Geograpllt: Seasonal

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2015 GeograPllt

,!ill... ~~
and the contour height given in 6rid ~
PART I [30 Marks] bJ
Attempt a,ll questions f,"Om this Part. Answer.
Questio n 1. (a) The four figure grid reference for the fl.._
Study the· extract of the Survey of India Map is 1903. The figure is a seasonal tank 1'ith
Sheet No. 45D/10 and answer the following an embankm ent. •
questions : (b) Drainage pattern of grid square 1806 11 .
(a) Give the four figure grid reference for a_figure Radial and of grid square 1608 is Trellis.
similar to the one given below. Identify the (c) The correct six figure are
figure: [2)
(i) Gautam Maharish i Mandir-200071.

~ (ii) .443-179052. .
(d) Vajna settleme nt is another prominent
(b) How is the drainage pattern in grid square settleme nt because :
1606 different from that in grid square 1608 ? (1) It has a police Chauki.
[2] (2) It is located on the metalled road
(c) Identify the correct six figure grid reference therefore good. transpor t is available.
for each of the following : (e) (i) General slope of the land in the North
(i) Gautam Maharish i Mandir west corner is towards North west.
200071; 071200; 201070? . - 1
; (ii) Compass direction of Chandela from

(ii) .443 _ . Hanuma nji Ka Mandir is South west.
172059; 052179; 179052? .. [2] , (f) (i) Cause way : It is a raised road or path
most prominent settlement other ~ '· that enable us to cross a seasonal
(d) Name the
than ABU. Give two reasons to support your '' river. It does not work during rain. It
answer. [2] is not a bridge. ·
(e) (i) What is the general, slope of the land in the (ii) · Fall 25 m indicate the presence of a
north-west comer of the map extract ? · · ·' · · waterfall i:e., 25 metres high.
(ii) What is the compass direction of (g) ' (i) one hour.
Chandela (1803) from Hanuma nji ka (ii) Area = L x B
Mandir (2208) ? [2] =3x5
(f) What do you understa nd by the following = 15 km 2
terms as used on the map extract :
(h) (i) Natural feature in 1610 is broken
(i) Causeway (1702) ground and seasonal stream.
(ii) Falls 25m (2307). [2]
(ii) .One ~an made feature in grid square
(g) (i) If you were to cycle at 10 km an hour, 1903 is hut and embankm ent.
how much time would it take to cover (i) Two reasons to indicate that the regi:
the north-south distance depicted on depicted on the map receives season
this map extract ? rainfall are :
(ii) Calculate the area enclosed by Eastings (i) Cart tracks are motorable in the drY
19 to 22 and Northings 04 to 09. [2]
season. ,
(h) (i) Identify one natural feature in grid (ii) Presenc e of causewa y and broken
square 1610 . the
ground. .
t • . , (ii) Identify one man made feature in grid (j) Difference between the highest pomt. on 'd
square 1903. [2]
map and the contour height given lll 811
(i) Give two probable reasons, other than dry square 2402 is 1129 metres.
water features, to indicate that 'the region Questio n 2. ·
depicted on the map extract receives seasonal [lJ
< ·. rainfa/,l. [2] On the outline map of India provided :
(a) Mark and name the Nilgiris. ~ gJ
(j) Ca/,culate, in metres, the difference in height
label the Malwa Plateau. It~
between the highest point on the map extract (b) , Shade and
• t • I

. •,, .

. "» ,IO ll t 271

sha(le and label tlue Malabar Coufal Plain,, .. -- wind, that .,,, . .,,,.,.,. ,_,. to north-welt
India. [11
'"' ' ' ' [I] (1)
·· }lark and narM the river Gom.ti. [1) (h) Ma rlia ntl~ -~ :, J •·. ,

(d> sl,ad,, and narM th.e Andaman Sea..

(e) •
}larle 0,nd namt Allahabnd. [1)
(I) Mori, an .,. lllllh ,_,, ,,, ,ml below tM
Tropic of Cane,,. :>•, '. [l) ...... ..

