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Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101520

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Development and validation of a confined space rescue training prototype

based on an immersive virtual reality serious game
Song Lu a, b, Fei Wang a, b, *, Xin Li c, Qichuan Shen b
Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Shenzhen International Graduate School, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen, China
Foshan Urban Safety Research Center Co., Ltd, China


Keywords: Due to the inherently hazardous nature of the confined space environment and a lack of effective rescue training
Confined space rescue on on-site personnel attempting the rescue of fellow workers in a confined space, accidents or even multiple
Safety training fatalities may happen. For this reason, improving the skill set of rescuers is of vital importance. Immersive virtual
reality serious games (IVR SG) have been shown to be effective and are now widely used in safety training.
However, there is little research on its application in confined space rescue training. To bridge this gap, we have
developed a confined space rescue training system (called Rescue Success) based on IVR SG, and then tested its
effectiveness in a real environment. We carried out a single-blind, randomized comparative experiment to study
and compare the learning effectiveness of using IVR SG compared to an E-lecture in terms of behavioral skills,
knowledge acquisition, self-efficacy, and simulation-induced sickness. Our results show that both training
methods significantly improve the participant’s rescue behavioral skills, knowledge, and self-efficacy. Overall,
IVR SG performed better than an E-lecture in all aspects except simulation-induced sickness, where there is no
difference between the two methods.

1. Introduction regulated by the government can be used to solve this problem [5,6].
Many studies have indicated that IVR SG with advantages such as high-
Confined space accidents are the source of many casualties world­ immersive, low-cost can significantly improve the safety training
wide [1]. However, the fatality rate of confined space rescuers recently effectiveness [7–9]. Considering the effectiveness of IVR SG and its po­
in China has been much higher than what is typically found in some tential to solve “blind rescue”, it is necessary to explore the confined
developed countries. For example, the Safety Office of the State Council space rescue training based on IVR SG.
of China recorded 21 confined space incidents between 2017 and 2018, To design and apply a confined space rescue training prototype, we
resulting in 75 fatalities where 71% of them were rescuers [2]. By need to face the following three challenges: (1) The environment and
comparison, in the United States, the U.S. Bureau of Labor recorded 458 interactions of the IVR SG system need to be realistic so as to help
confined space accidents from 1997 to 2001, where the fatality rate of personnel transform knowledge and skills into rescue behaviors in real
rescuers accounted for only 5.5% of the total death toll [3]. Moreover, scenarios. (2) Due to the dangerous nature of the confined space during
an investigation of 59 confined space accidents in Australia from 2000 to rescue training, the system should emphasize avoiding wrong behaviors
2012 showed that the fatality rate of rescuers accounted for only 3.4% of that may cause deadly secondary accidents. (3) A well-designed verifi­
the death toll. According to the Ministry of Emergency Management of cation experiment is needed to prove that the training system is more
China, the main reason for the high mortality of rescuers is a phenom­ effective than the traditional training method.
enon known as “blind rescue,” which refers to a situation where rescuers To address the above three challenges. This paper firstly developed
attempt to save fellow workers while lacking sufficient knowledge of an IVR SG training system to transfer the rescue procedural knowledge
standard rescue procedures [4]. and behavior skills to the rescuer. A confined space operation scenario
Effective training methods based on standard rescue procedures and the models of the required rescue equipment were built to create an

* Corresponding author at: Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Shenzhen International Graduate School, Tsinghua University,
Shenzhen, China.
E-mail address: (F. Wang).
Received 7 August 2021; Received in revised form 30 November 2021; Accepted 30 December 2021
Available online 13 January 2022
1474-0346/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Lu et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101520

