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International Journal of Injury Control and Safety


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Virtual reality simulation for construction safety


Dong Zhao & Jason Lucas

To cite this article: Dong Zhao & Jason Lucas (2015) Virtual reality simulation for construction
safety promotion, International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 22:1, 57-67,
DOI: 10.1080/17457300.2013.861853

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International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 2015
Vol. 22, No. 1, 57–67,

Virtual reality simulation for construction safety promotion

Dong Zhao * and Jason Lucasb
Department of Building Construction, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA;
Department of Construction Science and Management, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634, USA
(Received 12 September 2013; accepted 23 October 2013)

Safety is a critical issue for the construction industry. Literature argues that human error contributes to more than half of
occupational incidents and could be directly impacted by effective training programs. This paper reviews the current safety
training status in the US construction industry. Results from the review evidence the gap between the status and industry
expectation on safety. To narrow this gap, this paper demonstrates the development and utilisation of a training program
that is based on virtual reality (VR) simulation. The VR-based safety training program can offer a safe working
environment where users can effectively rehearse tasks with electrical hazards and ultimately promote their abilities for
electrical hazard cognition and intervention. Its visualisation and simulation can also remove the training barriers caused
by electricity’s features of invisibility and dangerousness.
Keywords: safety; simulation; virtual reality; construction

1. Introduction Colligan, 2001) and can consequently help save large

Electrical safety is an important issue for the construction costs by preventing accidents (Neville, 1998).
industry and requires consistent efforts to be endeavoured Virtual reality (VR) simulation has been used with
worldwide. This safety issue is particularly critical for the varied successes for firefighter training (Cha, Han, Lee, &
US construction industry as its workers encountered the Choi, 2012), mine safety training (Lucas & Thabet,
47.8% of all nationwide electrical fatalities on average 2008), safe procedure in surgical training (Lewis, Aggar-
from 2003 to 2011 (US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2013). wal, Rajaretnam, Grantcharov, & Darzi, 2011), security in
These fatalities include both electricity-related workers refineries (Haller, Kurka, Volkert, & Wagner, 1999), safe
and non-electricity-related workers. In 2011, the electro- equipment operation (Hollands, Denby, Brooks, &
cution rate for US construction was calculated as 12.2 per Burton, 2000), and civil engineering education (Sampaio,
1 million full-time construction workers. This was nine Ferreira, Rosario, & Martins, 2010). Specifically within
times higher than the average rate across all US industries. the construction industry, VR technology has been used
According to the National Institute of Occupational Safety for constructability analysis of precast concrete structural
and Health (NIOSH), the average electrocution loss analysis application development (Setareh, Bowman, &
(including medical expenses and estimated future work Kalita, 2005), electrical design and installation (Sulbaran
loss) has reached $948,844 per fatal case, ranking the & Shiratuddin, 2006), and construction prototyping
highest in the US construction industry (NIOSH, 2006). (Huang, Kong, Guo, Baldwin, & Li, 2007). However, few
Human error has been considered as one determining known research applied VR to the electrical safety train-
factor in up to 80% of occupational accidents in the avia- ing in the construction industry. A VR simulation-based
tion, petrochemical, health care, construction, mining, and safety training program can offer an engaging and interac-
nuclear power industries (Garrett & Teizer, 2009; tive tool for training all construction workers on electrical
Rasmussen, 1997). This impact of human error, especially hazards and safe working procedures. The purpose of this
the unawareness and misjudgement of a hazardous situa- paper is to review the current electrical safety training
tion, contributes to at least 49% of construction accidents practices in the construction industry through an analysis
(Haslam et al., 2005). Errors cannot be eliminated, but of regulations, current industrial safety training methods,
opportunities for error can be reduced by appropriate and and fatal accident investigations. Based on the review, a
effective training (Reason, 2000; Strauch, 2002). Effec- VR training program is prototyped and an application
tive worker safety training programs are the most direct example is presented. Effective training styles, user learn-
approach to mitigate human errors (Goldenhar, Moran, & ing behaviour, safe training environment, and safety

*Corresponding author. Email:

