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2017 Geogra-,

PART I [30 Marks] (c) Dralnage patt.ern in the f o ~

are: , · ...-.
Attempt a/.l questions from this Part.
(i) 0704-Tr ellis
Questio n 1.
(ii) 0705--Radial.
Study the extract of the Survey of India Map (d) Two reasons for Region in the map ~
Sheet No. 45D 110 and answer the followin g seasonal rainfall : ~~•Ylfl
questions : (i) Seasonal rivers and tanks can be aeen.
(a) Give the six figure grid reference for : [2] the map. JQ
(i) The highest point in this map extract. (ii) Presenc e of broken ground ind·1 ·
(ii) Surveyed tree north of Rampur a Khera. seasonal rainfall. C&te
(b) On which bank of Sukli Nadi lies : [2] (e) .Distance in km between settlem entB~
(i) Butri and Makawa l along the cart track is 5.3.
Cart track is 5.3. · -
(ii) Padrugarh
Distance in cm = 10.6
(c) Differen tiate between the drainage pattern
shown in grid square : [2] Distance in km =10.6/2 =5.3 km.
(f) Compass direction are :
(i) 0704
(i) Dattani from Moral is SE (South East).
(ii) 0705
(ii) Dhavli from Makawa l is ENE (east north
(d) The regwn in this map extract receives seasonal
. . . east)/NE (North East). ,
rainfall. Give two reasons for your answer. [2]
(g) (i) · A monthly fair is heldjn moral as a social
(e) Calcula te the distance in km between

activity. · ,
settlement Bhatana and Makawa l along the .
[2] (ii) Main occupat ion is agriculture and
cart track.
(f) State the Compass direction of the following :
[2] (h) (i) Black broken line in 0807 indicate
disappea ring stream.
(i) Dattani from Marol. (ii) Vertical black line close to easting 10
(ii) Dhavlifr omMaka wal. indicate longitude.
(g) (i) Mention a social activity of people living (i) Main source of water supply to Bhatana is
inMarol. [2] perenni al lived wells because they provide
(ii) What is the main occupation ofthe people water through out the year.
living in this region? ' G) (i) One natural feature in grid square 0905
(h) What do you understa nd by : [2] is broken ground.
(i) The black broken line in 0807. (ii) One man made feature in grid square 1003
is post office/s ettlemen ts/huts/
(ii) The vertical black line close to Easting 10.
embank ment/ca rt track/temple/wells.
(i) What is the main source of water supply to
Bhatana? Give a reason for your answer. [2] Question 2.
(a) Draw and name the Tropic of Cancer. [1)
(j) (i) Name one natural feature in the grid [1)
square 0905. [2] (b) Label the river Godauari.
(c) Mark and name the Garo Hills. (1)
(ii) Identify one man made feature in the grid
(d) Mark Con the coal fields in Jharia. (l)
square 1003.
Answer . (e) Mark with an arrow and name the NE
monsoon over the Bay of Bengal. (l1
(a) Six figure for the following are :
(f) Shade and name the Gulf of Kutch. .(l)
(i) The highest point - 088065.
(ii) Surveyed tree north of Rampur a Khera
(g) Shade and name the coastal plain that recei;
rainfall in October-November. 1)
· ~
. -07207 3
(h) Mark with a dot and name Delhi. ·
(b) . (i) . Butri lies on left bank of Sukl. N di
. (ii) lies on rightban:. 0; $ukli
(!) Shade a regwn with Black Cotton SoiL__ ,.,,J
(j) Use an arrow to point at a deNJely ~
sta~ in Soutltln dia.
OIOJPuphy,to11 I 259



(Dense ly Popula ted CORO MAND EL .
State) (j) COAST
The Weste~ly 'Depressions in Punjab.
.. (i)
Par t II (50 Marks) ,,.
Attempt any five questions from this Part .
(ii) The Kalbaisakhi in Assa m.'

(c) Give a reason for each of the following

: [3]
Question 3. (i) Kolk ata recez ves . heav ier rain than
(a) Mention the four seasons that prev ail in India Lucknow.
stating the mont hs for each. [2] (ii) The Summer. Monsoo_ n wind s blows over
: the Arabian Sea from the Southwest.
(b) State the agricultural benefits derived from
[2] (iii) Thar is a desert.
(d) Study the climatic data given below
and answer the questions that follow :
36.2 36.0 35.9 30.3 28.4 21.0 16.6
Temp. °C 12.0 25.5 26.3 27.1 30.0
25.3 27.2 24.0 9.4 1.5 0.4
Rainfall Cm 1.5 0.1 0.0 1.4 1.1 21.0

