Class 7 Electric Current and Its Effects

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1.Define-(1) Electric current (ii) Electric circuit
Ans (i) Electric current- The flow of electric charges through a conductor is known as
electric current.
(ii) Electric circuit- The unbroken path through which an electric current flows is called an
electric circuit.

2.Draw the symbols to represent the following components of electrical circuits: (i) cell
(ii) Battery (iii) switch in the ‘ON’ position (iv) switch in the ‘OFF’ position, (v) bulb,
(vi) Resistor (vii) Variable resistor.
Ans. (i) Cell (ii) Battery (iii) Switch ON position (iv)Switch OFF position

(v) Bulb ( vi) Resistor (vii) Variable resistor

3. What do you mean by an open and closed electric circuit? Draw symbolic circuit
diagram of an open and closed circuit.
Ans- Open electric circuit- The circuit in which electrical contact at any point is broken is
called an open circuit.
Closed electric circuit- The circuit in which electric current flows from one terminal of
a battery to the other is called a closed circuit

4. Define heating effect of electric current . List the factors affecting heat produced in a
Ans- The production of heat in a conductor when electricity flows through it is called heating
effect of electric current. The heat prodduced in a wire depends on: (i) Material (ii) Length
(iii) Thickness of wire
5 Describe Two applications of heating effect of current.
Ans- Applications of heating effect oif current :
(i).Heating electrical appliances_ The heating effect of current is used in large number of
industrial and domestic appliances, such as immersion heaters, irons, geysers, electric kettles,
hair dryers, room heaters,etc . All these appliances contain a coil wire known as element
which is made of a material such as nichrome. Nichrome is an alloy and offers high
resistance to the flow of current , and hence, gets heated up to a high temperature on passing
the current through it.
(ii) Electric bulb – Heating effect of current is utilised in an electric bulb. The filament of
bulb is made from very thin high resistance wire of tungsten . When current flows through
the filament , it gets heated up and becomes hot and begins to emit light
6 Why are CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Lamps) preferred over electric bulbs?
Ans- Compact fluorescent lamps are preferred over electric bulbs because electric bulbs use
more power of electricity and it also losses electrical energy in the form of heat whereas
CFLs do not waste electricity as heat and thus consumes less power and have longer rated
7 What is an electric fuse. Describe the working principle of an electric fuse.
Ans-A Fuse is a safety device used in an electric circuit which prevents excessive current
from flowing in a circuit. It works on the principle of heating effect of electric current. An
electric fuse consists of a thin wire made up of an alloy which has low melting point. It is
designed such that only a certain maximum amount of current can flow through it . If a very
high current suddenly passes through it, the heat produced due to the high current melts the
fuse wire and breaks the circuits. Thus, the flow of current stops and damage of appliances is

8. What is a miniature circuit breaker (MCB)?

Ans: MCB is an electrical appliance used in these days in place of electric fuse. This device
automatically gets switched off when current in circuit crosses the safe limit. When its
switch is turned on, the circuit is once again complete

9.What is an electromagnet? Draw a circuit diagram to show how a soft iron piece can
be transformed into an electromagnet. Write two factors on which the strength of an
electromagnet depends.
Ans-An electromagnet is a piece of soft iron with an insulated wire wound around it that acts
as a magnet when a current flows in the wire
Two factors on which the strength of an electromagnet depends are:
(i) Magnitude of current- Strength of electromagnet can be increased by increasing the
magnitude of current
(ii) Number of turns of wire- Strength of electromagnet can be increased by increasing the
number of turns of wire.

10. List fives uses of electromagnets.

Ans-The uses of electromagnets :
(i) Electric motors mainly use electromagnets.
(ii) They are used in electric bells.
(iii) Electromagnet is used in loudspeakers.
(iv) They are used in telephones, telegraphs, generators, etc.
(v) Electromagnets are also used in cranes in steelworks and scrapyards.

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