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Presenting Literature Assessment and Rubric

Choose one of the following options to complete for this assessment.

Option One: Podcast Option Two: Movie Trailer
You will submit your script (below) and your You will submit your script (below) and your
podcast recording. movie trailer.
Step One: The Introduction Step One: The Hook
Introduce the podcast to your audience. Feeling The first few seconds of your trailer should be
extra creative? Create a podcast name and music attention-grabbing and make the viewer curious.
to lead into your interview. Then, introduce the You can achieve this through highlighting a
author (yourself) and tell the listeners what you dramatic moment in your narrative, using a
are presenting to them. powerful quote, or presenting a thought-
Write your introduction here: provoking question. This will be included in the
voiceover of your movie trailer.
Step Two: The Synopsis "In a world where Shakespeare's classic tale
Provide a brief synopsis of your narrative's plot. meets the imagination of its fans... Witness a
What happens from the exposition through the reimagining of betrayal, revenge, and destiny."
resolution? Sum it up in an interesting and
engaging way that allows listeners to visualize the Step Two: The Synopsis
story. Write a synopsis of your fanfiction narrative that
Write your synopsis here: mirrors the tone of your story (mysterious, funny,
sad). This will be included in the voiceover of
Step Three: The Interview your movie trailer.
Conduct the interview with yourself as the author Write your synopsis here:
of an intriguing fanfiction narrative. Choose five In a modern metropolis shrouded in mystery,
of the questions below. Respond to each of the Ophelia navigates the bustling streets, her heart
five questions you choose in at least two complete heavy with longing for a forbidden love. As
sentences here: whispers of betrayal echo through the corridors of
power, Ophelia finds herself entangled in a
• How did you develop the characters in dangerous game of deceit. Determined to uncover
your narrative? Were they inspired by real the truth before madness claims her, she confronts
people or entirely fictional? the shadows of the past in a reimagining of
Shakespeare's classic tragedy. Filled with passion,
• How did the setting contribute to the betrayal, and the resilience of the human spirit,
overall mood or theme of the narrative? this fan fiction adaptation delves into the depths
of the soul, captivating audiences with its
• What role does style or language play in haunting tale.
your writing? How did you determine the Step Three: The Need to Watch
tone and voice for the narrative? Write 2–3 sentences that explain why your "film"
is a must see. What can it offer the world?
• Were there any challenges or obstacles
that you faced while writing this Write your need explanation here.
narrative? How did you overcome them? This modern reinterpretation of Hamlet offers a
fresh perspective on timeless themes of love, and
• What universal theme did you want betrayal. Through its gripping narrative and
readers to take away from your narrative? compelling characters, this fan fiction adaptation
How did you work to convey that promises to ignite imaginations.
universal theme to your audience? Step Three: Select Images
Choose images for your movie trailer that will
• How different from or similar to your enhance the audience's understanding of your
original selected narrative text was your fanfiction narrative.
fanfiction narrative? Why did you make
that choice?

• How did you decide on the structure of

your narrative? Did you consider other
options before settling on the final
structure? Optional Step Four: Select Background Music
and Sound Effects
• How did your ideas for the narrative Choose music and sound effects that convey the
evolve during the writing process, if at mood you created in your fanfiction narrative.
all? Did the story change significantly
from your initial concept to the final v=C6Mkj2MAsuA
product? Step Five: Create Your Trailer
Using the script above, create a video movie
• What were some important or meaningful trailer with audio and visuals. Reach out to your
moments in the narrative that resonated instructor for help with video recording options.
with you personally? Why were these
moments significant to you? Paste the link to your trailer here, or attach an
mp4 file to your submission.

Step Four: Record Your Podcast

Using the script above, record your interview in
the style of a podcast. Reach out to your instructor
for help with audio recording options.

Paste the link to your podcast here, or attach an

mp3 file to your submission.

Presenting Literature Rubric

On Target Almost There Needs Improvement
Demonstrates 15-12 points 11-0 points
Understanding 20-16 points
of the • The project • The project • The project
Narrative effectively generally translates struggles to
translates the the student's effectively translate
(20 points) student's original original narrative the student's
narrative into a into a podcast or original narrative
podcast or movie movie trailer into a podcast or
trailer format. format. movie trailer
• The project • The project format.
captures the partially captures • The project fails to
essence and tone of the essence and capture the essence
the narrative, tone of the and tone of the
effectively narrative, but there narrative, resulting
conveying its may be some in a disconnect
intended mood. inconsistencies or between the
areas that could be original story and
improved. the podcast or
movie trailer.
30-24 points • Points
23-18 points
• The project • The project • The project
effectively enhances generally enhances struggles to
the audience's the audience's effectively enhance
experience of the experience of the the audience's
Audience student's original student's original experience of the
Experience narrative through narrative through student's original
(30 points) appropriate diction mostly appropriate narrative through
(for podcasts) or diction (for appropriate diction
captivating images podcasts) or (for podcasts) or
(for movie trailers). engaging images captivating images
(for movie trailers). (for movie trailers).

20-16 points 11-0 points

• points
• The student • The student • Problems with
effectively uses generally uses tone, tone, volume,
tone, volume, volume, pronunciation, or
pronunciation, and pronunciation, and pace that are in the
Audio pace to read their pace to read their student's control
Component script in their script in their hinder
(20 points) podcast or movie podcast or movie understanding,
trailer. trailer. impacting the
overall quality of
the listening
• The audio may be
Script 20-16 points 11-0 points
(20 points) 15-12 points
• The script • The script generally • The script lacks
effectively conveys conveys ideas with clarity, making it
ideas with clarity some clarity and challenging to
and coherence. coherence. understand the ideas
• The synopsis of the • The synopsis of the being conveyed.
narrative is well- narrative provides a • The synopsis of the
written, providing a sufficient overview narrative is unclear
concise and of the story, but or insufficient,
insightful overview there may be some failing to provide a
of the story, its key areas that could be concise overview of
elements, and its further developed or the story and its key
intended message. enhanced for better elements.
• The script answers insight. • The script does not
questions related to • The script answers effectively answer
the narrative most of the the questions related
insightfully, questions related to to the narrative,
highlighting a deep the narrative, demonstrating a lack
understanding of demonstrating an of understanding of
the themes, understanding of the themes,
characters, and plot the themes, characters, and plot
points. characters, and plot points.
points, but there
may be some areas
that lack depth or
10-8 points 5-0 points
7-6 points
• The script is • The script is mostly • The script is not
written in complete written in complete written in complete
sentences. sentences. sentences.
Conventions • Standard grammar, • Standard grammar, • Standard grammar,
(10 points) punctuation, and punctuation, and punctuation, and
sentence structure sentence structure sentence structure
rules are followed rules are followed rules are not
with minimal with some errors followed, and this
errors. that do not impede affects readability.

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