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1.Read the passage given below and write the option that you consider the most appropriate in
your answer sheet:
Time is running out, and the parents are worried with just 10 days left for the schools to reopen
after homework. Since the children have enjoyed their vacations, it is their parents who are surfing
the internet, painting the charts, writing essays and preparing science models. Some busy parents
who are well off but cannot spare time are compelled to send their wards to the “holiday homework
special” classes.
Sumedha, who holds classes for completing the children’s homework, says that she charges anything
between Rs.1000 and 5000 per child, depending on the class and volume of homework. Many
schools give away prizes for the best homework or add the marks in internal assessments. This
makes it almost imperative for parents to get the best quality. The majority of parents complain that
the level of homework is so high that their children are clueless about how to do it. Also, many of
them fret that the quantum of holiday homework is so much that children fail to complete it within
the stipulated holidays.
In spite of all the troubles, all parents agree that holiday homework is essential for the children.
Some of them opined that homework helps establish and strengthen bonds between them and their
children as it brings them close to each other. Some others think that holiday homework keeps the
children in touch with their studies when they are not going to school.
Q (i). The two objections raised by parents regarding holiday homework are____________
(a) children playing through the holidays and the amount of homework
(b) high level of homework and amount of homework
(c) too much time and a high level of homework
(d) lack of ideas among children and level of homework
Q (ii). Holiday homework special ‘classes are conducted for________________
(a) busy parents (b) children of busy parents (c) for all well off children (d) teachers
Q (iii). That _________________makes it necessary that quality homework is done.
(a) Schools assign difficult homework (b) parents are doing the homework
(c) schools add marks of the homework to internal assessment
(d) parents are paying a heavy price for homework.
Q (iv). Besides keeping the children in touch with their studies homework ____________between
parents and children.
(a) sets up bonds (b) builds bonds (c) weakens bonds (d) sets up and builds bonds
Q (v). The word/phrase ______________in the passage means the same as “expressed opinion”.
(a) running out (b) spare (c) imperative (d) opined
Q. Read the following excerpt from a Case Study. J.K. Rowling – A Journey.
The story of Joanne Kathleen Rowling’s near magical rise to fame is almost as
well known as the characters she creates.

Rowling was constantly writing and telling stories to her younger sister Dianne.
“The first story I ever wrote down was about a rabbit called Rabbit.” Rowling said
in an interview. “He got the measles and was visited by his friends including a
giant bee called Miss Bee. And ever since Rabbit and Miss Bee, I have always
wanted to be a writer, though I rarely told anyone so.

However, my parents, both of whom come from impoverished backgrounds and

neither of whom had been to college, took the view that my overactive
imagination was an amusing personal quirk that would never pay a mortgage or
secure a pension.

A writer from the age of six, with two unpublished novels in the * drawer, she
was stuck on a train when Harry walked into her mind fully formed. She spent
the next five years constructing the plots of seven books, one for every year of his
secondary school life.

Rowling says she started writing the first book, Harry’ Potter and the Sorcerer’s
Stone, in Portugal, where she was teaching English.

At first nobody wanted to publish Harry Potter. She was told that plot was too
complex. Refusing to compromise, she found a publisher.

In 1997 Rowling received her first royalty cheque. By book three, she had sky
rocketed to the top of the publishing world. A row of zeroes appeared on the
author’s bank balance and her life was turned upside down. Day and night she
had journalists knocking on the unanswered door of her flat.

Rowling’s quality control has become legendary, as her obsession with accuracy.
She’s thrilled with Stephen Fry’s taped version of the books and outraged that an
Italian dust jacket showed Harry minus his glasses. “Don’t they understand that
the glasses are the clue to his vulnerability.”
Annual earnings of J.K. Rowling from 2010 to 2019
On the basis of your understanding of the passage answer any five of the six
questions given below.
(i) Explain J.K. Rowling’s ‘near magical rise to fame’.
(ii) What reason did the publishers give for rejecting Rowling’s book?
(iii) What was the drawback of achieving fame?
(iv) Why was Rowling outraged with the Italian dust jacket?
(v) Find a word in the last para that means the same as ‘insecure/helpless.
(vi) According to the graph, how many years did it take Rowling to become very


Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject.

1. Annie and her brothers (is, are) at school.

2. Either my mother or my father (is, are) coming to the meeting.

3. The dog or the cats (is, are) outside.

4. Either my shoes or your coat (is, are) always on the floor.

5. George and Tamara (doesn't, don't) want to see that movie.

6. Benito (doesn't, don't) know the answer.

7. One of my sisters (is, are) going on a trip to France.

8. The man with all the birds (live, lives) on my street.

9. The movie, including all the previews, (take, takes) about two hours
to watch.

10. The players, as well as the captain, (want, wants) to win.

11. Either answer (is, are) acceptable.

12. Every one of those books (is, are) fiction.

13. Nobody (know, knows) the trouble I've seen.

14. (Is, Are) the news on at five or six?

15. Mathematics (is, are) John's favourite subject, while Civics (is,
are) Andrea's favourite subject.


1. I __ arrange the flowers for the bouquet. (may/can)
2. __ I borrow this pen from you? (may/might)
3. The teacher __ ask you to bring the homework. (might/can)
4. According to the weather forecast, it ___ snow heavily tomorrow. (may/shall)
5. Raj hasn’t studied well. He __ fail his exam. (might/shall)
6. You __ follow the traffic rules. (may/must)
7. It __ be difficult to live amidst war. (should/must)
8. My mother __ scold me if I don’t go back on time. (will/may)
9. We ___ take care of our parents. (ought to/ could)
10. I __ visit the local grocery store soon. (shall/can)
11. You ___ be punctual. (should/ought)
12. One __ repay all their debts. (must/ought to)
13. __ you show me the road to the market? (could/might)
14. The child __ be taken to hospital immediately. (must/might)
15. ___ you have hot chocolate? (shall/will)
Question 1:
Direct Speech: “I love playing the guitar.”
a) He loves playing the guitar.
b) I love playing the guitar.
c) He loved playing the guitar.
d) I loved playing the guitar.

Question 2:
Direct Speech: “We are going to the park tomorrow.”
a) They are going to the park tomorrow.
b) We were going to the park tomorrow.
c) They were going to the park tomorrow.
d) We go to the park tomorrow.

Question 3:
Direct Speech: “She said, ‘I have already finished my homework.'”
a) She said that she already finished her homework.
b) She said that she had already finished her homework.
c) She says that she finished her homework already.
d) She said that she has already finished her homework.

Question 4:
Direct Speech: “The teacher exclaimed, ‘What a wonderful painting!'”
a) The teacher exclaimed that it was a wonderful painting.
b) The teacher exclaimed what a wonderful painting it was.
c) The teacher exclaimed that what a wonderful painting.
d) The teacher exclaimed a wonderful painting.

Question 5:
Direct Speech: “I will call you later.”
a) He said that he will call you later.
b) He said that he would call you later.
c) He says that he will call you later.
d) He says that he would call you later.

Question 6:
Direct Speech: “They said, ‘We haven’t received the email.'”
a) They said that they haven’t received the email.
b) They said that they didn’t receive the email.
c) They said that they hadn’t received the email.
d) They say that they haven’t received the email.

Question 7:
Direct Speech: “Tom said, ‘I can swim.'”
a) Tom said that he could swim.
b) Tom says that he could swim.
c) Tom said that he can swim.
d) Tom says that he can swim.

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