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Review Article

Autoimmune Myopathies
Address correspondence to
Dr Andrew L. Mammen,
Muscle Disease Unit,
Laboratory of Muscle Stem
Cells and Gene Expression, Andrew L. Mammen, MD, PhD
National Institute of Arthritis
and Musculoskeletal and Skin
Diseases, National Institutes of
Health, 50 South Dr, Room ABSTRACT
1146, Bldg 50, MSC 8024, Purpose of Review: This article provides guidelines for diagnosing and treating the
Bethesda, MD 20892, different subtypes of autoimmune myopathies.
Relationship Disclosure: Recent Findings: The most common subtypes of autoimmune myopathies are derma-
Dr Mammen receives tomyositis, immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy, antisynthetase syndrome, and overlap
intramural research funding syndromes; isolated polymyositis is an exceptionally rare disease. Specific autoantibodies are
from the National Institutes
of Health. associated with unique clinical phenotypes and may be used for diagnostic and prognostic
Unlabeled Use of purposes, such as to assess the risk of coexisting malignancy.
Products/Investigational Summary: Diagnosing the specific subtype of autoimmune myopathy can be achieved
Use Disclosure: by combining relevant features of the history, neuromuscular examination, muscle biopsy,
Dr Mammen discusses and serologic studies.
the unlabeled/investigational
use of azathioprine,
cyclophosphamide, Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2016;22(6):1852–1870.
IV immunoglobulin,
mycophenolate mofetil, INTRODUCTION position, climbing steps, or raising their
prednisone, rituximab, and
tacrolimus for the treatment of The autoimmune myopathies are a het- arms above their heads as well as other
autoimmune myopathies. erogeneous family of diseases that include symptoms due to proximal muscle weak-
* 2016 American Academy dermatomyositis, immune-mediated nec- ness. Patients with more severe disease
of Neurology.
rotizing myopathy, antisynthetase syn- may have difficulty lifting their heads off
drome, and polymyositis.1 These diseases, the bed because of neck flexor weakness,
which affect women about twice as often impaired swallowing due to pharyngeal
as men, are rare, with an estimated com- muscle weakness, or shortness of breath
bined incidence of four cases per 100,000 due to diaphragmatic weakness. Tasks re-
person-years and prevalence of 15 to 32 quiring distal muscle strength, such as
cases per 100,000.2 While patients with opening a jar, are relatively unaffected.
autoimmune myopathy typically present Unique dermatologic features usually
with symmetric proximal muscle weak- accompany muscle weakness in patients
ness progressing over weeks or months, with dermatomyositis (Case 5-1). These
each disease subtype is associated with include scaly erythematous lesions found
distinct clinical, histopathologic, and on the extensor surfaces of the metacar-
pathophysiologic features. pophalangeal, proximal interphalangeal,
and distal interphalangeal joints known as
DERMATOMYOSITIS Gottron papules (Figure 5-13). In addi-
tion, patients with dermatomyositis often
Patients with dermatomyositis usually pre-
experience a violaceous eruption on the
sent with both skin and muscle involve-
upper eyelids, sometimes associated with
ment. Although long believed to be a single
periorbital edema, known as a heliotrope
disease, emerging evidence suggests that
rash (Figure 5-2). Gottron papules and
dermatomyositis may include several clin-
the heliotrope rash are pathognomonic
ically distinct subtypes, each associated
for dermatomyositis. In contrast, other
with a unique autoantibody.
types of rashes are less specific, but still
common, in dermatomyositis. For exam-
Clinical Features ple, many patients have an erythematous
Patients with dermatomyositis often re- rash known as a shawl sign covering the
port difficulty getting up from a seated upper arms and shoulders or a V-shaped

1852 December 2016

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h The different subtypes of
Case 5-1 autoimmune myopathy
A 67-year-old woman developed a rash on the extensor surfaces of her fingers include dermatomyositis,
4 months before presentation, followed over the next few weeks by the immune-mediated
development of a rash on her chest, upper back, and over her upper eyelids. necrotizing myopathy,
Approximately 1 month later, she noticed difficulty going up steps and antisynthetase syndrome,
subsequently noted difficulty raising her arms above her head to wash her and polymyositis.
hair. She had experienced mild myalgia but no fevers, weight loss, cough,
h Cutaneous manifestations
arthralgia, or shortness of breath. Her past medical history was notable for
of dermatomyositis
hypertension and hyperlipidemia, for which she took amlodipine and
include Gottron papules,
atorvastatin. Clinical examination was revealing for moderate erythema and
heliotrope rash, V-shaped
papules over the extensor surfaces of her fingers (Gottron sign and papules)
rashes on the chest, shawl
and an erythematous rash on her upper chest (V-shaped rash) and upper
sign over the shoulders
arms and back (shawl sign). Her nail beds had dilated capillary loops.
and upper back,
On manual muscle strength testing, she had mild (4+) neck flexion weakness,
and calcinosis.
mild (4+) arm abduction weakness, and moderate (3) hip flexion weakness.
Distal muscle strength was intact. h Patients with
She had a mildly elevated creatine kinase level (247 IU/L). EMG showed hypomyopathic
positive sharp waves and fibrillation potentials with short-duration polyphasic dermatomyositis or
motor units that recruited early. A left deltoid muscle biopsy showed amyopathic
perifascicular atrophy and some mild perivascular inflammation. Pulmonary dermatomyositis have
function tests were normal. She tested positive for transcriptional intermediary classic dermatomyositis
factor 1+ (TIF1+) autoantibodies. Her malignancy workup included a skin rashes with minimal
mammogram that revealed a suspicious 2-cm mass. Biopsy showed the mass or no muscle involvement,
was an invasive ductal carcinoma, and she was found to have several respectively.
positive lymph nodes.
Comment. This patient had a classic presentation of dermatomyositis
with Gottron sign, heliotrope rash, proximal muscle weakness, mildly elevated
muscle enzymes, and perifascicular atrophy on muscle biopsy. Patients
with dermatomyositis, especially those with TIF1+ autoantibodies, have an
increased risk of cancer. Evidence-based guidelines for cancer screening are
not available. However, most experts agree that patients with newly
diagnosed dermatomyositis should undergo age-appropriate screening (eg,
mammography and colonoscopy) as well as pelvic ultrasound (in women) and
a contrast-enhanced CT scan of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. Patients at
the greatest risk (ie, those with anti-TIF1+) may benefit from a positron
emission tomography (PET)-CT scan.

