Get Involved A2 Workbook Audioscript

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Workbook Audioscript

T1 Angus: The Khan Academy for example has

courses in almost everything. History lovers
Get Involved! A2 Workbook, by Emma Heyderman can learn about France in 1789 or Japan in
and Alexandra Paramour the 19th century. There’s even a beginner’s
Unit 1, Reading, exercise 2 course on art history where you watch
videos, read articles, post ideas and do
Do young sportspeople, musicians or actors go to exercises.
school? Not always!
Briony: That sounds like hard work. Is there
Young star Jeremy Maguire is in the comedy series anything easier?
Modern Family and he doesn’t go to school when he’s
at the studio. All child actors in California do about three Angus: Well, you love art so you could try ‘How to
hours of school a day. A teacher goes to the film studio make a comic book’. The first thing you do
and helps them with their lessons. is think about your story. Then you learn
how to write capital letters with a pen and
Zakiya from Pakistan wants to be a tennis player. She also how to draw great pictures.
goes to tennis star Rafa Nadal’s academy in Mallorca,
Spain. Zakiya plays tennis and goes to the international Briony: That’s the perfect course for me! Thanks
school at the academy. She does all her lessons in the Angus.
morning and plays tennis in the afternoon.
Sixteen-year-old Lauren Zhang plays the violin, but
she’s the BBC Young Musician of the Year because
she can also play the piano really well. She goes to Unit 2, Reading, exercise 2
King Edward VI High School in Birmingham, in the UK,
What is kitesurfing?
from Monday to Friday. She’s interested in history,
physics and biology. She also goes to the Junior On a windy day, some people go to the park and they
Conservatoire, a music school for 8 to 18 year olds. A fly a kite. Others go surfing or windsurfing. But another
typical Saturday at this school is long; it starts at 9:00 activity is kitesurfing.
am and finishes at 5:00 pm.
To do this sport, you need a small surfboard, a large
kite, open water and wind. It’s the wind and not the
water that helps you move. Some kitesurfers love doing
T2 jumps, others like competing in races while others like
travelling long distances.
Unit 1, Listening and Speaking, exercises 2 and 3
Meet British teenager Adam Farrington. At 14, he’s the
Briony: In the studio today we have a friend of
youngest kitesurfer to cross the English Channel (the
mine, Angus Macpherson. Angus goes to
sea between England and France). That’s about 111
my high school but in his free time he also
kilometres in 5 hours 19 minutes. Not easy – the wind is
does MOOCs. Tell us more Angus.
strong and the waves are sometimes big! The Channel
Angus: Hi Briony. These courses are now over ten is always busy with large ships. And don’t forget that
years old. The great thing about them is standing on a board for hours is hard work for your legs!
that they’re free, and you can learn so
What’s next for Adam? He enjoys competitions, like the
many different things. I’m doing a course on
British Kitesurfing Freestyle Championships, and he’s
‘How to learn’ with the University of
one of the best. Adam hopes to be part of his country’s
California and I’ve got millions of
team at the Olympic Games in the future.
classmates from all over the world.
Briony: Wow! So, are MOOCs for young people
Angus: Sure! One of the most popular courses
Unit 2, Listening and Speaking, exercises 3 and 4
is on Python – this is a language for
computers. This course is great for young Presenter: What do you do in your free time? On
people who like computers and gaming and today’s programme, we’ve got three young
want to know more about programming. people with some unusual hobbies. Mel,
you like going cycling, right?
Briony: What about a course for those of us who
don’t like maths? Mel: Well, not quite. I’m into unicycling.
Presenter: What’s the difference?

