Geo 2020

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Geography 2020

Answers to this Paper must be written on the answer sheet provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the firet 16 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper
The time givenatthe head of this Paperisthetimeallowed for writingtheanswera
a olde Attempt seven questions in all.
sPart I is compulsory. All questions from Part I are to be attempted
A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part 11.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].

and 20 cm of twine.
To be supplied with this Paper: Survey of India Map Sheet No. 45D/10
In all Map Work, make wise use ofarrows to avoid overcrowding of the map. b
of India Map Sheet No. 45D/10 must not be taken out of
The extract of Survey of the
examination hall. It must be handed over to the Supervising Examiner on completion

paper must be
must be detached, and after marking,
G) The Map given at the end of this question paper
fastened to your answer booklet.
must be answered in the correct serial
Giv) All sub-sections of the questions attempted
work should be done on the same answer sheet which is used to
(v) All working including rough
answer the rest of the paper.

PARTI (30 Marks] (E) ) Name the settlement pattern seen in the
this Part. grid square 0819. [2]
Attempt all questions from
in the
Question 1 i) Name the drainage
pattern seen

Study the extract ofthe Survey ofIndia Map
grid square 0827.
No. 45D/10 and answer the following question8 made features
Name two seen
(g ) man

(a) Give a six figure grid reference for

the the grid square 0723. 21
spot height .324 in northern part of the () Name two natural features seen in the
map extract. (21 grid square 0218.
i) Give a four figure grid reference for open What is the black horizontal line drawn
h) )
serub south of Dhad Talao between 18 and 19 Northings? [21
(b) ) What is the meaning of the term (i) Name the most important settlement of
Contour interval? (2 the region shown on the map extract.
i) What is the contour interval of the sheet of the
G) Drauw the conventional symbol for each
provided to you? (21
(e) What is the area in kilometre square of the following:
) Lined perennial well.
region between 06 and 09 Eastings and 22 and
(ii) Seasonal tank.
27 Northings? 121
) Give one evidence to prove that the
d) What is the significance of the following
colours used on the survey map? (21 regions shown on the map extract receive
G) Yellow colour. scanty rainfall. (2
i) Green colour. i) What is .5r in the grid square 0321?

What is off
the compass direction 2 Answer.
Idarla(0825)from Bhamra (0420). (a) Six figure grid reference for spot height
324 is northern part of the map is 076274
) Dhana (0623) from Amarapura (0124).
238 1 ICSE Last 10 Years Solved Papers
(i) From fig. grid reference for open scrub nd
square 0218 are sand dunes, seaapnal
south of Dhad Talao is 0721. river and stream.
(b) ) Contour interval is the difference in (h) i) Black horizontal line
drawn betwan.
height between two consecutive and 19 Northings is latitude,
() Most important settlement of
reen ig
contour lines.
is Dantrai. the re
i) Contour interval of the sheet provided
() Conventional Symbol for :
is 20 m.
(c) Area in km* of the region between 06 and 09 (1) Lined perennial well-
eastings and 22 and 27 northings. a(2) Seasonal tank qee
Area L xB l sli ) One evidence to show that the o.
3x5 e b i busy et e receive scanty rainfall is that river region
1 5 km teta set9at at 9 8tream8 in the map are 8eaed
presence of broken ground/cart
d Significance of:
Yellow Colour: Yellow Colour in the motorable in dry season. track
map represents cultivated region andts i) .5r in grid sq, 0321 indicate ther
height of the river bank in m ie.elative
suggest agriculture/farming as an
Question 2.
) Green Colour: Green colour in the On the outline map of Indiaprovided:
map represents natural vegetation
(a) Mark and name Nilgiris.
forested region. (b) Mark and name Kochi.
(e) Compass direction of: (c) Mark and name the Karakoram Pass.
) Idarla from Bhamra is North east. d Mark and name 82°E Longitude.
) Dhana from Amarapura is South east (e) Shade and name the Coromandel Coastal
(ESE). Plain.
Settlement pattern in grid sq. 0819 is Mark and name the River Brahmaputra l
dispersed. (gMark and name the Gulf of Kutch.
i) Drainage pattern in grid sq. 0827 is h) Mark and name the Satpura.
dendtritic. i) Mark using arrows, the direction of the South
Two man made features seen in the grid West Monsoon wind during summer over the
Permanent huts, cart Arabian Sea and label it.
sq. 0723. are

track, prennial lined wells. ) Shade and label a sparsely populated region
i) Two natural features seen in the grid in India.






