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In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the impact of social media has

become an undeniable force profoundly influencing the lives and habits of students.

With the advent of the digital age, the grade 12 students of West Prime Horizon

Institute, Inc., during the academic year 2023-2024, have grown up in a world

immersed in social media platforms, where communication and information sharing

are instant and global. Everywhere social media has naturally raised questions about

its influence on various aspects of the students’ lives including their academic


This research study is designed to look into the compelling intersection of

social media and academic writing convention of Grade 12 students in the unique

context of West Prime Horizon Institute Inc,. We aim to investigate the ways in

which the use of social media affects the academic writing skills and conventions of

these students, shedding light on the challenges and opportunities that arise from this

digital engagement.

The academic year 2023-2024 provides an ideal context for this research,

allowing us to understand the current dynamics and adaptations that have emerged in

the students writing styles in response to the ever-changing social media landscape.

By exploring this specific academic year, we hope to capture the most up-to-date

insights into the challenges and adjustments students make in their academic writing


This study’s findings will not only contribute to the growing body of

knowledge on the relationship between social media exposure and academic writing
convention but also provide West Prime Horizon Institute, Inc. with valuable insights

for improving its educational strategies. In an era where information and

communication technologies continue to evolve, understanding how students navigate

the digital realm and maintain the standards of academic writing is of paramount


In the following sections, we will present the null hypothesis, literature

review, methodology, data analysis, and the discussion of our findings, which leads to

a comprehensive understanding of how social media exposure affects Grade 12 CSS

students at West Prime Horizon Institute, Inc.'s academic writing conventions during

the academic year 2023–2024.

Statement of the Problem

This is study entitled, “Social Media Exposure: Its effect to the academic

writing convention of Grade 12 CSS of West Prime Horizon Institute, Inc., S.Y.2023-

2024” aimed to discover the effect between the aforementioned variables.

Specifically, the researchers sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the effect of students’ social media exposure in terms of:

1.1 Social involvement, and

1.2 Academic purposes.

2. What is the effect of students’ academic writing convention in terms of:

2.1 Capitalization

2.2 Abbreviation

2.3 Spelling; and

2.4 Punctuation
3. Is there a significant effect between students’ social media exposure and

academic writing convention?

Null Hypothesis

The following null hypothesis is tested at (0.05) level of significance:

Ho1. There is no significant effect between student’s Social Media Exposure and

Academic Writing Convention of Grade 12 CSS of West Prime Horizon Institute,

Inc., S.Y.2023-2024.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study focused on the significant effect between social media exposure

and academic writing convention Grade 12 CSS of West Prime Horizon Institute,

Inc., S.Y.2023-2024. Besides that, they aimed to identify the assessment's outcome by

evaluating the students' results over the aforementioned variables. Thus, the

researchers do not place emphasis on the students’ name, age, gender, and conduct

with regard to social media exposure and academic writing conventions only.

Significance of the Study

The findings, conclusions, as well as the researchers’ recommendations of this

study would benefit the following:

Students. The results of this survey will be used to measure that how

students understand academic writing conventions, specifically

in terms of capitalization, abbreviations, spelling and

punctation. They could also be aware and evaluate

opportunities for self-evaluation and self-development that they

might use in their course.

Teachers. The results of this research will be used to guide the planning

of teaching techniques to be implemented in Academic Writing

that would be suitable for the needs of the students.

Future Researchers. For their future studies, it will be a very useful idea or starting

point. The study’s data will be useful as extra information and

source of reference.

Theoretical Framework

This study entitled “Social Media Exposure: Its effect to the academic writing

convention of Grade 12 CSS of West Prime Horizon Institute, Inc., S.Y.2023-2024”

was guided by the rich principles and concepts of Stephen Bailey’s and Social

Cognitive Theory.

Stephen Bailey's Academic Writing is one of the few academic writing books

that deal with. core areas effectively - language, text type, academic conventions and

the writing process. This is done by giving simple explanations, authentic examples

and useful practice opportunities which can either be done in class or as self-study.

Albert Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory can be applied to examine how

Grade 12 students observe, learn from, and model the writing behaviors and

conventions they encounter on social media platforms. This theory emphasizes the

role of observational learning, self-regulation, and self-efficacy in the acquisition of

new skills, including academic writing conventions.