(I) Marlt and nam, th, Ka, .,.,.m Pas•• · (1)

' '
~ 11arlf with a single tirrow and name the

(I) 1ft'


- - 0) Karakoram P111
' ' (

I . (h) Otgbol
(d) River Gomtt


·. a..,•·,

'·. -

1~ 1 Laterite Soil ,. ,,·. .,
below Tropic ~ . . .• ,
of Cancer ,. ;. ·

(c)!-:; · ~ · -~ ; ·· -~( e)
(a) Nilgiris ,. :_:•
Malabar '
Coastal _;:.;,;_,· ,1 1 • -~-i Sea . ~
Plain• . : \ '
..•,•:·.::,i. \..

(c), Give a -g~~g~aphic reason for each of the

PAR T II [50 Mar ks]
Attempt any five questions from this Part. following:
Question 3. (D Kerala has the longest rainy season.
(a) Explain two factors that affect the climate (ii) , The Kon kan · coas t expe rienc es
of India giving a suitable example for each. orographic rain{all.
[2] (iii) The city of Kanp ur in Utta r Prad esh
(b) Stat.e two differences between the rain{alls that has a higher range of temperature than
occur from June to September and that from that of Chennai in Tam il Nadu. [S]
December to February in North India. [2) \ ..
• 'I

(d) Study the climatic data given below and

answer the questions that follow :

23.8 21.2
Temp. c 21.0 21.9 24.3 27.2 28.0 26.4 26.1 25.4 25.0 26.0

31.6 34.5 14.8

Rainfall cm 5.1 2.8 1.2 1.7 3.9 4.6 8.4 11.4 11.9
(i) Identify the hottest month.
(ii) Calculate the annu al rain{all.
rainfall to this city. (3]
(iii) Na~ the wind s that bring the maxi mum
Exam ple: Nainital has lower tempera-
ture than Agra.
(a) Two factors that affect the climate in India
(ii) Distance from the sea : Places close
are :
to the sea have lowe r rang e of
(i) Altit ude : As the height increases
temperature· decreases at the rate of temperature i.e. moderate climate and
1°C for every 165 m· of ascend. places away from the influence of the
2'12 t IC8B Lat 10 y_,.. Solued Paper,
aea have higher ran,e of t.ernperature NMJ for ,oil ....., ......
•·-H~c,,&, ·!

