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INTRO: John Cris

People will always face challenges, struggles, accomplishments, and setbacks throughout their lives, and
they will gain experiences that will either positively or negatively affect and shape them. They say that
experience is the best teacher and that adversity makes us stronger, but is this true? The researchers
interviewed one person to learn about her life history and experiences in order to find out.

A person who strives to survive and bravely face the challenges in her life, the manifestation of someone
that people call today as the strong independent woman. that is none other than Ms. Kirstelle Sarabillo
also known as Telle or Telly.




Q: Biggest challenges in life:

“Being a single mom and being a student leader at the same time.”

Q: Coping with setbacks and disappointments:

“In order to cope up with all the setbacks and disappointments, what I do is pray.”

Q: Personal challenge that she is proud to have overcome:

“First is being able to survive and do my responsibility as a single mom. Second, is being able to graduate
despite losing someone in my life especially during my graduating years.”

Q: How have difficult experiences contributed to her growth:

“It made me more mature in life; I learned how to manage finances well, I was able to manage or
control my emotions much better; I also learned the value of being humble, kind, and fair to others; and,
lastly, I was able to socialize with other people much better.”


Ms. Kirstelle or ate Telle talked about the difficulties she faced as a single mother and a student leader
and how she relied on her faith to God by praying to get through setbacks and disappointments. She
is proud of herself that she survived and was able to do her responsibility as a single mother as well as
graduating in spite of losing someone during her graduating years. The experiences have contributed to
her growth, such as becoming more mature, being better in managing finances, controlling emotions,
learning the value of humility, kindness, and fairness. Her experiences also helped her improve her
social interactions.



Q: What do you consider an important personal value/s:

“Being humble and being able to empathize to other people.”

Q: What do you think about the purpose of life:

“I’m actually still searching for it, but I think the true essence of our purpose is that it is all about doing
things that God wants us to do.”

Q: What do you want to be remembered for:

“I wanted to remembered as someone who is brave enough who stands for the things I love, someone
who stands again despite the and trials challenges, lastly, I want to be remembered as someone who
can be considered as a friend and a mentor espec ially to people younger than me.”


Ate Kirstelle values humility and empathy; she believes that life's purpose is to do what God wants us to
do, although until now, she is still searching for her purpose. She wanted to be remembered as a person
who is brave, standing for the things she loves, a person who stands again despite the trials and
challenges of life, a friend and mentor, especially to younger people.


People often wonder what life is and what it is for. Some people have found their purpose, while others
are still searching for it. According to the book “Life’s Edge: The Search for What It Means to Be alive” by
Zimmer (2021), the diversity of life cannot be easily defined because each person's life is different and
cannot be explained simply by connecting ideas. The answer to the ultimate question “What is the
purpose of Life” is that we are here to live, to change, to learn, to grow. The purpose of life, and our
purpose, is to evolve.” (Brooks, 2023).

Ms. Kirstelle shared her life experiences and showed how she was able to survived and evolved as she
faces the different challenges and adversities in life. She is the living proof that purpose of life is not just
for us to live and experience things but also to grow and learn constantly because life is a constant
process of our evolution.


Zimmer, C. (2021). What Is Life? Its Vast Diversity Defies Easy Definition. Life’s Edge: The Search for What
It Means to Be alive. Retrieved from:

Brooks, M. Ph.D. (2023). What is the purpose of life? Psychology Today. Retrieved from:

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