLENGE PAGE fee v Hey readers! It’s time for you ‘to join our Friendship community in an active way! te we ee challenging you to come up wth 3 uoeul monte ap to nap Students oy the boxing seta! esons, Chow a too suet (ooerepy ump ne cry enous 1 Somsung Galan smartone! Sleduj Easopis riendship 1a Facebooku a vyhrava] lakavé ceny! 50 sears of Friendship ty yar four magazine ie define mor talebating al @comury iis etence oa gos ‘aaeon fo coat ond bole Dock ar forward othe fre. Netiany magoaes, a stint Dot those for aamers of Eris, ave hag suc ng enstence as ou Fenashin, "So hapoy Birthday and many more Suess years of your cevktonce dear Mend Pendshi” "When ool reach he ao 5, they angie gest pares, uumaie ha ves, and eal a femoris fem to past ers het y have done, afsoved and whet ey Nave maces. “When odeang 60 yu ot Padan tf erores ame ory mn, tao ery bonnes of cooperation wh Sonn lao (etrin che then, et aes wren or Fenn tmestirg may pest peopl, sty he woth vary tata Sone lah wae on ate on Lant's eatoodt We aon dd no {e-aner same slicty important opes and 3 Kind fp service stor snp ineiabie. Hower ou leat savage rac tat ‘fe could cave te fen Englshaposhng countries none o which Seionged na eoiitcamn so me cuss st) be taueh with Sea rte Eeirapntina pele Pep Engshepueing cours and see sete chon afew ely page ‘nid vetinpevon haw he the cana to bm arta wa ‘any nthe pester tanks to wor ave earn tush wi) Enalsnon an everyeay Dons which deftly Reged me empone ry lrguage sit. imenove me ae poping se of Fendi, ans lot cf tar we tot ny cat wn our corr, cate Ub nine dasines,rmnng people to send in theca son tremaaing tom Savers tne, en protean ad dng peesng \oosbulas of sion wor, then cotestg agin, snag tho Wot teal tour ope colaer geting Sek n' a ome, Droog sin: makng some changes, prosteadhg again ara Etraing ts the piang ofice, When ts pies, we se esa 1. Secor now or tty se anny pee ree ve ‘we nevertheless edt con ut re prove says that oy toes Satori trary mies Nobo pert Sart ou eon ergs eon whan you fink tis rot our cup ta, [Res mov your Engin Resins mponsbit pleases (ur readors Yt is areata sone of ua be bo tare Eve whan yu conser fopeant so ing ou, dons een our voesbuary. So goon easing Saas Und eine end to oes our Egiah SHS ape at ‘ou wl sa ara nds and tat esang Fender ‘ingou at much joa oes tous wen reporng fo You fark Ihicvilen’! (f Soma vendor ecarncit es sega gare i u 12 13 4 Challenge Page Historic English Towns ‘Technotogy Justin Timberlake {let's Be Thankful Faaous Tv ems Lyncuice comer Evory Band Name Tells a Story PICTURES FROM AROUND THE WORLD How to Avoid Cyberbullying Ps ‘World TV Day, Celebration ‘or Memorial? Presidential Turkey Eovomoy ‘re Grats Fair? Do We Really Need Thom?) eee Pace peas eta! cen ens Pe aes eae Fs rthe tang to realize that your parents notte ntsnet nd ate anos. Tey hee {olnomsin rte each shor Ad now bore thst wanou uimodios or eles! ‘ok purr oc anes tatty inte song unbns iat do youd ine tains sb? How de made techni lou? 2. Friendship DISCUSS. sane ‘oka long pure rd naruto, 16) redo you rina tre ar? © ina oe ey org? © Wat cons tet ou bow te young generston? ok, we can ae there's 2 our of oun people parans students in an a galery. Insica of eninge Remtrand pantng. te af stg and ooking at el Evarhones. Most of us woul sume” tat his spat another sa pte fey young generation paning no etartionf the besuy around hem buttwng ter Sen sange tat es “rat might de tue btn tha main fat, hs sa plete of students nthe