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Fun time - going to the movies!

1 You are going to go on the internet to find out information about

what's on in London at the cinema.

First of all type in Underneath cinema

listings in the top right corner of the page, you will see the top ten
films. Click on this and fill in the table below.

Type of How long Who is the Name 2 What Do you

film (e.g. is the director? cinemas times can like the
thriller) film? where you you see sound of
can see it the film? it?

Film 1

Film 2

Film 3

Film 4

Film 5

Film 6

Film 7

Film 8

Film 9

Film 10

2 At the end of the activity when you have all the information above,
read it through carefully, and talk to your partner? Which films do you
think look good/interesting/useful? Tell your partner, and ask your
teacher for any help in English.

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Fun time - going to the movies!

Aim: for students to carry out a webquest linked to unit 3 - free time -
finding out about London's top ten films, the type of film, director
and expressing their own likes/dislikes for the films listed. This
worksheet is designed to consolidate the language learnt in unit 3.
Time: 40 minutes
Materials: photocopies of the worksheet for each student.

1 Pre-teach vocabulary: thriller, action, Sci-Fi, drama, comedy, romance

before the students start.

2 Expressing length of film and film times gives some extra numbers
practice here too, but the main aim is for students to search out the
information and choose a film they like the look of. The functionality of
the website is fairly clear - apart from their first click to get to top 10
films, they only need to click on each for selected cinemas and times
to leave that screen (which they can always get back to by pressing

3 When students have their results, ask them to compare their finding
with a partner.

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education.

All rights

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