rash affecting sun-exposed surfaces on While most patients with dermatomy-

the upper chest. Skin biopsies of a der- ositis have both muscle and skin involve-
matomyositis rash typically reveal interface ment, a minority have skin disease with
dermatitis. As they may be indistinguish- no appreciable muscle symptoms. When
able from skin biopsy findings in lupus patients with a dermatomyositis rash have
and drug reactions, skin biopsy features no muscle symptoms and no imaging,
alone cannot reliably be used to diagnose laboratory, or electrophysiologic evi-
dermatomyositis. In addition to skin dence of muscle involvement, the disease
rashes, some patients also have calcinosis, is known as amyopathic dermatomyositis.
the progressive deposition of calcium Hypomyopathic dermatomyositis refers
nodules in the subcutaneous tissues to patients who have no clinical muscle
(Figure 5-3). These painful lumps occa- weakness but do have some other evi-
sionally erupt through skin where they dence of muscle disease (eg, muscle
can precipitate a skin infection. edema on MRI).4 Conversely, patients

Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2016;22(6):1852–1870 1853

Copyright © American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Autoimmune Myopathies

h Patients with
dermatomyositis have
an increased risk of
cancer, in particular

FIGURE 5-1 Gottron papules.

Reprinted with permission from Mammen AL, Nat Rev
Neurol.3 B 2011 Andrew L. Mammen, MD, PhD. www.

who have no rash but have overt muscle this article). The joints and, less often,
disease and classic histopathologic fea- cardiac muscle may also be affected in
tures of dermatomyositis on muscle patients with dermatomyositis.
biopsy have been described as having Patients with dermatomyositis have an
dermatomyositis sine dermatitis. increased risk of malignancy with a stan-
In addition to muscle and skin, other dardized incidence ratio of 3.0 to 6.2.5,6
organ systems may be targeted in patients Dermatomyositis-associated tumors,
with dermatomyositis. Most significantly, often adenocarcinomas, are usually
20% to 30% also have interstitial lung dis- detected within 2 years either before or
ease, a feature most often found in after the development of muscle weak-
patients with autoantibodies recognizing ness or skin rash. In patients with tumors,
one of the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases the autoimmune disease may improve
(eg, Jo-1, discussed later in this article) or with successful treatment of the cancer.7
the melanoma differentiation-associated Still, those with an underlying malignancy
protein 5 (MDA5, also discussed later in have a decreased survival rate (62% of
patients) compared to patients with der-
matomyositis who do not have a malig-
nancy (92% of patients).8
Laboratory Features
In patients with suspected autoimmune
myopathy, muscle imaging, electrophysi-
ologic examination, and serologic studies
can be used to confirm the diagnosis.
When present, dermatomyositis-specific
autoantibodies may help to identify pa-
tients with different disease subtypes.
Imaging. MRI reveals intramuscular
FIGURE 5-2 Heliotrope rash.
short tau inversion recovery (STIR)-
hyperintense regions corresponding to

1854 December 2016

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areas of muscle inflammation or necrosis
(Figure 5-4). STIR hyperintensities sur-
rounding muscles may be found in pa-
tients with fascial involvement (ie,
fasciitis). Targeting muscles with abnor-
malities seen on MRI may increase the
diagnostic yield of muscle biopsy.9 T1-
weighted images can show replacement
of muscle by fat and fibrotic tissue, in
particular in patients with chronic or
especially severe disease. In those who
have MRIs showing significant fatty re-
placement but no features consistent
FIGURE 5-3 Calcinosis. Calcium deposits eroding the skin
with necrosis or inflammation, persistent over the distal interphalangeal joint.
muscle weakness may be the result of

h Short tau inversion
recovery hyperintensities
on MRI represent areas
of active muscle disease
in patients with
dermatomyositis and
other forms of
autoimmune myopathy.

FIGURE 5-4 Thigh muscle MRI in dermatomyositis. A, On T1-weighted MRI, thigh

muscles including the quadriceps (long arrow) and hamstrings (short
arrow) are hypointense and fat is hyperintense. B, Most muscles
reveal hyperintensities on short tau inversion recovery (STIR) imaging, indicating
inflammation or necrosis (long arrow). Evidence of fascial edema is also noted,
particularly in the posterior compartment (short arrow).
Reprinted from Mammen AL, Nat Rev Neurol. B 2011 Andrew L. Mammen, MD, PhD. www.nature.

Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2016;22(6):1852–1870 1855

Copyright © American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Autoimmune Myopathies

