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3/23/22, 1:18 AM Why Summer Days Have More Daylight :

Name: Guest
Page 1: Chart It
Comparing Summer and Winter Days

1. Based on the video, how is the amount of The amount of diffrence is that even at 3
daylight different in summer and in winter? am there is still a bit of daylight just
Support your answer with evidence from the slightly darker and in summer is night
video. already at 3 am.

from my experience in summer there's

2. Based on your experiences, how is the way lesser daylight then in winter
amount of daylight different in summer and in because even though it gets pretty dark
winter? outside in winter there is still a bit of it
out there.

Page 2: Notes
Daylight and Darkness Data - notes

Because in summer daylight dosen't leave as fast as in winter.

Page 3: Chart It
Daylight Data for a Year

1. Which month had the most daylight? How

June,15 hours

2. Which month had the least daylight? How

December,8.5 hours
much? 1/3
3/23/22, 1:18 AM Why Summer Days Have More Daylight :

3. Describe how the amount of daylight changed In january more sun was coming out then
from January to December. in december because in december its a
more snowy month.

Page 4: Arrange It
Day and Night Viewed from Space - Arrange It

Page 5: Notes
Day and Night Viewed From Space, Continued

The view from space helps me explain the diffrence from what i see because of the amount of
daylight each side has.

Page 6: Chart It
Earth's Tilt Chart it

1. When does more sunlight reach the northern


2. When will days have more daylight in the

northern hemisphere? 2/3
3/23/22, 1:18 AM Why Summer Days Have More Daylight :

3. How would the amount of daylight in summer
and winter change if Earth were not tilted on its

Page 7: Notes
Why Summer Days Have More Daylight

Because as you see in the descripeted video in summer the sun may hit earth more in
summer than in winter but either way in winter you could still get daylight. 3/3

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