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Republic of the Philippines


Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd) major in Science

Re-Accredited Level III - AACCUP

Name : Mary Ginger R. Llante Date : March 11 , 2024

Program /Major: BSEd 2 Science Course : Rizal

Life Lesson of RizaL’s education and PRoPaganda MoveMent

a. Life Lessons for Students
1. That financial struggle is really a big counterpart of students to achieve their
2. If Jose Rizal can do all of the ways that possible for him to continue his
willingness to study , even during his time studying is really hard , who am I to
have the guts thinking I can’t when I am in a modern era that I can access
anything in just one click?
3. Studying is really hard but if you have the goals that you wanted to achieve,
you will do everything to achieve it.
4. Giving up is not an option or in the choices if you love what you were doing.
5. Having good intention is not enough if we didn’t have any resources .
6. Education is an important factor to be more knowledgeable in what happening
in our surroundings .
7. Education plays an important role in fulfilling ones ambition.
8. Education is one way to help our country to be ideal country for all of Filipinos.
9. Thinks first before committing something or doing a decision. As a student we
should think first the possibilities that our action will bring to us and to all of
our love ones.
10. There are more possible ways to fight for our freedom not just by swords ,
education are also a powerful weapon just like the poet , words , or novels
of Rizal and the Propaganda members or leaders before.
11. Be a better student and citizen of our country. To have an ideal country we
should first improve ourselves .
12. Show our nationalism by means of embracing our own purchase and product.
13. Do not give up without a fight.
14. Give importance in our education.
15. Be the voice and hope just like what Jose Rizal say’s we are the hope of our

b. Life Lesson for Marinduqueños

1. It is important that we gave importance in our own town. Meaning to say we
should gave importance who public servant we will elect . In my point of view
it is one way to show how we gave importance to all sacrifices of our beloved
heroes .
2. Have courage to stand firm in any situations we will going to encounter.
3. Embrace our local identity and legacy as Marinduqueños .

Vision: Marinduque State College is a research-driven higher education institution pursuing excellence and innovation by 2025.
Mission: Marinduque State College is committed to pursue progressive and innovative lifelong education founded on humanistic, profession and
technologically advanced programs across cultures and communities by establishing centers of excellence and research-driven outreach programs.
Republic of the Philippines
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd) major in Science

Re-Accredited Level III - AACCUP

4. Give importance to our heritage and culture because it symbolizes and tells the
story of sacrifices and hardship that our heroes experienced .
5. Use our talent to give life in our history .
6. As a Marinduquenos we should show our loved in our dear country.
7. Don’t turn blind for all of the happenings in our environment.
8. As a Marinduquenos who also have a lot of culture and practices , preserve our
culture .
9. Treasure all the of the historical places and things .
10. Learn to appreciate the sacrifices of our love ones and the people around us.
11. It is not easy to live before more than now, but our heroes learn to do more
things and they have many contribution in our freedom . So as a
Marinduqueños we should think ways to help our province be the best version
of what our heroes expected or vision our country.
12. Promote the importance of education in our province , e all know that Rizal
studied and experience struggles challenges just to attain in education for he
believed education is an important factor to enlightened the Filipinos.
13. We should shows important benefit of studying history brought to us .
14. It is important to pay attention in learning and taking the course history.

c. Life Lesson for Filipinos

1. As one of the Filipinos we should give importance and appreciate the history
and all of the vintage things that symbolize the past.
2. We should appreciate all of the sacrifices of our heroes . Because even though
their eyes are open for all of the harmful possibilities , realities and danger that
what they action may bring to them ,they choose to fight for our freedom , to
give us what we deserved as human and to have what we have right now.
3. The options and choices are always in our hand and we are accountable for
what decisions we made.
4. We are always have the means to fight for what is right and for what our heroes
fought before .
5. Everything is possible if we unite for good intentions , choosing good leaders
and firm goals for what we desire .
6. We can fix everything if we think carefully for all the actions we are going to
7. Be loyal and love our country .
8. We can be the hero of our own country.
9. We all have role to fulfill and responsibilities as a Filipino.
10. Learn from our history.
11. We are not sure about how many years we will live so as much as possible , we
should spend our life meaningful not just for ourselves but also for our people in
our society and country .

Vision: Marinduque State College is a research-driven higher education institution pursuing excellence and innovation by 2025.
Mission: Marinduque State College is committed to pursue progressive and innovative lifelong education founded on humanistic, profession and
technologically advanced programs across cultures and communities by establishing centers of excellence and research-driven outreach programs.
Republic of the Philippines
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd) major in Science

Re-Accredited Level III - AACCUP

12.We should appreciate the privilege and the things we got from our heroes.
13.Embrace our national identity.
14. Study and work for the betterment of our country .
15. Raise our country’s flag.

Vision: Marinduque State College is a research-driven higher education institution pursuing excellence and innovation by 2025.
Mission: Marinduque State College is committed to pursue progressive and innovative lifelong education founded on humanistic, profession and
technologically advanced programs across cultures and communities by establishing centers of excellence and research-driven outreach programs.

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