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Child Observation/Get to Know You Log

Name: Emily Boyarko

The purpose of the assessment log is to tune into the 2 students, so you can create appropriate learning
experiences and assessments that maximize their learning during the one-week segment for this course.
This type of observation is key for good teaching and learning and is important for all students. The log is
an example of a running record. It has a specific focus, with comments based on observation, so that a
pattern of learning style, strengths and weaknesses can be seen for curriculum planning. This type of
information is needed for all children in a classroom, so that curriculum planning can be tailored to
individual needs.

For observation: Chose the 2 contents you chose on using during your 5-day learning segment for this
course. Language Arts is a preferred content with one other content of your choice. See additional
headings below to understand how to create your log. Headings below must be used do not include the
examples in your running log and include only your log, not these instructions. You must observe the
students once a week during the weeks you are in the school. Days each week may vary. Ideally, chose
the content you are going to teach for your learning segment. But, other contents may inform you as
well as to the development and learning needs and style of that child. If because of COVID you are
teaching online, please complete the Alternative Ways you observed.

(For additional guidance, refer to page 12-14 in the resource; Guidance for developing and selecting
quality assessments in the Elementary Classroom, RIDE)


Observation/Get to Know You Log

Alternative Ways I Got to Know My 2 Students- Describe any ways you got to know your 2 students
other than observations.

I got to learn about my students during my introduction lesson. I learned some fun facts about them and
found some common interests.

During individual oral reading fluency I got to talk to each of the students separately and got to connect
with them a little bit more.

week 1

II LOG Format
CHILD Day of the Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
WEEK with DATE Weaknesses (i.e.: observed learning style,
Name the content area and state S/E). You may now add some
only what you observed (hear and personal interpretation here.
Katara 2-1-24 ELA: HD word “aw” sound Student was engaged during
Strengths the whole group instruction.
Enjoys having extended
Stays on task and is great at challenging questions after
helping friends who are completing the original
struggling. Already seems to know assignment. She seems eager
vowel teams that the rest of class to learn.
is still struggling on.
Started to look a little bored about
half way through. Even though she
is a great helper she sometimes
acts frustrated when the student
is having trouble understanding it.

Katara 2-1-24 Math: 3-digit addition She knew that taking out a
Strengths number line would help her
She is able to quickly add single and her partner add the
digit numbers in her head and numbers easier.
checks her work with a number
line to make sure she is correct.
She wants to work ahead a lot
which sometimes causes
confusion if she jumps too far
ahead into a new section.

Shentay 2-1-24 ELA HD word “aw” sound She gets excited to answer
Strengths when she’s feeling confident,
Is great at participating during but when she is unsure tends to
whole group instruction, answers stay quiet. Did better when
questions, and was trying her working with a partner rather
best. than just on her own.
Got distracted a few times when
completing her words on her own.
She was confusing the letter
sounds “u” and “oo”.

Shentay 2-1-24 Math 3-digit addition Does a good job at explaining

Strengths what she thinks an answer is
She was able to spot a mistake in even if it wasn’t correct. Did
a problem when asked. Used a lots of fidgeting and could not
number line to help her add. sit still. Stood up and down a
Weaknesses lot.
Had trouble explaining what was
wrong with the mistake. Could not
explain what needed to be
changed to make it correct. She
was wanting to start adding in the
hundreds spot instead of staring
in the ones spot. Had some
trouble staying focused.

Week 2

Observation/Get to Know You Log

Alternative Ways I Got to Know My 2 Students- Describe any ways you got to know your 2 students
other than observations.

I was able to learn that my one student gets frustrated when she can’t figure out a problem. We talked
through it and took a deep breathe before moving on. Then with my other student I learned that doing
math can make her sad because it is hard for her to stay focused.