frsnaoeurs Arter ding the museum smartohene appt compete th ask the teche gave theta gue tut Ie museum odes ‘ee mauer ecologies to tha advantage. Stents ae aloo get Cost {5 te woud sound tna bythe means they know and i, What a ee es rete are ofyousucet fe we ou Nos apace nw enlistments! @ . The main eockarnge of modern teal that tay os" us ‘ur fae time, the ere we Cols pend Ine me weer Ney Way 1% Ins oe inert meget afd ta den ao pe sadn upon os a, Dae youre Va beet ae ceaieieameatocse, | UP Su SY $ f rcs fr eng bod wit your pane: © vinartrm in cnger? {om © wn sonny eds moat nee? Wl yt ember hat may ganratons bears ay = a sae sacar wane = miosis Oubonors Peau) tad January 31. 1981 ee ey ety Poe ea eet] ered ere ere) oer oe one fates, who pee Pret Peer a eed Peer Peony aca) coer) Piet JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE: SUM Mo mm Ta TT) DISCUSS, Before continuing with this article, let's do some brainstorming. Take a piece of paper and write down words that ‘come fo your mind when you think of Thanksgiving. Your teacher should make sure It doesn't take you longer than two minutes... READY? THREE, TWO, ONE, GO! ‘compan oun Us wm Wi AERAE AMERICA WOULD CLUDE ‘Tur, Nevembes es amy aes ty stg, ears pun, no, esol, aad, Inns hay eon ine, hanes whe ca ough Tanking Day not onload incur curry atleast nat ‘ery wie jou can soe ‘atyou nee sme be Frowlage abut 8 The ‘uy tig tht 9 oof eope woud mot ince Favre Hanks tothe woe steven tough they ao. Calebrata the no. No ‘Thanking Oy good compte of tow an oa ‘oa can sony change ‘er te ages to someting ‘Silo ater tthe been ne at settee et Ena in Septemoer 3620 on 2 ship Caled Mayower ane reached {he New Wold fer Aitout dye The ee winter wes ba an nha of ping of 3624 they made frends with ool indian, Whe aught tbe ocltate Sngoreus olan. n Nowerser 1624 afta ne grins eet, seers at lh, cranbery sues, land pple ie dont erembie {he orl oven The ates Vary ton Hones il ‘nie opportune to spena Sometime togtrr. any eopl avel one dtnces Jest to see hse they ve, fe mayee hers some tine ‘round each Thanksgng dimer abe w tink abut things one can be pate ort * Mircea bana Noh some in ek fb mtnporan ge nya YOU ne an aeging cert i Conn ot meres ae oe scores eee et Smee OC Sra eae Biren orewmegans Geemarersvaucres | | | Metsincetesaltrayataenie? fecaginghungs. Famay severe Susie omens Feary ft Mag pop ns with turkey (which might not “Who or what are you thant? he wo used t eeebata a god harest? ie nee Ba > “Tie Dashing ke honing a eto ‘ntyu ee Rata a an Sasa, feels eee Friendship 5 It ha® gone mad, where whi ‘Almost everybody tikes music, but have you ever stopped to think whore the people who ‘make lt dacided upon thoir names? Classical music ond Jazz are often quite transparent =the London Symphony COrchesta, Gustov Mahler, "Milos Dewis, ofc - but rock and Pop are offen not Let's see whore some bands got thelr Ideas tron sion Mem Se stuck pn in an as and ound Bey iy, icngan. REM hl sere ferape Eye Noverart the porto Yeursleop we ou seu go the rome when te singer closed hs es ‘nd opened conan, wre ore his her gutart he same. AO ‘ee 5 vey frau Ergin rou Tax hearing teary whan toy wore ‘Sesussirgpostios and ach ‘Scuoston he ho? iE nae 0 rere esrb tees sere nanny Res Beret | ow Sse Lowe genni ae cen Serrano Pc eae LueRaTURE 1s MOTHER SOUREE. he Door tok the rarer Te Doors Gf Perception by ous Huy. ‘he Fa sa book by Aber Cras: Primal Seam comes fram 2 boa bythe Armaan setae An Ean snaps be