immersive virtual environment. According to the rescue procedures and immersion in a virtual environment, it is essential to evaluate the
specified in relevant policies and regulations, we developed the proper realism of the virtual training environment based on quantitative or
training storyline. In particular, we simulated the rescue behavior of the qualitative methods [25,26]. Another critical aspect of evaluation is the
personnel to make it similar to the real one. Secondly, a dynamic error- effectiveness of virtual exercises to transfer knowledge or skills. Previous
consequence mechanic based on fault tree analysis is proposed to meet studies mainly used self-reporting methods to test the knowledge
the second challenge. Experiencing severe consequences caused by learning effects of virtual exercises and used virtual environments or
wrong behaviors in advance can enhance the safety awareness of res­ field tests to test skills learning effects [27–30]. In addition, many
cuers and help them avoid blind rescue. Thirdly, we set up a random studies have also used physiological and psychological indicators such
comparative test to verify Rescue Success’s effectiveness compared to as self-efficacy, simulated motion sickness, heart rate, pulse, and skin
the E-lecture training method. electroporation to evaluate the effectiveness of VR training [31–35].
We first introduce related work on using VR as a training tool to Feng et al. built an earthquake evacuation drill system and verified
enhance the performance of rescuers, fault tree analysis, as well as personnel knowledge acquisition, self-efficacy, and proved that the
studies comparing VR training with alternative training methods (Sec­ personnel’s knowledge and skills in handling earthquake evacuation had
tion 2). We next illustrate the development of Rescue Success in detail been significantly improved through the training [13]. It is believed that
(Section 3). The study of the effectiveness of IVR SG training and E- virtual practice methods should be compared with traditional training
lecture training, as well as the results and discussion, are presented in methods, such as videos, lectures, PPT, and so on, to enhance virtual
Sections 4 and 5, respectively, while Section 6 provides conclusions and reality education’s compelling persuasiveness [36]. Lovreglio et al.
suggestions for future work. compared fire extinguisher training using a VR simulation with a
noninteractive training video and evaluated the trainee’s learning of a
2. Related work fire extinguisher’s essential operation in terms of knowledge acquisition,
retention of information, and change of self-efficacy. The results showed
2.1. Rescue training using IVR SG that the VR trainees outperformed the other group in all outcome pa­
rameters [7].
Virtual reality (VR) is a simulated experience that can be very similar However, there are no current comprehensive evaluation indicators
to the real world [10], which is usually applied in fields such as edu­ for a virtual reality rescue training system. Moreover, in emergency
cation, games et al. [11,12]. IVR SG is a method of using virtual reality rescue training, no field experiments have been conducted to test the
integrated with games for non-entertainment purposes [13]. Previous learning of skills or behaviors, which makes it difficult for rescuers
study suggested that VR training may cause simulator sickness [14]. But receiving emergency rescue training to agree with the effectiveness of
experts found that the discomfort could be reduced through or elimi­ this training method. In order to solve the above problems, we propose a
nated with the improvement of hardware and interaction design [15]. random comparative test to determine a complete evaluation system and