(i) What is the annu al range temperature of the statio
(ii) What is the total annu al rain{all experience
d by the station?
(iii) Why woul d it be corr ect to pres ume
that the stati on lies in the inter ior and not
on the coast? s
Answer. (ii) Kalbaisakhi in Assam are thun der storm
which are beneficial for Tea and Jute.
(a) Four seasons in India are :
(i) Winter seaso n-De c. to Feb.
(c) Reasons are :
.(i) Kolkata lies to the east of Lucknow
(ii) Summer seas on-M arch to June.
to the amount of rainf all decre ases as the
(iii) Monsoon/Rainy seas on-J une Nort h
Bay of Bengal curre nt adva nces
Gv) Retreating monsoon seas on-O ctob er to
November. , (ii) Monsoons winds in summ er blow from
(b) Agricultural benefits are : the nort h west over the Arab ian sea
(i) ~este rly depressions in Punj ab caus
e because due to ferre l's law wind s are
hght rain fall durin g wint er. This is deflected towards their right in north ern
beneficial for wheat and barley crop. Hemisphere.
if i ICSE Last 10 Years Solved Papers
(iii) Thar is a desert because it receives leu deeert re,lon perpendicular to
than 50 cm of rain fall annually. This it direetio111.
because Arabian aea branch blow parallel (ii) River •alle1• prone to fl~
to the Aravallis and is unable to ehed rRin. farming, Construction of . .
Thar also lies on the leeward 8ide of planting tree111.
Aravallies when Bay of Bengal br11nch (d) Name the 111oil :
strikes it. (t) Is good tor cultivation• of .......... .
(d) (i) Annual range of temparature of the Alluvial and Black Soil. --......_
station is 24.2°C (36.2 - 12.0). (ii) Is acidic in nature- Latmte Soo.
(ii) Total rainfall experienced by the station Occurs exeitu-Alluvial Soil.
is 112.9 cm. Questio n 11.
(iii) The station lies in the interior because is (a) How do trees in the Tropical de,er, for,,,,
has a high range of temperature irt adapt themselves to the dry climat,1 IIJ
summer months. (b) Name the tree as per its characteri.stie, " -
Questio n 4. below .·** (tJ
(a) Mention two differences between Alluvial Soil (i) The wood is hard and suitable fo, •hip
and Black Cotton Soil. (2) . building.
(b) Na111£ an area in India in which each of the (ii) The stilt roots are underwater during hi,A
foUowing processes take place : (21 .
tide. .
(i) Sheet eroswn (c) Explain- why the forest cover in India i,
(ii) Gully eroswn . , (IJ
(c) What is soil conseroatwn? State a method of (d) Name the natural vegetatio n found in th,
soil conseroatwn in the : [3] (3J
following regions :
(i) Arid and Semi-Arid region. ~ , (i) The western slopes of the Western Ghat&
(ii) River valleys prone to flood. (ii) The Nilgiris. ·. .
(d) Name the soil which : [3]
(iii) Western Rajasthan.
(i) is good for cultivation of sugarcane:
- Answer .
(ii) is aci,dic in nature.
(a) .Trees in the tropical area have long roots
(iii) occurs exsitu
which go .out deep in search of water. The
Answer. leaves of plants are waxy, small and thick t,a
(a) Differences between Alluvial Soil and Black , reduce transpira tion.
Cotton soil are :
(c) Forest cover in India is shrinking because of
(i) Alluvial soil is transported whereas black
various reasons :
soil is sedentary soil.
(i) Increase in population has resulted in the
(ii) Alluvial soil is yellow is colour whereas
clearing of land for cultivation activities.
black soil is black in colour.
(ii) . Urbanis ation has led to deforestation.
(iii) Alluvial soil is formed by riverine deposite ,
whereas black soil is formed by (iii) Increasi ng demand of forest produ~ for
disintegration of basalt igneous rocks. industria l expansion.
(b) Area in India is which the following take place (d) Natural vegetati on found in the followinl
are: regions are :
(i) Sheet erosion- Himalay an Slopes. (i) Tropical evergreen forests.
(ii) Gully erosion- Flood plains of chambal (ii) Conifercous/Deciduous.
in northern plains. (iii) Tropical dry forests.
(c) Soil Conserv ation : It refers to the steps Questio n 6. . .
taken t.o protect the soil from erosion. It aims (a) Give a reason for the significance o f ~
at preventi on of soil erosion as well as in:
reclamation of soil that has been damaged by (i) Punjab.
natural phenomena.
(ii) RaJasthan. [II
Method of soil conserva tion used for the
following are : (b) Name a state where:
(i) Arid and Semi Arid region-P lanting of (i) Tube wells are common.
Shelter belts along the margains of the (ii) Tank irrigation is popular.

· •• Answer has not given due to out of present syllabus.:

W Ofllellrc.,
(d (]ilJI ~ ~A i«l l ,._ . ,-. a,A f/llt,
(IJ (1) . . . . . . . . .