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Mel: A unicycle has only got one wheel, you people are dancing. There’s a baggy shirt
don’t hold it and you need to keep your legs for €5, it isn’t trendy, but it’s cheap!
moving all the time.
Night Bazaar, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Presenter: Sounds hard.
During the day, Chang Khlan Road is a
Mel: Actually it’s very easy. As you don’t need normal street, but when the sun goes
to hold the unicycle other things like taking down, it becomes a large market, open
photos is easy. I play unicycle basketball every day of the year, even in the rain. It’s
on a team. Then every two years, there’s 8:00 pm and I’m searching for a shirt.
the Unicon – the World Unicycle There’s a light, comfortable shirt for €10! I
Championship – you meet people from all suggest €7, the man wants more, finally
over the world here and learn new tricks. we agree on €8 and it’s mine.
Presenter: Cool! Now Nick, tell us about your hobby. Grand Bazaar, Istanbul, Turkey
Nick: I love writing stories. I often write stories for This is one of the oldest and largest
my family and friends. My dream is to have covered markets in the world. Around
my own book of short stories. 400,000 people visit it every day from 9:00
am (except Sundays and holidays) until
Presenter: Where do you get your ideas from?
7:00 pm. I found an old-fashioned shirt,
Nick: I spend a lot of time reading. I also have a perfect for Granddad. We’re trying to
notebook so when I see or hear something agree on the price. You always try to pay
interesting I write it down. I’m a member less!
of a writers’ group too. We meet every
Saturday and in the school holidays and a
writer listens to our stories and helps us.
Presenter: Interesting! And finally Jason. What do you
Unit 3, Listening and Speaking, exercises 1 and 3
like doing?
Presenter: On today’s programme, Lee Garcia is
Jason: I’m crazy about trains. I take photos of
talking to us about some young people
trains, I collect train tickets and maps and
who are becoming famous fast. Lee, are
of course I’ve got my own model railway.
they actors or musicians?
Presenter: And are you a member of a club?
Lee: No, they aren’t. Melissa Jade Aiello,
Jason: Yes, the Young Model Railway Club in Moziah Bridges and Kheris Rogers are
London – it is over 100 years old. We meet all making amazing clothes and they’re
once a month and share our ideas. They’re all under the age of 18.
helping me to build a station for my railway.
Presenter: What do we know about Melissa Jade
Presenter: Thanks guys! Aiello?
Lee: Well, she’s from England but lives in the

USA and she calls herself Missy. She
often draws pictures of people from the
Unit 3, Reading, exercise 2 world of fashion and she’s very good at it.
These cool pictures are on T-shirts and
Presenter: Finding the perfect shirt everyone wants a ‘Missy Tee’.
This week our reporter Rob Evans is Presenter: Where can I buy one?
looking for a perfect shirt in three world
famous markets. Lee: You need to order it online from her
Rob Evans: San Telmo Fair, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Presenter: Right! What about Moziah Bridges? What
The indoor market is open Monday to clothes does he make?
Saturday, but I’m at the street market, San
Telmo Fair. It’s open every Sunday till Lee: Moziah or Mo makes ties and he’s got his
about 5:00 pm, if the weather is good. own company called Mo’s Bows.
People here are selling all kinds of Presenter: Does he only sell to adults?
clothes, street musicians are playing and
Lee: No. Have a look at his website, he’s got
ties for all ages.

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Presenter: And why does he call his company Mo’s T8

Unit 4, Listening and Speaking, exercises 3 and 4
Lee: Because Mo makes and sells a lot of bow
ties. Mo loves wearing colourful bow ties Presenter: You’re listening to Talking About. On
himself. He thinks they make the world a today’s podcast, Charlotte Morden is
happier place. talking about how to live on a desert
island. Over to you, Charlotte.
Presenter: Finally, what can you tell us about Kheris
Rogers? Charlotte: You’re on a boat in the middle of the sea,
there’s a lot of water in the bottom and the
Lee: She’s also still studying at school but like
boat is going down. You decide to swim to
the other two she’s got her own clothes
the nearest island. What do you take with
business. She sells her tops, bags and
you? Some people want to take
jackets on her own website with the help
everything, their backpack, their sleeping
of her older sister and they’re doing well.
bag, a full water bottle, things to make a
Presenter: What’s next? fire, and so on. But if you can only take
two things, a penknife and some boots are
Lee: Kheris is saving money to go to college
probably the most useful.
when she’s older and her sister has also
got her own cake business. You can use a penknife to cut wild plants,
open fish and make clothes and blankets.
Presenter: Thanks for the report, Lee. Don’t forget to
Boots keep your feet dry and safe. If you
check out these young people on social
don’t wear shoes, you can cut your feet
media. That’s all for today, bye!
and they sometimes take weeks to get
better. If your boots are made of plastic,