Currently, this method is widely used in safety training such as earth­ test the effectiveness of rescue behavior learning through field studies.
quake evacuation [16], aviation emergency response [9], and building
fire wayfinding [17]. 3. Development of rescue success
Few studies on emergency rescue training using IVR SG have been
carried out. Sun et al. established a helicopter rescue training system Rescue Success is based on our earlier conference version [2]. The
that transforms the complex rescue procedure into a set of virtual sce­ development of the system is divided into the following five parts:
narios (from equipment inspection, fly to the accident site, to return) to design purpose, virtual environment design, storyline and interaction,
train the team members using head-mounted VR [18]. Xu et al. estab­ disaster simulation based on accident tree analysis, and instructional
lished a rescue training system for railway accidents to train the oper­ methods.
ator to operate a rescue crane in a VR environment [19]. These studies
indicated that personnel can become familiar with practical knowledge 3.1. Design purpose
before rescue using VR. In this case, rescuers can better prepare them­
selves for emergency rescue when facing huge risks. However, nearly no This system is built to transfer procedural knowledge and behavioral
studies have focused on confined space rescue and little is known about skills of confined space rescue to on-site rescuers. There are two main
the applicability and effectiveness of IVR SG to improve the rescue skills reasons for choosing on-site rescuers as training targets: (1) Among
and knowledge of participants in confined space sites. To bridge these rescuers, most fatalities are among those present on-site at the time of
gaps, we have established a full-process rescue training system. the incident, who often lack adequate safety training to execute a suc­
cessful rescue [1]. (2) In a time-sensitive situation like a confined space
2.2. Fault tree analysis rescue, the arrival of professional emergency services may be too late
The essence of Fault tree analysis (FTA) is a kind of logic tree dia­ To improve the training effectiveness of the system, we propose two
gram that uses Boolean logic symbols to represent the sources of specific crucial design points: (1) Inspired by experiential learning theory [37],
fault events and their logical relations, which can find out all kinds of the system provides the trained personnel with an opportunity to
inherent potential risk factors systems in detail [20]. Previous studies practice the operations thoroughly, and therefore master the rescue
show that a fault tree can be used as a qualitative tool to ascertain likely procedure in a high-fidelity virtual environment. (2) Inspired by the
causes and how accidents occur [21–23]. However, no research has yet learning by mistake theory [38], the system emphasizes rescue prepa­
used FTA to build an accident logic system in a 3D virtual environment ration by allowing personnel to make mistakes at this stage and shows
to respond to personnel errors and reduce the gap between the virtual the consequences (e.g., explosion, poisoning, drowning) of errors based
world and the real world. on our errors-consequences mechanism.
Moreover, to increase the survival rate of rescuers before the arrival
2.3. Validation of VR training of professional emergency medical services, a simplified Basic Life
Support (BLS) protocol of CPR & ECC guideline 2020 [39], an advanced
A VR training environment is judged on its ability to elicit positive CPR & AED method, is also transferred in IVR SG.
transfer to the real world [24]. The VR environment needs to be just real
enough to develop new skills that can be applied to real tasks to achieve
this goal. Since learning real behaviors requires people to feel presence

