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Assessment for learning

- One of the assessments for learning that I have observed are the written homeworks.
Students were assigned to do such tasks with given instruction in which the teacher can know if
the student can easily cope up in the given direction. This serves as monitoring for the students'
development and capability in understanding directions.
Assessment as learning
- Assessment as learning is a part where the students and teacher are having a class discussion
that tackles the performances of the individuals with a given rubrics that showcase their
given accomplishment. The students evaluate their own development that makes them
supervise their own progress.
Assessment of learning
- Through this assessment, the teacher marks down its observations on students' behaviors.
Activities like group quizzes, role playing, etc. are conducted for students to be able to manage
their actions while the teacher is observing students character development.

My Analysis
1. Among the three forms of assessments, “Assessment as Learning” is the only one that was
observed. It is when the teacher has an interaction with the students and asks questions to the
students while discussing.

2. “Assessment of learning” has a big impact in the implementation of “assessment for learning”.
It serves to know what methods they should use. This will show the feedback of the students in
doing their tasks.

3. Assessment as learning was used for the students to consider the things they learned. This
serves as their evaluation on where they need to improve as a student.

4. Assessment is a procedure of discussing information. “Assessment for learning” is the

development and capability of a student. “Assessment as learning” is the development of a
student on its own progress. “Assessment of learning” is based on the students' performance.
My Reflections
1. As a student, assessments are a great support in encouraging and enlightening my
education to achieve my aspirations.
Students similarly like assessments, it is fundamental in their schooling for it serves as a
development in education. It provides feedback that is meant to determine the benefits that need
to be improved..

2. Fear is normal to students, for them to overcome they must know where they are afraid of while
making them feel relaxed. Once they feel relieved we motivate them to conquer
their fear and determine their problems. To make the student feel comfortable, they should
provide activities that are engaging for the students.

3. Yes, it improves the capability of students' understanding that enhances their knowledge on
learning. It helps the students advance their learning in determining their own abilities.

1. The tools used are paper, pencil, exams, presentations, books, reports, and quizzes.

2. “Keep up the good work”

“Great job”
“Very good”
3. The students were tasked to create a story. Through this individual work they will
showcase their skills on working on their own.

4. Students will be asking questions that students will also respond to. Brainstorming let’s the
students share each of their ideas.

5. Yes. It's a task for them to check their own paper after the exam. This will determine the
student's behavior on the assessment rubrics.

My Analysis
1. The assessment that I observed is: “Assessment should be fair” the teacher must accept each
individual idea that is shared by the students. Whether it is right or wrong the teacher must
accept the given answer.

2. The principle that was least observed is “Assessment should lead to informative report” none of
the students were seen to report in front of the class.

My Reflections
For the assessment to become worthwhile we must consider the following:
- Don’t rush. Assessment is a process in which it takes time for the students to absorb. It must be
fair and accurate.
- Its objective is to assess questions and have a direct answer. That can make the student
understand it easily

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