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Students Questionnaire

Parental Involvement and Academic Performance of ABM and STEM students in San Jose Agricultural
High School-Senior High School

Age: Strand: Date:

1. How often do your parents actively engage in discussions about your career goals and
aspirations in the field of ABM/STEM?

☐ They frequently discuss and provide guidance on ABM/STEM career paths.

☐ They show interest in your career aspirations but provide limited guidance.

☐ They rarely discuss or show interest in your career goals in ABM/STEM.

☐ They do not engage in discussions about your career aspirations.

2. How frequently do your parents provide support and resources specifically related to your
ABM/STEM studies?

☐ They consistently provide educational resources and materials relevant to ABM/STEM.

☐ They occasionally provide support and resources for ABM/STEM subjects.

☐ They rarely offer support or resources specifically for ABM/STEM studies.

☐ They do not provide any support or resources for ABM/STEM subjects.

3. How often do your parents attend ABM/STEM-related school events, such as science fairs or
business competitions?

☐ They always make an effort to attend ABM/STEM events and competitions.

☐ They attend ABM/STEM events occasionally, depending on their availability.

☐ They rarely attend ABM/STEM events or competitions.

☐ They do not attend any ABM/STEM-related school events.

4. How frequently do your parents assist you with ABM/STEM-related projects or assignments?

☐ They actively help and provide guidance for ABM/STEM projects and assignments.

☐ They offer assistance when requested but do not take an active role.
☐ They rarely provide support or assistance for ABM/STEM projects or assignments.

☐ They do not assist with any ABM/STEM-related projects or assignments.

5. How often do your parents encourage you to participate in ABM/STEM-related extracurricular

activities or clubs?

☐ They always encourage your involvement in ABM/STEM extracurricular activities.

☐ They support your participation in ABM/STEM activities when you show interest.

☐ They rarely encourage your involvement in ABM/STEM extracurricular activities.

☐ They do not encourage your participation in any ABM/STEM-related activities.

6. How frequently do your parents communicate with your ABM/STEM teachers to stay informed
about your progress?

☐ They regularly communicate with your ABM/STEM teachers to monitor your progress.

☐ They occasionally communicate with your ABM/STEM teachers when necessary.

☐ They rarely communicate with your ABM/STEM teachers about your progress.

☐ They do not communicate with your ABM/STEM teachers.

7. How often do your parents provide guidance and support in developing ABM/STEM-specific
skills, such as coding or financial analysis?

☐ They actively provide guidance and support in developing ABM/STEM skills.

☐ They offer occasional guidance and support for ABM/STEM-specific skills.

☐ They rarely provide guidance or support for ABM/STEM-specific skills.

☐ They do not provide any guidance or support for ABM/STEM skills.

8. How frequently do your parents involve themselves in ABM/STEM-related discussions or

debates with you?

☐ They actively engage in ABM/STEM discussions and debates, encouraging critical thinking.

☐ They occasionally participate in ABM/STEM-related discussions when the topic arises.

☐ They rarely engage in ABM/STEM discussions or debates with you.

☐ They do not involve themselves in any ABM/STEM-related discussions.

9. How often do your parents provide exposure to real-world applications of ABM/STEM
concepts through field trips or industry connections?

☐ They frequently provide opportunities for real-world exposure in ABM/STEM fields.

☐ They occasionally expose you to real-world applications of ABM/STEM concepts.

☐ They rarely provide exposure to real-world applications of ABM/STEM concepts.

☐ They do not provide any exposure to real-world ABM/STEM applications.

10. How frequently do your parents celebrate your achievements and progress in your
ABM/STEM studies?

☐ They always celebrate your accomplishments and progress in ABM/STEM.

☐ They occasionally acknowledge your achievements in ABM/STEM studies.

☐ They rarely celebrate your accomplishments or progress in ABM/STEM.

☐ They do not celebrate any of your achievements in ABM/STEM.

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