S. Lu et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101520

3.2. Virtual environment design lifesaving first aid experts were invited to give the recommended be­
haviors and skills descriptions of entry rescue in all three rescue stages;
A typical sewer hole in City H was selected as the simulated rescue A total of 10 recommended behaviors for rescuers in the three stages are
scene to test our Rescue Success software. There are two primary reasons listed, as shown in Table 1.
for choosing a sewer hole as the rescue scene: (1) March to September is IVR SG has been designed to teach how to rescue the trapped person
the annual rainy season in City H, and there are typically a large number in a confined space. At first, to ensure that the user is acquainted with
of underground sewage dredging operations taking place, which, ac­ the emergency rescue equipment, a simple explanation of the name and
cording to the statistics of the municipal emergency management purpose of each item is given by an NPC before the drill. When a
department, are the source about half of the total number of confined confined space accident is initiated, the training session begins.
space accidents. (2) The sewer hole is a very typical confined space that In the rescue preparation stage, we adopted the learning by mistakes
includes nearly all common hazards of confined space such as oxygen theory, so the three recommended behaviors shown in Table 1 will be
deficiency, toxic airborne contaminants, flammable atmospheres, the given only at the beginning of the stage using text and voice, as shown in
risk of engulfment in free-flowing solids and liquids, and a range of Fig. 4. The system will not give any more prompts while a user tries to
physical hazards [40]. Therefore, a utility hole will be an ideal training apply the recommended behavioral skills in this stage. After the user
place to help rescuers identify and control hazards. decides they finished rescue preparation, they can directly click the “Go
We reconstructed a real confined space operation scene. Construc­ down the manhole” box in the virtual drill to switch to the next stage. If
tion of the virtual model of the utility hole and the available equipment incorrect operations that lead to accidents (explosion, poisoning) have
was completed using 3Dmax. Models of personal protective equipment been completed in the first stage, the severe consequences will be dis­
used by the rescuer are shown in Fig. 1, including a safety helmet, played (see Section 3.2). After that, the feedback of performance in the
positive pressure respirator, safety belt, protective clothing, and first stage will be provided using the summary chart, and the user is
disposable respirator. Standard emergency rescue equipment includes supposed to restart rescue preparation until they perform right.
medical boxes, ventilators, gas detectors, automatic external de­ In the rescue action stage, the system will navigate the user to
fibrillators (AED), communications equipment, tripods, ladders, and complete each behavior of the rescue action stage using the action-
other vital tools. The building information modelling (BIM) represen­ driven method [42]. Guidance will be given to ensure participants
tation of a street view in City H was introduced as the surroundings. perform each behavior correctly. Moreover, to remind trainees that the
To construct our Non-Player Character (NPC), we used the low-cost rescue process is time-sensitive, we stipulate that if the user stays in the
and high-quality human body model generation algorithm [2]. The confined space for more than two minutes, it will be flooded with
above models are sophisticated enough to ensure that the nuances of a sewage leading to drowning and failure of the rescue.
lifelike rescue scene are accurately reproduced. Finally, we imported the In the life-saving first aid stage, we transfer the procedure of
above model into Unity to build the virtual environment (see Fig. 2), an simplified BLS, as shown in Table 1. The guidance that ensures correct
integrated platform used as a gaming engine and framework, and used behavior is also given in this stage. Moreover, to improve the CPR and
C# for interaction design [41]. AED performance of users, we first try to improve the quality of CPR
(hand position, frequency, and depth) through interactive training.
Chest compression is simulated by shaking a handle to create a collision
3.3. Storyline and interaction between the hand and human body model. Motion capture algorithms
are used to calculate the frequency of the handle shaking and give
The confined space rescue procedure recommended by the Ministry feedback to the user. If the pressing frequency is between 100 and 120
of Emergency Management of China is shown in Fig. 3 [5]. The rescue repetitions/min, the feedback will be green (satisfactory; see Fig. 5(i));
procedure is divided into three stages: rescue preparation, rescue action, otherwise, it is red (unsatisfactory). In addition, the positioning module
and lifesaving first aid. When a confined space accident occurs, rescuers is used to detect whether the trainee’s hand position is correct. Another
should choose the rescue methods according to the scene’s character­ indicator that affects chest compression is the depth of compression. We
istics under the premise of ensuring their safety. In our system, since the used three human deformation models (1 cm, 5 cm, and 10 cm), and the
risk of non-entry rescue is significantly less than that of an entry rescue, system fed back the corresponding model according to the shaking
the system uses animation to display non-entry rescue (including self- amplitude of the person’s handle.
rescue) methods if the non-entry rescue mode is choosen. By contrast, Second, we simulated AED feedback and voice guidance, including
entry-rescue training, which is the most hazardous method, is the pri­ instructions such as turning on the switch, attaching electrodes,
mary goal of the training system. Confined space rescue experts and

Fig. 1. Equipment model used in Rescue Success.

S. Lu et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101520

Fig. 2. Confined space work scenario in Unity (a. Overall scene; b. Internal structure of sewer hole).

Fig. 4. Prompt for overall instruction of rescue preparation.

automatic detection, charging, and defibrillation, to replicate actual

AED to assist the rescuers. Each step of operating AED in the virtual
Fig. 3. Basic procedures for safe rescue in work accidents in confined space (for world is implemented using C#.
rescuer only).
3.4. Error-consequence mechanism based on fault tree analysis

