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Base Word Part of Speech

a bit
a little
a lot
about prep
above prep
adult n
after prep , conj
afternoon n
again adv
age n
ago adv
air n
all right/alright
also adv
always adv
angry adj
animal n
another det
answer v, n
anybody pron
anyone pron
anything pron
anyway adv
anywhere adv
apple n
April n
arm n
art / artist n
as far as …
as well
at prep
at all
at home
at least
at the moment
August n
aunt n
autumn n
baby n
back n , adv
badly adv
bake v
ball n
banana n
band n
bank n
bath n
be v
be called sth
beach n
beautiful adj
because conj
because of prep
bed n
before prep
begin v
behind prep , adv
below prep , adv
better adj, adv
between prep
bird n
birthday n
bit n
black adj, n
blue adj, n
board n
boat n
body n
book n
boot n
bottle n
bread n
breakfast n
bring v
brother n
brown adj, n
build v
busy adj
butter n
by prep
by mistake
bye; bye-bye
cake n
call v, n
can v
can't wait
car n
card n
care n, v
careful adj
carry v
catch v
center/centre n
central adj
chair n
change v, n
cheap adj
chicken n
child n
chocolate n
choose v
city n
class n
clean adj
clear adj
clock n
close v
clothes n
cloud n
club n
coat n
coffee n
cold adj
color n
come v
come from
come in
come to/for
computer n
cook v
cool adj
corner n
count v
country n
cow n
cucumber n
cup n
customer n
daddy n
daily adj, adv
dark adj
date n
daughter n
day n
December n
different adj
difficult adj
dinner n
do v, aux v
doctor n
Don't forget
don't need
Don't worry
door n
down adv
draw v
dress n
drink v,n
drive v
dry adj
early adj
ears n
easily adv
east n
eat v
enjoy v
evening n
every det
everybody pron
everywhere adv
exercise n
eyes n
face n, v
fall v,n
family n
far adv, adj
farm n
fat adj
father n
favorite n
February n
feel v
feeling n
find out /find
find v
(sth) out
finger n
finish v
first adv
fish n
flat adj
floor n
flower n
fly v
food n
foot n
for prep
forget v
fork n
Friday n
friendly adj
from prep
fruit n
funny adj
game n
garden n
get v
girl n
give v
glass n
go v
go away
go back
go by
go down
go in/into
go out/outside
go up
good adj
good for you
grade n
grass n
gray adj, n
great adj
green adj, n
ground n
group n
hair n
happy adj
hat n
have a good
have v
have a problem
have fun
have to doasth
head n
headscarf n
hear v
heart n
heavy adj
her det, pron
here adv
him pron
his det, pron
hold v
holiday n
home n
homework n
horse n
hospital n
hotel n
hour n
house n
how adv
how about?
How much is it?
hungry adj
husband n
I'm sorry
important adj
in adv
in town
inside prep
interesting adj
into adv
Israel n
January n
juice n
July n
June n
just adv
keep v
key n
king n
kitchen n
knife n
know v
know about
language n
last adj, adv
late adj, adv
later adj, adv
laugh v
laugh at sb/sth
law n
learn v
leave v
left adj
left-hand (side) n
leg n
lesson n
letter n
lie v
lie down
life n
light n , adj
like v
listen, listen! v
little adj
live v
live in/at
long adj
look v, n
look for
lose v
lots of
luck n
lunch n
make v
make sb do sth
many det
march v
March n
May n
maybe adv
meal n
meat n
meet v
minute n
miss v
mistake n
Monday n
money n
month n
more adv, det
morning n
mother n
mouth n
movie n
much adv, det
music n
must modal v
my name,
first det
last name n
near prep, adv
nearly adv
neck n
need v
needn't do sth
neighbor n
new adj
next det, adv
next to
nice to meet
nice adj
night n
no det
no thank you
no thanks
nobody pron
noise n
noon n
north n
good/tall/happ n
notebook n
nothing pron
November n
now adv
number n
October n
of prep
off adv, prep
often adv
oil n
OK/okay adv, adj
old adj
on prep, adv
once adv, conj
one pron
onion n
only adv, adj
open v, adj
or conj
orange adj, n
our det
ours pron
out adv
out of
outside prep, adv
page n
pain n
paint n
pair n
paper n
parent n
park n
party n
pass v
pay v
pay for
peace n
pencil n
people n
pepper n
phone n
phone call
photograph n
picture n
pink adj, n
place n, v
plant n
play n, v
point v,n
police n
possible adj
potato n
practice n
prepare v
present n, adj
price n
program/ n
programme n
pull v, n
pupil n
push v
put v
put sth
put sth on p
somewhere s
question n
quick adj
quickly adv
radio n
rail n
rain n, v
raincoat n
read v
rest n, v
restaurant n
right-hand adj, n
road n
room n
round adv
run v
safe adj
safety n
same adj
save v
Saturday n
say v
school n
sea n
seat n
see v
see you
self n
sell v
send v
sentence n
September n
she pron
shirt n
shoe n
shop n
short adj
shoulder n
show v, n
shower n
shut v
sick adj
sign n, v
sing v, n
sister n
sit v
sit down v
size n
sky n
sleep v
slowly adv
small adj
smile v, n
sock n
some det
somebody pron
someone pron
something pron
sometimes adv
somewhere adv
son n
song n
soon adv
sorry adj
south n, adj
speak v
sport n
spring n
stand up
start v
station n
stay v
store n
story n
straight adj
street n
student n
study n, v
subject n
such det
summer n
Sunday n
sunny adj
supper n
swim v
table n
take v
take sth off
talk n
talk about
talk of
tall adj
task n
tea n
teach v
television n
thank v
thank you
that conj
the same
the same as
their det
them pron
there's/ adv
these det
thin adj
thing n
think v
those det
though adv
Thursday n
time n
tired adj
to prep
today adv
together adv
tomorrow adv
tonight adv
small/hard/mu adv
town n
train n
travel v
tree n
true / TRUE adj
truth n
try v
Tuesday n
turn v
turn left/right
uncle n
under prep
understand v
understanding n
until conj, prep
us pron
use v
useful adj
vegetable n
very adv
visit v
wait v
wait for
wake up v
walk n,v
wall n
want v
warm adj
wash v
watch v
water n
way n , adv
we pron
wear v
weather n
Wednesday n
week n
weekend n
welcome v, adj
well adj , adv
west n
wet adj
what day is (it)
What det
what does sb
do? does
when conj, adv
where conj, adv
which det
white adj, n
who pron
whose det
why adv
wide adj
wife n
will v
win v
wind n
window n
winter n
with prep
without prep
woman n
word n
work v
world n
would you like
Would you like
to do sth
Would you
write v
wrong adj
year n
yellow adj, n
yesterday adv
young adj
your det
yourself pron
zoo n
sample sentences to clarify