continental climate. E%ampl1 : {HO •h~d ~ ~
Mumbai haa lower ranp of t.empenture
than Delhi as it is clOM to the ,ea, An...
.-. Chan eterl .._ ot
:.>-:,: ~,
. (b) Two diff'erencea between the ratnr11ll that
1111 ' • •
omar from June to Sf'ptember and from able to retain moilture.
Deoember t.o Febru ary 11re:
{ii) Charaetertatle ot nd -a , ft fa
in potash and beeom e fertile ~-~
{i) Rainfall in June to Sepiember i,i cau8e<l proper u11e of fertilizer, and ~
by S.W. tnonllloon where 88 rainfa ll (b) Geographic terms are : -...,.._...
in December to Febru ary is c&used by (i) Leaching
tempe rate cyclones (weste rn distur • (il) Gully eroeion.
hences) origin ating in Medit errane an (c) (i) Pedog enen1 s PrOCM & of IOU fOflbaM..._
808. is called pedogeneei11. ~
(ii) Rain in June to Septem ber is heavy
(ii) Humua I Decayed remain& of p ~
ranging between 75 to 150 cm. where as anima l manur es and dead 8DllllaJa .
rain in Dec. to Febru ary is only 5 to 7
wheat and barley .
called Humu s. It is an essential e:.
cm but beneficial for ment in determ ining the fertility ot IOil.
(c) Geogr aphic al Reaso ns : (iii) Bhan gar : Older alluvium 80i1 ._.
(i) Kerala has the longes t rainy season about 30 m above sea level in riYer
because it lies in the extrem e south of terrac es, light grey in colour and
India and it is the first and last to see calcareous clay is called hum111.
the monsoon. (d) Geog raphi cal reaso ns:
(ii) Konkan coast experiences orogra phic (i) Alluvial soil is extremely fertile - - -
rainfa ll becau se it lies of the wind . it is found to a depth of 500 m aud rich
ward side of wester n ghats when south in humu s, lime and potash .
west monsoon strike s it. (ii) There is a need for soil conservat.i,n
(iii) Kanpu r in Uttar Prade sh has a higher because top soil that is eroded is the
range of tempe rature than that of main feeding zone. With the increase
Chenn ai becau se Kanp ur is locate d in popul ation the deman d of crops is
away from the sea _and the equato r. . also increa sing.
(d) (i) May is the hottes t month. (iii) Reaff oresta tion shoul d be practised
(ii) Annua l rainfall is 131.9 cm. _exten sively becau se the area under
(iii) Maximum rainfall is received by North- forest cover is shrink ing day by day due
East monsoon winds. to urban izatio n etc.
Quest ion 4. Quest ion 5.
(a) State two· chara cteris tics of Tropical
(a) State the characteristic of each of the soils (21
named below that makes them most suitable Deciduous forests.
for crop cultivation : (b) State two reasons why Tropical Evergreen
forests are difficult to exploit. ·00
(i) Black soil.
(ii) Red soil. [2] (c) Identi fy the tree as per its characteristics
mentioned below : (3)
(b) State the geographic term for each of the
(i) It yields wood that is hard and scented
following processes:
and is usually found in high altitudes.
(i) The process by which soluble minerals
(ii) It is generally found in deltaic regionB
dissolve in rain water and percolate to
and is used to make boats.
the bottom, leaving the top soil infertile.
(iii) The furniture made from the wood of
(ii) The proce ss by which rain water , this tree is gener ally the most
flowing in definite paths, removes the expensive.
top soil, thus causing deep cuts to the
surface of the land. [2] (d) Differ entiat e betwe en affore statio n an1
defore sta~io n. State a disad vanta ge ,;
(c) Define the following :
deforestation. L' 1
(i) Pedogenesis.
(ii) · Humus.
(a) Chara cterist ics of Tropical deciduous forest,
·, , , (iii) Bhang ar. r'
(d) , Give a geographic reason for each of the (i) They shed their leave s .before the
:, . following : , , . , · .. - · . , -.
,_ summ er season. .
(ii) These trees are found in pure ~
• · , ! ' (i) · ..Alluvial soil is extrem ely· fertile.
. . , .
dtio,ophy, tol l I 278 .
to (ili) U ••Ive tht problem of wat er
. (b~ TfOpical evergreen forests are difficult ..
xploit because they are found in mixed ICll"City.
:tands and found in dens e rrowth, (d) (i) The world i1 fa cl1n ier of facing a
· 1evere water 1ho rtap mcoming future
(c) (i) sandal.wood becau,e :
(ii) Sundan (1) Moat of our 1urface waters are
(iii) Mahogany,
polluted by induatrial waste, sewage
Afforestation means growing of trees where etc.
(dl there are no trees. It increases the forested (2) The indiacriminat.e wie of chemicals,
are•• fertilizers, pelticidea, inlecticides, t.o
Deforestation mea ns cutting of tree s for increase farm production11 had led
various purposes. to incr easi ng grou nd wat er
[)i,.c:ad,va ntage : It incre ases soil erosi on.
~o n& . (ii) One measure the Government shou
why irrig atio n is
(a) Stale two reas ons
adopt to hand le pres ent water crisis
imporl,a.n,t to a country like India .
is rain wate r harv estin g and recycle
(b) Name two mod ern meth ods of irrig ation .
and reuse of water.
State one important reason for their growing Que stio n 7.
popularity. (21 e is a
lar (a) Stat e two reas ons why lime ston
(c) (i) Why i,s well irrigation still a popu valuable mineral.** [2)
means of irrigation ? Give two reasons the
to support your answer. (b) . Stat e the mos t imp orta nt use of
r 1 . following :
(ii) State the sign ifica nce of rain wate
harvesting. [3] (i) Iron ore
ga · {ii) Bauxite
(d) (i) Why i,s the world in danger offacin
severe water shortage in the com ing (c) Nam e the : ..
future ? Give two reasons to supp ort . (i) Largest oil refinery in the Pub lic secto
your answer. (ii) Stat e that is the largest prod ucer
(ii) State one mea sure the Gov ernm ent · coal.
ld adop t to han dle the pres ent [3]
· • (iii) Best variety of iron ore.
water crisi, s. [3] of the
(d) Give a geographic reason for each
Answer. following:
(a) Irrigation is important to a country like
India oil
(i) Man y port citie s have thei r own
because rainfall here is seasonal in natu re. refineries.
It is limited to four mon ths of a year. It is
(ii) Petroleum is called a 'fossil fuef.
also important because some crops requ ire [3]
more water than wha t it is provided by the (iii) Coal is called a versatile mineral.
rainfall therefore we have to depe nd on Ans wer .
irriga tion. (b) Most impo rtan t use of :
ation are : .
(b) Two modern methods of irrig (i) Iron ore : In the production of steel
(i) Perennial canals. (ii) Bau xite : In the . prod ucti on
