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Struggling with writing a thesis on stock market prediction? You're not alone.

Crafting a research
paper on this complex topic can be daunting and time-consuming. From gathering data to conducting
analysis and drawing conclusions, every step requires meticulous attention to detail and expertise in
the field of finance and data analysis.

Writing a thesis requires not only extensive research but also a deep understanding of statistical
models, economic theories, and market trends. It demands critical thinking, analytical skills, and the
ability to present findings in a coherent and convincing manner. Moreover, the ever-evolving nature
of the stock market adds an additional layer of challenge, as researchers must stay updated with the
latest developments and incorporate them into their analysis.

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attempting to write a thesis on stock market prediction. That's where ⇒ ⇔ comes
in. Our team of experienced writers specializes in finance, economics, and data analysis. We
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The author applied a simple feedforward neural network to analyze tweets and predict CAC40 index
movements for the next day. Correlation is used between stock prices of different companies to
predict the price of a stock by using technical indicator of highly correlated stocks, not only stock to
be predicted. For evaluation the model used the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEx) tick prices;
more specifically the authors used 23 stocks in Hang Seng Index10 (HSI) intraday prices in the year
2001. What awesome power could have produced so much money in so little time. This paper
discussed the accuracy of many proposed approaches and methodologies for predicting stock price
movement. Neural Network and Markov Model can be used exclusively in the financial markets and
forecasting of stock price. In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC).
IEEE; 2016. pp. 283-290 63. Galvez RH, Gravano A. This survey paper review helps to know the
best enabling technique tools for the predicting the stock mining how to invest, when to invest for
the investors in the future. DL promises enough amount of data and training time that conventional
machine learning methods are unable to handle effectively. Souza TT, Aste T. Predicting future stock
market structure by combining social and financial network information. January 4th, 2000; a sigh of
relief sweeps the world as nothing too terribly devastating happens on the turn of the millennium.
SVM are favored in applications where text mining is used for market prediction. Conclusion
References DOWNLOAD FOR FREE Share Cite Cite this chapter There are two ways to cite this
chapter: 1. The following paper describes the work that was done on investigating the application of
regression, SVM, ELM, ANFIS techniques on the stock market price prediction. After breaking
through the threshold UMPI should be closely monitored to confirm that the emerging trend is
stable. This is a two tiers modelingapproach combining hyper heuristic with graph coloring technique.
The latest fashion in inventory marketplace prediction technology is the usage of system gaining
knowledge of which makes predictions primarily based totally at the values of modern inventory
marketplace indices with the aid of using schooling on their preceding values In Stock Market
Prediction, the goal is to are expecting the destiny fee of the monetary shares of an organization.
Decile 1 contained the smallest 10 percent of all stocks while decile 10 contained the largest stocks.
The results show that the accuracies of sentiment analysis of news only can go up to 63%, while
combining news sentiments with historical stock prices can achieve trend prediction accuracy up to
89.80%, which proves that adding historical stock prices to the classification model will be able to
improve the prediction performance. Indeed, the January e?ect became undependable after it received
considerable publicity. This is so because portfolios consisting of smaller stocks have excess risk-
adjusted returns. Thus a lot of active research works is going on in this subject during several years.
The most common technique of feature representation is a binary representation (BR), which is a
number system that uses two values such as 0 and 1 exclusively to represent the information. The
general thrust of much of the published academic work has been along the following two lines. The
foundation factor for each investor is to gain maximum profits on their investments. The latest
fashion in inventory marketplace prediction technology is the usage of system gaining knowledge of
which makes predictions primarily based totally at the values of modern inventory marketplace
indices with the aid of using schooling on their preceding values. Download Free PDF View PDF A
OF STUDENT PERFORMANCE IJESRT Journal Students' academic performance is perilous for
educational institutions because tactical programs can be prearranged in cultivating or maintaining
enactment of the students for the duration of their period of studies in the institutions. The
evaluation of event sentiment may affect the market returns further and boost the outcome of
forecasting. The main factor in predicting a stock market is a high level of accuracy and precision.