My back hurts. We sat at the back of the class.

The band plays the songs well.
Where money is kept.

The teacher wrote on the board/whiteboard/blackboard

A bird's body is covered with feathers.

He called for help. I got a call from my brother last night.

We need to provide poor people with better dental care. I didn't know you cared.

to catch a ball, a bus, to catch the flu

a medical center

His mood changes every hour. There has been little change in her daily routine. She checked the change (money) he gave her.

There are two students in the class.

slightly cold. Informal: fashionable, interesting

She can count up to 10 in French. He counted the number of children in class.

don’t need to do/ don’t need to have something

I feel better today.

She lives on the second floor. The floor is wet.

Almost all birds can fly. We fly to Paris every summer

There is water in the glass. The window is made of glass.

Prices are expected to go up soon.

Well done! Eating a lot of sugar is not good for you

The fifth grade will perform their play this week. I got a good grade on my English test.

I have to leave now and catch the bus.

There are just the two of us. I'm just coming.
A letter to a friend. Letters of the alphabet.
to lie in bed

He has light blue eyes. This bag is light (not heavy). It's still light at 8p.m.

They looked at the picture. They looked everwhere, but couldn't find it. The dress looks nice on you. Take a good look at this
Keep off the grass. Turn off the light. He took his jacket off. He ran off when I called him.

I have been to India once. Once I finish my homework, I'll come and play

Take your hands out of your pockets. The bag was made out of plastic, I ran out of the room.

It is easy to pass the test. If you pass a supermarket please buy some eggs.
I understand the point you are making. The point of a pencil. She pointed her finger at the door.