II LOG Format
CHILD Day of the Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
WEEK with DATE Weaknesses (i.e.: observed learning style,
(chose 1 or 2 days Name the content area and state S/E). You may now add some
per week only what you observed (hear and personal interpretation here.
depending on see)
days in the field)
Katara 2-8-24 ELA HD word “oi” sound She likes to work ahead and
Strengths: Caught on to the new work quickly, but gets bored
vowel sound quickly. Understood once she is finished and doesn’t
the different spellings that comes know what else to do. Needs an
with the sound. extra challenge. Did good
helping her partner get caught
Weaknesses: Was being a little up with her work.
stubborn at first and did not want
to answer when called on even
though she had the correct

Katara 2-8-24 Math 3-digit addition She was trying to get the
Strengths: She was able to set up problems done quickly and
3 digit addition math problems would occasionally get ahead of
from horizontal form to vertical herself causing her to mess up
form. She knew the place values and get frustrated.
and to start adding in the ones
section, then the tens, and finally
the hundreds.

Weaknesses: She occasionally

forgot to add on the carried one.
Also would sometimes try to solve
the problem in her head and not
show all of her work.

Shantay 2-8-24 ELA HD word “oi” sound She seemed unfocused and was
Strengths: She verbally fidgeting a lot. She kept playing
participated in the I do, we do, with objects she should not
you do. Raised her hand a lot to have been playing with. Would
answer the questions. Understood slowly pull away while her
the sound. partner took over. Lots of
wandering eyes and ears.
Weaknesses: She struggled to
remember that there was more
than just one spelling of the sound
“aw”. She thought that “au” and
“aw” were two different sounds.
She kept messing with the
markers when being asked several
times to stop.

Shantay 2-8-24 Math 3-digit addition She would lose focus during
Strengths: She knew that the each problem then ask for the
horizontal math problems needed teacher to reexplain it. When
to be changed to vertical so we rewriting the numbers
can solve them. She also knew vertically some of her numbers
how to correctly use the number were very large while she wrote
line to help her add up the others really small. Would
numbers. sometimes write a number
backwards. This caused a lot
Weaknesses: She struggled to put more confusion when trying to
the 3 digit numbers in the correct solve the problem.
place value spot from the
horizontal position to the vertical
position, she would get them
mixed up. Would start adding in
the hundreds place first instead of
them ones place first. Alos forgets
to carry the 1 when the sum
equals more than 9.
Week 3

Observation/Get to Know You Log

Alternative Ways I Got to Know My 2 Students- Describe any ways you got to know your 2 students
other than observations.

While working one on one with Shantay I was able to talk to her for a couple minutes about what her
favorite part of school was and I found out that she liked doing intervention and working on her
computer. While talking with the other student Katara I gotta to learn that her favorite part of school is
practicing reading.

II LOG Format
CHILD Day of the Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
WEEK with DATE Weaknesses (i.e.: observed learning style,
(chose 1 or 2 days Name the content area and state S/E). You may now add some
per week only what you observed (hear and personal interpretation here.
depending on see)
days in the field)
Katara 2-15-24 ELA vowel team review She enjoys working ahead and
Strengths: Understood that there having additional work to do
were more than just the 5 vowel once done. Is good at paying
teams that are next to each other. attention and answering
Was able to recognize vowel questions. Sometimes gets
consonant e. Was able to find all upset or frustrated when not
the vowel and vowel teams for all understanding how to sound
12 words very quickly. Was able to out a bigger word at first.
read advanced 3 or 4 syllable

Weaknesses: Instead of helping

her partner she kind of just gave
her the answer instead. Tried to
speed through and forgot to do a

Katara 2-15-24 Math - subtracting tens and She seemed to really catch on
hundreds when the teacher was both
Strengths: She was able to catch visually showing how the
onto subtracting the tens very problem was solved with great
quickly. Understood that the detail while going through the
bigger number goes first. She steps verbally at the same time.
knew how to properly stack the
numbers and set them in the
correct place value.

Weaknesses: Took her a couple

tries to understand how the
hundreds worked.