Another problem is the imbalanced dataset that has been used by many researchers, which is
discriminating the accuracy of prediction.
Exploiting two types of news increases the prediction accuracy in comparison with models that used
only a single news item. Indeed, this is the logical reason why one should be cautious not to
overemphasize these anomalies and predictable patterns. What are the general types of market
research methodologies. Milton Friedman and Alan Greenp are both major authorities in Wall Street,
and when they speak, the world of investors listens. UMPI is calculated using a proprietary
technology and can accurately predict significant trends in stock market movement. They also
predicted the direction of nominal returns. For textual data analysis and NLP tasks, the authors used
their lexicon and then exploited the LSTM to make the final prediction. Three-quarters of
professionally managed funds are regularly outperformed by a broad index fund with equivalent risk,
and those that do appear to produce excess returns in one period are not likely to do so in the next.
This problem of predicting direction of movement of stock and stock price index was addressed. The
proposed model with Loughran and McDonald’s dictionary confirms to be more effective, resulting
in an annualized return of 85.2%, while the use of affective space feature dictionary as an input to
the neural network model proved to be more effective in obtaining high accuracy results. The main
objective of the research was economical evalution of the stock enhancement of banana prawn
(Fenneropenaeus merguiensis) and green tiger shrimp (Penaeus semisulcatus) in the studied area.
While many papers reviewed the prediction techniques based on technical analysis methods, the
papers that concentrate on the use of text mining methods were scarce. We propose a framework
using Long Short Term Memory machine learning algorithm and adaptive stock technical indicators
for efficient forecasting by using various parameters obtained from the historical data set considered
for a particular company. Internet-based data sources for stock market prediction Tobias Preis et al.
Although it contains significant risk, it is frequently utilized in investment schemes that promise big
returns. Using the Hong Kong market stock dataset for evaluation, they found that metric learning-
based methods can improve the prediction results. In: Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial
Intelligence; 2015 44. Moreover, this review provides a serious attempt to address the problem of
market prediction based on the most recent text mining methods and provide a clear view of the
future research direction. Professionalism: While writing your market research proposal, you need to
keep up the professional tone of the document, and eliminate the use of colloquial words or vague
terms. Maintain a friendly tone with a sufficient balance of formality. In: 2012 Students Conference
on Engineering and Systems. IEEE; 2012. pp. 1-4 2. Asadi S, Hadavandi E, Mehmanpazir F,
Nakhostin MM. But any conclusion that an ine?ciency exists involves accepting the joint hypothesis
that a size e?ect is present and that the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) is correct. Using
structured events to predict stock price movement: An empirical investigation. The most common
form of ANN in use for stock market prediction is the feed forward network utilizing the backward
propagation of errors algorithm to update the network weights. International Journal of Computer
Science and Mobile Computing. 2016; 5 (6):500-506 8. This study is intended to support other
researchers to place the different theories in this research area more easily into practice and become
able to make key decisions in the development of future models. The proposed model also attempts
to use sentiment analysis of financial news and opinions fetched from social media platform like
Twitter as it acts as another influencing factor in governing stock trends. In order to consider the
direction of price change in the stock price forecasting, a two-stage structure was used. The efficient-
market hypothesis suggests that stock prices reflect all currently available information and any price
changes that are not based on newly revealed information thus are inherently unpredictable. These
symbols will be available during your session for use on applicable pages. In general, these researches
did not get high prediction results as they depend heavily on structured data neglecting an important
source of information that is the online financial news and social media sentiments.
Stock price prediction using artificial neural model: An application of big data. Try to forecast the
actual price instead of the movement. Also tagging effects on the growth and mortality of tagged
shrimp were studied. Deep learning-based feature engineering for stock price movement prediction.