........ ,.
': > •
~ - .

CO sprinlwr ~ it 1'"""'-' ut ol'ltl (b) ... ... ... ... . jMlla&ta.

o,ttl ,em i-or id,.. .,. . .
(ii) A tub, wll 11tor,Jd Aie irattolW t,a a f,rlll
, (a) Olw tlw ,.,, . ,,,,,,,,. ,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,_.,inln
. Ill
a.nd prodtld1'.t,e ""1ffl11. . ort found In Indio.
(iii) (',anal irriRtd.i.on it nu" tuttablf fn tAI (b) Nam, thf ~'°"""I: · . . . (IJ
NortMm"~· (f) An o/T,horroll /l,ld In tll,QalfllfCambay,
<•ll Stud-:; tit~ diagram below ond tJrtBwer tht 00 An oil refl ,-, In Bllur.
· qr,,stions fol,low ,i (8) (e) (I) Nam, tht ltalt thal pn,d ,,_ ,,- largu
amount of litMd<JM. •• · 111
(ii) State two uae, of limtd oM. •
(d) State an tmpottant indtutrlal UM <Jf:
(i) Manganese
(ii) Coal
(iii) Alum inium
(a) Names of four impo rtant types of iron ore
found in India are :
Hematite, Magnetite, Limonite and Siderite.
(b) (i) Aliabet close to Bhav naga r in Gulf
(i) • Name th£ activity shown in the diagram. (ii) Bara uni refinery. ,,
(ii) Give two objectives of the activity name d (d) Industrial use of:
in (d) (i).
. . (i) ,. Manganese : It is used in Iron & steel
Answer. . .. industry to increase the strength of steel.
(a) Reason for the significance of irrigation in : (ii) Coal : lt is used in the manufacturing
(i) Pun jab : Rain fall in the Punj ab is · iron and steel and as a source of powe r.
irregular. Punj ab has fertili soil and for (iii) Alum iniu m : It is used as electrical
cultivating this Doab regions irrigation wires.
is required.
Que stion 8.
(ii) Rajasthan : Raja sthan receives scanty
(a) What is Mixed farming? Mention any
rainf all. It is an arid regio n whe re benefit of Mixed farming. (2]
cultivation is not possible without proper the
(b) · Give the Geographical requirements for
irrigation. Suga rcane . (2)
on - , ,cultivation of
(b) (i) State where tube wells are comm name the crop
esh. ., (c) Explain the following terms and
Punjab & Utta r Prad (3)
- with which each is associated :
(ii) State where tank irrigati01;1 is popular
(i) Retti ng
(ii) Ratooning
(c) Geographical reasons for the following are :
(iii) Ginning
(i) Sprinkler irrigation is practised in arid :
and semi arid regions because there is (d) Give geographical reasons for the following
mini mum loss of wate r thro ugh tea
evaporation. (i) Regu lar prun ing is esse ntial for
(ii) Tube well should be installed in a fertile
and productive region so that the cost of (ii) Coffee beans are roasted.
construction and operation of the tube (iii) Millets are known as dry crops.
well may be recovered from increased Answ er.
farm production. (a) Method of farming which involves livestock
(iii) Cana l irrig ation is more suita ble in raising and cultivation of crops on the same
north ern plain s because of pere nnia l farm is called mixed farming. •
rivers and porous soil. Ben efit- Live sud animals provide substitute
(d) (i) Recharge through handpump (Rain water income.when crops are not ready.
* ' bus. • ·
* Answer has not given due to out of present sylla
262 I ICSE Last 10 Years Solved Papers
(b) Geographical requirements for the cultivation Agricultur e are called ·. airo ~ ;.::;
of Sugarcane are : lndu1trie1. Example-J ute lnduetry: :w,_
Temperature : 20°C to 80°C. Industries that uses minerals aa th~
material are called mineral h8lecl hid.:...,._
Rainfall: 100 to 200 cm water logging should
Example-I ron & Steel Industry, , -~.
be avoided. , ·
(b) Though Uttar Pradesh has the l&rgeat
Soil zSoil should be alluvial or lava soil and
of sugar mills yet Maharaetra is the~
well drained. producer of sugar because : . -.--"'t
(c) (i) Retting I Associated with jute.
1. There is loss of sucrose in Utta, Pr..1-.
It is a microbiological process which as the mills are far away froin ~~
saparate the long strands of fibre from farms. -..._
the stem. After being submerged in a pool
2. Crushing season is longer in Maliat
of gently flowing clear water for 20 to 25
(c) Geographical terms are : 88tra,
(i) Tassar is produced in Madhya Pradesh,
(ii) Ratooning : Associated with sugarcane.
(ii) Bagasse
It is a process by which the cane is cut
close to the ground where the sugar (iii) Seri Culture.
content is concentrated. After the crop (d) (i) Two reasons why Mumbai is an iml>Ortaut
has been cut the stem begins to grow cotton textile industry are :
again. This·process ·of getting the second (a) The humid and coastal climat.efavoar
crop is called as Ratooning. . the production of yarns of finer
(iii) Ginning : Associated with cotton. counts.
It is the process of the saparation of cotton (b) Mumbai's hinter land the black?egur
seeds from the short fibres. · soil of the Deccan Plateau, PTI>ducea
(d) Geographical reasons are : •:' · ' . (i:, the raw cotton required.
(i) Regular pruning is essential for the tea (ii) Two important centers of cotton tatile
bushes to keep the shubs at the required industry in India are :
height of 1 m to facilitate plucking and Kolkata and Ahmedabad.
the growth of fresh, softer leaves. : · Question 10.
(ii) Coffee beans are roasted to get the colour, (a) 'The Iron and Steel industry constitutes till
flavour and taste of coffee. · · backbone of modern industrial economy.' Give
(iii) Millets are known as dry crops because two reasons to justify the statement. [2]
they are hardy, drought and heat (b) (i) · Name an Iron and Steel Industry set up
resistant. in Orissa with the help of a famous
Question 9. German firm.
(a) Differentiate between Mineral-based Industry (ii) From where does the industry named in
and Agro-based industry giving one example b (i) get its iron ore and manganese? [!]
for each. [2] (c) Name a manufactur ing centre for each of the
(b) 'Though Uttar Pradesh has the largest number following industries : · [3]
of sugar mills yet Maharashtra is the largest (i) Aircraft
producer of sugar. ' Give any two reasons to (ii) HMT
justify the statement. [2]
(iii) Railway coaches
(c) Give the geographic term for each of the
(d) Name two products each of the followi,
fe~~~= 00 industries : IS
(i) Non-mulberry silk produced in Madhya
(i) petrochemical industry.
(ii) heavy engineering industry
(ii) Rejected cane after crushing. 1