Shantay 2-15-24 ELA vowel team review She was fidgety and could not
Strengths: She was able to point sit still during instruction and
out what letters were vowels and solo work. Follows along and
which were consonants. She was fills in what needs to be filled
participating in class discussions but will sometimes write down
and raising her hand to try and extra work that she doesn’t
answer. need which will make her
Weaknesses: She was getting
distracted very easily. She kept
forgetting about the vowel team
rules (e.g. ow, ar…). When it
came to reading the words she
struggled to sound them out.

Shantay 2-15-24 Math - subtracting tens and Needs lots of one on one
hundreds intervention to keep on track.
Strengths: She understood that When working with me
the bigger number needs to go individually and breaking down
first. Did alright with subtracting the problem piece by piece she
the ones. Always was trying and was able to get through the
writing something down. problem. Working alone is a
struggle and will just start
Weaknesses: Struggled to writing random numbers down.
understand how to overall
subtract the larger numbers. Got
confused when starting with
hundreds and tens. Struggled to
set up numbers in the correct
place value.
Week 4

Observation/Get to Know You Log

Alternative Ways I Got to Know My 2 Students- Describe any ways you got to know your 2 students
other than observations.

Today the whole class did video dancing brain breaks and after that I took a minute to talk to my two
students and found out that they enjoy doing the video breaks the best out of all the brain break
options. They talked about how it helped them get their energy out and then they got more calm which
helped them focus more.

II LOG Format
CHILD Day of the Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
WEEK with DATE Weaknesses (i.e.: observed learning style,
(chose 1 or 2 days Name the content area and state S/E). You may now add some
per week only what you observed (hear and personal interpretation here.
depending on see)
days in the field)
Katara 2-22-24 ELA - word sound ink, ank, onk, She did better when the words
and unk were up on the board as a
Strengths: She was able to visual. She can do it with oral
identify all the different “nk” instruction, but definitely
spellings and sounds. She could seems to understand quicker
pick the spellings out of large when everything is written.
multisyllabic words.

Weaknesses: Had slight trouble

wording the large multisyllabic
words that included those
spellings at first.

Katara 2-22-24 Math - Regrouping hundreds She preferred to do the stack it

subtraction method over the place value
Strengths: Understood that she block drawings. The drawings
needed to borrow one from the seemed to confuse her a little
hundreds place and bring it over bit. She was also being a little
to the tens place. She knew how hard on herself and getting
to properly subtract the numbers frustrated because she kept
after doing the borrowing. forgetting to correctly add on
the borrowing from the
Weaknesses: Was mixing up the hundreds place.
borrowing by instead of making a
5 a 15 she would just change the 5
to a 6.

Shantay 2-22-24 ELA - word sound ink, ank, onk, She tends to do a lot better
and unk when she receives one on one
Strengths: She knew and could instruction and intervention.
name all four of the new sound Struggles to keep focus and
spellings. She did well picking out understand the process when
the “ink” and “ank” out of words. its whole group instruction.
There seemed to be a
Weaknesses: She struggled with noticeable difference when
picking “onk” and “unk” out of doing one on one or small
multisyllabic words. She had groups with her.
trouble spelling, trying to divide
up the words and spell them,
along with sounding them out and
reading them correctly.

Shantay 2-22-24 Math - Regrouping hundreds She was attempting to do the

subtraction drawing method but was
Strengths: She knew how to do getting mixed up and confused
the simple subtraction of the ones by her own drawings. She also
place along with setting up the kept wanted to add numbers
problem. instead of subtract because she
said “it was easier”.
Weaknesses: Instead of
borrowing a number from the
hundreds place she would just
switch the bottom and top
numbers around and subtract
which was not given her the
correct answer.