Ó 2014 Taylor & Francis

58 D. Zhao and J. Lucas

culture are also discussed to support the usability of the Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace (NFPA
VR-based training approach within the construction 70E). NFPA 70 also deals with design and installation of
industry. electrical equipment while NFPA 70E deals with working
on electrical equipment (Kolak, 2007). NFPA 70E
includes safe work practices to anticipate, recognise, and
impede electrical hazards, with a goal to eliminate electri-
2. Current construction safety training review
cal injury by mitigating casual or inadvertent exposure to
2.1. Regulations electrical hazards.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) sets forth requirements for training of all workers
that work around or with electricity. They also have 2.2. Industrial safety training practices
requirements of training for construction workers. The Proper safety training is the responsibility of employers.
fulfilment of those requirements is the responsibility of Both general contractors and specialty contractors are
each individual employer. Some employers use structured required to ensure that their workers are properly trained
safety programs and materials developed by media com- (Pace & Rojas, 2007). General contractors typically
panies that specialise in training, while others conduct approach electrical safety practices for their workforce as
their own training. The important part of any training pro- part of the overall training orientation for new hires or
gram is that it meets the minimum requirements set forth within their overall company safety program. Some com-
by OSHA and that the developed training program ade- panies require new workers to participate in an OSHA 30-
quately trains each employee so they can safely perform hour outreach training program for general safety training
their tasks on the jobsite. and use the electrical module of that training class to
OSHA’s Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part inform their employees of general electrical safety and
1926 Subpart K covers electrical safety and health regula- hazard awareness. Some companies require their employ-
tions for the construction industry. The requirements ees to participate in an electrical safe work practices pro-
found in CFR 1926 Subpart K as well as referenced stand- gram which is developed based on NFPA 70E to
ards 1910.333 and 1910.334 are designed to offer an strengthen the cognition of electrical hazards.
understanding to workers of the relevant safety practices Typical construction safety training methods include
to use and hazards that exist while working on or near traditional classroom training exercises, on-the-job train-
electrical equipment or electrical distribution systems. ing (OJT), and on-site safety meetings.
CFR 29 Part 1910.332 (OSHA, 2012) requires training
for all employees who may be expected to face risk of
injury due to electric shock or other electrical hazards. 2.2.1. Classroom training
The training should allow each worker to gain an under- This classroom training exists in training rooms or train-
standing of safety-related working practices around elec- ing work stations for new employees. The information is
tricity. This includes training for workers who are not presented through the use of videos, slideshows, and study
working directly on electrical equipment but who are guides. It is reinforced with one-on-one training or com-
required to work in close proximity to electrical equip- puter training. Quizzes are commonly used and supplied
ment and electrical distribution systems. These individu- within a training packet to ensure comprehension of the
als are responsible for identifying hazards that exist covered material by the trainees. Materials, printed
within the work environment and the proper correspond- guides, and online courses are available that comply with
ing practices. The OSHA regulations cover areas of regu- OSHA’s training requirements. Such printed guides on
lations for protection of the employees, exposed energised electrical safety compliance training are available through
equipment that may put other workers at risk, and working the National Safety Council (2013), NIOSH, OSHA, and
with cords and cables including those attached to electri- other organisations. These resources are a sample of prod-
cal hand tools. Within these regulations are procedures for ucts available to aid in electrical safety training. Compa-
de-energising equipment, tagging equipment, identifying nies may choose to use these resources to aid in their
environmental ware on equipment, as well as the use of training needs or customise a training program.
temporary electrical equipment, batteries, and battery
OSHA regulations form the minimum requirement of 2.2.2. On-the-job training
what to include in an electrical safety program. To ensure OJT is a method of teaching skills, knowledge, and com-
up-to-date information on electrical safety, employers, petencies that are needed to perform a specific job within
professional organisations, and OSHA recommend further the workplace and work environment. OJT often trains
compliance with two consensus standards. Those stand- workers to learn to perform tasks as well as to experience
ards are the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) and the the safety using the existing tools, machines, documents,
International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion 59

and equipment at the actual workplace. OJT trainees are Based on the statistical analysis of the NIOSH investi-
usually taught by another employee who can competently gations, they summarised the top three ranked recommen-
perform the job. dations as follows:

(1) 62.9% of the reports recommended that ‘adequate

2.2.3. Safety meetings safety training and periodic specialised electrical
On-site weekly safety meetings or daily safety meetings is safety training programs should be implemented
another important type of safety training. During the to enhance the electrical hazard cognition and the
safety meetings and orientations different materials avoidance of unsafe conditions in workplace’.
are used for the training of employees that include slide (2) 47.7% recommended to conduct ‘an electrical
shows, videos, books, and other handouts. Within these hazard survey at jobsite to identify potential elec-
materials regulations are presented for safe working pro- trical hazards and intervention measures before
cedures and equipment usage. The construction industry work’.
also takes advantage of using case examples of fatality (3) 47.7% suggested that well-designed, non-conduc-
assessments such as the NIOSH accident cases or the tive personal protective equipment (PPE), com-
Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA, munication equipment, and supporting equipment
2010) toolbox safety talks. These approaches take advan- should be provided and enforced to workers in
tage of describing a scenario and an action that caused an workplace.
accident or fatality. They also discuss the lessons learned
and the proper procedures that should have been followed These results indicate that the failure of electrical haz-
to prevent the accidents and properly follow regulations. ard cognition and the worker’s improper behaviour should
Pertaining to training contents, typical structured training be responsible for most construction electrocutions. Also,
programs cover how electricity works; the use and opera- they reflect the criticalness of the role that training plays
tion of fuses, circuit breakers, and grounding of electric- in the construction electrical safety. As suggested by
ity; safe work practices; the use of outlets, plugs, and NIOSH, a comprehensive safety and health training pro-
extension cords, working with electrical equipment; the gram in hazard cognition and intervention should be
use of ladders around electricity; and treatment of electri- enforced to enable workers to identify potential hazards
cal emergencies. Safety professionals emphasise the and implement appropriate control measures at the
importance of proper extension cord use, ensuring that workplace.
cords and power tools have the proper ground, and the
use of ground fault circuit interrupters on the worksite
when training general employees. Site superintendents
3. VR-based safety training program development
are trained on temporary power and lighting issues to
ensure that their employees as well as subcontractors and 3.1. Purpose justification
subcontractor employees are properly installing and According to the prior review, an ideal training program
working with temporary electricity. Depending on the which is critical to electrical safety in construction should
size of the job and company the superintendent or a des- allow workers to repeatedly practice electricity-related
ignated safety professional is ultimately responsible for tasks and to become acquainted to the hazards within the
enforcing the company’s safety regulations including the working environment. However, most of the current train-
regulations for using temporary power, electrical tools, ing programs are less capable to effectively meet these
and cords. requirements. They are not engaging and may not maxi-
mise knowledge acquisition and retention (Burke et al.,
2006). Appropriate training improvement in occupational
2.3. Construction electrocution investigations health and safety has been recommended as a necessary
Fatalities are the most serious safety failures in the con- measure in many literatures (Cha et al., 2012; Huang,
struction industry and analysing these failures and learn- Leamon, Courtney, Chen, & DeArmond, 2011; Manca,
ing from them has proved to be an effective and helpful Brambilla, & Colombo, 2013; Read, Lenne, & Moss,
way to diagnose current safety drawbacks. Zhao, Thabet, 2012). Also, the invisibility and dangerousness of electri-
McCoy, and Kleiner (2013) examined 132 NIOSH con- cal hazards largely reduce the chance for trainees to rec-
struction electrocution investigation reports ranging from ognise and practice in real life.
1989 to 2012 in terms of content and statistical analysis. The effectiveness of a training program should con-
In each report, NIOSH provided prevention recommenda- sider the trainee’s learning behaviour. Adult learners have
tions after a complete investigation. These recommenda- been identified as ‘problem centred’ and ‘solution driven’
tions were the reflection of accident causes and (Kowalski & Vaught, 2002) and thus the participatory
imperfection of current safety implementations. training has been widely accepted as one of the most
60 D. Zhao and J. Lucas

training in an ‘it can happen to you’ scenario that allows

the trainees to bridge invisible electrical hazards and real-
life situations. The proposed training program will retain
the benefits from current training methods and mitigate con-
straints with the supplementation of VR’s unique merits
such as the hazard visualisation.