Conceptual Framework

This study emphasizes the Social Media Exposure which was the independent

variable and Academic Writing Convention which served as the dependent variable.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Academic Writing
Social Media Exposure

Figure 1.1 Schematic Diagram of the Study

Figure 1.1 shows the independent variable of the study, social media exposure

and the dependent variable, academic writing convention.

Definition of Terms

CSS. - Computer System Servicing

Social Media - Are interactive media technologies that facilitate the

creation and sharing of information, ideas, interests,

and other forms of expression through virtual

communities and networks.

- One of the factors that classified into two, social

involvement and academic purposes.

Academic Writing - The convention of academic writing is often

considered to be a living and breathing entity. It exists

in the form of different styles, formats, and rules that

govern the arrangement of ideas, materials, and

paragraphs that are used in books and other scholarly




Related Literature

Young (2006) in a study titled “the effect of internet use and social capital on

the academic performance of students” observed that the internet expands its reach to

teenagers’ school life. Young noted that students are more reliant on the internet to

access information that is involved in school life as well as entertainment. The

researcher further added that internet, though consumes time, has less effect on


Tees (2013) presents a very comprehensive literature review paper regarding

the role of social media in higher education virtual and real classes. The review has

consulted almost every popular research database around the world to make this rich

in terms of covering almost every aspect of explaining the role of different social

media in higher education class.

UI & Chand (2012) investigated the usage and popularity of famous social

media network among university students with special focus on the gender-based

comparison and the impact of the selected social medium on their academic

performance. The two researchers evaluate the pattern and frequency of Facebook use

among university students while focusing gender difference and student opinion about

the impacts of the medium on academic performance. The research analyzes random
sample of 348 respondents including an equal mix of males and females. The

respondents belong to undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs with a

mean age of 21years.

Related Studies

(Baria,2020) conduct this study “Social Media Exposure of Students in

Relation to Academic Performance” aimed to determine the level of academic

performance of college students in relation to their level of social media exposure.

The descriptive-correlational research design was used. The study was conducted

during the First Semester of 2018-2019 in CapSU Dayao Satellite College utilizing

the 186 randomly selected 4th -year college students from the four curricular (4)

programs. A researcher-made questionnaire was utilized. Gathered data were

analyzed and interpreted using mean, standard deviation, t-test, One-way ANOVA,

and Pearson r. Results revealed that the respondents were 18-20 years old age,

females, and with family income below the poverty threshold level. Respondents’

level of social media exposure is “sometimes” and their academic performance is

“good.” This implies that even though the respondents were exposed to social media

they were able to maintain a good academic performance. Therefore, the time spent

by students on the different social media platforms or the number of gadgets used is

not indicative and determinant of how they will perform in their academics as a


The Palawan National High school is having more enrollees every year. When

the school year comes the Students of the Palawan National in Senior High School

Students are addicted on the social media like Playing Computer Games, Facebook,
Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Tumbler, Tiktok, watching online even the class.

Students must really know the importance of social media to be able to fulfill their

own will. Technology nowadays is becoming more and more high tech. And it’s

improving day by day for us to use in our convenience.

This technological evolution affects us but most are the “Millennials”. In

research we will focus on the Senior High School Students of Palawan National

School ages from 17-19 years old. For us to get more specific answer and accurate

answer form our said research. The definition of social media is ‘the relationship’s

that the exist between networks of people’. However, students spend most of their

time using social media like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, then doing their own



This chapter of the research paper discusses the research design to use,

research location where the study conducted, research respondents from whom

essential data and evidence were collected, the data collection procedure, the research

instruments used for systematic data analysis, and the statistical treatment used to

elaborately express analyzed data.

Research Design

The research design of this study is quantitative research. Quantitative

Research involves the use of computational, statistical, and mathematical tools to

derive results. It is conclusive in its purpose as it tries to quantify the problem and

understand how prevalent it is by looking for projectable results to a larger


Research Location

The study was conducted at West Prime Horizon Institute, Inc. located at V.

Sagun, Corner M. Roxas Street, San Francisco District, Pagadian City. The

researchers chose to conduct the study at this educational institution since they and
their respondents both studied here, hence, making the course of the data gathering

more convenient.

Research Respondents

The research respondents of this study were 29 students from Grade 12

Computer System Servicing. These students were chosen not on the basis of the

application of any sampling technique, but on the basis of their availability to

participate in the data gathering activity.