(b) KOCHI >(d) 824°E LONGITUDE

Gengraphy,2020 239
PARTII (60 Marks) o Kerala, yet, Kerala receives more
Attemptany five questionsfrom this Part. rainfall than Tamil Nadu.
Question 3. (c) ) What do you understand by the term
Vame one ate in the north western "Buret of Monsoon"?
(a) partofIndia that receives rainfall during Name the state that experiences the
"Burst of Monsoon"
i ) Even thoughIndiagets abundant ruinfall
) What is the source of this rainfall? [21
during the rainy season, yet, some places
)Give a reason for each of the following: (21 experience drought. Explain giving
Rainy season in India is after the 8uitable excamples.
summer season. ii) Why is Shimla colder than Delhi during
bt summer? (31
) Tamil Nadu has more rainy months than
a) Study the climatic data given below and answer the questions that follow 181
Temp. in °C 8.4 11.5| 21.6 28.3 35.1 38.5 41.0 38.0 30.8 29.2 15.6 10.2
12.5 17.8 18.5 12.5 12.5 6.2 2.1
Rainfall in cms. 1.5 0.9 0.5
Calculate the annual range of temperature.
the station is located in the coastal area or in the continental
i) State whether
) Name the wind that brings most ofthe rainfall to this area.
abundant rainfall
i ) Even though India gets
Answer. some places

in the north western part of India

during the rainy season, yet
(a) Punjab experiences draught
this because
receives rainfall during winter. i Sr sels

rainfall is not evenly distributed.
) Source of this rainfall is temperate of the country places an important
or western disturbances
that Therefore
cyclone is distribution of rainfall.
near Mediterranean sea
and the leeward slope of
originate places that lie on

travels towards the east. These cyclones the mountains receive low rainfall. For
snowfall to Jammu and deccan plateau,
also bring example the central
Kashmir and himachal pradesh. shadow area
which lies on the rain
after the summer experiences draught.
(b) Rainy season in India is
high Delhi during
season because during
(l) Shimlar is colder than
leads to s u m m e r because, it
is located at higher
temperature in northern plains
This low temperature
the formation of low pressure. altitude, where the
at the
attracts the trade winds
(N.E. decreases with increase in height
Monsoon of 1°C for every 166 m
of ascend.
and S.E.) which becomes S.W. rate
rate of
after reaching the northern hemisphere. arl i We call it normal lapse
i) Tamil Nadu has more rainy
months s temperature.
more rainfall Annual range of temperature
Kerala yet Kerala receives Maximum temperature-Minimum
because Kerala
than Tamil Nadu
Arabian sea
receives its rainfall from temperature
times more 4 1 0 - 8 4 326°C
branch which is three
of bengal branch and The station is located in continental1
powerful than bay (ii)
Whereas interior because it experiences high
ato is checked by Western Ghats.
rainfall from range of temperature.
albol a Tamil Nadu receives its
ofthe rainfall
bintN.E. Monsoon winds and bay of Bengal (i) This station
receives most

g branch of S.W. Monsoons. Eastern ghats from S. W. Monsoons.

winds to
oYare lower and parallel to these Question 4
that contributes
check them. (a) Name the parent rock
c)) The sudden violent onset ofrainfall to the formation of red soil.
9 t t h u n d e r and lightening is termed as the
soil get its red' colour?
() How does this
d b u r s t of Monsoon. Kerala is the state to 2
Habuexperiencethis Burst of Monsoon
240 1 ICSE Last 10 Years Solved Papers
b) Name the following (c) Briefly explain the following:
a soil that occurs insitu and is Why are Tropical Bvergreen
good for foreste
cotton crop. "Evergreen? cnlle
(i) soil that is formed due to high ) Why is afforestation eseential inthe
the citie
temperature and heauy rainfal. [2] that have Iron and Steel industries
(c)With reference to Alluvial Soil answer the
for the people.
80urce of income
ii) How do forests act as a source oft