Table 1 In a confined space rescue, people often rescue blindly because they
Recommended behavior in sewer hole rescue (entry-rescue). do not appreciate the severe consequences of an error [43]. Therefore, to
Stages Recommended behaviors Skills Description fully demonstrate the risks inherent in a blind rescue, we simulated
Rescue 1. Detect hazards Use a gas detector to detect the
common confined space hazards (explosion, poisoning, drowning; as
preparation manhole hazards and maintain shown in Fig. 5) using the particle system of the Unity3D engine. For the
detection. simulation of explosion and poisoning hazards, we used the fault tree
2. Eliminate the hazards Use a ventilator for ventilation and analysis method to establish the accident causation logic [44,45]. For
maintain ventilation.
drowning, we assume there is rising sewage in the well, and people will
3. Wear Personal protective Choose proper equipment
equipment (PPE) according to the hazards detected. be submerged if they do not evacuate quickly. We also simulated the
Rescue action 4. Use the rescue system Use the tripod. explosion mechanism based on the analysis of 10 explosion accidents
5. Wear disposable Wear respirators for personnel. during confined space rescues, as shown in Fig. 6.
respirators for personnel According to Fig. 6, the minimum path set for an explosion can be
6. Bind personnel to the Bind personnel to the rescue
rescue system system.
obtained in the cases of: X1, X3, X4; X2, X3, and X4. The system assumes
7. Evacuate quickly If the environment is dangerous, that hydrogen sulfide is present as a hazard, and the conditions for
evacuate immediately. reaching the explosive limit are preset to be met. Therefore, if the person
Life-saving 8. Determine if the person Check the person’s breathing and fails to take corrective actions in the rescue preparation stage, such as by
first-aid has had a cardiac arrest pulse.
carrying a mobile phone or using non-explosion-proof lights, and there is
9. Perform Perform chest compression and
cardiopulmonary artificial respiration. (If the trapped no ventilation, an explosion will occur. If mistakes in the first rescue
resuscitation (CPR) person has been exposed to a toxic stage have the potential to cause both explosion and poisoning, the
environment, artificial respiration priority is explosion before the poisoning.
should not be performed).
10. Use automatic external Use AED after performing CPR.
defibrillator (AED)
3.5. Instructional methods

The system gives players feedback in two ways: immediate real-time

feedback and post-event feedback. For immediate feedback, except for

S. Lu et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101520

Fig. 5. Scenarios of the storyline (a. Detect the hazards; b. Eliminate the hazards; c. Wear PPE; d. Use the rescue system; e. Wear disposable respirators for personnel;
f. Bind personnel to the rescue system; g. Evacuate quickly; h. Cardiac arrest detection; i. Perform CPR; j. Use AED).

4. Methods

4.1. Study design and participants

We conducted a comparative experiment at the Pineapple Volunteer

Emergency Rescue Center (Pineapple Rescue), the most prominent so­
cial welfare rescue organization in City H. With the development of
electronic technology and the impact of COVID-19, electronic class­
rooms have shown their potential to become the primary learning
method in training due to the advantage of not being affected by the
constraints of time and place. Relevant studies have shown that the
knowledge dissemination efficacy of this method is similar to that of
classroom training and is often better than VR teaching [46]. Due to the
high efficiency, portability, and low cost of E-lecture, China’s safety
training, especially confined space rescue training, mainly adopts this
However, to our limited knowledge, there has been no study that
compares the effect of this training method against IVR SG for emer­
gency rescue. To compare the effectiveness of the two methods in
confined space rescue exercises, this article sets up two experimental
groups: IVR SG and E-lecture. We also set the hazard source in confined
space as H2S, which is a flammable, explosive, and toxic gas.
Fig. 6. Error-consequence mechanism (Explosion). We recruited 32 healthy men aged 21–38 years to participate in the
trial through posters, emails, and phone calls. We informed them of the
scenarios in stage 1, the system will relay prompts when the player has nature of the experiment and collected the personal details of the par­
not followed the procedure correctly or has selected the wrong option or ticipants through electronic questionnaires. Among those recruited, ten
approach. For post-event feedback, when the entire drill has been withdrew due to acrophobia, claustrophobia, or otherwise feeling un­
completed, the rescue personnel receive a detailed overall game sum­ willing or unable to participate in the simulation test. After recruitment,
mary, which includes a review of the player’s performance in the drill. another facilitator, who was not involved with recruiting the personnel,
The system also includes a video playback to help personnel review the randomly divided the remaining participants into two groups based on
entire rescue process. the self-reported information that the participants provided. One group

S. Lu et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101520

was assigned to the IVR SG training system, and the other was assigned
to E-lecture training. Details of the two groups are shown in Table 2. A
Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the characteristics of the two
groups of people, and no significant difference between them was found.
Before the start of the study, the research protocol included the
definition of primary and secondary results, and the statistical analysis
plan was approved by the Ethics Committee of Tsinghua University.