Research Instrument

The researchers used a survey questionnaire to conduct the respondents

regarding their perception between social media exposure particularly in social

involvement and academic purposes. Also, an assessment test in academic writing

convention in terms of capitalization, abbreviations, spelling and punctation then

gathered their results from the test that researchers provide. The researcher used the

results to determine if there is a significant effect between the aforementioned


Data Gathering Procedure

After the research title was approved as a requirement for the subject the

researcher brainstormed ideas then search from the internet for the information related

to the study and Chapter II were developed and organized for final output.

The researchers sought consent from both the acting president and the students

to perform data collection by sending a request letter to the acting president and

presented it to students after the approval to conduct a survey to them. Furthermore,

researchers distributed the survey through a test paper. The respondents were
questioned a series of questions, a checklist and rating the questions for social media

exposure particularly in social involvement and academic purposes and multiply

choices in academic writing convention in terms of capitalization, abbreviation,

spelling and punctuation. Also, it covers the profile of respondents in terms of

name(optional), age, sex, year, and block. The researchers then did do tallying,

computation, tabulation, analyzation, and interpretation from the gather data.

Statistical Treatment

The table below represents the scale used in interpreting the study entitled, “The

Effect of Modular Learning to the Motivation and Learning Engagement of West

Prime Horizon Institute Incorporation of third Year College S.Y. 2021-2022,

specifically the peace education subject.”

Chi-square is applied to determine whether a significant association between the

variable exist. Formula for the chi-square statistic used in the chi-square test is:

( Fo−Fe )2
x 2=∑
x = chi squared

Fo= Frequency observed

Fe= Frequency expected

The subscript C are the degrees of freedom O is your observed value E is your

expected value. It’s very rare that you’ll want to actually use this formula to find a

critical chi-square value by hand. The summation symbol means that you’ll have to

perform a calculation for every single data item in your data set. As you can probably
and imagine. The calculations can get very lengthy and tedious instead you’ll

probably want to use:

c =∑ k
Ei ⟦
(Oi−Ei )2




This chapter includes the presentation, the analysis, and the interpretation of

the data in the relation to the research that the researchers meant to address. It also

includes percentage distribution that determines the frequency of the research

respondent’s scores to their performance in the level of social media exposure and the

cross tabulation to know whether the null hypothesis of this study is to be accepted or


Table 1. The percentage distribution of the student’s response in terms of social

involvement on the statement “By using social media, I found no difficulties in

submitting my assignments to my instructors”.

Response No. of Students Percentage

Always 9 31.03%

Often 8 27.59%
Sometimes 9 31.03%

Rarely 2 6.90%

Never 1 3.45%

Total 29 100%

Table 1. Demonstrate that nine (9) or 31.03% of the total number of participants

answered "always,", while eight (8) or 27.59% of the respondents replied "often,",

nine (9) or 31.03% of the respondents answered "sometimes,", two (2) or 6.90% of

the students’ answers were "rarely," and one (1) or 3.45% of the students’ answers

were "never". From this data, it is inferred that the majority of the respondents

respond always or sometimes that by using social media, they found no difficulties in

submitting their assignments to their instructors.

Table 2. The percentage distribution of the student’s response in terms of social

involvement on the statement “Social media is a venue for interactive


Response No. of Students Percentage

Always 6 20.69%

Often 12 41.38%

Sometimes 8 27.59%

Rarely 3 10.34%

Never 0 0%

Total 29 100%

Table 2. Demonstrate that six (6) or 20.69% of the total number of participants

answered "always,", while twelve (12) or 41.38% of the respondents replied "often,",

eight (8) or 27.59% of the respondents answered "sometimes,", and three (3) or
10.34% of the students’ answers were "rarely". From this data, it is inferred that the

majority of the respondents respond often that social media is a venue for interactive


Table 3 The percentage distribution of the student’s response in terms of social

involvement on the statement “Social media increases my ability to


Response No. of Students Percentage

Always 15 51.72%

Often 7 24.14%

Sometimes 6 20.69%

Rarely 1 3.45%

Never 0 0%

Total 29 100%

Table 3. Demonstrate that fifteen (15) or 51.72% of the total number of participants

answered "always,", while seven (7) or 24.14% of the respondents replied "often,", six

(6) or 20.69% of the respondents answered "sometimes,", and one (1) or 3.45% of the

students’ answers were "rarely”. From this data, it is inferred that the majority of the

respondents respond always that social media increases my ability to communicate.

