Neolithic in West Asia and Europe

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SSS ee = ee : —— Ais tee _topussicater q Bilt Mesaangg, —Wilhlesriptiie 2 ns Ths distinctive eats pe + Nealitisic seumleitinn, vin_plest Agia. ard. Buaoha § 4 erg a se Me Mat period. of ed 1Oni BB tory Neolithic refers Ae ——Frebirtory thi th Aso Dut Se Tht _douvestiestion so ’ ; Ph food “and was no hanger a : ur : pasate depen The leolithie periad —~ ushered ya ye enna lifedtte anc ’ Te anf apes ad Ne duct gg —hie ig eli i il - Fr a Muchen there was xeries ef evnon or ‘warmer Aembersture. Jed do meting of ier — There \ ! WOO SILO tan ptt Dtumaidicty Gucréaned iii these areas due Te wat climates and imereased eeater cowdent,Maswuy— jof_sike dorests caw dense brevet Q several areas ee Paice hod een earlier diy BC caund apew Gross Whe Lands. “ris host Sdacad period Pest ussite. "5, 200 ap Asbresents pouncalitria rd Np oli Neolithic -ixind Contntration: ab 2 _popul alTone,.a_doit of adendany Lifestybe and. a —Npbo=oberdtion 9 exchange mang —difbereat a $roubs extanliehed toa for eabroductian of et jofeed production tm Burebe. ~ domistincted auiuicala —“Mbee about. eee = of. athe _dewmestication— bt sheep. J heats acl “ef peoucded te tha poisct tot eee pois | dowosticated Animale: Minis “f— ee trodiug a niente _uiaf _obsi clit {Hom Anstoblo,tirgueise. eo ee cals the Mediterrantan in and eae pe fog A Bi hd he aequeuue af Neofithice tree the 4 q___Yag Samesctotamia tan be divided —) dado: aie: earlier -Atag e._ Juom about [6,000.08 ,000_, i ago 9 a dade Aasting oul about ono yr abo, Cubkuscad.. deuelopmants tu -Uus. region mse Jeune to J tndapendent of those. at Aby..Huneny oof -( sl icc a en seonly- Hokoune, die, nsoudll ot fi clay, AO a uate wacnhtl Se Zossros = sonal pasate spate Z “ = proud site ju _Zagiers MAL uty sal ane bats. Baez (1.000. BP). eis Watt Chemni_SKanider feottaul — sig Zausi_Chere ee Jpereaal nk x huss ex fathortss =v a They. Abicialiy din — uoting of 10 + tartea herdiahs! heel eas ment tx: iii. gua Z might Wate: digs in aii valle eet pieiide storby farming village marned anj-Oareh., tae + oceubied about 1o,cop BP. Tt nchresends tht begina a Acthiument in the Lahros, based on. goat} tattls herding } -possi ly agriculbure.. Ait_eyjdener ; Ege or regular toed “peaductina conus ts1om Ali_Koch. Loe _____ (10.200 8) site onthe hous ob Khuzictam . the mud ____$rieR_ rectangular houses with siveral rooms were | —=eccuhied by peopl who herded Goals) shah, and | _ -—autivated Emroar, tinkora, Garey and Lectide poets resides hunting of aniorals ee 1 ap adlKacaa ane ier ako wtensift s eels agri atiurad freduction also totaal Ho first dime, Onn 4 ta best know ub si WWidlage ds Jarmo...) $E of Yaioi chemi PRCT : 1 than. ooo yes_afa. Hi | oa ——4rmbleo6ricittural Leonor. aie an of agricuttis ure Ame —Aetde of barbey- iti reinor cusps madi’ Jars oc acl Sire a fn MB oi iar a a sa: uh hod duclintd in | sumepartantt Gut sx tool Wit stilt inctuded atone Age-t Jigpttoals_with sickle bledes , Koindin§ stonsA 2 other: Gayelbe fig wer uuded . Youn 4 Aumpleusonts of tillage . We. find nomon=residential __> L. buidding. sho Joundar yo walt. Basket 9 oval wos L Were manufactured ~Se_Jacmo hod mixed econo + —ared_on hurcting , Lood production and. manafacleg eae —e} ether mater ~Buriola are —Aiuaple unifies] Ly except curtain have pea a of prenant- } 4}. eanmen ons ps eT u —Anatodia Hlurken )_was_a_cdiverse avorable high” 5 ——Hand J Jowland environment _tn_the Hol phe’ Nea lithic _Cayonu im 4E Turkey was_oceupied from _" shout. 