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NAME: Josh S. Elorde SECTION: 11-ABM 4 Masinop



A test of action: (what should I do?) The tests of action are multiple and are meant to help with
ethical decision-making, using the power of imagination.

1. The publicity test: how would I feel if my contemplated actions were

reported in the paper or broadcast on
I would feel proud and happy if what I did is right but I will be sad and ashamed if what
i did was wrong.

2. The mentor test: how would I feel if my actions were seen by my most
revered mentor (teacher/professor, father, mother, etc.)
If my actions were seen by my mentor I would feel happy if it was right and tell that its
because of him/her that I did that, but if my actions were wrong i will ask forgiveness with my
mentor because i didn’t follow or do what he teaches to me.

3. The role model test: what would my greatest role model do here?
My greatest role model would only do what is right.

4. The mirror test: if I do this, can I look at myself in the mirror and feel a
senseof pride and dignity?
If what I did is really wrong I think I won’t feel a sense of pride or dignity in
me rather I will feel guilty and make what i did wrong to be right.
Criteria: Criteria: 10 points Criteria: 8 points Criteria: 5 points

Content of Reflection Clear and direct to the Clear but beats around Submitted a onesentence
point answers. Reflected the bush. Reflected answer with no depth
deeply on the personal adequately but not on and clarity. Is not logical
level (I). the personal level (them). and did not reflect on the
personal level.

Grammar With no grammar error. With minimum error (1- With more than 5 errors.

Total: /20
Performance Task # 3

Guidelines: Think of one virtuous person that inspired you to become the person you are today.
This person may be a family member, a friend, an acquaintance, a television personality, etc. Use
the organizational chart below to accomplish this task. You may edit the shapes’ colors, but do
not edit the format. After doing so, save this file in PDF format. Refer to the rubric for more details.

This person is my uncle to my father’s side he is a good brother

and respected by his friends and family

This person inspire

He inspire me because
me because he is
of him beeing a good
respected by his
leader to his family that
brother, sister and
make him
friends. He is also
respected.Thats why I
known as a “bukas
want to be like him,
palad” even though
respected by my family
minsan he has no
and friends.
money, He also Insert Picture Here
inspire me because
his family think
highly of him like he
stand like a father
to my father and
aunties that’s why
they respect him so

My Respected Uncle


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