Table 4 The percentage distribution of the student’s response in terms of social

involvement on the statement “Social media make students at ease by publicizing

academic related activities”.

Response No. of Students Percentage

Always 12 41.38%

Often 5 17.24%

Sometimes 10 34.48%

Rarely 1 3.45%

Never 1 3.45%

Total 29 100%

Table 4. Demonstrate that twelve (12) or 41.38% of the total number of participants

answered "always,", while five (5) or 17.24% of the respondents replied "often,", ten

(10) or 43.48% of the respondents answered "sometimes,", and one (1) or 3.45% of

the students’ answers were "rarely" and “never”. From this data, it is inferred that the

majority of the respondents respond always that social media makes students feel at

ease by publicizing academic-related activities.

Table 5 The percentage distribution of the student’s response in terms of social

involvement on the statement “I use my social media account as a venue for

releasing my school pressure and concern”.

Response No. of Students Percentage

Always 10 34.48%

Often 5 17.24%

Sometimes 7 24.14%

Rarely 5 17.24%

Never 2 6.90%

Total 29 100%

Table 5. Demonstrate that ten (10) or 34.48% of the total number of participants

answered "always", while five (5) or 17.24% of the respondents replied "often", seven

(7) or 24.14% of the respondents answered "sometimes", five (5) or 17.24% of the

students’ answers were "rarely" and two (2) or 6.90% answered never. From this data,

it is inferred that the majority of the respondents always use their social media

accounts as a venue for releasing their school pressure and concern.

Table 6 The percentage distribution of the student’s response in terms of

academic purposes on the statement “Social media allows me to do research for

my lessons/assignments”.

Response No. of Students Percentage

Always 20 68.97%

Often 3 10.34%

Sometimes 4 13.79%

Rarely 0 0%
Never 2 6.90%

Total 29 100%

Table 6. Demonstrate that twenty (20) or 68.97% of the total number of participants

answered "always", while three (3) or 10.34% of the respondents replied "often", four

(4) or 13.79% of the respondents answered "sometimes", and two (2) or 6.90%

answered never. From this data, it is inferred that the majority of the respondents

always use social media to allow them to do research for their lessons or assignments.

Table 7 The percentage distribution of the student’s response in terms of

academic purposes on the statement “Social media affects my spelling


Response No. of Students Percentage

Always 11 37.93%

Often 10 34.48%

Sometimes 2 6.90%

Rarely 1 3.45%

Never 5 17.24%

Total 29 100%

Table 7. Demonstrate that eleven (11) or 37.93% of the total number of participants

answered "always", while ten (10) or 34.48% of the respondents replied "often,", two

(2) or 6.90% of the respondents answered "sometimes", one (1) or 3.45% of the

students’ answers were "rarely," and five (5) or 17.24% answered never. From this
data, it is inferred that the majority of the respondents' spelling proficiency is always

affected by social media.

Table 8 The percentage distribution of the student’s response in terms of

academic purposes on the statement “. I use social media to get some idea about

my assignments (LinkedIn, Youtube, etc.)”.

Response No. of Students Percentage

Always 11 37.93%

Often 12 41.38%

Sometimes 6 20.69%

Rarely 0 0%

Never 0 0%

Total 29 100%

Table 8. Demonstrate that eleven (11) or 37.93% of the total number of participants

answered "always,", while twelve (12) or 41.38% of the respondents replied "often"

and six (6) or 20.69% of the respondents answered "sometimes". From this data, it is

inferred that the majority of the respondents often use social media to get some idea

about their assignments (LinkedIn, Youtube, etc.).

Table 9 The percentage distribution of the student’s response in terms of

academic purposes on the statement “I see social media as the reason to increase

my grades in school”.
Response No. of Students Percentage

Always 6 20.69%

Often 7 24.14%

Sometimes 12 41.38%

Rarely 2 6.90%

Never 2 6.90%

Total 29 100%

Table 9. Demonstrate that six (6) or 20.69% of the total number of participants

answered "always,", while seven (7) or 24.14% of the respondents replied "often,",

twelve (12) or 41.38% of the respondents answered "sometimes", two (2) or 6.90% of

the students’ answers were "rarely," and two (2) or 6.90% answered never. From this

data, it is inferred that the majority of the respondents sometimes see social media as

the reason to increase their grades in school.

Table 10 The percentage distribution of the student’s response in terms of

academic purposes on the statement “Social media enriches my vocabulary”.