(ii) Drip irrigation system. aluminium.
They are becoming popu lar beca use ther e (c) (i) Larg est oil refinery in the public secto r
is minimum loss of wate r and can irrig ate
- Indi an Oil Corporation Ltd.
fields throu ghou t the year . g
ns (ii) Jhar khan d is the larg est coal producin
(c) (i) Well irrigation is still a popu lar mea state .
of irrigation because :
(iii) Hem atite is the best vari ety of iron ore.
(1) It can supply wate r whenever and
whereever required. . (d) Geographical reasons :
(i) Port cities have thei r own oil refin eries
(2) It is also a chea p sour ce of
irrigation. . because two third s of the petr oleu m
Significance of rain wate r harv estin g is imported. The crude oil is impo rted
are: from Gulf countries and Malaysia.
(ii) Petr oleu m is called fossil fuel beca
(i) Reduce surface run off therefore no al
, it is deri ved from -pla nt and anim
flooding of roads.
.(ii) It raise~ grou nd wate r tabl e by life buri ed in sedi men tary rock s
;;---- adding to ground wate r reserves. millions of year s ago. .~ ··
Anaw. .er, ha8 not give . due to out of present syllabus. , . ,,·
274 I ICSE Last 10 Years Solved Papers
(iii) Coal is called a versatile mineral me&hedl and the t
because it forms a basic raw material cloi,e to the fte)dt.
for the production of chemicals, dyes, (iiO Pu1• are important W
fertilizers, paints, synthetic8, expl08ive they are rich sour• .t
apart from source of enel'l!Y, yeptarlan people. ·
Question 8. Que1tlot1 t.
(a) Differentiate between II Rabi crop and 11
Kharif crop. [ll]
(a) (I) WII:, ill the cot1on tatilt
an fJ/11'0-baMd lndaltry t ·
(b) State o.n important differenee between the (ii) Give an Important , _ r,,, II~
climatic m,uirements for growing cotton and more widespread than IA,
·t ["] industrv. ** .
JU e. r. 'J a
(c) Give the geographic term for each of the (b) (I) State one imporlanl poinl of~
following : [3] between the woollen ind,,11,i""
(i) Cultivation of sugarcane front the root the silk industry.,.. ..,
stock of the cane which has been cut. · (ii) Name the state that prod-. lb,
(ii) The residue left behind after the
crushing of oilseeds.
(iii) The process by which /,atex is converted
silk products,
(c) (i) State two mafar prob/ema /tltlJI
sugar industry.
into a thick, spongy mass by adding . (ii) Name two by-products of tire ,..
acetic acw or formic acid. industry. •
(d) Give a geographi,cal. reason for each of the (d) (i) State one of the main prob/on, a/tit,
following : [3] ·. silk industry.
(i) Tea is cultivated on hill slopes. · ,; ·; (ii) Name two products of the jute inda,i,y_
(ii) The yield per hectare of sugarcane is other than rope and gunny bags. It '
higher in the Southern states. ; ' (iii} Why are synthetic fibres popu/or t Ill
(iii) Pulses are important food crops. ·· Answer. '
Answer. (a) (i) . Cotton textile is called an ~
(a) Rabi crop is sown during late November and industry because for its raw material
harvested in March e.g. : wheat, mustard it depends on cotton which is
etc. agricultural product.
Kharif crop is sown in June and harvest~d (b) (ii) State that produces silk products is
in early November e.g. : rice, cotton etc. Karnataka.
(b) Climatic requirements for growing cotton : (c} (i) . Two problems faced by sugar~
Temperature : 20°C to 32°C and atleast 200 . .. , are : ~
frost free days. (1) It is the most soil exhausting crop
Rainfall : Ranging between 50 cm to 120 therefore cost increases.
cm abundant sunshine is required during (2) Sugar mills are old-fashioned and
ripening period. · far from the sugar farms.
Climatic requirement for Jute : · (ii) Two by products of the sugar industry
Temperature : 21 °C to 35°C a hot climate are :
with high atmospheric humidity. (1) Bagasse
Rainfall: Ranging between 150 cm to 200 (2) Pressmud.
(c) ~-
Geographical terms are : ~ ru One main
is that problem
it has silk induslr1
of the market
a limited as it
(i) Ratoon crop is very expensive.
(ii) Oil cake (m"·) Synthetic fibres are popular bec8US8
(iii) Coagulate. they are cheap, durable and easY to
(d) Geographical reasons are : maintain.
(i) Tea is cultivated on hill slopes because Question 10.
tea plant can not tolerate standing (a) (i) Why is the iron and steel industry callta
(ii) water on its roots. a basic industry 1 [sJ
:ield per hectare of higher (ii) Define a mini steel plant.
m southern
use of d states. b. eca use of t h e (b) u,·
",th which• large scale industry would fl"
-:--:------m_o_er_n_ _ scientific agricultural identify the following manufacturinl centrd:'
** Answer has not given
. due to out of present syllab
. u~
. a.o,,,ophy, 9011 ,I 275
(i} Kanpur
{ii) Rourkela. (it) ~am, the /lrtl a,rueway constructed
in th~ count,:,. .
(ill) Prme
(iii) State a reason why the Northern River,
(iv) Marign/ore, [I]
are more 1uUable for navigtJtion than
(c) (i) State two reason.8 for the growing the Deccan River,. (3)
importa.n~e _in the statrts of (c) (i) •waste Begf'egatton t, lmpartant". Give
pctrochemirol industries. a t'eaRon to support your answer.
(ii) Name two pmducts of the petmleum (ii) Why is nuclear waste harmful ?
industry. (3]
(iii) Explain briefly how as a student, you
(d) (i) State two conditions necessary for the can help in the reduction of waste
setting up of a heavy enginee,-ing generation. (3)
industry.** (d) (i) What is understood by biodegradable
(ii) Name a ship building yard on the east Waste ?
coast and a centre for making electric (ii) State one source of gaseous waste. [2]
locomotives. [3] Answer.
' ' (a) (i)
Railways is an importan t means of
(a) (i) Iron and steel industry is called basic transport as compared to airways as it
industry because it supports fertilizers is cheap and has more carrying capacity
and cement industry. It is linked with of passengers and goods.
the economic development of a country. (ii) Economi c benefit of the Golden
(ii) Mini steel plant is a unit that uses Quadrilateral project is that it leads to
cheaply available scrap iron in the general improvement of the area with
electric arc furnaces to make steel more employment. ·
which is futher rolled and shaped into (b) (i) · Expressway is a six lane highway where
necessary products. 'two and three wheelers are not allowed.
(b) Large scale industry that we identify with : A highway is a two lane road where all