3.2. Training program development procedure

The development procedure of the VR-based safety train-
ing program includes six steps following a consequence
of resources, content, simulation, and the final program
(see Figure 2). Inputs are processed and outputs are pro-
duced circularly on each step.
Figure 1. Pyramid of learning effectiveness, modified from The six processing steps are listed as follows:
Edgar (1969).
Step 1: Electrical hazard information is extracted from
resources of regulations, industry practices, and electrocu-
effective training approaches. Rubinsky and Smith (1973) tion investigations. A training element inventory is cre-
found that the experience of their simulated accident was ated to store the extracted information.
a better training aid than simply demonstrating it or
describing it, when the criterion of number of ‘accidents’ Step 2: Stored hazard information is filtered and categor-
and retention over time were used. Goldenhar et al. ised though the program structuring process. This process
generates the reorganised training contents in a format of
(2001) claimed that the best way for training and learning training element layers (TELs), which is discussed in the
was to do the real thing and to simulate the real tasks to next section.
obtain experience. As shown in Figure 1, the pyramid of
learning effectiveness illustrated a hierarchy of the teach- Step 3: Based on the training contents built up in Step 2, a
ing style and its effectiveness to the trainees (Edgar, pilot training module (Module 1) is prototyped through
1969). It can be implied that the first-hand experience three-dimensional (3D) modelling and simulation. A mod-
from real-life tasks and the contrived experience from rep- ule is a simulated virtual work environment in which sev-
eral electrical hazards exist. The piloting process also
resentative simulations are the most effective learning confirms the prototype’s functionality.
Active and interactive training is often of higher level Step 4: The complete prototype (Module 1) is put into sev-
of comprehension, while the passive methods of learning eral rounds of evaluation and refinement until qualifica-
are not as effective, especially for adult learners. Most cur- tion is achieved. During the evaluation, collected
rent electrical safety training programs in terms of video feedback is used to modify the prototype in terms of
tape, paper-based handouts, or slide shows can hardly usability and information rationality. The final refinement
shall obtain satisfactions in the ease of navigation and
present the electrical hazards vividly to trainees and, on environmental interaction, the completeness of training
the other hand, the trainees are not provided enough oppor- elements, and the understandability of information.
tunity to participate in these activities. In fact, it is believed
that an active and interactive training program can lead to Step 5: Based on the finalised prototype (Module 1), more
a better comprehension of training material (Kowalski & training modules (Modules 2, 3. . . n) are repeatedly mod-
Vaught, 2002). Such participatory training brings a real- elled and simulated until the entire program including all
training contents is complete.
life aspect into the training in an ‘it can happen to you’
scenario and allows the trainees to relate to conditions and
Step 6: The complete training program is then sent to
regulations in real-life situations and with a life or death industry for re-evaluation. The program’s technical
importance. The best scenario is when people do not have usability and training contents are tested as a whole while
to consciously think about following safety procedures the usefulness and effectiveness are the emphases at this
because it is second nature to them (Trybus, 2008). stage. Feedback will also be collected for the improve-
Therefore, the purpose of the VR-based safety training ment and finalisation of the program.
program is to offer a safe working environment where
employees can effectively rehearse tasks with electrical haz-
ards and ultimately promote their abilities for electrical haz- 3.3. Training contents structuring
ard cognition and intervention. By repeating these tasks in a Training contents are built based on the establishment of
simulated virtual world, a real-life aspect is brought into the the TELs. TELs are a series of layers that incorporate
International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion 61

Figure 2. Development of the VR-based safety training program.