Response No. of Students Percentage

Always 13 44.83%

Often 6 20.69%

Sometimes 4 13.79%

Rarely 4 13.79%

Never 2 6.90%

Total 29 100%
Table 10. Demonstrate that thirteen (13) or 44.83% of the total number of participants

answered "always,", while six (6) or 20.69% of the respondents replied "often,", four

(4) or 13.79% of the respondents answered "sometimes", four (4) or 13.79% of the

students’ answers were "rarely," and two (2) or 6.90% answered never. From this

data, it is inferred that the majority of the respondents always use social media to

enrich their vocabulary.

Table 11 Contingency table of “The effect of social media exposure on Social

Involvement to the Students”

Indicator/Statement 5 4 3 2 1 Total
Fo Fe Fo Fe Fo Fe Fo Fe Fo Fe
1. By using social
media, I found no
difficulties in 9 29 8 29 9 29 2 29 1 29 29
submitting my
assignments to my
2. Social media is a
venue for interactive 6 29 12 29 8 29 3 29 0 29 29
3. Social media
increases my ability to
communicate. 15 29 7 29 6 29 1 29 1 29 29

4. Social media make

students at ease by
publicizing academic 12 29 5 29 10 29 1 29 1 29 29
related activities.
5. I use my social
media account as a
venue for releasing my
school pressure and 10 29 5 29 7 29 5 29 2 29 29

Total 52 37 40 12 4 145

x²: 56.14 df: 4 Result: 56.14>9.488

C.V: 9.488 level of significance: 0.05 Decision: Ho is rejected

Table 11 presents the contingency table of the effect of students social media

exposure on social involvement based on the results from the survey checklist

answered by the respondents for the school year 2023-2024. Based on the responses

of the students to the statement under the level of students' social media exposure in

terms of social involvement, “ALWAYS” has a subtotal of fifty-two (52). On

"SOMETIMES,” it has a subtotal of thirty-seven (37). Meanwhile, “OFTEN” has a

subtotal of forty (40). From the data, it is inferred that “rarely” has a subtotal of

twelve (12) and “NEVER” has a subtotal of four (4). Underscoring whether the level

of social media exposure in terms of social involvement to the students was

comprehensively undertaken, the data tabulation was as follows: set at 0.05 level of
significance and the degree of freedom is three (4), the computed value of (56.14) is

greater than the tabular value (9.488). Thus, the null hypothesis states that “there is no

significant effect of social involvement”. It is justifiably “REJECTED”.

Table 12 Contingency table of “The effect of social media exposure on Academic

Purposes to the Students”.

Indicator/Statement 5 4 3 2 1 Tota


o e o e o e o e o e

1. Social media

allows me to do

research for my 20 2 3 2 4 2 0 2 2 2 29

lessons/assignments 9 9 9 9 9

2. Social media

affects my spelling 11 2 10 2 2 2 1 2 5 2 29

proficiency. 9 9 9 9 9

3. I use social

media to get some

idea about my 11 2 12 2 6 2 0 2 0 2 29

assignments. 9 9 9 9 9


Youtube, etc.)

4. I see social media

as the reason to

increase my grades 6 2 7 2 12 2 2 2 2 2 29

in school. 9 9 9 9 9

5. Social media

enriches my 13 2 6 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 29

vocabulary. 9 9 9 9 9

Total 61 38 28 7 11 145

x²: 65.99 df: 4 Result: 65.99>9.488

C.V: 9.488 level of significance: 0.05 Decision: Ho is rejected

Table 12 presents the contingency table, The Effect of Social Media Exposure on

Academic Purposes for Students, that is, the results from the survey checklist

answered by the respondent for the school year 2023-2024. Based on the responses of

the students to the statement under the Academic Purposes, “ALWAYS” has a

subtotal of sixty-one (61). On "OFTEN,” it has a subtotal of thirty-eight (38).

Meanwhile, “SOMETIMES” has a subtotal of twenty-eight (28). From the data, it is

inferred that “RARELY” has a subtotal of seven (7) and “NEVER” has a subtotal of

eleven (11). Underscoring whether the effect of social media exposure on students

academic purposes, the data tabulation was comprehensively undertaken, which was

as follows: set at 0.05 level of significance and the degree of freedom is three (4), the

computed value of 65.99 is greater than the tabular value (9.488). Thus, the null
hypothesis states that “there is no significant effect of social media exposure on

students’ academic purposes”. It is justifiably “REJECTED”.