(i) Kanpur: Woollen industry. vehicles are allowed.

(ii) Rourkela : Iron and Steel plant. (ii) Mumbai-Pune expressway is the first
expressway constructed in the country.
(iii) Pune : Electronics Industry. ·
(iii) Northern Rivers are more suitable for
(iv) Mangalore : Petrochemical Industry. :
· navigatio n than the Deccan Rivers
(c) (i) Two reasons for the growing because they are perennial in nature
importan ce is the status of and flow over gentle sloping plains.
petrochemical industrie s are :
(c) (i) Waste segregation is important because
(1) It is durable, cheap, light weight the method of treating waste depends
and attractive . on the nature of waste like solid waste,
(2) It has replaced wood, glass, metal, liquid waste, biodegradable and non-
natural rubber etc. biodegradable waste.
(ii) Two products of the petroleum industry (ii) Nuclear waste is more harmful because
are: radioactive wastes remain active for a
(1) PVC pipes. long time therefore it can enter in
(2) Synthetic fibre. human body through food and water
(d) (ii) Ship building yard on east coast is and can cause damage of tissues, blood
.el Vishakhapatnam and Chittaran jan for cells and cancer .
i making electric locomotives. (iii) As a student I can segregate the waste
into biodegradable and non biodegra~
Question 11.
[ (a) (i) Why is the Railways an important means
dable waste of my house, reduce the
water by incineration and recycling it.
- of transport as compared to Airways ?
(ii) State one economic benefit of the Golden (d) (i) Refer Ans. 11, (c) (ii), 2016.
Quadrilateral Project. [2] (ii) Source of gaseous waste : Carbon
State one important difference between Monoxide, Methane, Sulphur dioxide
an expressway and a highway. etc.

~~ . ' '

. wer has not given due to out of present syllabus. ·

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