va. Oapece Med gt thelr name ‘fom a reno aio mogaane ‘unscrensFRom ueRarune ‘ara cara om Tn, 2d Ua saen® S=S Urs ae THEMSELES AFTER WHERE Ter ME FROME Oncor the New or Dts andthe hate cy = Det om the USA Sitio UK East. from a London stad, Portsond (porto, rst nd Ort rama ater re 25, London's ia! motor) {ha foonder, Sy Borat ome nao tt American insmen, naan Pind Hoye Coun, Duties more common x pou Fits anes feos ann Sra Fats wee 2 angi Woody Gate's maobogrpey nd ot ols and Meoran 47 arom Antony Surges "Gockwors Orange ‘ano aN THRES FLA 10.000, Mantes, ace Saath, ane Hy loa) Noon were grey nore SID Za ‘fomthe Win Wer nPas, ‘ost Duron Daren was character teal and Sack Reba Matte Cub ar adowed You! Sack Emeora or bo ned et owen oe ‘GeSO seme, feces ieedeeuneety Meee ee re ee es = Bel fet a a oe orate eeeniereave aa te pt rege ne eoaaraamaeteae Sa eae eae eee ar 2 eas aon eeectieeetie. Sina toe ean ihe noes maken eager ee = Simon ait YOUR NEXT PAIR OF ADIDAS ~ made by a robot? Wrezmuougeurs eed! tas? 2 Conjane te coh ee Stormo nace may aj sound sy at Gt ht at ete rf ot Wodld Thiet Day on 19 Noversber Fee aap ie Wort Tet Onn Taam es ot dte oe You wonder er mathe woo Pep Ta Jove salty sana Sh aera Coot NOT Rg cxenin eali ronine nagonion conn eaesy ering ST rato oe mh por ono 4 vat MORTARBOARD THROWING‘, PLEASE! Tin Vere of Est Angin ae ‘banned? throwing mortarboards in the air at graduation ceremonies. The academic tradition has caused accidents in recent years. Anumber of graduates have been hurt by falling hats. Students are advised by the University jus 0 fact they are throwing something in their group picture. Mortarboaeis will be ‘added digitally tothe image by a photo Service The University of EasbAngla is not the only one in Great Brita that has tended the popular but risky . vat ety ‘ett =n PICTURES FROM AROUND THE WORLD sete ery yon One of the most Famous, a or takes place onthe ist Sunday New York isthe marathon eae cen et sone mph amber of pariogan ron In the world, it was founded in 1970, Only in November in ee back then Last Ye Semen nshod ther ronsed nash ne tematic se Reese ne welt Space cad ging snd Guten. * eho te pa in abla peso prime NH? rants Beso Whew Find Them” “Fete dap preire wilt pice on 7 Novenber 206 The movie vies yo Sul word of witches and wizards ReaR cnc 0 yours ago. ts bse on 2 boOk Metin which the es pat of nee Wiper The bok sa wnten ty the muthoe of HS tte | kowting but ge wroke ander Paeplanyen“Newtseamander) Newtis a tout Pied ded a manicheracer tke movi. * Spit poe “oybaolying’ reas ung conmuneston ‘Sigs fom se pb shotsgaphe co sonremse tam orsing Tarot tse srearesng ena?” Imesenges fo ke ote peopl pst Be responsible. Socal mesa ge a get oppor share verthng wnat he do, Sndunel thes heres loo. They Shere ‘tery pestle wnton: note), Song comoromting pres or oration! Bee coutous Bo wor caret bout your acount satngs and bacewords Do et renoogy so eerthng. Bont aw any ater parson Fave acess ‘on pubs campers. Gone your name rom not hapoysbovt 1a an 10 Friendship Ifyou nae ready become atin of bering dot fignete pot see. Taka sometooy you ust Whats te ovdorce ie ava) evry aszage, ema ere a srt ns Tse a to ‘seuting B Dont tate part Never become #28" you that of behavior and det allow ethers 1 0 F Tacieaialireentaine ron Ce eee ben crating is enormeus, anes expecting, has neped many arching or ‘nh thar pote of tae pa aaighon tei yard the tenants ofthis building, not for rostmen chasing Ms wha } ofcourse, can. Te same wwe ‘orenymingebe at akon to Candy tastes se d's bed frlgtning Up sour yet hore ane ting Sn eatehng but you overdo You end up win use pan for several ayes sls the deen deoong egre - esi are oe ca laying Pokson eo you Raver red yet don fea have done ha Ota nsx that wo en ne the wor an tht people mig nak Stone once ean! ana looking set tat uy re That beng ste gan Purpose of igre pope oor fra getin re sts, een cup on rans ames ine a World TV Day Celebration or Memorial? 