Table 13 The mean distribution of the student’s response to the effect of

academic writing convention in terms of “capitalization”

No. Score Mean Adjective

1 19 0.66 Satisfactory

2 14 0.48 Fair

3 22 0.76 Verysatisfactory

4 17 0.59 F

5 23 0.79 O

Total 0.656 S

0.48-0.59- fair

Table 14 The mean distribution of the student’s response to the effect of academic

writing convention in terms of “abbreviation”

No. Score Mean

1 25 0.86

2 22 0.76

3 26 0.90

4 25 0.86

5 25 0.86

Total = 4.24 ÷ 5 = 0.85

Table 15 The mean distribution of the student’s response to the effect of academic

writing convention in terms of “spelling”

No. Score Mean

1 23 0.79

2 24 0.83

3 23 0.79

4 22 0.76

5 22 0.76

Total = 3.93 ÷ 5 = 0.786

Table 16 The mean distribution of the student’s response to the effect of academic

writing convention in terms of “punctuation”

No. Score Mean

1 25 0.86

2 22 0.76

3 23 0.79

4 23 0.79

5 25 0.86

Total = 4.06 ÷ 5 = 0.812



This chapter explicates the summary of finding, the conclusion as well as the

recommendation which the researchers drew after extensive analysis and

interpretation of the gathered data.

Summary of Findings
This study which aimed to determine the effect between social media exposure

and academic writing convention in Computer Software Servicing students at West

Prime Horizon Institute, Inc. had undertaken relevant data gathering in order to

achieve the primary objective. The data were statistically treated applying

mathematical formulas and understandable terms to obtain answers to substantially

break term down that would apply and address the research question.

The researchers, after careful analysis and interpretation of the data,

summarized their findings which are the following:

Social Media Exposure

Majority of the responses of the students to the statement under the level of

students' social media exposure in terms of social involvement, always has a subtotal

of fifty-two (52). On sometimes it has a subtotal of thirty-seven (37). Meanwhile,

often has a subtotal of forty (40). From the data, it is inferred that “rarely” has a

subtotal of twelve (12) and never has a subtotal of four (4).

Academic Writing Convention

Most of the responses of the students to the statement under the Academic

Purposes, always has a subtotal of sixty-one (61). On often it has a subtotal of thirty-

eight (38). Meanwhile, sometimes has a subtotal of twenty-eight (28). From the data,

it is inferred that rarely has a subtotal of seven (7) and never has a subtotal of eleven



Underscoring whether social media exposure and academic writing convention

has an effect with the Computer Software Servicing students at West Prime Horizon

Institute, Inc. S.Y. 2023-2024. The data tabulation was comprehensively undertaken

which was as follows: set at 0.05 levels of significance, the computed value of (56.14)

is greater than tabular value (9.488) from the contingency table of the social

involvement. Thus, the null hypothesis states that “there is no significant effect of

social involvement to the academic writing convention”. It is justifiably

“REJECTED”. And the computed value of (65.99) is greater than tabular value

(9.488) from the contingency table of academic purposes. Thus, the null hypothesis

states that “there is no significant effect of academic purposes to the academic writing

convention”. It is justifiably “REJECTED”. Therefore, there is significant effect

between social media exposure to students academic writing convention of West

Prime Horizon Institute Incorporated Grade-12 students of school year 2023-2024”.


In line with the preceding findings and conclusion of the study, the researchers

drew the following recommendations addressed to the students, parents, teachers, and

the future researchers, respectively;

The school must elevate the quality of teaching to Bachelor of Arts in English

Language Studies (AB English) students through implementing teaching strategies.

Students should reduce their exposure to social media and pay more attention to their

studies, seminars should be organized in the various schools or faculties to enlighten

students more about the possible implications of social media usage on their academic

performance, students should make sure that they use these social networking sites

judiciously to ensure that they do not become detrimental to their academics,

teachers/lecturers can adopt new strategies by channeling assignments or discussions

on social media platforms to help inculcate the habit of using these sites for academic

work, students must minimize the time they spend on social media to avoid being

obsessed by these sites for unnecessary chatting, and the school authority should also

restrict access to certain social media sites that maybe prone of distracting students’

attention during school hours as a means of minimizing their use.