you can also use them for water.
Next, you must find water. We can live
Unit 4, Reading, exercise 3 for over three weeks without food but only
Living in extreme places, by Mateo Romero. three to four days without water. If there
are trees on your island, there’s water.
Some people live in the wettest places in the world, Look for the smallest rivers as the water is
others in the driest, coldest or windiest. I live in one of cleaner there. And don’t forget to use your
the highest. boots to collect the water from a good
My city, La Paz, isn’t the largest city in Bolivia, but thunderstorm.
at 3,640 metres above the sea, it’s one of the highest You can’t just sleep on the floor, it’s
cities in the world. Our closest city, El Alto, is higher at usually freezing at night and there are
4,150 metres. The fastest way to get there is by the Mi often dangerous snakes and insects, too.
Teleferico cable car. It takes about ten minutes – the Make a fire and build something to sleep
bus takes an hour! in. Be careful near trees – large fruit can
When my cousins visit, they often feel terrible at first fall on your head when you’re sleeping!
because we live so high up but after a few days, they And finally, of course, if you still have your
feel better. And when we go to their city, we also don’t mobile phone with you, let people know
feel well for two or three days. where you are!
There are some other interesting things about living in
a high city. Vegetables and rice cook faster. Other food
like cakes and biscuits are not the same here because T9
our air is different. They also say we are thinner
because we aren’t always hungry like people who live Unit 5, Reading, exercise 2
nearer the sea. My favourite places in Melbourne, Australia. Posted by
Our winter (May to October) is the dry season. Riley Randall
Chacaltaya Mountain isn’t far by car and the views are There’s always something to see and do in Melbourne.
amazing. November to March is summer, the rainy Here are some of my favourites.
season, and it’s often cloudy.
Eureka Skydeck

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The Eureka Tower is the tallest building in Melbourne. Scott: Great. Now look for another Banksy picture;
Ride up to the 88th floor for views of the city from the ‘Cat and Dog’. This is one of the first
Skydeck. When the sun goes down, the city lights are paintings Banksy did.
amazing! Or in November, do the Eureka Climb. The
Mel: Wow! It’s there, next to the café! It’s more
winner of this race is the fastest person to go up the
1,642 steps!
Scott: Yeah! You’re right. There are animals in a
Melbourne City Baths
lot of his pictures. Another photo?
The baths are on Swanston Street. The building is over
Mel: And now?
115 years old, but it has a modern sports centre with
the largest swimming pool in the city centre. My little Scott: Let’s go to Stapleton Road Station. There’s
sister is learning to swim there at the moment and my some more good street art there.
friends and I use the bikes in the gym. Mel: OK!
Bourke Street Mall Scott: We need to go along Robertson Road,
There isn’t any traffic on this shopping street – it’s for back to Fishponds Road and turn left. Then
people and trams only. My friends and I like the trendy we go past a restaurant and the station is
shops. Musicians usually play in the street too. If you’re there.
hungry, try a doughnut at Doughboys. They’re delicious! Scott: Can you see the pictures on the wall?
Lido Cinema Mel: Yeah, they’re different from the ones by
There are cinemas everywhere and, in the summer, the Banksy. There are people in this one!
Lido is outdoors. It’s easy to get there from the cycle You’re lucky! Bristol’s a very trendy place!
lane on Glenferrie Road. I usually have a burger and Scott: Yeah! I like living here. How are you doing,
chips in a fast-food restaurant with my friends before Mel? Are you tired?
the film.
Mel: No, I’m hungry.
Scott: There’s an Indian restaurant near here or
T10 we can have spicy chicken in an African
Unit 5, Listening and Speaking, exercises 2 and 4
Mel: Spicy chicken for me, please!
Mel: Hi Scott! Thanks for meeting me at the train
Scott: That’s ok, Mel. I’ve got an app and it’s got a T11
map of the street art in Bristol, so let’s go
and see some street art! We need to catch Unit 6, Reading, exercise 3
a bus from the stop over there. Why don’t you check out these awesome animal
Scott: Let’s see. We are on Coombe Road, we sanctuaries? Here are four of our favourite success
need to turn right into Fishponds Road, and stories of people opening amazing places to protect
it’s right there, next to Sandy Lane. animals.