The (W-CNN) represents a word embedding as input and a CNN as a forecast model. If one
purchases 1% of a company, he will receive 1% of the income, to put it in a simplified manner. UMPI
is calculated using a proprietary technology and can accurately predict significant trends in stock
market movement. The proposed model examined many types of text representation as an input to
the CNN prediction model. Knowledge-Based Systems. 2014; 69:14-23 29. Loughran T, McDonald
B. This paper presents a literature review that include the importance, challenges and applications of
Big Data in various fields and the different approaches used for Big Data Analysis using Data
Mining techniques. Several researches are going on in this field to find out the factors that are
responsible for the up down trends in the equity market. The use of LSTM features was joint with
historical data and adjusted in each step. Python is a stock market that uses machine learning. For the
second time, they used a stepwise logistic regression (SLR). But these ?ndings do not necessarily
imply ine?ciency. There is a strong correlation between tweet posts and the trend movements for
some companies. In this paper, a graph-based hyper-heuristic isproposed to find a solution to the
problem. Stock market one-day ahead movement prediction using disparate data sources. The
independent approach employs a single ANN for each time horizon, for example, 1-day, 2-day, or 5-
day. Thus, creating a market research proposal can help business managers and executives to forecast
the market share of a brand extension or latest product introduction. Expert Systems with
Applications. 2019; 118:411-424 31. In: 2017 International Conference on Service Systems and
Service Management. IEEE; 2017. pp. 1-6 53. Collobert R, Weston J. While many papers reviewed
the prediction techniques based on technical analysis methods, the papers that concentrate on the use
of text mining methods were scarce. The Loughran and McDonald dictionary is commonly used for
market prediction and consists of many critical words for the classification task that represents
negative, positive, and uncertain sentiments that can be found commonly in financial news, whereas
affective space (AS) dictionary is a vector space dictionary that depends on the similarity and
relationships between words as natural language processing methods. A good portion of the popular
tech stocks today deal with the Internet (Brian 4). The most common technique of feature
representation is a binary representation (BR), which is a number system that uses two values such as
0 and 1 exclusively to represent the information. The (W-RCNN) word embedding input and RCNN
forecast model. What are the fundamental elements of a market research proposal. They used NBAa-
NBAd to denote different variations of the models with different textual representations. The
proposed technique used a manually labeled corpus.
What awesome power could have produced so much money in so little time. Moreover, this review
provides a serious attempt to address the problem of market prediction based on the most recent text
mining methods and provide a clear view of the future research direction. This algorithm works on
historical data retrieved from Yahoo Finance. The model analyze Twitter user messages in addition to
three previous days of the stock price movement. The most prominent technique involves the use of
artificial neural networks (ANNs) and Genetic Algorithms. Scholars found bacterial chemotaxis
optimization method may perform better than GA. Indeed, this is the explanation Fama and French
give for this predictable pattern. Moreover, the published literature is likely to be biased in favor of
reporting such results. It recovers from this drop in only about two days, only to drop back into a
lower pit in three more days. Machine learning in prediction of stock market indicators based on
historical data and data from twitter sentiment analysis. On the other hand, fundamental analysis
relies mostly on analyzing unstructured textual information like financial news and earning reports.
The one bad thing is this, they usually never agree. One may wonder how the Dow Jones Industrial
got off so bad, because, after all, it represents our nations largest companies. The proposed model
also attempts to use sentiment analysis of financial news and opinions fetched from social media
platform like Twitter as it acts as another influencing factor in governing stock trends. The return
premium has been particularly evident for small stocks i.e., those with relatively small total
capitalizations, as has been demonstrated by Keim (1983). Thus, you need to demonstrate the
process through which a business firm or organization can determine the viability of a new product or
service. The study also clarifies the recent research findings and its potential future directions by
giving a detailed analysis of the textual data processing and future research opportunity for each
reviewed study. This way, the company can grow, and produce more profits for the stockholders.