Week 5

Observation/Get to Know You Log

Alternative Ways I Got to Know My 2 Students- Describe any ways you got to know your 2 students
other than observations.
Today during our intervention hour I had a chance to work with both of them individually. When I
worked with Shantay I learned that even though she struggles she enjoys trying to complete assignments
on her own. When I was working with Katara I was able to realize that she is much more of a visual
learner over orally understanding something

II LOG Format
CHILD Day of the Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
WEEK with DATE Weaknesses (i.e.: observed learning style,
(chose 1 or 2 days Name the content area and state S/E). You may now add some
per week only what you observed (hear and personal interpretation here.
depending on see)
days in the field)
Katara 2-29-24 ELA - consonant and VCE “le” She is more of a visual learner
Strengths: She did good at rather than audio. It was easier
dividing up between consonant le for her to identify all the factors
and VCE words. Along with being in the words when it was
able to know how vowels and written on the front board over
syllables are in multisyllabic just being told the word orally.

Weaknesses: She knew how many

syllables were in a word but
struggled when it came to
correctly dividing the letters for
each syllable sound (e.g.
Katara 2-29-24 Math - Subtracting with zeros She really seems to benefit
Strengths: She understood how to from doing the I do, we do, you
stack the problems correctly and do strategy. She was focus
set up the place values. She also during the I do and we do
understood that when subtracting which helped her to catch on to
with zeros you have to do double the process quickly and without
borrowing. She caught on quickly. a problem.

Weaknesses: Since she was able

to catch on so quickly she tried to
go ahead of her group which got
them a little confused.

Shantay 2-29-24 ELA - consonant & VCE “le” She was focused on guided
Strengths: She was able to instruction today, but did not
identify words that had the “le” at want to work with a partner or
receive extra help. She was very
the end. She also knew that “le” determined to do it all on her
came at the end of the words. own, which she tried, but did
struggle with.
Weaknesses: She struggled to
understand the difference
between consonant le and VCE le.
Along with that she also had
trouble identifying the amount of
syllables in a word.

Shantay 2-29-24 Math - Subtracting with zeros She was focused during the I do
Strengths: She knew how to guided instruction, but
properly stack the problem and struggled to maintain focus
put in the correct place values. when she went off into an
intervention group that
Weaknesses: She struggled with continued working together.
understanding that you can’t just The teacher was going through
change numbers from top to problems step by step and she
bottom to subtract. She still is kept forgetting what step they
struggling to understand the fact were on.
that you have to borrow from the
next place values. With that being
said the whole lesson did not go
over well since we were dealing
with double borrowing.

Week 6

Observation/Get to Know You Log

Alternative Ways I Got to Know My 2 Students- Describe any ways you got to know your 2 students
other than observations.

I worked with the two students I was observing in a group together. I was able to find out that Katara
really liked working with money and kept trying to take over. Then with Shantay I found out that she
really wants to understand money because she wants to be able to count how much money she has in
her piggy bank! Needless to say they both enjoyed working with money.
II LOG Format
CHILD Day of the Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
WEEK with DATE Weaknesses (i.e.: observed learning style,
(chose 1 or 2 days Name the content area and state S/E). You may now add some
per week only what you observed (hear and personal interpretation here.
depending on see)
days in the field)
Katara 3/14/24 ELA - soft and hard C & G She was able to catch on pretty
Strengths: She was able to quickly when the C or G came
understand the different sounds at the beginning of the word. It
between soft and hard with C and took her a little while to
G. She caught on to how soft understand how this rule still
sound words usually have e, i, and can apply even if the C or G is in
y after the C or G and then how the middle of the word or at
hard sounds typically have a, u, o, the end.
and all other consonants after the
C or G.

Weaknesses: She struggled a little

when it came to spelling the word
if the C and G were not at the
beginning of the wod.
Katara 3/14/24 Math - counting money coins She likes to learn math from
Strengths: She came in already focused instruction and then to
knowing the names of all the work independently on her
coins and their value. She then problems. She is not the
was able to quickly catch on how biggest fan of working with
to skip count the same coins. others when it comes to math
because she tends to get
Weaknesses: When it came to frustrated when explaining it to
adding up and skip counting other people.
different coins at the same time
she struggled with at first. Slowing
started to get the hang of it at the
end of the lesson.