4.2. IVR SG

The IVR SG training was conducted using the system we built called
“Rescue Success.” The system was designed and developed to teach the
rescuer the procedures and operations of confined space rescue. We set
the scenario that the personnel is trapped at the bottom of the well, and
self-rescue and non-entry rescue methods have already failed. Therefore,
the entry into confined space with H2S is necessary. Participants were
supposed to follow the system’s instructions to complete three stages of
confined space rescue: rescue preparation, rescue actions, and life- Fig. 7. The E-lecture on confined space rescue.
saving first-aid. In rescue preparation, the system only gives overall
instructions and does not force the person to complete the corresponding performance of participants during the rescue test. The participants are
operations in order fully. In this way, participants correct their actions required to conduct a rescue based on the recommended behavioral
by making mistakes and perceiving severe consequences (see Section skills (see Table 1). The scores are given basedon the participant’s be­
3.4). In the rescue action and life-saving first-aid phase, the system gives haviors. The behavior scores ranged between 0 and 10(1 point was given
corresponding guidance at every step. Participants can learn by prac­ for each correct behavior and 0 point otherwise). To ensure the reli­
ticing every behavior. ability of the measurements, scores were given by two experimenters
We used the Oculus Quest2 device to visualize the virtual environ­ with expertise in confined space rescue. The cohen’s kappa was 0.90
ment. It comes with a headset and two controllers. which indicated a very good level of agreement.
Considering the safety issues, if the participants do not know what to
4.3. E-lecture do, or if they encounter problems, they can ask the supervisor for help,
but doing so will reduce the corresponding behavioral scores. If the
The traditional training method was implemented using the Tencent number of help requests exceeds three, it is considered that the rescue
Video APP, as shown in Fig. 7. Participants watched E-lecture courses cannot be completed, and the remaining uncompleted scores will be
recorded by confined space experts via a 15.6′′ laptop screen. The course excluded.
introduced the procedure and recommended best practices for a The experimenter will assist the participants with wearing the
confined space rescue (see Fig. 1). The contents of the E-lecture are fully emergency rescue equipment as in an actual emergency response. In the
consistent with IVR SG. It was selected for comparison in this research as Life-saving first aid stage, we used a CPR trainer to monitor the fre­
it is widely used in confined space rescue training in China, and it is easy quency of chest compressions, and we also used an AED trainer (KS/
to be understood by participants through its vivid animations and AED890) to simulate the operation of the AED.
simulated sound effect.
(2) Knowledge acquisition
4.4. Outcomes
We measured knowledge acquisition by using an open-ended pro­
The following metrics are considered in our experiment: cedural knowledge questionnaire (PKQ), as shown in Table 3. The PKQ
is a simplified version of the questionnaire (range 0–30 with higher
(1) Confined space rescue behavior scores indicating higher procedural knowledge) [2]. The open-ended
(2) Procedural knowledge acquisition questions were checked by two experimenters.
(3) Simulator sickness
(4) Self-efficacy (3) Other outcomes
(5) System design
Other outcomes included the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE) to
(1) Confined space rescue behavior (Primary outcome)
measure the self-efficacy of personnel (range 0–40 with higher scores
indicating higher self-efficacy) [47],the System Design Assessment
We used the real confined space site as the test venue for the
personnel to complete the rescue, and the primary outcome was the
Table 3
Procedural knowledge questionnaire.
Table 2
Basic Information Form. Questions Score standard

IVR SG (n = 11) E-lecture (n = 11) Q1: What needs to be done before Detect hazards, eliminate hazards, and wear
entry? PPE. (3 points for each, 10 points for three
Age 26.4 (3.27278) 28.0 (4.49242) correct answers).
BMI 21.85 (1.956) 22.15 (2.82910) Q2: What needs to be done from Wear disposable respirators for personnel,
Confined Space Related training 0 0 entering a confined space to bind personnel to the rescue system, and
Education – – leaving? evacuate quickly. (3 points for each, 10
None or primary – – points for three correct answers).
Secondary – – Q3: What needs to be done after Cardiac arrest detection, perform CPR, and
Postsecondary 11 11 leaving confined space? use AED (3 points for each, 10 points for
three correct answers).
Data are numbers of participants or mean (SD/percentages).

