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Name: Cayatoc, Martha Ysabelle T.

Grade & Section: 11-STEM 3

Nurturing Change: A Call to Unite for a Better Future

Charter change refers to the modification or amendment of a country's constitution, which

serves as its fundamental law. This process may involve altering specific provisions or making
more comprehensive revisions to adapt to evolving circumstances or address perceived
shortcomings in the existing constitution. The term is often used in the context of governmental
or institutional reforms. The People's Initiative is a common appellation in the Philippines that
refers to either a mode for constitutional amendment provided by the 1987 Philippine
Constitution or to the act of pushing an initiative (national or local) allowed by the Philippine
Initiative and Referendum Act of 1987. It is a democratic process that allows citizens to propose
and enact laws or constitutional amendments directly, bypassing the legislative body. In this
initiative, citizens typically gather the required number of signatures on a petition to place a
proposed law or constitutional change on the ballot for a public vote. It is a mechanism designed
to enhance direct citizen involvement in the legislative process and can vary in its specifics
depending on the legal framework of the particular country or jurisdiction.

The perception of the People's Initiative can genuinely be driven by ordinary citizens
seeking change, but like any political process, there is also a risk of manipulation by a few
public servants with self-serving motives. In order to manage this, we must prioritize
accountability, public awareness, and active citizen participation to mitigate the potential
influence of self-serving public servants and ensure the genuine expression of collective will.
While Charter Change could potentially address economic concerns, improve infrastructure, and
resolve deteriorating government if approached with transparency, citizen involvement, and a
clear plan for dealing with these issues, its effectiveness still depends on the proposed
amendments, effective implementation, and inclusivity of the decision-making process to
guarantee the societal well-being of the nation. This implies that the success of such a change
would depend not only on the intentions but also on the actual content of the proposed
alterations to the constitution. Yes, changing the constitution might be necessary if it helps solve
problems like outdated rules, inadequate governance, or barriers that hinder our system's
progress, which would ensure that the country's fundamental law aligns better with the current
needs and aspirations of its people. In this controversy, it is God whom we seek ethical
guidance and moral principles from and who nurtures values that promote justice, compassion,
and unity. The goodness and truth in this controversy lie not only in seeking guidance from God
but also in citizens and those governing the constitution who strive to prioritize what is truly
beneficial for the country by upholding honesty, promoting fairness, empathy, and harmony.
Being genuine in our intentions and ensuring they align with values that emphasize the
prosperity of the nation are key factors in discovering what is good and true in this complicated
As a Filipino citizen, I can make a positive contribution by staying informed about the
People's Initiative on Charter Change, engaging in open discussions, and encouraging
transparency in the process. Participating in civic education initiatives, voicing my concerns
responsibly, and advocating for inclusiveness can contribute to a well-informed and public
deliberation. Furthermore, I could actively participate in public forums, expressing my opinions
respectfully, and supporting initiatives that prioritize the broader well-being of the nation can
play a crucial role in shaping a constructive and beneficial outcome for all. To be an advocate of
change in our country, we should all strive to be well-informed, inspire each other to take an
active role, and foster unity. Embrace the power of unified action and lead by example,
promoting positive change through education, empathy, and a commitment to the common
good. As Mahatma Gandhi wisely said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world. Your
actions, no matter how small, have the power to inspire others and contribute to the
transformation of our nation." This quote suggests that in order for change to occur, us,
individuals must lead by example and take action to make a differenc. Thus, encouraging us to
be proactive and to strive towards making the world a better place.

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