Mel: There it is, over there! A large animal is 1 This sanctuary opened in 1992 and has now got more
wearing something pink over its eyes. than 80 big cats. Some of these were pets before and
others were from zoos or circuses. This place hopes
Scott: That’s right! It’s called ‘Masked Gorilla’, it’s it can raise awareness and stop more species from
by Banksy and it’s very famous. Let’s take becoming extinct. If you’re near the centre, why don’t
a photo. you try the feeding tour?
Mel: Where’s next? 2 Pandas are cute but also in danger! According to
Scott: We need to go back along Fishponds Road WWF, in 2014, there were only 1,864 wild giant pandas,
again and turn left at Robertson Road. It’s so this sanctuary hopes to return some of the pandas
about five minutes from here. Here we are. born there to their natural environment. At this centre,
Robertson Road. Our next picture is on the you can get close to the animals, but please don’t make
corner of Foster Street. too much noise because the pandas get scared.

Mel: Is that F-O-S-T-E-R? It’s over there on the 3 Spend a night at the Black Volta River and explore
right. their protected area for hippos. There are just two
groups of hippos left in Ghana and this is one of them.

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On a day boat trip, perhaps you’ll see one of the hippos Singer and actor Ariana Grande was also one of your
sleeping in its real habitat! favourites. She began her career in the theatre, later on
television and then started making albums. When she
4 For about 120 years, this island sanctuary was
isn’t performing, she works with charities. When she
farmland with few plants or wildlife. Volunteers worked
was just ten she helped form a charity group called Kids
hard to make this home to more than 300 000 trees
Who Care.
and some of the world’s most endangered birds and
reptiles, including the flightless takahē. Book early for Teachers
the boat.
A lot of you wrote about amazing teachers, like Zhang
Lili from China. She pushed her students away from a
bus which was out of control and lost both her legs.
T12 Another teacher in Iran visited one of his students in
hospital every day to tell him about his classes. And
Unit 6, Listening and Speaking, exercises 2 and 3
Rajesh Kumar Sharma in India opened a free school
You’re listening to Animals Today. On today’s podcast under a bridge for New Delhi’s poorest children.
we’re talking about how the St Joseph High School
We’d love to hear about your hero! Send us an email at
running team helped some dogs near their school.
There are a lot of dogs in the USA in animal centres
waiting for families to give them a new home. Well,
here’s one cool way some kids and a centre in
California worked together to raise awareness. When T14
one of the workers at the centre suggested the kids on
Unit 7, Listening and Speaking, exercises 3 and 4
a school running team go for a run with the dogs, their
coach Luis Escobar agreed immediately. The kids run Presenter: In our series on ‘Young Heroes’, I’m
every day anyway, so why not take the dogs with them? talking to Hamish Wright about a rescue in
When the team arrived at the centre, the dogs were Thailand. Hamish, what happened
really excited to see them and to get outside. They went exactly?
for a short run of about two and a half kilometres near Hamish: On Saturday 23rd June 2018, a boys’
the centre but Fred, one of the smaller dogs, was tired football team decided to cycle to the Tham
so Josh, his human partner, carried him to the end. Luang cave after practice. They left their
Josh and Fred are now good friends and Fred is now bikes outside and 12 of them aged
living with Josh so there’s a happy ending. Dogs and between 11 and 17 went into the cave
humans had great fun. Coach Escobar takes really with their 25-year-old coach.
good photos and videos. He posted a video of their
run on Facebook, thousands watched it and now other Presenter: Wasn’t this dangerous?
schools and animal centres are doing the same thing. Hamish: Yes, it was but many young people in the
Why don’t you donate your time to a centre? You don’t area love going into these caves. They
need to run with the dogs, you can walk, too! wanted to stay for an hour but they were
there for two weeks.
Presenter: Why did this happen?
Hamish: It started raining and there was more and
Unit 7, Reading, exercise 2 more and more water in the cave. They
Who’s your hero? Is it a sports star, a singer, an actor moved to find somewhere which wasn’t
or perhaps someone in your town? We asked you about dangerous. They sat together to keep
your heroes and here are the most popular. warm and waited for help.

