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My Favorite!


Project Goal: Students will showcase their favorite singer, movie, or book in a
creative and informative way.

Project Options (Choose One):

1. Superstar Singer: Write a biography of your favorite singer!

2. Movie Magic: Create a movie poster for your favorite film!
3. Bookworm: Craft a book review for your favorite book!


Part 1: The Basics/Content

● Introduction: Write 2-3 sentences introducing your chosen topic (singer,

movie, book) and why you like it. (e.g., "My favorite singer is [Singer's Name].
I love her music because...")

● Details, Details: Provide details about your chosen topic.

○ Singer: Briefly describe their music style, some popular songs, or
interesting facts.
○ Movie: Mention the genre, main actors, and a short summary of the
plot (without spoilers!).
○ Book: State the genre, author, main characters, and a brief overview of
the story.

Part 2: Get Creative

● Crossword Craze: Design a crossword puzzle with clues* related to your

chosen topic.
○ Singer: Clues could be song titles, lyrics, or awards they've won.
○ Movie: Clues could be actors' names, famous lines, or locations.
○ Book: Clues could be characters' names, places in the story, or
important events.
To make a crossword you can use this crossword constructor
‫*רמז לתשבץ‬
● Canva Poster Power: Create a nice poster using a free design
tool like Canva.
○ Include an image related to your topic and a catchy title.
○ Briefly highlight what makes your choice special (use
bullet points if helpful).

Bonus (Optional):

● Write a Letter (up to 5 points): Write a letter to your chosen singer, film
director, or book author.
○ Express your appreciation (thanks) for their work and tell them why you
like it.
○ (Note: This is more challenging, so award points based on effort and
appropriate language use.)

● Language/Grammar (5 points):
○ 5 points: Correct grammar and sentence structure in most sentences.
Mistakes don’t change the meaning.
○ 3 points: Some minor grammatical errors but mostly understandable.
○ 1 points: Some correct grammar and sentence structure.
○ 0 points: Frequent grammatical errors that make understanding

● Vocabulary and Mechanics (spelling, punctuation and capitalization) (5


● Content, Creativity and Presentation (10 points):

○ 10 points: Details are clear, specific, and engaging. Crossword clues
are challenging and relevant. Poster is visually appealing and
informative.Neatly presented, well-organized, and easy to read.
○ 3 points: Details are mostly clear and relevant. Crossword clues are
somewhat challenging and relevant. Poster is somewhat visually
appealing and informative.Mostly neat and organized, but may have
minor formatting issues.
○ 1 point: Details are limited or unclear. Crossword clues are basic or
irrelevant. Poster is lacking in visual appeal or information.1 point:
Unorganized, messy, or difficult to understand.

Sentence Starters and Vocabulary Lists for "My Favorite!" Project

Sentence Starters:


● My favorite singer/movie/book is...

● I love [Singer/Movie/Book] because...
● It's really interesting/exciting/funny/scary because...
● One of the things I like most about [Singer/Movie/Book] is...


● [Singer's Name] sings [music style] music.

● Some of their most popular songs are...
● [Singer's Name] is known for...
● They have won awards such as...

● This movie is a [genre] film.

● It stars [actors' names] as the main characters.
● The story is about... (without spoilers!)
● In the movie, [something interesting happens].


● This book is a [genre] novel written by [author's name].

● The main character is [character's name] and they are...
● The story takes place in [setting].
● The book is about [brief overview of the story].

Important Vocabulary:

General: ● singer ● actress

● music ● character
● favorite ● style ● plot
● interesting ● popular ● story
● exciting ● song ● happen
● funny ● award
● scary ● win Book:
● because
● really Movie: ● book
● also ● genre
● movie ● author
Singer: ● genre ● character
● actor ● setting


● Replace "[Singer/Movie/Book]" with the specific choice.

● These are just examples, feel free to add more sentence starters and
vocabulary words based on the chosen topic.

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