S. Lu et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101520

Questionnaire (SDAQ) was used to evaluate the system design (every

aspect of the system design scores − 3 to 3) [2], and the Simulation
Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ) to measure any adverse effects of these
training methods (range 0–64 with higher scores indicating higher
simulator sickness)[48]. The SSQ is commonly used to assess simulator
sickness but not in the context of anxiety treatment. We used a simple
raw score of whether the symptom was present or not. The data were
processed separately and checked by two experimenters.

4.5. Procedure

As shown in Fig. 8, before the start of the study, the experimenter

verified the inclusion and exclusion criteria again. Then the participants
were asked to fill out the PKQ, and GSE as a baseline, and then the two
groups convened separately. For the IVR SG group, we used the Rescue
Success software (see Section 2). The participants used Rescue Success in
a separate 10 * 10 m room after learning the interactive operation of the
software. Participants in the E-lecture group used a 15.6-inch notebook
in the same room to watch the recorded E-lecture course conducted by a
confined space rescue expert (see Section 4.2). The trainees could watch
Fig. 9. Behavioral skill acquisition scores in the real-life rescue exercise.
repeatedly or adjust the viewing speed according to their own needs.
The intervention time for both groups was 40 min. Then the participants
were asked to fill out the PKQ, GSE, and SSQ questionnaires again as the of procedures into effective actions and that IVR SG is more effective
test results. The IVR SG group also completed the SDAQ. than traditional safety training. The observed rescue error behavior is
We reproduced a sewage dredging operation accident site with shown in Table 4, which shows that the errors made by personnel in the
appropriate emergency rescue equipment placed at the site. After the IVR SG group in each recommended behavioral skill are generally equal
training session, the participants were individually taken to the exper­ to or less than that of the E-lecture group.
imental site to complete the test. The facilitator scored the behavioral As shown in Fig. 9, in the rescue preparation stage, the IVR SG group
skill performance of the personnel. During the experiment, personnel was significantly better at gaining behavioral skills than those in the E-
could suspend the exercise at any time, and the remaining unfinished lecture group (p = 0.028 < 0.05). According to Table 4, using the IVR SG
part would be assigned zero points. Finally, we conducted interviews based on learning by mistake theory, the IVR SG group performed well
and inspections with the participants and ended the experiment after in detecting and eliminating hazards, with no errors. Meanwhile, 36% of
confirming that the staff had no adverse reactions. the E-lecture team made mistakes. In addition, the number of people in
the IVR SG group incorrectly carrying safety protection equipment is
also significantly lower than in the E-lecture group. These results indi­
5. Results and discussion
cate that the IVR SG training, based on learning by mistake theory, is
more effective than E-lecture training. We can thus infer that this
5.1. Behavioral skills
method can help avoid blind rescue situations because it makes
personnel aware of the severe consequences of mistakes in this haz­
This section will discuss participants’ behaviors in the experiment’s
ardous environment. In this way, rescuers can enhance their awareness
rescue preparation, rescue action, and life-saving first aid stages and
of their own safety protection and be fully prepared (detect and elimi­
divide the observations into two phases to analyze their performance
nate hazards, self-protection), so they will not suffer a life-threatening
pre-and post-training. All participants performed rescue in a real utility
accident (e.g., explosion, poisoning, drowning) [1].
hole. A Mann Whitney U test was then used to compare the differences in
In the process of taking rescue action, the score of behavioral skills
behavior manifested by the two experimental groups observed at the
acquisition of the two groups did not differ significantly (p = 0.094 >
different stages.
0.05), and both groups of people made very few mistakes in using the
As shown in Fig. 9, the overall performance of the IVR SG group in
towing system and rapid evacuation. This is consistent with the actual
the real-life exercise was significantly better than that of the E-lecture
situation that on-site rescuers generally have no problem using the
group after the drill (p = 0.002 < 0.05). Consistent with previous studies
towing system to enter the confined space when an accident happens.
[9,27], our results show that both methods can transform the knowledge

Fig. 8. Flowchart of the experiment.