Lionel Messi Presenter: What did their families do when they didn’t
come home?
Many of you wrote about one of the best footballers in
the world. Messi began playing football in Argentina, but Hamish: They found their bikes outside the caves
he moved to FC Barcelona when he was 13. Three and rang the police. Soon, police officers,
years later, he started playing in the first team. Messi divers, volunteers, journalists and
also donates his time to UNICEF and he’s one of their photographers arrived, but nobody had
Goodwill Ambassadors. much experience of diving in caves.

Ariana Grande Presenter: What did they do next?

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Hamish: On 28th June, international cave divers Presenter: La Paz, Mexico, Luis Sánchez
began to help. They swam through the
caves looking for the boys and their Luis: There are nearly 500 beaches in Mexico,
coach. Then on Sunday 1st July, two but one of the best is Balandra. It’s near
British divers found the boys. The problem where I live in La Paz. In the city we have
was they were around three kilometres Malecón beach. You can go for a walk or
inside the caves and some of them didn’t a run, go shopping and have an ice-
know how to swim. cream! I like Malecón, but I prefer
Balandra. It’s about 45 minutes away by
Presenter: How did they save the boys?
car. I love it because the water is clear,
Hamish: About one week later, around 100 divers and it’s a wonderful place to look for
helped to bring them home. On Tuesday marine animals.
10th July, all 13 were out!
Presenter: So a happy ending? T16
Hamish: Yes and no. Sadly, Saman, one of the Unit 8, Listening and Speaking, exercises 1, 2 and 3
divers from Thailand, died inside the cave
while he was taking air tanks to the boys. 1
He was 38 years old. Danny: Hi Zoë! We’re going to town later. Do you
Presenter: Thanks Hamish. want to come?
Zoë: Hi Danny. Sorry. I can’t. I have to pack.
Danny: You have to pack? Where are you going?
Zoë: I’m going to stay with my dad. He lives in
Unit 8, Reading, exercise 2 Amsterdam and he promised me this time
we’re going to go on a boat trip. I can’t
Presenter: Readers’ tips: three city beaches from wait.
around the world
Danny: Are you going with your brother?
Are you a beach person? Maybe you Zoë: No, I’m flying alone.
prefer city breaks? How about both? We
Danny: Are you nervous?
asked our readers to tell us about their
favourite city beaches. Zoë: Not really.
Antalya, Turkey, Erçan Kesen
Harry: There’s nothing on TV. I don’t know what
Erçan: When you first arrive in Antalya, you must to do.
walk around Kaleiçi, the old part of the
Mum: Why don’t we get everything ready for
city, have a snack in a café and enjoy the
your trip to Canada? You’re leaving on
view of the mountains. After that, go to
Friday, you know.
one of the two beaches. We’re going to
spend the summer on Konyaaltı beach. Harry: On Friday? I thought you said Saturday.
There’s always somewhere to hang out Can we check again?
because the beach is 7 km long. I think Mum: No, look at this! You have to be at the
early evenings are the best time. airport on Friday. You arrive in Montreal
on Saturday.
Presenter: San Sebastian, Spain, Ane Garmendia Harry: Right! Tell me about the camp again.