Shantay 3/14/24 ELA - soft and hard C & G She was definitely trying her
Strengths: She was able to say the best and wanted to participate
soft sound of C and G. She was and answer questions. If you
also able to say the correct hard walk her through each word
sound for C and G. step by step she was able to do
it, but when it came to
Weaknesses: She struggled to completing on her own it was a
understand whether the C or G big struggle.
was supposed to say its soft sound
or hard. She did not understand
the rule of e, i, and y after the
letter makes a soft sound. While
letters a, u, o, and all other
consonants after the letter make it
a hard sound.
Shantay 3/14/24 Math - counting money coins She was listening and
Strengths: She was able to participating during focused
identify a dime and a penny easily. instruction. After when she
Along with that she also knew that came to me to work with a
the penny was worth 1 cent and small group she was very
the dime was worth 10 cents unfocused and did not want to
work with the others. She also
Weaknesses: She would did want anyone to correct her
occasionally get the quarter and mistakes and only wanted to
the nickel mixed up when complete it on her own.
identifying them and with
knowing their correct value. She
also struggled when to skip
counting and adding up the values
of the coins together.

Week 7

Observation/Get to Know You Log

Alternative Ways I Got to Know My 2 Students- Describe any ways you got to know your 2 students
other than observations.

During reading time I called over my students and took a few minutes with each just to ask how they
have been. When talking to Katara I was able to learn that she can be a little sassy and funny when
having a conversation with someone. When working with Shantay I found out that she get frustrated
when talking to someone if she is not in the mood. She was in a little bit of a mood of this morning and
starts to take it out on others.

II LOG Format
CHILD Day of the Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
WEEK with DATE Weaknesses (i.e.: observed learning style,
(chose 1 or 2 days Name the content area and state S/E). You may now add some
per week only what you observed (hear and personal interpretation here.
depending on see)
days in the field)
Katara 3-25-24 ELA - HD word reading & While she reads we follows
comprehension along with her finger to make
Strengths: She read through the sure she doesn’t lose her place.
passage fluently and made While she is going to answer
minimal mistakes (only 3). She comprehension questions she
was able to easily find three reads the questions first and
answers in the test and then goes back in the text and
underlined them to prove it. underlines the answers. She did
get a little frustrated when she
Weaknesses: She struggled to find could not find the answer for
the answer to the third question three.
comprehension question because
the answer was out of order. She
needed to be told what part of
the passage the answer was in.
Katara 3-25-24 Math - counting and using money When completing the practice
Strengths: She knew how many problem I noticed that she likes
quarters, nickels, dimes, and to jump around to certain
pennies it takes to make a dollar problems that are easier for her
for each. She understood how to and leave the more difficult
count piles of coins and add them ones for last. When counting
up to come to a total. the coins she separates the
coins based on value, adds
Weaknesses: She started to those up, then adds them
struggle to add up the money together.
once the dollar bill started to be
involved. She would count the
dollar as a 1 and would forget
about the zeros on the end.

Shantay 3-25-24 ELA - HD word reading & When she reads she is told to
comprehension use her finger multiple times to
Strengths: She was able to read follow along, but does use it.
the heart words and a few other She starts to get wiggly and
simple words within the passage. unfocused about half way
She was able to get question one through the passage. She
and four correct. started making mistakes on
words that she knows. When
Weaknesses: She struggled to answering the comprehension
read words that weren’t heart questions she only
words or smaller simple words. remembered answers, she
Although she got question one could not go back into the text
and four correct and was not able to find the answers because
to find the answer back in the she struggles with reading.
passage to back up her answers.
She also was unable to find the
answer to questions two and
Shantay 3-25-24 Math - counting and using When she is completing the
money practice problems she does not
Strengths: She was able to want any help from peers or a
identify a quarter and penny and teacher. She insists on doing it
knew their worth. She knew how herself. When she is counting
to divide up the coins into piles the coins in a pile she just gives
before needing to count them. them all the same value since
they are in the same pile. She
Weaknesses: She struggled to was getting unfocused very
understand how many of each easily.
coin it takes to create a dollar. She
also struggled to count up our
coins and dollars to come to the
total amount of money.

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