(iii) electronic industry.

(iii) The rearing of silk worms to obtain silk.
(d) With reference to the cotton textile industry th
[3] (a) The Iron and Steel industry constitutes '
. answer the following questions :
backbone of Modern industrial econo.lllY
(i) Give two reasons why Mumbai is an t
because :
important eotton textile industry. and ceJllell
(i) It supports the fertilizers
(ii) Mention two more important centres of industry by providing raw maten_al· t}le
cotton textile industry in India.
(ii) Iron and steel industry supphe~.-hna
Answer. necessary machinery for the prod~
(a) Industries that uses the raw material from ,, of other goods.
OltJim,hj, 181'( I 268
Iron and steel industry in Orissa - Greenhou,e effect, Nam, uw., _,,,,_oftlu,
(b) (i). Rourkela Steel plant. go,. . . . l8l
(ii} Rourkela steel plant get it& iron ore from An.wer. · t

Bohnaigarh, MayurbbanJ and Keonjbar (a) Two reaaona wh, more people 1188 tai..aya
and Manganese from Barajamda in rather than airwa19 : .
Jharkhand. (i) Railways are i cheaper meane of
?t{anufacturing centre for ~he following transport than airwaya. · . ..
(c) industl'Y are : . . (ii) Apart from big cities, even small towns
(i) Aircraft ➔ Bangalore, Kanpur. are connected by railways.
(ii) HMT -+ Bangaluru, Hyderabad. (b) Inland waterways is declining in its
(iii) Railway Coaches ➔ Perambur. importance because:
Tw<> products are: · (i) lt is a slow means of transport. ,
(d) 1 Petrochem ical Ind.u stry-Synt hetic (ii) It connects only the towns and cities only
0 located on the rivers banks.
rubber and adhesive.
(ii} Heavy engineering industry-S hips and (c) (i) Sewage: It is liquid waste matter such
railway coaches. as faeces or dirty water from homes,
(iii) Electronic Industry-T elevision and laundries and factories which flows away
Computers. . :, through sewers. '
· (ii) Eutrophica tion : Excessive richness of
Question 11.
nutrients in a lake or other body of
(8 ) Mention two reasons why more people use
[2] water, frequently due to run off from the
railways rather than airways.
declining in its . land, which causes a dense growth of
(b) Why is inland waterways
for your answer. plantlife. ·
importance? Give two reasons
. (iii) Recycling : Recycling is the practice of
- , .. ' . 1_t 1 121
reusing items that would otherwise be
(c) What do you mean by the following :
discarded as waste.
(i) Sewage.
(d) Three sources of methane gas are :
(ii) Eutrophication.
.(i) ' Cattle shed. -· ·
(iii) Recycling.
· (ii) Coal mines:
(d) 'Methane is an air pollutant that causes
(iii) Burning and use of fossil fuels.
' J. "·· .••

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