9400_46_2000 yra ago th people cuttivated — c___ den cereale 9 pulses todlected wild vegetable” a -foods__and rebied ucreasimély- on_domesticated / —Aherp for meat apler Brion | yrs ag. Peable adabted ~ . —Aerding- f__aheep ~Wh_d_resuli—of contact wai thf pie —Abehhord peoples teen dhe hightands to the east 4, James _‘Metlaart._txcavated a remarkable early farm Inf village at Hacitar (800 pbs eee pottery basketry ) feather containers were j d_- fk acifor . Parley Jenmer coheat mere cultivated.” K__wiére tuellivateel Te bones of href or fonts _,caltle and 4 deerwere present. éur there wae no evidence. for — y 4. the domestication af any. animal except dog 4 id | Ren fu 3 _ Dixon aaid kat ..cmal quantites.of- bein _bbaid ian travelled _hwrdned af rates inde” | @ mi A ! f : AVlondaly-m. ebadins WY the sdivant as far as iouuk. , dra ost Aig ficant a itraole: maade Catal Huyu : es rk advancéd —+ Let Anatolia Tt is ré egarded = by_Goon PCTs cone — pcentre tn Neolithic ee ie cereal - Bs Lo. kiboidieation was. benctised.—cthe chest 2 | un daied Brick } were delengive— woall 4 aw ee hate of, walls was frotection prom forces of is mature} harms of volte animals. the halt nna rbe apa | a4 Codol Hoyuk is its paioepeaitya clit Jo_wionopoly | obsidian trade. 2xchan$ecoas— abso caxxied :— tin smnasciine zhells, waren 3 Fanquotae bribe pean ____eeotic rommo dities Andou Moore 4. aed —_this_roidtsprtad exchange of roan. i Mies A ue iwated: diffusion cf Ree Atenas. Bit as nfriculteny = thet herdisag pottery abe. Tint, Aide acaved as —— + sieemtAe for. aitual purposes. Makurotiskie Pi gurines—— Such as - figures tuapphasiguad fertifity (iaomen 7a feb —-Stuiub— _dointh Je ulls) , Vulbur 2 _Aibpiué pan heal dese human, Sulle rads eho. are depitted picted aloud: : in ans eee figures. fodad.ttuyuk Abe Hae pt. Saat thet dhere_miétat rave been somne...Qua+ » eurttuure coutces. veshich aken then ae fell — =i Lf sof - Aorothirhood Some shuchwes ca0cse | ae for mortuary. purposes... Dn tne Sig Inte 4 lies developwents.., Catal joyub ig _Aigid.dy relia a garded as dhe most ‘advauced conde... sc Persia Sut. | eons based. on_irrigation., po — Col bru e by Gnoo AC, y s Un about - ooo. {penrs_a6o pthread Aeveleb went Ps ——provirded: depend eat hye wt earl of these Hoe +} refiont-Cln_ gach herding f: abotulture, emerged saparate ert Ant Mele aon Te fete soa __ asthe se —woene veGusar tradiah wastes ae w_doch area cohicl: Jed bared: of serena) epopr_-herdimg §+-potlers Q_other-innovations Sera ‘ughout dhe_aucient Nea fact | West Asia) Surope_ “experience a fu fledged} me ~—Neokittaic culture thous it took plau_.tn_Aeveral _, aoa are, se look serous fora aye iat ae ke ropes _é-Neoli thic culture Peuriahed 2 reached (i ike pea, ha Near. @act had alieady- started Ve) C 1 em bericin cig die first pangs of civilization, _. aur s V.fordon Childe has iad ceils | » asthe fringe of -the ancient world ,.Aa-A vecebient., OT sti 2a aaah ae ee) a eee sheath ng Rect qf sssesAl the Nast such Atross the pMardanelles as anther > Riding population densities caused surplus farmers. a . = tda_Apill over wulo Ewobe., baabinf Beals sherb,« — AN Zastern cineod ceops with Haru, Pout theme a. wl wo vider sof sucomfontably high: populdion 2 Peusittn tien Atalia at thus Hine Radio review pill ech the ical la : 4 tine dates fox Hernabrevate | — 2 Cobta RenPreud has muaved i oupture- Sraditiauad he Buyshe- bock_far euouple do _-diJfusiowint tides Aetweru— Hee SS ae as _Acbendiug upon tie —scolngicat euubaonneu—s—— 2 chituslie conditions, several binds of “Neoditlalc—___ ——eubtures eintued in Europe. tack Areih a vesul of Local adobe cuz Vw Asia animal douseslicata bon 