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(GOVERNMENT OF MEGHALAYA ns Se | eae ates ace sete ea eat co Sener ‘sss 67°/13/2023/54 | Datesaty 2023 [MEGHA HEALTH INSURANCE SCHEME PHASE 6 and AVUSHMAN BHARAT PRADHAN MANTRJAN AROGYA YOIANA ‘Minutes of the Pre-Bid Meeting July 2023, 1300 Hrs. Main Conference Hall, Main Seretarat, Shillong ~783002, Meghalaya, ‘Members Present: Representatives rom the Government of Meghalaya: Attendance attached in Annex! 4. Shri Sampath Kumar, AS Principal Secretary, Health & Family Welfare Department Chairman 2. Shrinamkumar §, IAS, Secretary, Health & Family Welfare Department cur Chief Executive officer MHIS- Member Secretary 3. ShrD Lymgdoh, Joint Secretary, Law Department, Government of Meghalaya-Member 4 De (Mes) Hynde, Director of Health Services (Mj Member| 5. De (Mrs) ¥ Pia, Director of Health Services (R} -Member 15. Smt-w. Sallam, MS, Finance Department, Government of Meghalaya~ Member 7. Sh Steven RBoreh, State Manager MHIS~ Member Representatives of insorance Companis/Bidders who attended the meeting physically and through Video Conference: Attendance isattached in Annex 1 or Praseit Ray Reliance GICs 2. Smt. Eureka SKharkhongor Oriental insrence Co. td 3. Shi Likang Mathew RK United inci Assurance Co.Ltd 4 Shri LS Punilase National Insurance Co td 5. Sri Pratik Kumar Halal ‘Universal Sampo ICL 6. Dri haktawat 8a lianceGICL. 4, INTRODUCTION 4L1. On the 5 July 2025, the Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of Meghalaya the State Nodel Ageney commenced a competitive bidding process by ising tender documents the TENDER DOCUMENTS), outing eligible and qualified insurance companies 0 submit thee bids (the ‘Bids) forthe implementation ofthe Megha Health insurance Scheme /Ayeshman Bharat Pradhan ‘Mant Jan Aogya Yoana (MHIS 6) issued by the Government of Meghalaya vide No DDAS/MS/NH 6/3/2023 /562, Dated edly 2023 412 On 12% July 2023 a pe-bd mecting washed atthe Conference Room, Main Secretariat, Shlng - 733001, India at 1300 hrs (the Pre-Bié meeting) to provide an understanding ofthe scheme, the terms of the daft insurance Contract, the bi process and the services to be provided by the sucessful bidders and to understand any queries, issues, and suggestions that the bidders put forward HFA SORE SAE ad AOSTA BARAT OTA ANAT ARGTR VOOR —— MBS | Semiserrcmrcr te ‘eat Compan Red Ro tara Silong 72300, eps Prone ge at MA 280747, at nnsaain 2, DISCUSSION 2 The Pre-Sid meeting commenced with welcome note by Shri Ram Kumar, IAS, Secretary, Health Foy Welfare Department cum Chet Executive Officer MIS cum Memaer Secretary 8d Tender Commitee. 22 Thereafter, Iwas followed by an introduction from allthe Bidders present nthe mesting. 23. Subsequenty, a presentation was made by Sr. Steven Bareh, State Manoger SNA informed the bidders aout the following: 3) Snapshot of MIS I I and Features and inion. ) MIS V-PMUAY implementation incuding egstration, ulation, anothers 6) Features of MS VI & PRU. 4) HIS Vand MIS Vi major pols of ferences }_ MAIS vi Majrlasurer Obligations. 4) Biding Process for MIS V. )Bidsing process Schedule forthe scheme, [tthe end of the presentation, the tate Manager enumerated the need forallbiders to go through the Tender Documents thoroughly. Bidders were informed to be mindful ofthe clases pertaining to the bidding process and documents to be submitted. The Solvency rai is required tobe maintained by al Insurance Companies who willbe participating Inthe bidding proces. 