specific electrical hazards, control measures, and the MCAA toolbox safety talks), and construction electrocu-
related working environment (see Figure 3). It could be tion investigation reports.
broken down into layers, axes, and cells. A layer indicates A layer comprises two crossed axes, the hazard axis
a construction workplace where featured electrical haz- and the task axis. Hazards and tasks in the two axes are
ards exist, for example, a highway construction site under set up based on the previous gathered information and
overhead power lines. Layers are designed based on the analysis. For example, these hazards include overhead
retrieved information from regulation requirements (e.g. power lines, undermined wires, wire extensions, trans-
NFPA 70E), industrial safety training materials (e.g. formers, conductors, panels, powered machinery, equip-
ment, or light fixtures. The tasks include site survey,
construction machine operation, construction material
loading/unloading, equipment installation, or teamwork
coordination. Within a layer, each training element is allo-
cated in the cell at the crossing of the two axes. A layer is
accordingly like a matrix that contains training elements
under a certain work environment. For example, when a
construction labourer is unloading construction materials
(e.g. task 3), he/she is exposed to the hazard of overhead
power lines (e.g. hazard 1). Thus, a crossing between task
3 of unloading materials and hazard 1 of overhead power
lines is marked. A marked crossing indicates the necessity
of training for hazard awareness and control countermeas-
ures. In this way, all the training contents from the train-
ing element inventory are filtered and reorganised into
TELs, storing for further simulation.
The training element is the relative hazard identifica-
tion and intervention measures and could also be viewed
Figure 3. Training element layers. as training objectives or guidelines that the trainee must
62 D. Zhao and J. Lucas

complete. Training elements are organised into four cate- users to recognise the hazards, identify them, and inter-
gories: (1) electricity basics, which includes electricity vene in a simulated virtual world. Trainees may partici-
fundamentals such as current flow and shock sources; (2) pate in the safety working tasks, feel the hazards as well
working around electricity, which relates safety regula- as their crucial outcome of failures (e.g. getting electro-
tions for working around electrical power sources and cuted), and hopefully transfer this experience to their real-
what precautions need to be taken; (3) working with elec- life working environment. Also, users are allowed to
tricity, which includes topics of proper use of temporary choose the specific module that is related to their daily
power, extension cords, electric tools, PPE, and identify- work to get trained. This provides users the opportunity to
ing equipment decay and environmental deterioration; choose which scenarios they would like to complete and
and (4) safe emergency response procedures, which allows them to be trained for designated working tasks or
includes proper response procedures to use when attempt- work environments. Additionally, modules are expand-
ing to administer aid to someone who comes in contact able once more training content (TEL) is added.
with an electrical hazard. It is to be noticed that not all The simulation storybook is presented through a thread
training elements shall appear as an interaction in the sce- of independent interactive events. These events are trig-
nario; rather, only some of them need to show up, allow- gered by various approaches depending on the desired
ing the user to be aware of its existence in simulation. reaction. For example, a touch approach is used to trigger
the training event for safety emergency responses on
‘contact power line’ when the user touches a power line.
3.4. Modelling and simulation Another example is when arriving in the area of a torn-
When the set-up of TELs is completed, training contents down power line, a proximity approach will trigger the
are input into the process of 3D modelling and simulation. event dealing with broken power lines emergency. These
The modelling process includes two separate parts: the events are a mixture of animations and text used to present
3D object modelling and 3D environment modelling. The training contents to the user. All information-expressing
3D objects include buildings, machines, equipment, tools, methods used in the scenario are aimed at increasing the
materials, electrical components, background settings, learning efficiency and enhancing the training effective-
and worker actors. Most of these models, such as a mobile ness. The learning efficiency and training effectiveness will
crane and electricity transmission tower, were created be studied through evaluation processes in future research.
using Autodesk’s 3ds Max (see Figure 4). 3D environment
modelling includes designs of area terrain, sky clouds, sun
point, wind, rain (if necessary), light layout, landscape, as 3.5. Simulation module example
well as relative sounds. This modelling process was The module example uses the overhead power lines in a
implemented in GarageGames’ Torque 3D engine v2.0. heavy and civil project workplace as one of the designated
3D objects are modelled for common uses for all mod- hazards. The environment is simulated as a road construc-
ules while the 3D environment is designed on a layer- tion site in daytime in an open-air area. The working site
module basis. That means each workplace in a layer is in close proximity to overhead power lines. Related
(TEL) is responsible for a unique module and each mod- electrical hazards (e.g. transmission towers and power
ule has a unique virtual environment. The 3D environment lines) and construction machines (e.g. a mobile crane) are
in each module was designed separately based on its also included for training purposes. In this scenario, the
respective training elements. user has free navigational control of the environment in
Simulation is programmed within the Torque 3D either first-person or third-person view (see Figure 6). The
engine using Cþþ syntax. Prior complete 3D models are view-switching function is intended to avoid dead angles
imported into the completed 3D working environment, or prevent the user from being stuck in an area of the vir-
the whole of which resulted in a training scenario (see tual environment. Also the view-switching function pro-
Figure 5). Each electrical hazard and its responding tasks vides the user with a more engaged visual feeling and
were simulated as interactive events through coding allows them to explore situations from multiple angles for
scripts. Scenarios and events were linked by animations. a better spatial understanding.
The training scenarios, including 3D objects and 3D envi- When the user walks through the scenario following
ronments, and integrated training events are together com- instructions, a variety of hazard triggers will be touched
prised of a training module. and then the preprogrammed reactions will be activated as
Simulation is processed on a module basis. TELs are responses. For example, when the user goes close to the
respectively simulated into VR modules. Each module 10-foot distance line indicating the distance from the
represents a major hazardous environment that could lead overhead power lines’ upright projection allowed by
to electrocution. The working conditions, electrical haz- safety regulations, the training element of ‘safe working
ards that workers are exposed to, and related work tasks distance and clearance’ will be triggered and instructions
are simulated in modules. The VR simulations allow the will appear in the text panel explaining this safety
International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion 63

