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Louis Thomas was asked what message he thought mankind should take to other civilizations in space
he replied I would send the complete works of Johann Sebastian Bach but that would be best second
this is a great place to start there is no musical greater emotional depth of the highest bar there music
can be intellectually complex and helped completely intriguing and overwhelming emotionally history of
music period music has been informed to some extent by an example of that that's a good I can't
imagine something right people when Johann Sebastian Bach died in 1750 he was more and more as an
organist and keyboard player but as a composer at 17 years after his death his work was known mainly
to connoisseurs and professional musicians yesterday the resonant power of his work and the depth of
his influence is regarded as one of the greatest achievements in the history of music so are believed that
the aim and final reason of music should be none else but the glory of God and the recreation align the
sacred and secular music is seen as both the culmination of the baroque era and the beginning of the
modern age perhaps the most performed musical accompaniment to the Christian rites of passage of
birth marriage and death in western culture but is the first great modern composer he was able to
articulate the inner self of modernity we are more people when we listen to bark therefore we listen as
it were to a father figure to somebody who forged our culture at a deeper level than the purely cerebral
philosophical and gives to our fragmented lives a gravatars the high seriousness a sense of significance
that takes us beyond the mother presence and helps to touch something timeless and eternal that is yet
also deeply western second the youngest of his children Bob was born in Eisenach in the central German
region of taringa in 1685 at the time was a loose assembly of small states give those principalities and
free cities almost every loop local ruler posted his own band of court musicians and each city had its
own official music makers Italian French German Polish and English musical styles this could be heard
from Dresden to airport and bark himself came from an extremely musical family perhaps the greatest
family of German musicians of the 17th and 18th centuries just each other this is a very early pretty
rough Department of loving brother which was really well one of fast brothers think they have gone to
fight in the army swing and it's a very simple rather delectable fees with the corner post on it you can
tell it's a very simple early harmonic style magical education this is one of the few pieces going back to
boss lifetime that we can touch today it is the place where Bob was baptized two days after his birth on
the 23rd of March in 1685 his parents Elizabethan Ambrosio spa stood around this font and also is
godheads Sebastian not a who gave Sebastian Bach his name tell him over this font this place also
reminds us of his Lutheran faith and also the tradition of Lutheran Church music cause music became a
very essential element of Christian worship service in the Lutheran.

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