S. Lu et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101520

Table 4
Errors made by the two groups.
Stages Recommended Behavioral Practice Error Description Practice (E- Error Description
Skill (IVR SG) lecture)

Rescue Detect the hazards 0 None 3 Skip

preparation Eliminate the hazards 0 None 1 Skip
Wear Personal protective 2 Carry nonexplosion-proof mobile phones; 6 Carry nonexplosion-proof mobile phones;
equipment skip some protective equipment skip some protective equipment
Rescue Action Use the rescue system 0 None 0 None
Wear disposable respirators 3 Skip 7 Skip
for personnel
Bind personnel to the rescue 0 None 0 None
Evacuate quickly 1 Stay 1 Stay
Life-saving first Cardiac arrest detection 3 Skip 2 Skip
aid (BLS) Perform CPR 2 Perform artificial respiration 6 Perform artificial respiration
Use AED 1 Skip 7 Skip

Moreover, according to Table 4, seven people in the E-lecture group 5.2. Knowledge acquisition
neglected to offer protection to the trapped entrant, while only three
people in the IVR SG group made the same mistake. This may be We performed a Mann-Whitney U test on the data of the two groups
explained by noting that people trained in VR can follow the procedure in procedural knowledge acquisition, and we found that those in the IVR
and complete tasks in a challenging emergency environment [27]. SG group were significantly better than those in the E-lecture group in
In the lifesaving first aid stage, the behavioral performance of the terms of learning procedural knowledge (p = 0.027 < 0.05). Here, the
IVR SG group was significantly better than that of the E-lecture group (p level of procedural knowledge of the two groups showed a significant
= 0.014 < 0.05). Moreover, the results show that after training, IVR SG- improvement (p < 0.001), while there was no significant difference in
trained personnel can better complete the operations of CPR and AED. In the knowledge level of the two groups of people before learning (p =
terms of CPR, fewer people in the IVR SG group have done it wrongly by 0.563 > 0.05).
giving artificial respiration to poisoned persons or skipping related op­ These results are similar to previous studies, which showed that VR
erations. In terms of CPR quality, we considered 100–120 chest training is highly effective for procedural knowledge training [49–51].
compression per minute recommended by the ECC & CPR guideline Moreover, we found that the personnel’s procedural knowledge score
2020 to be high-quality compression [39]. As shown in Fig. 10, only two and behavioral performance score are positively correlated.
people in the E-lecture group had the correct average compression fre­
quency, while eight people in the IVR SG group performed it correctly. 5.3. Other secondary results
This demonstrates that IVR SG training can help people better master
behavioral skills and improve the quality of a skill (e.g., CPR) compared As shown after the paired-sample T-test, both the IVR SG and E-
with an E-lecture. A possible explanation is that the trainee’s repeated lecture groups significantly improved self-efficacy after training (p <
exercises in the virtual environment deepen the memory and proficiency 0.001). Moreover, the improvement in self-efficacy of personnel trained
of their actions. VR training of first aid in emergencies is rarely using IVR SG is significantly better than that of the personnel trained
mentioned in previous studies, and the current research results help to using E-lecture (p < 0.001), while the self-efficacy score and the per­
address this knowledge gap. sonnel’s behavioral performance score are positively correlated. Ac­
cording to the Mann-Whitney U test, there is no difference between the
two groups with side effects (p = 0.446 > 0.05). The reported side effects
of both groups are mild except for one person in the IVR SG group who
experienced severe side effects such as dizziness (eye open) and fatigue,
which indicates that the use of IVR SG technology may not be suitable
for a small number of people because of sickness. Finally, 22 people from
the two groups were invited to rate the system design. As shown in
Fig. 11, we found that the five assessment components of the system
performed very well (scores all above 2).

Fig. 10. The number of people with the correct average compres­
sion frequency. Fig. 11. Component assessment of Rescue Success.

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