2.4 uring the meeting, the representatives ofthe Bidders raised queries and ought clarifications. The ‘Queries and carfetions were noted t be clarified to the best extent pose, with a caveat that only writen responses provided based onthe wrten queries shal be Binding. The ol responses Drovidedinthe meeting are being eapturedin Annes It these minutes onl fr elation and are net binding ‘Some key issues dscussd during the round of questions and answers are: | Noticationof nw District nthe State- Eastern West Kasi is Districfor which the insurance company will have to make provisions for implementation as indicated in the Contract Documents The Bidders present inthe meeting wee ailnformed to share their queries latest by 1700 hrs. ‘onthe 13" of uly 2023, The Sidders have been requested to ful al the obligations that tave been lad down 3s mandatory 4. Several ofthe bidders present had already shared ther quetles va enall prior tothe pre-bid meeting other idders were also encouraged to share ther queries andtomake thesubmisions bythe date and time mentioned above The queries receved online willbe compiled and best efforts wil be made to respond to all the ‘queries received. The response tothe queries shall be shared with the prospective bidders and (GOVERNMENT OF MEGHALAYA MES | Serer other snes See ee et ee et etn ‘Phono: 8 et 250747 erat ooh ‘wil also be uposded atthe website www mhis.orgin as perth dates defined in the Tender Notice fazed on ccussons withthe Bidders and the Tender Commitee the folbwing Bid Schedule was agreed upon: Issue of lareations and suance of Addende 18 Jy 2023, Issue of Revised Final Tender Document 8 iy2023, ‘id Due Date (upto 1100 Hrs), 25% ply 2023 ‘Opening of id and Bd Apleation Letters (2300 Hrs) 25P July 2023 Announcement of Qualifed Bidders (1000 Hs) 26 uly 2023, (Opening and Evaluation of nancial ids (24004) 264 Ju 2023, ‘The meeting ended with @ Vote of Thank by the Member Secretary ofthe Tender Commitee Seae _ ‘ShiRamkumar AS, EER TREE SEE a HTT RT PRN TTRN RRDSTA VON Ste nodal Agonoy Soph ea nace Sem, Separemat of anand Famly ota Goverment of Megha Fests Cpe Ron tam Slang” 000, ep hose os 15 it~ 250747- ema tein DDHS/mnis/mnis 6 79/13/2023/°444 1 Q\~ Gr pate: 18° uty, 2023 copy to Principal Secretary, Health & Family Welfare Department, fr your Kind nfermation ‘Secretary, Health & Family Welfare Department, for your kind information ‘Secretary, Lew Department, fr your kind information Secretary, Finance Department, for your kind information Director of Heath Series (Ml), Meghalya for your kind information Director of Heath Services (Research etc}, Meghalaya, fr your kind inforaton ‘State Manager ~ State Nodal Agency MHS, for your kind information eee Chie Exccutve Offer "Megha Health Insurance Scheme (MH'S} Member Secetary~Tendes Committee ‘Govt of Meghalaya a0atos sonvunsn LTH WHORL —_—— emg 410 wopuly Ha sero s0puay soquoy — eee wih -qme| AK pee eer AW ‘worneny ry a er vise wey was Sv ew anedes wus aynuvnsis Anatuavaza aN NOUWNDIS3O. any ‘S000 AOE NT Zt NO AvIWdEW/9 SIM 30 ONIN GIES ‘SUBGWISW SSLLINAOD WO 33H SNVONALIV senwue apuay sequen shin “adevey es yateg uanans is “ANaMULWV420 GNY NOLWNDISIG anv sunuwnsis "vavivion¥ 40 ANBHNENOD 0240s 2s HLTH WHOS asses saben ny ig wont YL 2G | “5 MelT HRING ; ay. eine wees: nape | > PID POA OPE PINT shone qos | cry omy Beyrry | © “Ff St oe Winery LY BIMYeASNI TWINSQ yO) NOSTHHY wabyNvN *LSSH") F_vyav09 “on WII eee dowey Spee re oar unwwnois ANaNULYv430 ONY NOUWNOISEO ain 1s TS DWwORLy THRs Lancome er esa ean tones cy eee Pea Pa HU we "ean sug spy Atop ay Jotun og “sug nem ey NS PONS ‘vavrmtoan 40 sNaNEAOD wats svg HTH HORN _—_————S $s eer | are dion chem Sy (aioge, rem raw | I Pn BD A aunuwNo's Awanuvaia anv NOUWNONS3O. _ _awwen is ‘vavivHo3~ 40 sNAHINENOD ones wep omy ym wonewe

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