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Peer Feedback Questions for Student

YOUR NAME: Erik Szasz



Design and Aesthetics

What was your first impression of the website's overall design and aesthetic? Does it have a
visual theme that is consistent throughout?

The first impression I had was seeing an image with very bad quality underneath describing
Tenerife. Every page had a different theme with different colors / fonts.

How do you find the color scheme and typography? Are they appealing and easy to read?

For unit 1+2 I don’t like the blue background because it look`s a bit messy and the colors got
nothing to do with horror. I also had trouble reading because the question and the answer
blended together so I couldn`t tell what was the question and the answer for the first look.

Are the images and graphics used on the site of high quality and relevant to the content?

Overall the images are decent quality other than the one that’s one the front page and the
images link well to the content that is written next to them.

Navigation and Layout

How easy is it to navigate the website? Can you find what you're looking for without

It was easy but there was one page the unit 3 and 4 which was hidden under unit 1 + 2
which had me confused for a bit.

Is the layout of the content logical and does it facilitate a good user experience?

The layout was logical, every picture has an explanation or writing next to them which gives
the reader an easier job to understand the work that`s been done.

Are there any elements of the layout that you find particularly confusing or frustrating?

At unit 6 there was way to many pictures being towered up on each other and I think it
would have been nicer if he putted them into a slideshow or something like that.

Content Quality and Organization

How do you rate the quality of the content provided on the website? Is it informative,
accurate, and engaging?

Yes it`s informative it gave me details about the preparations, filming and editing processes.

Is the content well-organized, making it easy to differentiate between sections and topics?

I had a tough time because there was no divider line or highlighting for questions or
answers which made it a bit messy.

Are there clear calls to action where appropriate, guiding the user on what to do next?

The work is in order and it makes sense reading it I just think the question should have
some feature that shows its question for example highlighting it, different font size etc.

Functionality and Accessibility

Did you encounter any broken links, errors, or issues with loading times on the website?

On the front page one of the YouTube video is not visible which makes me think that the
link is broken.

Innovation and Creativity

What features or content do you find unique or creative on this website?

I like that he used different colors for some pages not for unit 1 + 2 but for unit 5 I think it
gives that page a bit more extra and it kind of matches as well.

Are there interactive elements or multimedia content that enhance the user experience?
How effectively are they implemented?

There are no interactive elements.

In what ways does the website stand out from others you have seen in terms of design or

There is a fair amount of writing for every question / evaluation which was consistent
through out the pages I read and I like that there was no short answers. Most of the answers
were simple and got straight to the point I also like that because it doesn`t hold up the

Overall Experience and Suggestions for Improvement

Based on your overall experience, what are the website's strongest points?

Strongest point is that he described well what he and his team was doing. I also like that
there is a lot of pictures for the group works which shows the preparation and filming.

What are the main areas for improvement that could enhance the user experience or the
quality of the website?

For some of the pictures I would rather use the snipping tool than screenshotting because
screenshotting shows a lot of irrelevant details which the snipping tool can crop and only
show relevant information. Making the questions and titles more noticeable would be a
good idea because its very hard for the reader to tell which is the question and which is the

Can you suggest any specific changes or additions that would make the website more
engaging or easier to use?

I would change the picture on the front page because of the quality and also make some
change`s on the writing.

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