Figure 4. 3D object modelling of (a) mobile crane and (b) transmission tower.

regulation. Clues are used throughout the scenario to close proximity to the line. Learning occurs unconsciously
attract the user and lead them to finish all the interactive and impresses the trainee in a positive manner through
training events within the simulated scenario. For exam- these training simulations. In addition, the triggers are
ple, a warning sign is set near a high-voltage power tower. repeatable so that the reactions may be repeated to rein-
The flashing light on the sign is the clue drawing the user force the training contents.
to approach and read it. When the user stops at the sign, At the completion of all training events in the instruc-
the information of training element ‘voltage checking’ tion mode, the user will be sent to complete a connected
will show up in the text panel explaining the importance task-based testing scenario. This task-based training sec-
of understanding the voltage of the line when working in tion randomly selects tasks and related hazards from the
64 D. Zhao and J. Lucas

Figure 5. Virtual simulation interface.

previously completed instructive scenario. The user is VR technology provides a new perspective of safety
required to complete a mission of one task or several training for dangerous hazards. A VR-based training pro-
tasks. At this time, no clues and reminders will be pre- gram has the ability to create a problem-based learning
sented and the user must identify and control the electrical exercise in an environment that replicates the trainees’
hazards by their own knowledge and cautions. Also, their actual working environment (McAlpine & Stothard,
performance will be measured in a format of health point 2003). It offers an interactive, active, and cognitive learn-
(HP). Any missing reaction or failure will cause a deduc- ing-by-doing experience for users (Stanney & Zyda,
tion from the initiate 100 HP. The number of deduction is 2002) but without the concern for ‘real-world
based on the potential damage that failure may lead to. repercussions’ (Eschenbrenner, Nah, & Siau, 2008).
For example, if the user walks into the dangerous distance
to energised high-voltage power lines without using any
appropriate PPE, no warning or alert will be shown this
time but instead an electric arc will be animated and the 4.2. Safety culture
actor’s HP will directly decrease to 0, indicating the fail- The safety culture in construction is a powerful force that
ure of mission with being electrocuted. can shape a company’s overall effectiveness and long-
term success to its safety commitment. Culture affects vir-
tually all aspects of organisational life in people’s interac-
tion, work performance, and even the decision-making
4. Discussions
(Yitmen, 2007). The safety culture is a key to a successful
4.1. Safe training environment construction project once it is so broadly and universally
There are several ways to make learning more active and adopted that every worker realises that all work activities
engaging. Training methods like OJT, full-scale training are to be safe ones.
mock-ups, and the use of VR simulation offer more Some recent social science research argues culture
engagement. However, due to the dangerous characteris- rather than only a set of beliefs, attitudes, and values but
tics of electricity, the OJT and mock-ups can hardly allow as the ‘whole way of life’ (Manseau & Shields, 2005). It
trainees to fully rehearse electricity-related tasks, access is the set of predispositions which guide improvisations in
all electrical hazards, and experience possible consequen- daily routines as the habitus and this habitus is practical
ces in real life. As a result, the effectiveness of these train- knowledge as repeated routines (Bourdieu, 2003). In this
ing methods might be limited. In contrast, a VR-based regard, the safety culture in construction could be viewed
training method is not constrained by these limits and as the habitus of safe practices by all project and company
instead can provide trainees full participatory experience personnel in their daily routines. Rather than values, atti-
without the safety risk from electricity. tudes, and beliefs, the safety culture can be observed,
International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion 65