1907, Lp reraocess peas in son wen Toul trey eas re slid ane paced nner. n My tne ae: ad veal by Which weigh abut 80 grams o fuses re Soeut 10 weet The rund Sige in ees. naan Stal hy stand, natenperament ‘Ser0us one, since in 1964 a nervous {able nono to Wnt Hoe of about 2 Sree ede ‘tic eduens ne numberof tuteya {Sot ow eondnten or "he Natt TranksgWra Turkeys chosen a he Notional Turkoy has presented «turkey each yeor fo the United Stas fo mark PRESIDENTIAL TURHE ong wth 3 inners stn se, By na pr ra wig more than 150 puns or enest 30 nlm Woshngion where athe cys teeters manage once “We tra alo our ere he same Suesansng sores, eto tay a8 brsient,ambseradoreor tye ‘hetwo sitrgushed gue dine non the best gai arable Sn apend the tina om wah ‘Sopoctacun vw of he nt House Sacer ; I f Ineping win ths honorable i Torey. odo —_ Secrest etm. | EIRWALY, the two biros are Eecmer oeue Sacre | Friendship 13 Scenes ibe ot and cory Hey ae peaaby as sezate tek, Suthy ter ectage Soncanstes Wee wodsber smenayeera tures hte aaty Sete wing When ak cna Sige sewonam® ond she vous pols peacingiconpsien Stora andes tanh 87 Matavmaion, bos-ena pre Erontiwaghyou pen E- ‘geting word bout ot having cere by he Shafnate inking ‘novgh nombers inthe cage boor © tex Teton the ana expressing oso Scomlanngsenetngintieomnewok ond ee ‘ne lao and sc oasuom, So here aetna and texts Up Facebook tat, Pr oucen sen ones ‘nd project andthe aretha st tet gm eesed UP and wat tre reuen,tamet ‘Sect hat noone abe Inthe ‘ever mind the merngpoonagee my 14 EDUCATION 1 Merrea meee Tscheapensonmieve — waustenonni conor ease nn feonaammrernree — fautemecmmcng se falta nitty ‘dau sae, te covect ane ‘noone Tad, Satur has 62 krown ers of age. With so few chien and Scot elec Sov era te Eich wide age ange, just made” Gzoch Repub, Tare arolus oo osersetospittnomino "gfages', ony vaablest ord poopie tend es TOA, Sau hs 62 Aron Citrate een ch saverced a,” glney tbe cate unpredcate, Saute, Wey amaze You ta ach suet atina/her own poce?. ‘Maybe teeal este Sow you Shout ad edness Srdleace nt nua frsemecna Wet'Sanyourenropar cara fnew seem wed aos beimtnetecestgeupiornsiory THeeearigh prmabatyoome reacomesbaut ance 1980 20h na ytin te lowe rath 253 eu oe tree Aashet est Srinduatr a trowege at tetlen in 20 pom font ou to ‘30 seeme grades resi peermanessough nat recess ara rere he want ‘erfrmanea, Other Faricorg aout ecanngnigh enough sx hovreexdng Boson tabaci tothe scorasty the textbook the ah the ny some of te eestor reecreh, orstucens worn gate (a poet pool her knees. Tes feet atte yo gt we Sonattng that mht change by he end Sine nes rng ca ‘ou become ne knowedgrehle cls cat eb, 8 pest rep ley 32a eer (ee TEST.YQUSELE, ‘> Cote Coon COME Wen (8) OR) FORTIEGAS 5 ‘twougheut me Une Kingdom ter Fe nary amples af Qs, Nets HEE towns and is. tong pseton lw ve meant el an of ese os popes have sued, has te bOMDG inthe SozondWor Wr itt elp ates fa the Une Kings suroundes asa nat, ‘ome towne go Borah atl, Lerpoa, sp SoumeptnFavaton