h Along with creatine permanent muscle injury rather than neously lead to a suspicion of cardiac
kinase (CK) and aldolase, active disease. muscle damage. Testing for troponin I
CK-MB and troponin T Electromyography. Patients with treated may be helpful as this protein is released
are released from and untreated dermatomyositis typically from damaged cardiac muscle but not
damaged muscle cells. In have small polyphasic motor units that re- skeletal muscle.12
contrast, troponin I is only cruit early, consistent with a myopathic pro- As in patients with other systemic
released from damaged cess. Most, but not all, untreated patients autoimmune diseases, patients with der-
cardiac muscle. also have fibrillations and positive sharp matomyositis often have unique autoan-
h Myositis autoantibodies waves; one study showed that the preva- tibodies that are associated with distinct
are found in 60% to lence of this spontaneous activity de- clinical features (Table 5-1). Indeed, one
70% of patients with creased from 78% at the time of diagnosis of these myositis-specific autoantibodies
dermatomyositis. to 60% with corticosteroid use.10 In addi- is found in 60% to 70% of patients with
h AntiYtranscriptional tion, a minority of patients with active dermatomyositis.13 Among the most
intermediary factor 1+ dermatomyositis have complex repetitive common of these, autoantibodies recog-
(TIF1+) testing has a discharges; in one recent study, complex nizing transcriptional intermediary factor
58% positive predictive repetitive discharges were significantly 1+ (TIF1+) have a prevalence of approx-
value and 95% negative more common in patients with an under- imately 15% to 40% in dermatomyositis.
predictive value for an
lying malignancy.11 Each of these abnor- Those with anti-TIF1+ autoantibodies are
associated malignancy
malities is found predominantly in axial at an especially increased risk of malig-
in patients with
and proximal muscles as compared to nancy; a 2012 meta-analysis showed
distal muscle groups.10 However, it that the positive and negative predictive
h AntiYnuclear matrix should be noted that fibrillations, posi- values for this test to detect an underlying
protein 2 (NXP2)
tive sharp waves, and complex repetitive malignancy were 58% and 95%, respec-
autoantibodies are
discharges resolve when the myositis is tively.14 In addition, patients with derma-
associated with
calcinosis in
in remission. tomyositis who are anti-TIF1+ positive
dermatomyositis. Blood work. As in other myopathies, have been noted to have especially severe
disruption of the muscle cell membrane skin manifestations, including distinctive
h Patients with antiY palmar hyperkeratotic papules, psoria-
in dermatomyositis allows leakage of
melanoma differentiation-
intracellular contents into the blood- sislike lesions, and hypopigmented and
associated protein 5
(anti-MDA5) autoantibodies stream. Consequently, elevated levels of telangiectatic (red on white) patches.15
often have palmar skin creatine kinase (CK) are common in Several other dermatomyositis-specific
lesions and may develop a dermatomyositis. Of note, some patients autoantibodies deserve mention. For
severe cardiopulmonary with muscle weakness and classic derma- example, antiYnuclear matrix protein 2
syndrome tomyositis rashes have no CK elevation. (NXP2) autoantibodies are found in up to
This suggests that, at least in some cases, 40% of patients with dermatomyositis and
dermatomyositis can cause muscle dys- are associated with calcinosis, a com-
function without disrupting the integrity plication of the disease that can be refrac-
of the myofiber membrane. tory to immunosuppressive therapy.16,17
In addition to CK, elevated levels of Approximately 15% of patients have anti-
other muscle enzymes, including lactate Mi-2 autoantibodies, which are associ-
dehydrogenase, aldolase, aspartate ami- ated with especially severe initial skin
notransferase (AST), and alanine ami- manifestations; fortunately, these pa-
notransferase (ALT), are common in tients respond well to treatment with
patients with dermatomyositis. Since +- glucocorticoids.18,19 Patients with auto-
glutamyltransferase (GGT) is released antibodies recognizing MDA5, found in
from damaged liver but not muscle, a approximately 5% of cases, usually have
normal GGT in the context of elevated modest muscle involvement but rapidly
AST and ALT levels suggests muscle as progressive interstitial lung disease and
the source. Damaged skeletal muscle unique cutaneous manifestations includ-
may also release CK-MB and troponin T ing ulcerations, tender palmar papules,
into the bloodstream, which can erro- and oral pain (Figure 5-5).20Y22

1856 December 2016

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TABLE 5-1 Myositis Autoantibodies and Associated Clinical Features

Autoantibody Phenotype Features

Antisynthetase Myositis, interstitial lung disease,
mechanic’s hands, arthritis, and Raynaud
phenomenon are associated with all
types of antisynthetase autoantibodies
AntiYhistidyl-tRNA synthetase 90% with muscle involvement;
(anti-Jo-1) 50Y75% with interstitial lung disease
AntiYthreonyl-tRNA synthetase
AntiYalanyl-tRNA synthetase 52% with muscle involvement; 90%
(anti-PL-12) with interstitial lung disease
AntiYglycyl-tRNA synthetase
AntiYisoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (anti-OJ)
AntiYasparaginyl-tRNA synthetase
AntiYtyrosyl-tRNA synthetase (anti-Ha)
AntiYphenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase
Anti-Mi-2 Severe initial skin manifestations, but
good response to treatment
AntiYtranscriptional intermediary Especially increased risk of cancer in adults;
factor 1+ (anti-TIF1+) severe cutaneous involvement in children
AntiYnuclear matrix protein 2 Increased risk of calcinosis
AntiYmelanoma differentiation- Skin ulcerations, palmar papules, and
associated protein 5 (anti-MDA5) severe cardiopulmonary syndrome
AntiYsmall ubiquitinlike Skin manifestations presenting before
modifier 1 muscle manifestations; dysphagia
Immune-mediated necrotizing
AntiYsignal recognition particle May be severe and difficult to treat
AntiY3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl Associated with statin exposure in
coenzyme A (anti-HMG-CoA) reductase patients older than 50 years of age

tRNA = transfer ribonucleic acid.

Histopathology logic feature of dermatomyositis is

Unlike normal muscle fascicles, in which perifascicular atrophy, in which small
individual myofibers are of a uniform atrophic fibers line the edges of fascicles
size (Figure 5-6A), the hallmark histo- that are otherwise composed of relatively

Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2016;22(6):1852–1870 1857

Copyright © American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Autoimmune Myopathies

h Perifascicular atrophy is normal-sized myofibers (Figure 5-6B).
the hallmark histologic While perifascicular atrophy is a very spe-
finding in patients with cific feature of dermatomyositis, it is not
dermatomyositis. found in all patients with this disease. For
example, a 2015 study showed that
among 91 patients with dermatomyositis,
only 46 (51%) had perifascicular atrophy.13
Perivascular inflammation, a non-
specific but more common feature of
muscle biopsies of patients with derma-
Cutaneous ulceration on the tomyositis, is found in approximately 60%
FIGURE 5-5 palmar surface of the index of biopsy specimens13; the cellular in-
finger in a patient with
antiYmelanoma differentiation-associated filtrates surrounding blood vessels and
protein 5 (anti-MDA5) autoantibodies. within the perimysium are composed of
macrophages, B cells, and plasmacytoid

FIGURE 5-6 Muscle biopsies reveal normal muscle architecture in an individual without muscle
disease (A), perifascicular atrophy and perivascular inflammation in a patient with
dermatomyositis (B), prominent myofiber necrosis in a patient with immune-mediated
necrotizing myopathy (C), and non-necrotic muscle fibers surrounded and invaded by lymphocytes in
a patient with polymyositis (D).
Reprinted from Mammen AL, Nat Rev Neurol. B 2011 Andrew L. Mammen, MD, PhD.