Figure 6. Navigation mode of (a) first-person view and (b) third-person view.

documented, and fostered once treated as a habitus of rou- promotion in construction should be based on safety cul-
tines. It becomes more amenable to research and practice. ture fostering and meanwhile engage advanced technolo-
Cutting-edge technologies can be adopted to build this gies into this safety habitus.
habitus as well as the safety culture. In fact, in the con- Integrating modern information technology, such as
struction trade, many technologies are there to improve the VR simulation, into the construction workers’ safe
health and increase safety in a technical perspective but practical routines can be an attempt to enhance safety
overlook the integration of the safety culture. The rapid culture. A VR-based training program allows construc-
adoption of ergonomic health and safety approaches is not tion workers to familiarise the common hazards, includ-
aided by the importance of habitus and the extent to which ing electrical hazard, and mock up relevant prevention
even obvious innovations such as safety harnesses may practices without real-injury repercussions. It may not
discomfort, impede, and slow down individual workers only improve trainees’ awareness of potential risks in the
(Manseau & Shields, 2005). Therefore, an effective safety real working environment, but also unconsciously
66 D. Zhao and J. Lucas

influence their routine behaviours which lead to the VR simulations have been used with success for safety
safety culture. training within the construction industry. A VR-based
safety training program offers an interactive form of train-
ing that allows the user to interact with a simulated 3D
4.3. Pertinence and flexibility environment. VR may also effectively visualise the invisi-
One issue with the development of a safety training pro- ble electrical hazards without imperilling workers in real
gram is that many hazards are task or environmental life. This interactive training allows for a development of
based. Not every employee would need to be familiar cognitive abilities and awareness that typically improve the
with every hazard or environment. The VR training pro- users’ comprehension of training material. It may also con-
gram allows for selecting specific tasks and working envi- tribute to build the safety culture which promotes
ronments to customise worker training to their needs. This construction workers’ safety practical routines. Rather than
will provide training on pertinent tasks and materials and a static application, this program can be consistently self-
prevent an overload of information to the user, most of developed because of its attributes of pertinence and
which they may not come in contact with. The modules flexibility.
developed within the TELs allow for this sorting of rele- Long-term observation and assessment is also impor-
vant hazard training and scenarios. tant to the success of a training program especially in
Another issue is the flexibility of the module organisa- terms of practicality and effectiveness. This will need
tion due to which new elements can be added for specific industry participation and real users’ safety performance
companies and not all training scenarios need to be devel- assessment. Data from both the safety observation record
oped at once. Scenarios can be selected and filtered within and questionnaires will be collected from the industry
a system based upon the training elements that the user users. Analyses for long-term performance validation and
needs to learn to complete their assigned tasks in the real assessment will need to be conducted in future work.
environments. Also, more training modules are to be simulated once
more validated training elements are generalised.
Enlarging the hazard coverage will be another direction of
4.4. Assumption and limitation improvement for the future work.
The primary purpose of this concept paper is to introduce
the VR-based simulation approach for construction safety
training. It assumes an emphasis on analysing theoretic Acknowledgements
necessity and presenting development process, though a The authors would like to thank Dr Walid Thabet for his advice
prototype was demonstrated. In this regard, limitation on this research.
exists as a lack of long-term effectiveness evaluation.
Further, this limitation will be supplemented in future
studies with a combination of users’ safety performance ORCID
observations. Dong Zhao

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