They have to define the number of topics and sentiment beforehand. More and more valuable market
information has now become publicly available online. Also, the traders acting on financial markets
produce a vast amount of information to analyse the consequences of investing according to the
current market trends. The results indicate the outstanding performance of using tweet message
sentiment to predict the stock market movements 3 days later. Next, specify the research problem
and describe the background of your research study. The preadmission academic profile used for this
study is the 'O' level grades(terminal high school results).The academic performance is defined using
student's Grade Point Average(GPA). Souza TT, Aste T. Predicting future stock market structure by
combining social and financial network information. In future, potential researchers are encouraged
to locate new datasets for market forecasting based on text mining analysis. In the past few decades,
the highly theoretical and speculative nature of the stock market has been examined by capturing and
using repetitive patterns. Moreover, within Beta deciles, ten portfolios constructed by size display the
same kind of positive relationship shown in Fig. 1. On the other hand, within size deciles, the
relationship between Beta and return continues to be ?at. In: 2014 IEEE 16th Conference on
Business Informatics, Vol. 2. IEEE; 2014. pp. 60-67 33. Uysal AK, Murphey YL. We are getting to
use both data processing algorithms and that we will decide which algorithm gives the simplest end
in future prediction. In these three datasets, the proposed structure accomplishes the best outcomes.
For a long time, the Dow Jones Industrial has represented the stock market as a whole, but times
USING SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE IJESRT Journal This paper investigates the relationship
between students' preadmission academic profile and final academic performance. Moreover, the
experiments illustrate that combining LSA with ridge regression was able to identify the structure of
the texts that later improves the prediction performance of the model. Moreover, it is worth pointing
out that dividend yields were unusually low at the start of 1995. Discussions of the random walk
hypothesis can be found in Samuelson (1965) and Fama (1970). Forecasting stock return is an
important financial subject that has attracted researchers' attention for many years. Assessing the
usefulness of online message board mining in automatic stock prediction systems. Journal of
Computational Scienc. 2017; 19:43-56 64. Maqsood H, Mehmood I, Maqsood M, Yasir M, Afzal S,
Aadil F, et al. Many recent studies only exploit sentiment analysis of textual data, and they neglect
the important influence of historical stock prices, which affect their prediction accuracy results; this
suggests that the incorporation of data from multiple sources will improve market prediction
effectiveness. The result indicates that incorporating data from multiple sources will improve the
efficiency of market prediction. These stocks reduce in price as a result of this, and therefore, the
Dow average reflects the decrease. The return premium has been particularly evident for small stocks
i.e., those with relatively small total capitalizations, as has been demonstrated by Keim (1983). The
evaluation of event sentiment may affect the market returns further and boost the outcome of
forecasting. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Your research questions are
involved in the goals and objectives so make sure that they address your expectations, what you like
to obtain from the market research, and what you plan to do after the research. Thus, it is very
important for digital marketers, advertisers, business professionals, managers, and others to develop
an effective market research proposal. For example, the US election 2012 event achieves the best
prediction results in all methods, which indicates that a local event that appears in the USA has a
very great effect on stock market future forecasting. Using structured events to predict stock price
movement: An empirical investigation. This volatility will hit every industry in its unique way, and
leaders will depend on market research to discern reality from fiction to help drive fact-based
decisions for a better future.” Despite the difficulties that many of us are going through at the
moment, many business professionals need to rely on market research to pinpoint the realities around
us and create wise decisions as we welcome the dawn ahead of us. Download Free PDF View PDF
See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Data Mining
Technologies (e.g. ANN) With the advent of the digital computer, stock market prediction has since
moved into the technological realm. Support vector regression gives the best prediction performance
Needs to exploit more than one social media website to produce sentiment analysis for a specific
event. Thus, it is wise to develop a simple yet structured proposal for customer satisfaction research
to enable customer retention and improve the overall performance of your business. For sentiment
analysis, a dictionary approach has been created manually by an expert in the field. Feel free to
contact our research paper writing service for professional assistance. Supply chain and inventory
management is primed to embody the concept of smart automation over the next five to 10 years.