1858 December 2016

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dendritic cells.23 Other, less common, Pathogenesis h Patients with
histologic findings in dermatomyositis Several observations suggest a central dermatomyositis who
muscle biopsies include increased num- role for interferon alfa in the pathogen- are already on
bers of cytochrome oxidaseYdeficient esis of dermatomyositis: (1) the immunosuppressive
fibers suggesting mitochondrial dysfunc- plasmacytoid dendritic cells infiltrating therapy may have less
tion, non-necrotic muscle fibers invaded dermatomyositis muscle biopsies are inflammation on
by inflammatory cells (a more typical fea- rich sources of interferon alfa24; (2) genes muscle biopsy.
ture of polymyositis, as discussed later in induced by interferon are expressed at h Interferon dysregulation
this article), and a predominantly necro- high levels in dermatomyositis muscle may play a role in the
tizing myopathy.13 and skin cells23; (3) expression levels of pathogenesis of
The likelihood of finding characteris- interferon-inducible transcripts in pe- dermatomyositis.
tic dermatomyositis muscle biopsy fea- ripheral blood cells are correlated with h Patients with
tures may depend upon which muscle is disease activity25,26; and (4) cultured immune-mediated
chosen for biopsy. Indeed, deltoid mus- skeletal muscle cells undergo changes necrotizing myopathy
cle biopsies may be more likely to show similar to those found in dermatomyosi- often have antiYsignal
perifascicular atrophy, perivascular inflam- tis muscle tissue when they are exposed recognition particle (SRP)
mation, and mitochondrial dysfunction or antiY3-hydroxy-3-
to interferon. Nonetheless, despite this
than biopsies taken from the quadriceps.13 evidence for interferon playing a role in
methylglutaryl coenzyme
Furthermore, while the prevalence of A (HMG-CoA) reductase
dermatomyositis disease pathogenesis, autoantibodies.
different muscle biopsy features is not it remains unclear how this would
significantly associated with the time explain classic histologic features of the
elapsed between disease onset and the disease, such as perifascicular atrophy.
date of biopsy, patients with dermato- Furthermore, it remains to be shown
myositis on immunosuppressive therapy whether evidence of interferon dys-
at the time of biopsy have less peri- regulation is found in all patients with
vascular inflammation.13 dermatomyositis or just those with cer-
Interestingly, one analysis showed tain autoantibodies.
that autoantibody status also influences
the relative prevalence of different mus- IMMUNE-MEDIATED
cle biopsy features in patients with NECROTIZING MYOPATHIES
dermatomyositis.13 For example, more Based on their unique histologic and
muscle biopsies from patients with der- serologic features, immune-mediated
matomyositis who were anti-TIF1+ posi- necrotizing myopathies are now consid-
tive had evidence of mitochondrial ered a distinct category of autoimmune
dysfunction (47%) than those from pa- myopathy rather than a form of poly-
tients without this autoantibody (18%). myositis with minimal inflammation on
Similarly, whereas half of patients who muscle biopsy.
were anti-Mi-2 positive had non-necrotic
muscle fibers invaded by inflammatory Clinical Features
cells, none of the patients who were anti- Patients with immune-mediated necrotiz-
NXP2 positive had this histologic feature. ing myopathy are defined by prominent
Along with recent studies showing that muscle fiber necrosis on biopsy and,
cancer risk, specific cutaneous manifesta- usually, by the presence of autoanti-
tions, and lung involvement are each bodies recognizing the signal recognition
associated with different autoantibodies, particle (SRP) or 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl
these histologic differences underscore coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase, the
the emerging concept that dermatomyo- pharmacologic target of statin medica-
sitis may be a heterogeneous group of tions. Like those with other forms of
diseases that can be categorized accord- autoimmune myopathy, these patients
ing to autoantibody type rather than a usually present with a history of proximal
single pathologic entity. muscle weakness progressing over weeks

Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2016;22(6):1852–1870 1859

Copyright © American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Autoimmune Myopathies

h Unlike dermatomyositis to months. However, unlike patients with ment.28 While most patients who are
and antisynthetase dermatomyositis and antisynthetase syn- anti-SRP positive respond to immunosup-
syndrome, drome, they only rarely have prominent pressive therapy, patients with pediatric
immune-mediated extramuscular involvement such as rash, onset tend to have worse outcomes.27
necrotizing myopathy arthritis, or interstitial lung disease. Fu- Anti-HMG-CoA reductase autoantibod-
most often does not ture studies including large numbers of ies are found in approximately 40% of
include extramuscular patients will be required to determine patients with a necrotizing muscle biopsy.
manifestations. whether patients with immune-mediated While these antibodies may be found
h Statin use is associated necrotizing myopathy have an increased more commonly in younger women than
with anti-HMG-CoA risk of malignancy. younger men, this slight female gender
reductaseYpositive predominance is not evident in patients
myopathy in patients Laboratory Features who are anti-HMG-CoA reductase posi-
older than 50 years of age. Patients with immune-mediated necrotiz- tive and older than 50 years of age.
ing myopathy have many of the same Statin use has been reported to pre-
imaging and electrophysiologic findings cede the development of anti-HMG-CoA
as patients with other forms of autoimmune reductase myopathy in 11% to 100% of
myopathy. However, they have unique cases.29,30 It is important to note that the
muscle biopsy and serologic features. prevalence of statin use among the gen-
Imaging. Muscle MRI frequently re- eral population varies with age and be-
veals intramuscular edema in patients tween different countries. To date, only
with immune-mediated necrotizing my- one study has compared the prevalence
opathy. As some of these patients have of statin exposure in patients who are anti-
severe and refractory disease, fatty re- HMG-CoA reductase positive to that of age-
placement of muscle tissue may be seen, matched control subjects.31 In that study
especially in those with long-standing of patients from the United States, among
disease. Unlike in those with dermatomy- 12 patients who were anti-HMG-CoA re-
ositis, fascial edema is rare. ductase positive and older than 50 years of
Electromyography. Almost all pa- age, 10 (83%) had prior statin exposure. In
tients with immune-mediated necrotizing comparison, only 25% to 35% of patients
myopathy have myopathic motor units
with dermatomyositis, polymyositis, or in-
and spontaneous activity such as fibrilla-
clusion body myositis older than 50 years
tion potentials and positive sharp waves.
of age had prior statin exposure. These
Blood work. Patients with immune-
results, while requiring replication in
mediated necrotizing myopathy tend to
other cohorts, suggest that statin use in
have very high serum levels of muscle
older patients is a risk factor for develop-
enzymes, with a mean peak CK value of
ing anti-HMG-CoA reductase myopathy.
about 10,000 IU/L. The high serum muscle
Unlike patients with self-limited forms
enzyme levels probably reflect prominent
of statin myopathy, patients who are
myofiber necrosis that allows intracellular
contents to leak into the bloodstream. exposed to statins who are anti-HMG-
Anti-SRP autoantibodies are found in CoA reductase positive do not usually im-
approximately 5% of patients with auto- prove following discontinuation of statin
immune myopathy and in approximately medications. Rather, these patients de-
16% of patients with a necrotizing muscle velop a progressive myopathic process
biopsy. Patients who are anti-SRP positive that requires immunosuppressive ther-
tend to be women by a nearly 2 to 1 ratio apy to control (Case 5-2). Since antibodies
and have severe proximal muscle weak- recognizing HMG-CoA reductase are not
ness, dysphagia, and muscle atrophy.27 found in healthy controls or those with
Several reports have suggested that self-limited statin-related myopathy, test-
younger patients with this autoantibody ing for these antibodies can help deter-
may also be at risk for cardiac involve- mine whether a patient has self-limited