He gave her a birthday present. She was present in class yesterday. The verb is in the present (tense).

the same as
There are 60 seconds in a minute.
adv: He looks something like his brother

pron: We looked for somewhere to park

a piece of research , to study for a test

There are many ways to solve this problem. Please tell me the way to the park.She was way ahead of the other runners.

pron: I decided what to buy for her birthday.

Base Word Part of Speech
accept v
account n
across prep, adv
act n, v
action n
additional adj
address n
advice n
advise v
afraid adj
against prep
agree v
agreement n
all sorts of
all det, adv
all the time
almost adv
alone adv
already adv
Arabic n
around prep, adv
as much as v
as quickly as
as soon as
as usual
away adv
backward/ adj
backwards adj
be going to
beat v
belief n
believe v
best wishes
bicycle n
big adj
born/be born v
both det
both ... and
bottom n
break v
bright adj
bus station
buy v
chance n
check v
cheese n
circle n
clever adj
climb v
close adj, adv
closed adj
closely adv
cold n
collect v
come home
comfortable adj
comparison n
competition n
complete v, adj
content n
copy n, v
correct adj
cost n, v
could v
cover v, n
crazy adj
cross v
cry v, n
custom n
dance v, n
dead adj
dear adj
death n
decide v
decision n
deep adj, adv
depth n
dictionary n
die v
difference n
difficulty n
direct adj
cleaning/cookin adv
Do you mind…?
doll n
double adj
drawing n
dream n
during prep
each det
easy adv
effort either…
either; n
or adv
else adv
email n
empty adj, v
engine n
English n
enough det, adv
enter v
especially adv
ever adv
exactly adv
example n
excellent adj
except prep
except for
exchange n
explain v
extra adj
fact n
fail v
fair adj
famous adj
feed v
feelings n
field n
fill v
fill in v
final adj
finally adv
fine adj
fire n
flat adj
follow v
football n
for example
force n, v
forest n
form n,v
free adj, adv
freedom n
fresh adj
fridge n
front n, adj
full adj
fun adj
future n
gate n
get better
get down
get in
get sth back
get to
gift n
give back
give in
give out
give way
glad adj
glasses n
going to
grow v
grow up
guess v
gun n
half adj, n
hand v
hang v
hang on
happen v
hard adj , adv
hardly adj , adv
hate (got) sth
have v
have a talk
have/have got v
health n
heat n
Hebrew n
high adj
hill n
himself pron
hit v
hold on
hole n
hope v, n
huge adj
I don't mind
I'd love to
I'm ready
ice n
ice cream n
idea n
if conj
if you like
imagine v
immediately adv
in a hurry
include v
information n
instead adv
instead of
instructions n
interest n
interested adj
Internet n
invite v
item n
job n
join v
judge n
jump on doing
keep v
kick v
kill v
kind n
kiss v, n
knock v
knock on
knowledge n
laptop n
large adj
lay v
lazy adj
least adv
less adv
let go/let go of
let sb/sth in
let sb/sth out
let us
level n
like prep
line n
lip n
list n
living adj
living room
look after
look out
loss n
lost adj
lots of love
love n, v
lovely adj
low adj
mad sure
make adj
(that) sure
market n
married adj
may v
mean v
meaning n
medical adj
member n
memory n
message n
middle n, adj
might v
mind n
mine pron
model n
moment n
moon n
most det, adj
mountain n
move v, n
musical adj
myself pron
narrow adj
nature n
need to
negative adj
never adv
never mind
news n
newspaper n
normal adj
northern adj
not bad
nothing else
notice n
nurse n
object n
offer v, n
office n
officer n
opposite adj, adv
order n
other det, pron
ourselves pron
over prep, adv
pack v
part n
partner n
past prep
pattern n
perfect adj
perhaps adv
person n, adj
pet n
physical adj
pick v
piece n
pilot n
plan n, v
plane n
plate n
please v
pleased adj
pool, n
swimming pool n
poor adj
popular adj
positive adj
power n
prefer v
preparation n
president n
press v, n
prize n
probably adv
project n
public adj
publish v
purpose n
put sth away
quarter n
queen n
quiet adj
quite adv
quite a few
raise v
reading n
ready adj
real adj
really adv
reason n
remember v
repeat v
result n
return v
rich adj
ride v, n
right away
risk n
rule n
sad adj
savings n
science n
scream v
serious adj
serve v
set n
several det, pron
share n
should v
shout v
side n, adj
simple adj
simply adv
since prep, adv
single adj
skin n
slow adj, v
slow down/up
smoke n,v
snow n, v
so conj
sort n
sound n
space n
special adj
spell v
stair n
stand v
star n
state v
steal v
step n
still adv
stone n
stop v
straight on
strange adj
strong adj
such as
sugar n
suit v, n
suitable adj
suppose v
sure adj
surprise n
sweet adj
take a picture
take away
Take care!
take care! adv
take from
take off
taxi n
team n
tell v
terrible adj
than conj
the middle
the news
the other
thirsty adj
throw v
ticket n
till prep
toilet n
tooth n
toy n
train station
try on/try sth v
turn off/out
turn on
twice adv
type n
unfortunately adv
unhappy adj
upon prep
usual adj
usually adv
vacation n
valuable adj
very good!
village n
vote n
walking n
war n
wave n
weekly adj, adv
What else?
while conj
whole adj
wild adj
windy adj
wipe v
wonderful adj
wood noun
worry v
worst adj, adv
would love sth
write down
writing n
yet conj
yours pron
zero n
sample sentences to clarify

