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CATHY: "Mom, can we have a picnic this afternoon?"

MOM: "Sure, Cathy. Where should we have it?"
CATHY: "How about the lake?"
MOM: "That's a great idea."
CATHY: "What should we pack for lunch?"
MOM: "I can make ham sandwiches and potato salad."
CATHY: "Yummy. I love ham sandwiches and potato salad."
MOM: "Tell your sisters about the picnic."
CATHY: "Ok. I think it is going to get hot later today"
MOM: "That's good. It will be a good day for a swim in the lake."
CATHY: "I'll tell Cindy and Alison to wear their swimsuits."
MOM: "Don't forget to pack your life jackets too."
CATHY: "Ok. Will Andy be joining us?"
MOM: "Of course, your brother will be joining us. Where is he?'
CATHY: "He's taking a nap on the couch. I must Wake him up."
MOM: "Let's wake him up.'
CATHY: "You can wake him up. I'll get my sisters."
MOM: "Andy, wake up. We're going to the lake."

1) What does Cathy want to do this afternoon? _______________________________

2) Where should they have a picnic, according to Cathy’s mom? _________________
3) What should they pack for lunch, according to Cathy’s mom? _________________
4) What does Cathy think about the weather for today?
5) What did Cathy tell her sisters? _________________________________________
6) Who is taking a nap on the couch? ______________________________________

7) Marque a alternativa em que a frases “We should have a picnic” está escrita
corretamente na forma interrogativa:

a) ( ) We should have a picnic?

b) ( ) Should we have a picnic?
c) ( ) We should not have a picnic?
d) ( ) We shouldn’t have a picnic?

8) Marque a alternativa em que a frases “We should pack it for lunch” está escrita
corretamente na forma negativa:
e) ( ) We don’t should pack it for lunch;
f) ( ) We doesn’t should pack it for lunch;
g) ( ) We not should pack it for lunch;
h) ( ) We should not pack it for lunch;

9) Marque a alternativa em que a frase do texto “I must Wake him up” está escrita
corretamente na forma negativa abreviada “short form”:

a) ( ) I must not Wake him up;

b) ( ) I mustn’t Wake him up;
c) ( ) I not must Wake him up;
d) ( ) I don’t must Wake him up.

10) Explique, com suas palavras, qual a diferença entre os verbos modais “should” e
“must” e em quais situações cada um deles deve ser usado, nas linhas abaixo.

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