Qitings on mportank role nth county, acs thee are may ues towns ine Oxford, Camige, Oumar, an Yor TR aoiaes onset ——) oe ‘Ai stoves dente) Inept aa ai om 1 sews led Bias pling Cts aay ped ae 1) etagh YG} nowerer ie ‘D commu nero sour awa 8 oHo0sma HE COREETRATS (A) -() FRTHEGAPS + -S. ‘The charactrtation inthe sores is ery cho wel ogee, Batman and hs wins Qa Rather than bing he kno supe vias ura i many oer suparnero stories, ania who a anjning but noma win realy ads tothe eee and dak etn, Thi tsa way, the wine represent Lass Johor schoo; Piso hy ut Pern sBureaueati corto, Mee are times whan our minds Ql. Baten i hei courterpat. The dference between um ane villains iit His morals are Ql. whcn se cae for us a8 wel. Weal ave cakes tour esenalis andre on our mera fends and amis hop us On hei seo he 1 dana aman ot aany nt on Baba fa 1} wataoepsrim tom borg ka hem Goan ine we mae spon represen ine hen pe UE D> weawawour ree maroc OF TV THEPAST PUTTHE ERAS + 5 1To THE CORRECT FRM TO COMPLETE TATE When was sounges TV was kg the nemet was ust geting CSN Sl and mobo phones ere things wth masse totes hat ony bg erties uses My tends ana EATEN ‘lent of shows on Tv. sna in many wavs, our sehedulee iss round wot wos arose ‘o natch CHIMUR, we had fox chants uo Chonna § sued, wren wae 33. When on rane gat Sy tlviion wa hunéeas of channe his Route became te nw cal lace to spend time ot expecity when we real geno muse vos Ces amazed coud up how many Rous we spent wating out fovourte muse vidos and hoping that ey woud ply them agin soon. ies ‘D reso sour re wo one MnweRs. en READ THE UEsTENE 4 —7 BEIM ‘vas (a) FRHOLS, (a) Fx FATS EST m3) YOU CAUOT ANSWER THE QUETON © Mone premiere: Hae {© Move Promir: Fantastic Bests ‘Bronte rodeoreao inmate tote ontos Yasin oe ery ae ‘Piece camga oso ona ‘Semen aps haan ans Sra Geometers hrm god Ini sage ewes eat aetikcnteeccnsuciyptcoeamcskane —_‘heenlaganatesaponiet caressa ‘etn enon sea ae pea ‘Stan ch iret pauses tok Snmanrateseatetarcusswroence ‘Sri uray ac ao Succoewmceccenissernionmasvom event athepcaiy weiecacme ‘Sis nt ny ses Seiburntawecematoarcw seme QEIEE ven sngoon mentee stron sree? QUID nn rngact martini ct ae ic pron ern emo set orapenent Se eee. Game es Oa ich tint oy et nto cones? [nat Wht fn Beene we ett ay Friendship 15, a Lae) 2D rmermesones s - Oremign ve rary Qn ecmotaes Qoperises te... Qainaven Saag HS le RIBS ay (Tier avai wie can abies row teenage) Pa ‘Dauroure mewnes + wm nec PocnsMes 2) -h) Wer erase Oca One O sees soe ow Ore stew Oraksi00 ovens Oanesnoe Friendship vio ronmiepes 208 vr oer i a ee i Site costo Stearate am ees Ft Sans Bette anon ‘Sominevience aearccar ema pte EeaeES eu ean ea ‘Were EEE cpp ont tine St oreer arn om in 06 a. ha Gao1gan tows of Bath Roman outpoets wih Roman Sutin sin eden because of the mall known opie ‘esoited ya tem Shohespoare mode tbe ance own 0 Sor eigen ne tala ‘mariner and expr + Obshuj adaptované del vlna svt itera, napiad of lena Dumas, Waa Stakespeaa Chea Dickens, Dail Deft, ane steno Charlotte Bont pod rin dy re ets oriinsny prbh + Kal dl jezamerané a rezvianie ate rametnost precivaneistjgramathy na obohateie slong soy + Vyhza vplatichanyhahvanglitine nema, fancizine, ‘parce tala. RAABE *+ Jeno eat ofstupovang poe ek tate, rep. anos tetova gramaty ar skpiy: young Eu readers (etivoveku 5~10rotov) ‘won EL readers (tate deti vo ve od 11 ~16rokoy) young adult EL readers (ladinad 16rokow)

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