 Trusov, Bucklin, & Pauwels (2009) “Impact of Social Networking Websites

on Students”

 (Asemah, Okpanachi, Edegoh,2013) “Influence of Social Media on the

Academic Performance of the Undergraduate Students”

 Further, Kulidad (2017) “Social Media Exposure of Students in Relation to

Academic Performance”

 Oye, Helou and Ab. Rahim (2012), “Students’ Perceptions on Social

Networking Sites Influence on Academic Performance from'_Perceptions_o

 Social Media Exposure of Students in Relation to Academic Performance


 Influence_of_Social_Media_on_the_Academic.pdf

 Students’ Perceptions of Academic Writing as a Mode of Communication


 Social Media use and its Effects on writing Ability among Moroccan
University EFL Students from


 Conventions of Academic Writing from
V. Sagun Corner M. Roxas St.
San Francisco District, Pagadian City
Mobile No.: 0977-804-7489 (Globe)

December 17, 2022

Acting School President
West Prime Horizon Institute, Inc.
Pagadian City


We, the 4th year students of Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education
(BTVTED) major in Computer Hardware Servicing at West Prime Horizon Institute,
Inc., would like to ask your permission to allow us to conduct a survey upon 1 st year
and 2nd year college students of Bachelor of Arts in English Language Studies
(BAELS) students enrolled for the S.Y. 2022-2023. This is study entitled, ‘The
Relationship Between Social Media Exposure and Academic Writing Convention of
BAELS Students at West Prime Horizon Institute, Inc., S.Y.2022-2023.’

We are hoping for your positive response on this regard.

Thank you.

Very truly yours,

The Researchers




Approved by Technology Research Adviser

Questionnaire on the Level of Students’ Social Media Exposure
Instrument to Determine the Level of Students’ Social Media Exposure
(Adopted from Baria, 2021)
Directions: The following items aim to determine your level of social media
exposure. Please tick (√) the relevant boxes that best represent your honest response.

5 – Always 2 – Rarely
4 – Often 1 – Never
3 – Sometimes
A. Social Involvement
No. Statements 1 2 3 4 5
1. I use social media for uploading pictures and videos.
Social media updates me on my friends and family's
3. Social media increases my ability to communicate.
4. Social media allows me to make more friends.
Social media eliminates the need for the physical
presence of a friend.

B. Academic Purposes
No. Statements 1 2 3 4 5
Social media allows me to do research for my
2. Social media is a venue for interactive discussion.
3. Social media enriches my vocabulary.
I see my social media account as a venue for
releasing my school pressure and stress.
5. Social media affects my spelling proficiency.
Survey Questionnaire
Academic Writing Conventions

I. Directions: Choose the correctly spelled word/s among the given below.
Encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer.

1. I have kind and thoughtful _____________.

a. nieghbors
b. neighbors
c. neibors
d. neigbours
2. I have given the _____________ among the test-takers in the class.
a. questionnaires
b. questioniares
c. questionares
d. questionners
3. Shakespeare is one of the greatest_____________during his time.
a. playwrite
b. playright
c. playrite
d. playwright
4. I am giving you concrete examples to win this _____________.
a. arguement
b. aregument
c. argeument
d. argument
5. The incident was so ______________ to me.
a. embarassing
b. embarasing
c. embarrasing
d. embarrassing

II. Directions: Choose the correct abbreviations among the given below.
Encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer.

6. What is the correct abbreviation of limited?

a. limit
b. limtd
c. ltd
d. lmtd

7. What is the correct abbreviation for development?

a. Dev.
b. Deve.
c. Devel.
d. Dvlpmnt.
8. What is the correct abbreviation for farewell?
a. fare.
b. farwl.
c. farew.
d. farewl.

9. What is the correct abbreviation for footprint?

a. ftprnt.
b. footpr.
c. footprnt
d. fotprnt.

10. What is the correct abbreviation for invertebrate?

a. inv.
b. invtb8.
c. invrtbte.
d. invertebr.


Upper Sicpao, Sominot, Zamboanga Del Sur
Contact No.