Market predictions of the stock price at the minute time frame obtain better outcomes than those at
day level. Moreover, the results prove that the sentence embedding for text representation is more
effective than the word embedding. The model exploited sentiment analysis of Sina Weibo (a very
popular Chinese social network) news and posts. Conducting market research provides managers and
developers, as well as researchers a dynamic strategy for being productive and effective in setting up
the path for the improvement and positive changes of the company. 4. Data Discovery and Analysis
Several business firms, institutions, corporations, and organizations encounter some issues and
concerns inside their firm or organization that can be risky. How to Write a Market Research
Proposal When writing a clear and comprehensive market research proposal, you need to uphold a
systematic and logical approach when you develop the overall theme or topic of your market
research study.
Market Research Methodology and Design: Outline the approach that you will perform in market
research. The results also indicate that exploiting two types of news increases prediction accuracy in
comparison with models that used only a single news source. In: 2017 IEEE International
Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT). IEEE; 2017. pp. 23-30 34. Sohangir S,
Wang D, Pomeranets A, Khoshgoftaar TM. In: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining.
IEEE; 2014. pp. 430-439 12. Chen MY, Liao CH, Hsieh RP. ACM Transactions on Information
Systems (TOIS). 2009; 27 (2):1-9 11. The money the company gains from selling their stock is
placed back into the company. Textual analysis of stock market prediction using breaking financial
news: The AZFin text system. Dividend yields of stocks tend to be high when interest rates are high,
and they tend to be low when interest rates are low. A dataset created by combining Euro 6 data of
passenger cars has been analyzed using different tools of SPSS, such as; descriptive statistics,
correlations, regression and etc. Moreover, especially with so much merger and restructuring activity,
book value is increasingly hard to interpret. Data mining depends on effective data collection
STOCHASTIC MODELS: A REVIEW IJESRT Journal Time series modeling and forecasting has
fundamental importance to various practical domains. Schedule a meeting with the management,
marketers, or the key individuals who will receive your market research proposal. Fundamental
analysis is widely used by fund managers as it is the most reasonable, objective and made from
publicly available information like financial statement analysis. To date our community has made
over 100 million downloads. The (S-RCNN) represents sentence embedding input and RCNN
forecast model. The proposed model also proves to be 3.03% more effective than using the human
sentiment method for stock movement prediction. Does your target audience know who you are and
consider you a serious option. After the through research of varied algorithms and their fitness for
various problem domains. The upsurge of student's dropout rate in higher education is one of the
significant problems in most organizations. The proposed approachwas able to satisfy all the hard
and soft constraints. The problem will be solved if courses are scheduled indifferent rooms and
within some specific time slots such that a set ofconstraints are satisfied. Computers rule our
lifestyle, making everything faster, easier, cheaper, more efficient; and these tech stocks represent our
new economy based on this new efficient system. Recently, more extensive observations into the
financial markets are required in the current dynamic world, since the absence of it can have a
detrimental effect on the investments around the globe. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full
PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. In contrast to the
other current survey articles that concentrate on summarizing many methods used for forecasting the
stock market, we aim to compare many machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) methods
used for sentiment analysis task of social media and financial news articles to find which method
could be more effective in prediction. The time series analysis or technical and fundamental analysis
is used most stockbrokers use when deciding on a stock predictions. What The Last 5 Years In The
Markets Have Taught Me. The return premium has been particularly evident for small stocks i.e.,
those with relatively small total capitalizations, as has been demonstrated by Keim (1983). Basic
Components of a Market Research Proposal In this section, you will learn how to craft a remarkably
-written market research proposal so that you are able to entice the attention of the readers of your
proposal which include the management, committee, company executives, and many others. Several
market research strategies that you can use are market penetration strategy, market development
strategy, product development strategy and diversification strategy.

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