Ane: Many people come to my city to try the Mum: You’ll have French classes in the morning
amazing food. However, I love the three and then in the afternoons, you’ll go
beaches. I learnt how to surf on Zurriola sightseeing, do different sports or other
beach. La Concha beach is right in the activities. You’ll spend Sundays with a
middle of the city, but I like spending the family.
afternoon with my friends on Ondarreta Harry: Cool!
beach in the west of the city. It’s a little
quieter and I think you will love it.

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3 Boy: How was your summer holiday? Did you go

to the beach?
Michelle: We have to be outside the school at half
past seven for the school trip. Girl: No, we didn’t. We went to the mountains
this year.
Rob: That’s very early. What happens if I don’t
wake up in time? Boy: Really? Where did you stay?
Michelle: Don’t worry! I’ll give you a ring. The trip Girl: We camped next to a lake. It was beautiful
sounds brilliant. I can’t wait. We’re going but very quiet! We were about 20
to stay on a campsite near a lake, learn kilometres from the nearest town.
to catch fish and then cook it on the fire.
Now listen again.
Rob: Why can’t we stay in a youth hostel like
last year?
Michelle: Come on! It’ll be fun. We’re also going to
learn how to find wild food like fruit and T18
Exam trainer, Listening Part 2, exercise 3
Rob: Now, that sounds dangerous to me. Next
time, I’m going to suggest we stay in my For each question, write the correct answer in the gap.
uncle’s B & B. It’s just next to the beach. Write one word, or a number, or a date, or a time.
You will hear a tour guide talking to some visitors in an
art gallery.
T17 Man: Hello and welcome! I’m Mark and I’m your
Exam trainer, Listening Part 1, exercise 1 guide. Before we start the tour, I’m going to
give you some information.
For each question, choose the correct picture.
This morning, we’re going to look at
1 What did Paul do yesterday?
paintings by British artists. The tour of
Boy: What did you all do yesterday? French art is tomorrow and it starts at ten
thirty. First, we’ll visit the gallery’s special
Girl: We went ice skating. It was fun. Why didn’t
exhibition of paintings by the artist L. S.
you come, Paul?
Lowry – that’s L - O - W - R - Y. After that,
Boy: I wanted to but I had a guitar lesson. Did I’ll show you some interesting paintings
you do anything after you went ice skating? from the 19th century. The tour lasts an
Girl: We went to the café in the park. hour, it’s ten o’clock now, so it finishes at
eleven o’clock.
Boy: I love that café. They serve great ice cream
there! We’ve got a great restaurant on the third
floor and there’s also a café next to the
Now listen again. shop. The toilets are on the second floor.
[repeat] Now listen again.
2 What time does Jack’s break start? [repeat]
Girl: What classes have you got today, Jack?
Boy: Well, our first class is maths. That’s from
eight thirty to ten o’clock. After that, we’ve T19
got a break and then a history class. Exam trainer, Listening Part 3, exercise 4
Girl: How long is your break? For each question, choose the correct answer.
Boy: Twenty minutes. Then we’ve got history for You will hear Nadia talking to her friend, David, about
an hour, until twenty past eleven. sport.
Now listen again. Nadia: What sports are you into, David?
[repeat] David: I enjoy playing football at school, but my
3 Where did Louisa stay? favourite sport is swimming. I love it.

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Nadia: Me too. I like swimming in the sea in the [repeat]

summer when it’s warm, but I never go
swimming during the winter. I’d like to, but
there isn’t a pool in my town. 3 You will hear a girl and her mum talking in a clothes
shop. What do they agree on?
David: That’s a pity.
Girl: What do you think, Mum?
Nadia: Where do you go swimming?
Woman: Well, I like it. You look good in green. But
David: At the sports centre in our town. It opened
maybe you need a smaller size.
last year. I usually go there after school on
Tuesdays and Thursdays and then again Girl: No, it’s OK. I want to wear sweaters under
on Sunday afternoons. it. But it’s a bit expensive.

Nadia: Wow! So, do you like the new sports Woman: I think it’s a good price for a winter jacket.
centre? Do you like it?