Age: 21
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: September 01, 2001
Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Catholic
Address: Upper Sicpao, Sominot, Zamboanga Del Sur
Father’s Name: Federico B. Pilapil Jr.
Occupation: Farmer
Mother’s Name: Luzminda B. Pilapil
Occupation: Housewife


2022-2023 College
West Prime Horizon Institute Inc.
Bachelor Of Technical Voational Teacher
Education Major In: Computer Hardware
Servicing (CHS)

2018-2019 Senior High School

West Prime Horizon Institute Inc.
Computer System Servicing

2016-2017 Junior High School

Sominot National High School
Sominot, Zamboanga Del Sur

2011-2012 Elementary
Upper Sicpao Elementary School
Sominot, Zamboanga Del Sur


Upper Pulacan, Labangan, Zamboanga Del Sur
Contact No. 09708766558

Age: 22
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: August 30, 2000
Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Catholic
Address: Upper Pulacan, Labangan, Zamboanga Del Sur
Father’s Name: Ricky M. Micaros
Occupation: Farmer
Mother’s Name: Juvy C. Micaros
Occupation: Housewife


2022-2023 College
West Prime Horizon Institute Inc.
Bachelor Of Technical Voational Teacher
Education Major In: Computer Hardware
Servicing (CHS)

2018-2019 Senior High School

West Prime Horizon Institute Inc.
Computer System Servicing

2016-2017 Junior High School

Zamboanga Del Sur National High School
Sta. Maria, Pagadian City

2011-2012 Elementary
Tabak Elementary School
Upper Pulacan, Labangan, Zamboanga Del Sur


Purok Sampaguita, Kabatan, Vincenzo Sagun
Zamboanga del Sur
Contact No. 09383906150

Age: 23
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: February 14, 2000
Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: CAMACOP
Address: Kabatan, Vincenzo Sagun, Zamboanga del Sur
Father’s Name: Noli A. Danda
Occupation: Driver
Mother’s Name: Nilda P. Danda
Occupation: Utility/Church Care Taker


2022-2023 College
West Prime Horizon Institute Inc.
Bachelor Of Technical Voational Teacher
Education Major In: Computer Hardware
Servicing (CHS)

2018-2019 Senior High School

ZSNHS-SHS (Stand Alone)
General Academic Strand

2016-2017 Junior High School

Zamboanga Del Sur National High School
Sta. Maria, Pagadian City

2011-2012 Elementary
Vincenzo Sagun Central Elementary School
Kabatan, Vincenzo Sagun, Zamboanga Del Sur

Muricay,Pagadian City
Zamboanga del sur
Contact no. 09061154368


Age: 23 years old

Birth Date: May 16, 1999
Gender: Female
Status: Single
Religion: Islam
Address: Muricay, Pagadian City
Father’s Name: Naser Bandara
Occupation: None
Mother’s Name: Bai Bandara
Occupation: Housewife


2022-2023 College
West Prime Horizon Institute, Inc.
Bachelor Of Technical Voational Teacher
Education Major In: Computer Hardware
Servicing (CHS)

2018-2019 Senior High School

West Prime Horizon Institute Inc.
Computer System Servicing

2016-2017 Junior High School

Zamboanga Del Sur National High School
Sta. Maria, Pagadian City

2011-2012 Elementary
Muricay Elementary School
Muricay, Pagadian City

Zambonga del Sur
Contact no. 09959424851


Age: 22 years old

Birth Date: February 28, 2001
Gender: Female
Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Address: Tabina
Father’s Name: Andres Bital
Occupation: Deceased
Mother’s Name: Susana Bital
Occupation: Housewife


2022-2023 College
West Prime Horizon Institute, Inc.
Bachelor Of Technical Voational Teacher
Education Major In: Computer Hardware
Servicing (CHS)

2018-2019 Senior High School

Culabay National High School
Computer Hardware Servicing

2016-2017 Junior High School

Culabay National High School
Culabay, Tabina

2011-2012 Elementary
Capisan Elementary School
Tabina, Zamboanga del Sur

Muricay,Pagadian City
Zamboanga del sur
Contact no. 09061154368


Age: 23 years old

Birth Date: June 7, 1999
Gender: Male
Status: Single
Religion: Islam
Address: Muricay, Pagadian City
Father’s Name: Amer Abas
Occupation: Deceased
Mother’s Name: Sittie Abas
Occupation: Deceased


2022-2023 College
West Prime Horizon Institute, Inc.
Bachelor Of Technical Voational Teacher
Education Major In: Computer Hardware
Servicing (CHS)

2018-2019 Senior High School

Tawagan Sur National High School

2016-2017 Junior High School

Tawagan Sur National High School
Tawagan, Pagadian City

2011-2012 Elementary
Muricay Elementary School
Muricay, Pagadian City

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