following 31
What are the tuwo types of Alluvial Soil? (d) Give a reason for each of the following.
() Name an area where Alluvial soil is ) The Tropical Deciduous fore
commercially the most important f
found. belt in India.
i ) Name two crops that grow well in this
soil. a) Tropical Evergreen forests occur On the
windward side of Western Ghats
(d) Define the term Residual'soil. (ii) It is very difficult to move through tiat
i) Name two crops that are grown on
laterite soil
ii) Name two important agents of soil
3](a Two ways by which forests help in protes
erosion. ing
the environment are
Answer. I t provides shelter to wild life and
Parent rock that contributes to the and
(a) animals.
formation of red soil is old crystalline
) It lowers down the temperature and
metamorphic rock.
it is helps in bringing rainfall.
() This soil get its red' colour because (b) Two Tropical Deciduous forests states:
rich in iron oxide.
(1) Odisha
b) Black soil
(2) Madhya Pradesh.
i) Laterite soil
Young (ii) Two Important trees are
(c) Two types of alluvial soil are:
(1) Teak
Khader soil and old Bhangar soil.
(2) Sandalwood.
i) Area where alluvial soil is found: (c) ) Tropical evergreen forests are ealled
(1) Ganga plains in North India.
Evergreen' because they do not have
(2) Deltas of the peninsular rivers like,
any particular period to shed their leaves.
Godawari, Mahanadi, Krishna and
Therefore they remain evergreen.
(ii) Afforstation is essential in the cities that
i ) Crops that grow wells in this soil are
have iron and steel industries because
Rice, Wheat, Sugarcane etc.
trees helps in reducing air pollution
d Residual Soil:Soils that remainsintheir caused by using coal in furnances.
original position or at the place of their
ii) Forests act as a source of income for the
formation is called residual soil for e.g.
Black soil. people because they provide
material for forest based industries,
() Crops that grow on laterite soil are
medicinal plants and timber for
Rubber, Tea, Coffee etc.
Cii) Two agents of soil erosion are running
water and wind.
d) ) Tropical deciduous forest is commerciauly
the most important forest in Indis
Question 5. because they are found in 'pure stands
(a) State two ways by which forests help in and not very dense like the tropical
protecting the environment. (21 evergreen forest. They also yield
b) With reference to Tropical Deciduous forests valuable timber like Teak, Sal
answer the following questions: [21 Sandalwood etc. he
Name where it isfound.
two states
) Tropical evergreen forest occur
) Name two importanttrees found in this windward side of Western ghats becaus
forest. this region receives annual rainfal
more than 200 cm as it lies on the wind- Geography, 2020 I 241
i ) With increasing application of
ward slope. irrigation
facilities we are able to grow crops during
Teis very difficult to move through Tidal
forest becau they grow in swampy and winters i.e. Rabi crop,
m ii) There is a scarcity of surface water in
marshy regions and they have stilt like our country due to a lot of water
rOots to support the plant in soft and wastage
shifting mud. andpolluted.
Question 7.
(a Why is iron ore called the back boneof
ntion any two metho of recharging
M e n t

our modern industry?

ground water aquifers. 121 T

) Mention two uses of 2

a Name the most common means of iron ore.
(b) Mention one agricultural and one
irrigation used in India. industria
problem solved by the Bhakra Nangal Dam.
Give one reason for the popularity ofthis
means of irrigation in our country. 2 21
(c) ) Name the state that is the leading
a Name two states of India where Canal
irrigation is extensively used producer of Manganese. 3
) Name the mineral oil field of India which
Name the types of canals used in India. is the largest producer of Petroleum.
Mention one point ofdisference between
ii) Mention two advantages of usin8
the types of canals mentioned by you.
Geothermal energy over coal.
131 (d)) Mention one disadvantage of using
d) What geographical conditions make natural gas as a source of power
irrigation necessary in the country? ii) How is the residue from a Bio-gas plant
How hasirrigation changed the cropping put touse?
patern in India? i) Why is the use of alternative sources of
Gm) Why is there a scarcity of surface water energy becoming essential in modern
in our country? time?
Answer. Answer.
(a) Two methods of recharging ground water (a) Iron ore is called as the back bone of our
aquifers are mmodern industry because it produces
6) Recharge through abandoned dugwell steel which is needed for construction,
Recharge through handpumps defence, transport and automobiles etc.
Gi) Roof water harvesting. i) Two uses of Iron ore are:
b) G) Most common means of irrigation used 1 used in steel making.
in India are canal and tubewells. (2 used in pig iron and sponge iron.
i) They are popular because they are the b) One agricultural and one industrial problem
simplest and cheapest source of solved by the Bhakra Nangal Dam are
irrigation. Agricultural: It provides water for
l G) Two states of India where canal irrigation irrigation.
1s extensively used are Punjab and Uttar (ii) Industrial: It provide hydro electricity
Pradesh. to industries for running the machines.
) Two types of canals used in India are: (e)) State that leads the production of
(1) Inundation Canals Manganese is Odisha.
2) Perennial Canals. i) Oil field which is the largest producer of
m) Inundational canals are seasonal provide Petroleum is Mumbai High.
water only during rainy season whereas ii) Two advantages of using Geothermal
perennial canal provide water energy over coal are
throughout the year. (1) It is eco friendly and does not cause
Irrigation is necessary in
India because pollution.ibso
monsoon are uncertain and erratic and e (2) It is inexhaustiable source ofenergy.
S0me crops need more water than the
d ) Natural gas is non-renewable and its
rainfall provides. leaks may cause explosions or fire.
242 I ICSE Last 10 Years Solved Papers
(ü) Residue of bio gas plant can be used in (d) i) Cultivation of rice require flat len
the fields as manure or fertilizer 80 that water can stand in the
ii) Use of alternative sources of energy rice require flooded fields, helda s
becoming essential in modern time Gi) Pulses important rotation