She opened a bank account

I fell backwards

James always beats me when we play tennis.

I believe you. He is from France, I believe.

We formed a circle around the campfire. She drew a circle very carefully.

to climb a tree

table of contents

The lake is very deep. The sky was deep blue. Adv: He put his hands deep into his pockets.
He came earlier than expected. She thought his earlier idea was much better.

He has fair hair. It's not fair!

Fill in the blanks.

I feel fine.

as in apartment (Brit Eng word)

He formed balls of clay. Stand-up comedy is a popular form of entertainment. He wrote his name on the form.

get back something

They gave in their homework. After listening to their reasons, their father finally gave in and let them go to the park
Please hang on for a couple of minutes and then my mother will come and speak to you.

She has (got) her favorite hat on.

There are several items on the test. They sell many items of clothing.
He took a job as a waiter. We will get the job done by tomorrow.

I like to try different kinds of food. Thank you for your kind words

This is a high level group of students.

There was a long line waiting for the bus. She drew a straight line.

The temperatures are very low for this time of year. The table is too low
A plastic model of the human heart. A fashion model.
That's an order, not a request! They ordered pizza.

Yesterday I saw the storks fly over. Come over to my apartment.

A part of a puzzle. A part in a play.

To press a button.
Raise your hand. The government raised the price of gas.
There's still some space for a bookshelf. They sent the satellite into space.

State of Israel

a small rock, the hard seed of a fruit

on the sea
rote his name on the form.

ve in and let them go to the park

Base Word Part of Speech sample sentences to clarify
albumdown a
along n
balloon n
bear n
bookshelf n
by now
by oneself
carpet n
carrot n
chat v, n
classmate n
clown n
comic n He enjoyed reading the comic.
crossing adj A street crossing. A railway crossing.
dessert n
dining room
dollar n
drum n
duck n
elephant n
elevator n
entrance n
fantastic adj
file n
film n
fried adj
garage n
garlic n
get together
give away v
gram/kilogram n
grape n
guidebook n
honey n
jam n
just now
lake n
lemonade n
lend v
library n
lion n
local adj
long-term adj
lunchtime n
make/take a n
man n
matter n It is an important matter. What's the matter?
meanwhile adv
medal n
menu n
mirror n
monkey n
mouse n
nod v
odd adj strange, unusual
oh dear!
Oh! exclam
pattern n
phrase n
piano n
pig n
pile n
pin n, v
pipe n
plain adj
playground n
playing card
pocket money
pole n
post n mail, letters. To post on facebook. To post letters.
postcard n
poster n
purple n
rabbit n
railway station
rainwater n
refrigerator n also fridge
result in
rice n
rock n
roof n
runner n
safety belt n
salad n
sale n
sand n
sandwich n
seatbelt n
seed n
sheep n
shelf n
sitting room n
skirt n
sofa n
soup n
spoon n
sportscenter n
stand in line
steam n
stove n
string n
suitcase n
sweater n
swimsuit n
tank n a water tank
tomato n
tomato sauce n
toothbrush n
toyshop n
track n a path, a railway track
up adv
upside down adv, adj
waiting room
washing n
machine n
website n
wonder n, v
workbook n
wow! exclam
yard n US word. In Brit Eng: a garden

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