4 moed plant cdowestication out ‘we Zuuiobe. Goth, 3 stun parallit “his undeniable that: -fovd_produch a Deka in -npfast about tc. coos Aga }-seerae-d,00. Be peek? fe labor tn £C Surchen. sie 1 eles ee pets phe cardicst known. Svideiicr of. fog OA udligu se iu Seen comes 4 me. Vv ee village mound ‘un hy eek thessaly-. the ihabitaule ye \ cuttivatect eusnscr acto at) | bartup. Moweste cattle, : ape heap pig bones date. ts before! -booa years. fo. “het. he _franektti Cave. ta 2.Gjrevee wat accithied in desobittaic anh pues. yoo} tuttural traitstlay seala f fagurines awe iy utiauind connschons with the Nediterranean wor 4 arial arnung, -ebtead wile temperat ¢ Europe. jis exe ote 1 MS round ratnfalt futile suid Vwtbser 5 toateh replace ae iucl_torick..houses of Near Basten villages. these a “he éw comers shad distinctive linear decorated patter, ee eA /}-kwown as Pandkerumik. _ionipl br (or dala gee NV their first! colonigation ar Middl Monube dates __ AE Y Gece to 1800,0, sia ites bls oil ig Sede © Lanob e,etpional varia’ pucbian culture Wave ¢ nal Like, torts formers shad torely wort on eee haath 2 fattiran$ Po Yermany Holland the alia —Neobi Hic! muthine was ze concentrated an cattle breeding breeders 0) used Ox.a¢ draught. + ,eiRona the dub whest — barley nuitet nue »flax_wiad cultivated Pepi. al _£ave_embhasis on soint emily arcsisteuce, Contin uli: mee 0|residence. tocation wmheriteuce Prom one Generation + h.____45_another was_bracticed. The houses were-cnélnced with ——éacthern_enclogsure.Qver a beriod. of deme dhe oldest + 4___in the wetttewment olecid ed jhe ownerships.) diakriAution = -eadites Burials —ahreufthened the bmahth tydke d__ebwera _Several vil age torituaunt ties Medal Htas are. a+ M communal atone tombs duilt by Freel fannrers o8 jg — Lardy cs Geco OC they, have been found: as farsa _- 1 Seandinavin Coed Seance pain w.Mediterr | v1 \ Cortisa 9 Malta. Zarlier Shey were desiSned to bring I ic +A g£enge: [-ecommon identity do.scattered tanviag ls ommauuities Gut: tater Hey beta me-wrepartant—_- of power auyrabnls ,reinforeiug the political ceonanaie- “hotisl.)-abiaitual_ puwess of tubpecsisnes|by4000 8.0.) <___Tn_Weditervanean refion which tuclucdes Carte _- pe Oyeeer,“thessaly ite ‘first evidence 4 \tectitl e—— eth ___ Culture can be dated around Gece &.¢. 1hich was - they swerve skilled: catt animal, pyerider whea: Lo) rea mere found . Cavclial ware, discus: that ware lhe fest ise_of cay by Western hes Lo _Wutike 8.W. Asia 7 Meditteranoan, cae ae Ss puort an tae meat - of domesticaled anual’ — tin th ay, ot Hat Saluenap afcatn iby Soop yes—ave. OES po Le rfl all He Neabitiaic atten! display: some. coe 2 pabient features Aike ‘Sige tin tena carcabsl te 2 tantnals., Aedentary Ale ahs aCe tee Jo_teeauaies foe sees he reo cburent of food Arodu Cav took} deans i. tAbSes!. The first phase 2a _small. stole agriculture JL i demeshedlien ot ~aicivuale. Wort af tts diet couse Prisne ee 3 —_ Big. Saute Juintiag Ake Second atige nad agoieulture i 9 tock vats inh an J cbasis of econ: 4p clvade, as central to. all thes ¢ cuthnal develabracu ads the } tectirolag i —tonevitions such as.of herding te hah acelin ey RUS aod teal ice hints Wert fread Brows, siell 2s) a eco SNew_wmech=_ Bocas ob ketament nuts, —— se Keeubati —cubtuestion. daberitauce af laud & “ eit ea cge a, wart ae : 7 darla with uo coucept of-divis on_af Labast s SO eee bee oil fesitility beadliy pees 2 Beit cpt Sy te ——BIBLO GRAPHY eee : os Meare intes’ < oil eon ee che As) ale a. kan n tafe FSrooqui ae SF Cn ap a Got ta . ss Be a

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