David: It’s great. It’s expensive, but it’s in a really Girl: Yes, I do. It’s very comfortable and it’s my
cool glass building and all the gym favourite colour.
equipment is new. Another problem is that Woman: Great! Let’s get it, then.
my friends don’t like swimming so I always
go there alone. Now listen again.

Now listen again. [repeat]

T20 Exam trainer, Listening Part 5, exercise 6

Exam trainer, Listening Part 4, exercise 5 For each question, choose the correct answer.

For each question, choose the correct answer. You will hear Abbey talking to Pete about types of
1 You will hear two friends talking about a trip to
Australia. What was the weather like? Pete: Hello, Abbey! I saw your brother today. He
said you went to see a band together last
Woman: So how was your trip to Australia? Was it night.
really hot?
Abbey: Yes, we saw a really cool band. The music
Man: No, it wasn’t. We were in the south of the was a bit too loud for me though. My
country and it was early spring, so it wasn’t brother loved it – he’s going again next
warm at all, but it was dry. week!
Woman: That’s good. I’m glad you didn’t have wet Pete: So you prefer entertainment that’s a bit less
weather. I know you wanted to do a lot of noisy?
activities outdoors.
Abbey: Yes, that’s right. For example, I love going
Now listen again. to the theatre. My cousin Sally is an actor,
[repeat] so I often go with her mother, my aunt, to
watch her act in a play. Tomorrow, we’re
2 You will hear a man talking about his job. What does
going to see a play that’s about a school in
he do?
the future. It’s a bit different and maybe a
Man: It isn’t easy and I work long hours but it’s little bit strange!
never boring. Our restaurant is in the centre
Pete: Wow! So you like going out a lot. What
of the city and it’s very popular. We make
things do you like doing at home?
over three hundred pizzas every day so I’m
very tired when I leave work. When I get Abbey: Well, my sister likes playing computer
home, I have a shower because it’s very games with her friends. I like playing too,
hot in the kitchen. For dinner, I have a but I usually play with my dad because we
sandwich. I don’t want to spend any more like similar games. It’s so much fun, but I
time preparing food! find a lot of games really hard!

Now listen again. Pete: Me too! Do you watch much TV at home?

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Workbook Audioscript

my mum. We like things that make us laugh

a lot.
Abbey: I don’t watch TV very often. My brother is
always watching films or cartoons, but I like Pete: Yes, I like a good comedy too. Do you
watching some comedy programmes with watch music videos?
my mum. We like things that make us laugh
Abbey: Yes, I watch them with my sister, but to be
a lot.
honest, I don’t find them very interesting.
Pete: Yes, I like a good comedy too. Do you The music is great, but the videos all look
watch music videos? the same.
Abbey: Yes, I watch them with my sister, but to be Now listen again.
honest, I don’t find them very interesting.
The music is great, but the videos all look
the same.
Now listen again.

Exam trainer, Listening Part 5, exercise 7
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Abbey talking to Pete about types of
entertainment. Which person does Abbey do the activity
Pete: Hello, Abbey! I saw your brother today. He
said you went to see a band together last
Abbey: Yes, we saw a really cool band. The music
was a bit too loud for me though. My
brother loved it – he’s going again next
Pete: So you prefer entertainment that’s a bit less
Abbey: Yes, that’s right. For example, I love going
to the theatre. My cousin Sally is an actor,
so I often go with her mother, my aunt, to
watch her act in a play. Tomorrow, we’re
going to see a play that’s about a school in
the future. It’s a bit different and maybe a
little bit strange!
Pete: Wow! So you like going out a lot. What
things do you like doing at home?
Abbey: Well, my sister likes playing computer
games with her friends. I like playing too,
but I usually play with my dad because we
like similar games. It’s so much fun, but I
find a lot of games really hard!
Pete: Me too! Do you watch much TV at home?
Abbey: I don’t watch TV very often. My brother is
always watching films or cartoons, but I like
watching some comedy programmes with

Get Involved! A2 © Macmillan Education Limited 2021 9

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