eebecause they are environment friendly, because they are leguminous

have nodules in their roots rop.T
cheap and unexhaustable.
the atmospheric nitrogen into which
Question 8
(a) Mention two points of difference between
ii) Bajra and Jowar are grown as itrates
because they do not require hegw
subsistence farming and commercial farming.
rainfall. They can be grown in ard
[21 semi arid areas having rainfall
b) Explain briefly the following terms 21 40 cm. under
) Ginning Question 9.
) Ratooning (a) Give two reasons as to why Mumbaihag
(c) With reference to the wheat crop answer the developed into an important cotton textil
followingquestions: centre.

) Name the state which is the leading (b) ) What are Basic Industries?
producer of this crop in India. i) Give one example of a Basic Industry in
i) Mention the climatic condition found India.
suitable for the cultivation of this crop. (c) State two problems faced by the Su
(d) Give a geographical reason for each of the Industry of India.
following: [31 ) Mention the most important factor for
Cultivation ofrice requires flat level land. location of Sugar industries.
) Pulses are important rotation crops. d) Briefly answer the following:
i ) Bajra and Jowar are groun as dry crops. ) From where does the Rourkela Steel
plant obtain its supply of coal?
) From where does the Tata Iron and Steel
(a) Two points of difference between subsistence
plant obtain its supply of iron ore?
farmingand commercial farming are
(ii) Name two cities that are important for
) In subsistence farming the crop produce
the production of Electronics.
is just enough to sustain the farmer
whereas in commercial farming crop
produce is for sale. (a) Mumbai has developed as an important cotton
(i) In subsistence farming land holdings are textile centre because
small and uneconomic whereas in The supply of raw cotton for the milsis
commercial farming land holdings are nearby cotton producing area that ies
large in size. o8 close to Mumbai.
b) ) The humid coastal climate of Mumbai is
Ginning: The process of separation of
cotton fibres or link from its seeds is ideal for the cotton textile, making
called Ginning. without breaking the thread.
(b) ) Basic industries: These are those
Ratooning: In this method during the industries whose finished products are
first harvest is cut, leaving a little bit of
the raw materials for other industries.
the stalk in the soil with roots. The stalk
i) Example of Basic industry: Iron and
soon puts out new shoots. The
second steel industry
or any other successive
crop obtained (c) G)
from the roots. This method is called Problems faced by silk industry are
(1) Tough competition from artiñca
Ratooning silk and synthetic fiber which ar
Kc) ) The leading producer
of Wheat is Punjab.
() Cltimatic conditions for cheper and more durable.
wheat are (2) The technology used these

