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Grade - XI
Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80
(Candidates are allowed additional 15 Minutes for only reading the paper.
They must NOT start writing during this time)
This Question Paper consists of three sections A,B,C.
Candidates are requires to attempt all questions from Section A and all questions
EITHER from section B or Section C.
Section A: Internal choice has been provided in two questions of two marks each,
two question of four marks each and two questions of six march each.
Section B: Internal choice has been provided in one question of two marks and one
question of four marks.
Section C: Internal choice has been provided in one question of two marks and one
question of four marks.
All working , including rough work, should be done on the same sheet as, and adjacent
to rest of the answer.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets[].
Mathematical tables and graph papers are provided.


SECTION A (65 Marks)

Answer all questions.
1. In sub-parts (i) to (x) choose the correct options and in sub-parts (xi) to (xv) answer
the questions as instructed. [15]
i) A set is a [1]
a) a group of object b) a collection of object c) a collection of objects with a common
fixed property d) a well – defined collection of objects.
ii) IN how many ways can 7 person be seated around a round table? [1]
a) 5040 b) 120 c) 720 d) 40320
iii) The distance of the point P(1,-3) from the line 2y-3x = 4 is [1]
a) 13 units b) 7/13 √13 units c) √13 units d) None of these
iv) If z1 = 4+7i and z2= 3-5i, then z1-z2 is [1]
a) 1+12i b) 12+i c) 1-12i d) 1+12i

v) If nC10 = nC15, then the value of n is : [1]

a) 10 b) 25 c) 15 d) 5
vi) Find the sum of k terms, if common ratio in a G.P is 1 and first term is: [1]
a) k/a b) ka c)k2a d) k+1/a
vii) The inclination of the line x-y+3 =0 with the +ve direction of X-axis is [1]
a) 450 b) 1350 c) -450 d) -1350
viii) The roots of the quadratic equation are said to be imaginary if the discriminant is : [1]
a) <0 b) ≤ 0 c) >0 d) ≥ 0
ix) Statement 1: The mean deviation of the data 3,10,10,4,7,10,5 from the mean is 2.57. [1]
Statement 2: The mean deviation of the data 3,10,10,4,7,10,5 from the mean is 3.75
which one of the following options is correct?
a) Both the statements are true b) Both the statements are false
c) Statement 1 is true and Statement 2 is false. d) Statement 1 is false and Statement 2 is true

x) Assertion(a): The radian measure of -37030’ is [1]

Reason (R) : 10 = radian

a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation for Assertion.
b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation for
Assertion. c) Assertion is true and reason is false. d) Assertion is false and reason is true

xi) Let A= {1,2}, B ={2,3,4}, C= {4,5}. Find A x (B C ) [1]

xii) How many words can be formed from the letters of the word ‘CALCULUS’? [1]

xiii) Solve 5x<24, when x ϵ N [1]

xiv) Find equation of circle whose end points of its diameter are (-2,3) and (0,-1) [1]
xv) Find the sum of the coefficients in(x+y)8 [1]

2. Find the domain of the real function f(x)= √ . [2]

3. List all the proper subsets of {0,1,2,3}. [2]

4. i) Evaluate : ( i77 + i70 +i87 + i 414) 3 [2]

ii) Prove that: (1-w+w2)5 + (1+w-w2)5 = 32

5. Evaluate : i) OR [2]

ii) Find the derivative of (secx-1)(secx+1)

6. The mean of 100 observations is 50 and their standard deviation is 5. Find the sum of all
squares of the observations. [2]

7. Let ( ) { ( ) { [4]

Show that f is a function, while g is not a function.

8. Solve : | | | | [4]
9. i) Let f and g be two real valued functions, defined by f(x)= (x+1) and g(x)= (2x-3)
Find i) f+g ii) f-g iii) [4]


ii) If ( ) {

( ) ( ), then find the value of k.

10. i) Calculate the mean deviation about the mean for following frequency distribution : [4]

Class Interval 0-4 4-8 8-12 12-16 16-20

Frequency 4 6 8 5 2

ii) A committee of two people is selected from two men and two women. What is the
probability that the committee will have :

i) no man ii) one man iii) two men?

11. Prove that cos200 cos400 cos800 = [6]

12. i) Find the values of n for which the expression can take all
real values of x. OR [6]

ii) solve the following inequality ≥ 0

13. i) Find three numbers in G.P whose sum is 52 and the sum of their products in
pairs is 624. OR [6]
ii) The difference between any two consecutive interior angles of a polygon is 50. If the
smallest angle is 1200, find the number of sides of the polygon.
14. Draw a quadrilateral in the Cartesian plane, whose vertices are (-4,5), (0,7), (5,-5) [6]
and (-4,-2). Also find its area.

SECTION B (15 Marks)

Answer all questions

15. In sub-parts (i) to (ii) choose the correct options and in sub-parts (iii) to (v) answer
the questions as instructed. [5]
i) The focus of the parabola y2 = 200x is :

a) (0,50) b) (0,-50) c) (50,0) d) (-50,0)

ii) Which of the following is a statement?

a) Rose are red b) Do your work c) Be on time d) Never tell lies

iii) Find the equation of the parabola whose focus is (6,0) and directrix x = -6.
iv) Write the negation of the following statement. If I become a doctor then I will open a

v) If the distance between the points (a,2,1) and (1,-1,1) is 5, then find the values of a.
16. i) Find the co-ordinates of a point on the parabola y2= 8x, whose focal distance is 4. [2]


ii) Find the eccentricity of the ellipse + = 1.

17. i) If the origin is the centroid of the triangle with vertices (-4,2,6), (2a, 3b, 2c) and
(8,14, -10), find the values of a, b, c. [4]

ii) Find the coordinates of the points which trisect the line segment joining the points
P(4,2,-6) and Q(10,-16,6).

18. Find the equation of the hyperbola if its foci are ( √ ) and the length of
latus rectum is 6. [4]

SECTION C (15 Marks)

Answer all questions

19. In sub-parts (i) to (ii) choose the correct options and in sub-parts (iii) to (v) answer
the questions as instructed. [5]
i) Correlation, r contains no unit because:
a) absolute number b) It is a relative number
c) It denotes variables d) It shows the values of attributes.

ii) In index number, price in the base year is denoted by ………

a) q0 b) p1 c) p0 d) None of these.
iii) Compute the first quartile of the data of the marks obtained by ten students in an
examination: 25,18,30,8,15,5,10,35,40,45

iv) Define degree of correlation.

v) Write the formula for Marshall- Edge worth Index.

20. i) Compute Cov (X,Y) for following pairs of observations:
(15,44),(20,43), (25,45),(30,37), (40,34),(50,37) [2]


ii) Find Cov(x, y) if ∑ =15, ∑ = 40, ∑ =150 and n = 5.

21. Calculate the median from the following data: [4]

Mid value 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 185 195

6 25 48 72 116 60 38 22 3
22) i) Calculate the 3 yearly moving averages of the number of students in a college from the
following data and plot them on a graph paper. [4]

Year 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

No. of 332 317 357 392 402 405 427 510


ii) Find the Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation between the values of x and y given

X 15 12 8 10 9 6 5 12 6 3

Y 13 18 12 14 15 10 8 20 12 6

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