1860 December 2016

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Case 5-2 h Anti-HMG-CoA

reductase autoantibodies
A 67-year-old man with a history of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and
are not found in patients
hyperlipidemia (for which he had been taking atorvastatin for 2 years)
with self-limited
presented with a 6-month history of progressive leg weakness. Three months
statin myopathy.
prior to presentation, he was found to have an elevated creatine kinase (CK) level
of 4200 IU/L. The patient’s rosuvastatin was stopped, but the CK remained h Many younger patients
elevated, his leg weakness became worse, and he began to develop weakness in who are anti-HMG-CoA
his arms. He had mild myalgia but no arthralgia, rash, cough, or shortness of breath. reductase positive have
His neurologic examination was remarkable for weakness of neck flexors no statin exposure and
(4-), arm abductors (4-), elbow flexors (4+), hip flexors (2), knee extensors have very difficult-to-
(4+), and knee flexors (4+). He had a mild waddling gait and could not rise control muscle disease.
from a sitting position with his arms crossed. His serum CK was 6700 IU/L.
A left quadriceps muscle biopsy showed many necrotic fibers with mild
perivascular inflammation, but no perifascicular atrophy or non-necrotic muscle fibers
surrounded by lymphocytes. AntiY3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-
CoA) reductase autoantibodies were positive. A malignancy workup was negative.
Comment. This patient had an immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy
associated with anti-HMG-CoA reductase autoantibodies. Most patients older
than 50 years of age with this rare condition have a history of statin exposure.
However, the disease usually progresses despite stopping statins and requires
immunosuppressive therapy to control. This patient was placed on prednisone
60 mg/d and methotrexate, with the dose of methotrexate escalated from
7.5 mg/wk to 25 mg/wk over 7 weeks with no obvious improvement in strength
or CK levels. The patient was subsequently started on IV immunoglobulin (IVIg)
2 g/kg/mo with complete resolution of his weakness over the next 3 months.
His CK declined to 900 IU/L but did not return to the normal range. He was
able to taper off the prednisone and IVIg, but the disease flared with return of
mild weakness and increasing CK levels when the methotrexate dose was
decreased. He required chronic methotrexate therapy with periodic IVIg
infusions to maintain normal strength.

statin-related myopathy or an autoim- persist and progress despite aggressive

mune myopathy.32 In a patient who has therapy.33
been exposed to statins who has proximal
muscle weakness and elevated CK levels,
a positive anti-HMG-CoA reductase test Prominent muscle fiber necrosis is the hall-
mark of patients with immune-mediated
strongly supports the diagnosis of statin-
necrotizing myopathy (Figure 5-6C). De-
associated autoimmune myopathy and
tailed studies of patients who are anti-
should lead to both discontinuation of
HMG-CoA reductase positive reveal that
the statin and initiation of immunosup-
macrophages are the predominant in-
pressive therapy. flammatory cell type infiltrating muscle
Not all patients who are anti-HMG- tissue. Some CD4+, CD8+, and plasma-
CoA reductase positive have a history of cytoid dendritic cells may also be present
statin exposure. As expected, this is es- in perivascular and endomysial regions.34
pecially true among younger patients. However, perifascicular atrophy and con-
While younger patients who have not spicuous numbers of B cells, which are
been exposed to statins have identical common in dermatomyositis, are rarely,
clinical, laboratory, and histologic fea- if ever, noted in these patients. Similarly,
tures as those who are statin-exposed, very few patients with anti-SRP or anti-
they tend to be relatively resistant to HMG-CoA reductase antibodies have
treatment, and muscle weakness may muscle biopsies that show non-necrotic

Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2016;22(6):1852–1870 1861

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Autoimmune Myopathies

muscle fibers surrounded and invaded normal cells but is upregulated by statin
by lymphocytes, as may be seen in poly- exposure. Second, a strong immunoge-
myositis, inclusion body myositis, and netic risk factor exists for developing
some dystrophies. As do those with other anti-HMG-CoA reductase autoimmunity:
forms of autoimmune muscle disease, more than 70% of patients have the
patients with immune-mediated necro- DRB1*11:01 class II HLA allele, which is
tizing myopathy often have muscle only found in about 10% of the general
biopsies revealing upregulation of ma- population. Third, regenerating muscle
jor histocompatibility complex class I fibers express high levels of HMG-CoA
(MHC-I) on the surface of non-necrotic reductase protein. Taken together, these
muscle fibers. clues suggest that increased expres-
sion of HMG-CoA reductase with statin
Pathogenesis exposure might lead to aberrant pro-
The mechanisms underlying the initia- cessing of the protein in muscle or
tion and maintenance of autoimmunity some other tissue(s). Cryptic epitopes
in immune-mediated necrotizing myop- revealed by aberrant processing or statin
athies are not understood. However, binding might be preferentially presented
several clues from studying anti-HMG- by DRB1*11:01. Once tolerance to
CoA reductase myopathy suggest a HMG-CoA reductase is broken, regener-
potential model for those with statin- ating muscle cells could serve as a
triggered disease (Figure 5-7). First, continued source of the autoantigen
HMG-CoA reductase expression is low in even after statins are discontinued. While

FIGURE 5-7 A hypothetical model for the initiation and maintenance of autoimmunity in patients
with antiY3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase myopathy.

1862 December 2016

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appealing, this working model still re- those with immune-mediated necrotiz-
quires validation. ing myopathy.
It remains to be shown how muscle
cells are damaged in those with immune- ANTISYNTHETASE SYNDROME
mediated necrotizing myopathies. The Autoantibodies recognizing histidyl-tRNA
observation that anti-SRP and anti-HMG-
synthetase (ie, Jo-1) and several other
CoA reductase autoantibody levels are
aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (Table 5-1)
highly correlated with disease activity,
are found in approximately 20% of pa-
along with the presence of complement
on non-necrotic muscle fibers, suggests tients with myositis and are associated
that these autoantibodies could be with a multisystem disease known as
pathogenic. However, neither SRP nor antisynthetase syndrome (Case 5-3).
HMG-CoA reductase is known to be This syndrome includes two or more
present on the surface of muscle fibers. of the following: myositis, interstitial
It could be that the antibodies cross- lung disease, arthritis, Raynaud phenom-
react with other autoantigens on muscle enon, fevers, or hyperkeratotic lesions
cells. Alternatively, some other mecha- along the radial and palmar surfaces of
nism may mediate cellular necrosis in the fingers, known as mechanic’s hands

Case 5-3
A 47-year-old previously healthy woman presented with a 6-month history of joint
pain in her fingers and a 3-month history of a persistent dry cough that had
worsened over time. In the previous 6 weeks, she began to notice shortness of
breath with mild exertion, and over the previous month, she noticed difficulty
getting up from a toilet seat or off a low couch without help. She did not have
fevers, myalgia, or weight loss.
Physical examination was remarkable for crackles at both lung bases and
hyperkeratotic skin lesions on the radial surfaces of her fingers (mechanic’s
hands). She had no other rashes. She had mild (4+) weakness of arm abductors
and mild to moderate (4) weakness of hip flexors. Distal strength was intact.
Her creatine kinase level was elevated at 642 IU/L. EMG showed small motor
units that recruited early, and fibrillation potentials were present. Muscle MRI
showed edema in muscles of each thigh. Anti-Jo-1 autoantibodies were
positive. Pulmonary function testing revealed a decreased diffusing capacity of
the lungs for carbon monoxide (DLCO) at 63% of the predicted value. Chest
CT showed ground-glass opacities at the bases of both lobes. A left deltoid
muscle MRI showed non-necrotic muscle fibers surrounded and invaded by
lymphocytes. A malignancy screen was negative.
Comment. This patient had classic clinical features of the antisynthetase
syndrome, including myositis, interstitial lung disease, arthritis, and mechanic’s
hands. She did not have fevers, which are often part of this syndrome. Of note,
not all patients with antisynthetase syndrome have all the typical features
of the disease. For example, some patients with anti-Jo-1 antibodies will
present with joint and lung involvement, but not myositis.
The patient was started on prednisone at 60 mg/d, and she was started on
azathioprine at 50 mg/d, which was increased to 150 mg/d. Her muscle strength
and arthritis improved quickly. However, her interstitial lung disease ultimately
progressed despite aggressive immunosuppression with cyclophosphamide and
IV immunoglobulin (IVIg). She died 9 months after diagnosis from complications
of her pulmonary disease, underscoring the seriousness of this manifestation
of antisynthetase syndrome, which can be refractory to treatment.

Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2016;22(6):1852–1870 1863

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Autoimmune Myopathies

h Patients with antisynthetase (Figure 5-8).35Y37 In addition to these POLYMYOSITIS
syndrome may have features, some patients who are anti- Bohan and Peter39 defined polymyositis
myositis, interstitial lung synthetase positive also have erythematous in 1975 based on the presence of sym-
disease, arthritis, fevers, rashes similar or identical to those seen metric proximal muscle weakness, myo-
mechanic’s hands, in patients with dermatomyositis. Patients pathic features on EMG, elevated serum
or erythematous with antisynthetase syndrome are often muscle enzymes, muscle biopsies show-
dermatomyositislike rash.
referred to as having dermatomyositis or ing inflammation or necrosis, and the
polymyositis when such rashes are pres- absence of a dermatomyositis rash. How-
ent or absent, respectively. ever, many of the patients diagnosed with
Interestingly, one 2015 study showed polymyositis using these criteria probably
that patients with anti-Jo-1 antibodies have what would now be recognized as
have a unique pattern of perifascicular another disease. For example, prior to the
necrosis with sarcolemmal deposition of recognition of immune-mediated nec-
complement that can be differentiated rotizing myopathy as a distinct form of
from the perifascicular atrophy fre- autoimmune myopathy associated with
quently seen in patients with dermato- anti-SRP and anti-HMG-CoA reductase
myositis.38 Another analysis revealed that autoantibodies, these patients would
muscle biopsies from patients who were have been categorized as having poly-
anti-Jo-1 positive with and without a rash myositis. Similarly, most patients with
had indistinguishable histologic features antisynthetase syndrome without a rash
on muscle biopsy.13 Taken together with would have been diagnosed with poly-
the unique constellation of extramuscular myositis. Furthermore, patients with
manifestations, these observations support perifascicular atrophy on muscle biopsy
the idea that antisynthetase syndrome is and no rash would have been labeled as
a distinct disease entity that should be having polymyositis; today they are classi-
recognized as being separate from both fied as having dermatomyositis sine der-
dermatomyositis and polymyositis. matitis. In addition, it is now realized that

FIGURE 5-8 This patient with the antisynthetase syndrome

has mechanic’s hands characterized by
hyperkeratotic lesions on the edge of the thumb.
Reprinted from Mammen AL, Nat Rev Neurol. B 2011 Andrew L. Mammen,
MD, PhD.