Temperature ranges between 10°Cto industries is old and obsolete 8

15°C and rainfall between 50 to 100 cm they have to face competition t r
s mill-made cloth.
Themost important factor for location CGeogrmphy, 2020 I 243
the cost.
of Sugar indust is the neare8t They can be constructed even in the
areas of hilly terrain.
Vailability of raw material since cane (c)
has to be crushed with in 24 hours to () Roadways is not well developed in North
prevent the loss of sucrose and good east India because of hilly terrain and
transport facility. many streams and rivers, which
Rourkela steel plant obtain its supply of increases the cost of construction.
eoal from Jharia, Talcher and Korba eGi) Railways are under public sector because
o f i t is the life line of the nation and one of
Iron and steel industry obtaíns its
R the largest and busiest rail networks in
supply of iron ore from Mayurbhani the World. Therefore it needed
district of Odisha and Singhbhum Centralised management systemi.e. the
(Jharkhand). government. Itrequire large investment.
Two cities that are important for the (ii) A good network of transport is of great
nroduction of electronics are Bengaluru help for the development of the economy
and Hyderabad. because it helps in transporting raw
units and
axsotnaterial to the production
With reference
to Waterways answer the 1i8 9nished goods to the markets. It also
following questions [21 i f hen 8ives employment
to a large number of

a Mention two advantages of inland water workers.

transport. d Two disadvantages of Airways are

Why is inland water transport not well o ) tis an expensivemode oftransport.

developed in India? 9e (2) It has a limited carrying capacity.
Eoen though all
of transport are well i) There is an increase ofairways traffic in
developed in India, yet, road transport recent years because of its fastest,
remains the most popular means of transport.
comfortable and time saving facilities.
Justify this statement. 21
Question 11.
(o Give a reason for each ofthe following: 13] (a) ) What do you mean by segregation of
6) Roadways is not well developed in North waste? (2
East India.
) Why is segregation of waste essential
i) Railways are under the publie sector.
before its disposal?
l) A god network of transport is of great
(b) Why should sewage be treated before disposal?
help for the development of the
economy. 21
d) ) Give two disadvantages of Airways. 3] (c) Briefy answer each ofthe following: 131
)Why is there an inerease ofairway traffic What is the effect of Waste accumulation
in recent years? on terrestrial life?
Answer. (i) What are the consequences of Water
) ) Two advantages of inland water pollution?
transport are: (ii) What is the benefit of Composting?
(1) It saves fuel as compared to other in
(d) ) How can recycling of Waste help
means of transport. (3]
reducing waste?
2) It is cheaper than any other means
Explain with suitable examples.
of transport.
(i) Mention one initiative taken by the
) Inland water transport is not wel
Government to manage waste.
developed in India, because most of the
ii) How can you as an individual contribute
Tivers in India are seasonal in nature
and are not towards waste management?
) Even navigable.
though means of transport are well
eveloped in India yet road transport remains a) G) Segregation of waste: Separation of
OSt popular means of transport because waste according to methods of treatment
0US offer door to door services and reduces is called Segregation of waste like
244 I ICSE Last 10 Years Solved Papers
Buffocates plants and animals an
biodegradable and non biodegradable create 'dead zones' where watend can
products. essentially devoid of life,
(i) Segregation of waste is essential (ii) Composting is an aerobie
its disposal because it reduces the waste
decomposing the organic waste ethod
and goes to the landfill. converts it to prepare organic man
b) Sewage should be treated before disposal It enhances soil nutrients and
because it may cause pollution of air. It spoils retention capacity of soil water
the landscape and it may cause various health Recycling of waste turns into
hazards. So when sewage is discharged Taw
material usable in other useful mater
untreated into water bodies, it becomes
dFor example baggasse (residue
dangerous for aquatic plants and animals.
sugarcane)is used for manufactu
c) ) Effect of waste accumulation on
paper and waste paper reused to ma
terrestial life is that it can cause and make
new paper.
spread diseases as it attracts insects, rats
etc. Animals and birds may feed on the
Gi) One initiative taken by the govt t.
waste for food which may lead to many manage waste is that on March 18, 201
problems as it contains many toxins. govt. notified New plastic
Accumulation of waste pullutes air, management rules for the country.
water and soil and damages man and his this govt. ban on the manufacturing o
environment. plastic bags of below 50 microns.
) Consequences of water pollution are: Gii) As an individual we can contribute
Water borne pathogens in the form of
towards waste management by using
disease causing bacteria and viruses
carry bags of paper or cloth instead of
from human. Animal waste are the major polythene and also by using eco friendly
cause of illness from conta-minated
products. We must promoting reuse and
drinking water. It causes eutrophication,
recycling of waste.

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