1864 December 2016

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many patients with inclusion body myosi- Rarely, patients may present with h Polymyositis is an
tis may have been misdiagnosed as having more than one autoimmune neuromus- exceptionally rare
polymyositis, despite the fact that they cular condition. For example, a handful of diagnosis made in
have a unique pattern of weakness; the patients with both autoimmune myopa- patients with lymphocytes
majority of these patients might be iden- thy and myasthenia gravis45 were recently invading non-necrotic
tified by testing for antibodies recognizing described in the context of an improv- muscle cells who do not
ing dermatomyositis rash. Since the have rimmed vacuoles, a
NT5C1A, which are relatively specific for
majority of patients with myasthenia- dermatomyositis rash,
inclusion body myositis.40,41 Finally, a distal weakness, or other
number of patients with limb-girdle mus- myositis overlap had positive antiY
features suggesting an
acetylcholine receptor (AChR) antibodies,
cular dystrophies (eg, dysferlinopathy) inherited or toxic
the author now recommends routinely
have been misdiagnosed as having poly- myopathic process.
checking for these in patients with auto-
myositis given that their muscle biopsies h Overlap myositis occurs
immune myopathy.
can reveal infiltrating inflammatory cells. in patients who have
Recent widely accepted diagnostic criteria TREATMENT OF INFLAMMATORY another connective
for polymyositis provide important inclu- MYOPATHIES tissue disease such as
sion criteria (eg, the presence of non- scleroderma, systemic
Unfortunately, no Class I evidence exists lupus erythematosus, or
necrotic muscle cells surrounded and to support the use of any particular rheumatoid arthritis.
invaded by lymphocytes; Figure 5-6D) therapy for patients with autoimmune
and exclusion criteria (eg, the character- myopathy. However, most experts agree h Rarely, patients may
present with both myositis
istic muscle weakness pattern seen in that these diseases do respond to immu-
and myasthenia gravis.
inclusion body myositis).42 However, in nosuppressive therapy and that high-dose
the opinion of this author and other corticosteroids should be the first-line h Patients with autoimmune
myopathy usually respond
experts, polymyositis is an exceptionally treatment in the majority of patients
to immunosuppressive
rare diagnosis among patients with auto- (Table 5-246,47). Initial therapy usually in-
therapy, and steroids are
immune myopathy.43 cludes oral prednisone at a dose of 1 mg/ often the first-line therapy.
kg/d; in severely affected patients, this Steroid-sparing agents
OVERLAP SYNDROMES may be preceded by 3 days of IV methyl- such as methotrexate,
When autoimmune myopathy occurs in prednisolone at a dose of 1 g/d. As with all azathioprine, and
the context of another connective tissue patients on chronic high-dose steroid mycophenolate mofetil
disease, such as systemic sclerosis, lupus therapy, these patients should receive may also be used.
appropriate prophylaxis for Pneumocystis
erythematosus, or rheumatoid arthritis,
jirovecii pneumonia and osteoporosis.
the patient is said to have a myositis over-
Unless the patient has only mild dis-
lap syndrome. While little is known about
ease, many experienced clinicians often
these overlap syndromes, one 2015 study
add another agent, such as methotrexate,
showed that more than one-third of azathioprine, or mycophenolate mofetil,
muscle biopsies from patients with at the time of diagnosis. In those who
scleroderma-myositis overlap include develop very severe weakness or do not
endomysial inflammation without evi- respond to the initial combination of
dence of non-necrotic muscle cells sur- medications after 6 to 8 weeks, IV immu-
rounded and invaded by lymphocytes44; noglobulin (IVIg) or another agent, such
patients with these biopsy findings would as rituximab, may be added.
be categorized as having nonspecific Although little evidence exists for
myositis based on the 2004 European using one drug over another, a few
Neuromuscular Centre (ENMC) diagnostic specific recommendations can be given.
criteria.42 Interestingly, approximately Given that methotrexate may cause lung
one-fifth of patients with scleroderma- toxicity, azathioprine is often considered
myositis had a necrotizing myopathy. first in patients with interstitial lung
Very few patients had muscle biopsy fea- disease. Some evidence from a case series
tures consistent with dermatomyositis. suggests that IVIg may be effective, even

Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2016;22(6):1852–1870 1865

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Autoimmune Myopathies

TABLE 5-2 Immunosuppressive/Immunomodulating Therapy for Inflammatory Myopathies

Therapy Route Dose Side Effects Monitor

Prednisone Oral 0.75Y1.5 mg/kg/d Hypertension, fluid and Weight, blood pressure,
weight gain, hyperglycemia, serum glucose/potassium,
hypokalemia, cataracts, cataract formation
glaucoma, gastric irritation,
osteoporosis, infection,
avascular femoral necrosis,
steroid myopathy, mood
alteration, psychosis
Methylprednisolone IV 1 g in 100 mL normal Arrhythmia, flushing, Heart rate, blood
saline over 1Y2 h, dysgeusia, anxiety, insomnia, pressure, serum glucose/
daily or every other fluid and weight gain, potassium
day for three to six hyperglycemia, hypokalemia,
doses infection
Azathioprine Oral 2Y3 mg/kg/d, divided Flulike illness, hepatotoxicity, Complete blood cell
into two daily doses pancreatitis, leukopenia, count, liver enzymes
macrocytosis, neoplasia,
Methotrexate Oral 7.5Y20 mg weekly, Hepatotoxicity, pulmonary Liver enzymes,
single or divided fibrosis, infection, neoplasia, complete blood cell
doses; 1 day/week infertility, leukopenia, count, creatinine/
dosing thrombocytopenia, alopecia, blood urea nitrogen
gastric irritation, stomatitis,
IV/IM 20Y50 mg weekly; Same as oral route Same as oral route
1 day/week dosing
Cyclophosphamide Oral 1.5Y2 mg/kg/d, single Bone marrow suppression, Complete blood cell
morning dose infertility, hemorrhagic cystitis, count, urinalysis
alopecia, infections, neoplasia,
IV 0.5Y1 g/m2/mo for
6 to 12 months
Cyclosporine Oral 4Y6 mg/kg/d split into Nephrotoxicity, hypertension, Blood pressure,
two daily doses infection, hepatotoxicity, creatinine/blood urea
hirsutism, tremor, gum nitrogen, liver enzymes,
hyperplasia, teratogenicity cyclosporine levels
Tacrolimus Oral 1Y2 mg 2 times a day Nephrotoxicity, hypertension, Blood pressure,
for a total of 2Y4 mg/d infection, hepatotoxicity, creatinine/blood urea
hirsutism, tremor, gum nitrogen, liver enzymes,
hyperplasia, headache, insomnia, tacrolimus levels
paresthesia, teratogenicity
Mycophenolate Oral Adults: (1Y1.5 g Bone marrow suppression, Complete blood cell
mofetil 2 times a day) Note: hypertension, tremor, diarrhea, count
No more than 1 g/d nausea, vomiting, headache,
in patients with sinusitis, confusion, amblyopia,
renal failure cough, teratogenicity,
infection, neoplasia
Children: 600 mg/m2
per dose 2 times a day
(not to exceed 2 g/d)
Continued on page 1867

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TABLE 5-2 Immunosuppressive/Immunomodulating Therapy for Inflammatory Myopathies
Continued from page 1866

Therapy Route Dose Side Effects Monitor

IV immunoglobulin IV 2 g/kg total dose Hypotension, arrhythmia, Heart rate, blood
(IVIg) over 2Y5 days, then diaphoresis, flushing, pressure, creatinine/
1 g/kg every 4Y8 weeks nephrotoxicity, headache, flulike blood urea nitrogen
as needed symptoms, aseptic meningitis,
anaphylaxis, stroke
Rituximab IV 750 mg/m2 (up to 1 g) Infusion reactions (as per IVIg), Some physicians check
and repeated in infection, progressive multifocal B-cell count before
2 weeks; course is leukoencephalopathy subsequent courses,
then repeated every but this may not be
6Y18 months warranted
IM = intramuscular; IV = intravenous.
Modified with permission from Amato AA, Barohn RJ, Neurol Clin.46 B 1997 W. B. Saunders Company.
Reprinted with permission from Amato AA, Greenberg, SA, Continuum (Minneap Minn).47 B 2013 American Academy of Neurology.

as monotherapy, in patients with statin- should be done slowly, often over the KEY POINTS

associated anti-HMG-CoA reductase course of a year, during which time h IV immunoglobulin may
be effective in patients
myopathy.48 Patients with refractory anti- patients should undergo careful moni-
with anti-HMG-CoA
SRP may be responsive to rituximab49; toring of strength and CK levels. At the
reductase myopathy.
indeed, some experienced clinicians first sign of a disease flare, more aggres-
use this medication at the time of initial sive treatment should be reinstated. h Rituximab may be effective
in patients with
diagnosis in patients with this particularly Of note, a few treated patients recover
refractory anti-SRP.
severe form of autoimmune myopathy. full strength even though CK levels
Once muscle strength returns to remain markedly elevated, suggesting h Steroids and other
normal or has plateaued in the context that some underlying disease activity still immunosuppressive/
of a normal CK level, steroids are usually exists. This may be especially true in
agents should be very
tapered to reduce the occurrence of patients with anti-HMG-CoA reductase
slowly tapered as
complications such as osteoporosis, myopathy. Whether therapy should be tolerated by the patient.
weight gain, and opportunistic infec- escalated in this situation has not been
tion. To minimize the risk of disease established. Other patients have persis- h Patients with extensive
fatty replacement of muscle
flare, the author recommends a slow tent muscle weakness even after muscle
may have permanent
tapering schedule, reducing the dose of enzyme levels have normalized. This may muscle damage that will
prednisone by 10 mg/d every 3 to 4 weeks occur in patients with an active disease not improve with more
until reaching a dose of 20 mg/d. Further process in which no muscle necrosis and, aggressive therapy.
reductions of 5 mg/d can be considered therefore, no release of muscle enzymes
every 4 weeks as long as the disease does into the bloodstream is present (often in
not flare. Once the patient reaches a dose those with dermatomyositis). This may
of 10 mg/d, reductions are made, as toler- also occur in patients who have devel-
ated, in 2.5 mg/d increments every 4 weeks. oped fatty replacement of muscle tissue
In patients who have no evidence of due to a chronic or especially severe
active disease for 6 to 12 months after myopathic process. Muscle MRI can verify
steroids have been discontinued, con- extensive permanent muscle damage
sideration may be given to tapering any that, in the absence of active edema,
other therapeutic agents the patient should discourage the futile escalation of
may be taking. As with steroids, this immunosuppressive therapy.

Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2016;22(6):1852–1870 1867

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Autoimmune Myopathies

CONCLUSION 6. Buchbinder R, Forbes A, Hall S, et al. Incidence

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types of autoimmune myopathy with 7. András C, Ponyi A, Constantin T, et al.
unique muscle biopsy features. In addi- Dermatomyositis and polymyositis associated
tion, each of these is often associated with malignancy: a 21-year retrospective study.
J Rheumatol 2008;35(3):438Y444.
with a myositis autoantibody that can be
used to further subtype the disease. In 8. Ponyi A, Constantin T, Garami M, et al.
Cancer-associated myositis: clinical features
contrast, polymyositis is now a very rare and prognostic signs. Ann N Y Acad Sci
diagnosis of exclusion made when muscle 2005;1051:64Y71. doi:10.1196/annals.1361.047.
biopsy reveals normal-appearing muscle 9. Van De Vlekkert J, Maas M, Hoogendijk JE,
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