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The Impact of Social Media on the Marketing

Strategies Perceived By Grade 11 SHS


A Research Paper Submitted to:

Ms. Magie Ladimo

Submitted by:
Cyrus Lustre
Kharl David Itoi
Jonel Redilla
Angelo Raymundo
Chapter 1: The Problem and it’s Background


This study seeks to investigate the influence of social media on the marketing

strategies that Grade 11 students at ICCT Colleges Sumulong Campus perceive and

respond. The emergence of social media has brought about a significant transformation

in how businesses engage with their target audience and execute marketing strategies.

Popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok have become essential

elements of marketing campaigns, enabling companies to extend their reach to a wider

audience and establish more personalized connections with potential customers.

(Adam Hays, 4-12-23) Indicated that with more than 80% of consumers reporting

that social media, particularly influencer content, has a significant impact on purchasing

decisions, marketers across industries are driving the evolution of social media

marketing (SMM) from a standalone tool to a multifaceted source of marketing

intelligence on an increasingly important—and growing—audience. From 2004 (when

MySpace became the first social media site to reach one million subscribers) until 2022,

the tremendous rise of interactive digital channels propelled social media to levels that

rival television and radio. At the beginning of 2023, there were 4.76 billion social media

users worldwide—more than 59% of the world’s population. As the use of social media
grows, marketers are developing methods to capitalize on the huge competitive

advantage that engagement with this crucial audience provides.

Background of the Study

Social Media has become an integral part of people’s lives, especially among

young students. However, there is limited research on how social media affects the

Operation and Marketing Strategies of businesses, as perceived by the grade 11 SHS

students of ICCT Colleges Sumulong Campus.

This study aims the impact of social media on the marketing strategies by

exploring the students’ views and experiences on social media and it’s impact on

various aspects of business operations and marketing strategies.

(Gary Henderson, 7-2-20) Indicated that Social media has emerged as the

foremost influential and vital virtual arena, serving not only as a platform for social

connections but also as an effective means of promoting and advertising brands and

products digitally. The impact of social media is remarkable, enabling advertisers to

swiftly reach a vast audience upon posting an advertisement. This efficiency reduces

costs while ensuring that ads effectively reach the desired target audience through

these online platforms. Given the enormous online user base, which constitutes
approximately 59% of the global population, marketers cannot afford to overlook the

opportunity to market their offerings on these digital platforms. Compared to traditional

methods like print or television advertising, social media offers the potential to reach the

maximum number of potential buyers.

In all-inclusive this study sheds light on the profound impact of social media on

the marketing strategies perceived by Grade 11 students, providing valuable insights for

businesses aiming to effectively engage with this target audience at ICCT Colleges

Sumulong Campus.

Statement of the Problem

To solve the main problem the researchers sight the solution to the following

specific problems:

1. What is the profile of the SHS student?

A. Sex

B. Age

C. Strand

2. What Social media account SHS student has?

A. Facebook

B. TikTok

C. Instagram

3. How often do student used social media?

4. What product social media commonly advertised?

A. Skin care

B. Gadgets

C. Furniture

D. Foods

5. What specific product has drawn SHS Student interest?

Significance of the Study

The objective of this research was to offer valuable insights into the influence and

the impact of social media on marketing strategies. The following are the beneficiaries

of the research:

This study can help students enhance their personal life by providing

opportunities for networking, and gain an understanding about their research.


The result of the study will enhance their social media by enabling them to

advertise their educational programs. Additionally, to educate students to learn more

about different ideas of their study.


This study can help their child to guide on how the social media as a marketing

strategy affects them.


The outcome of the study can significantly help their marketing strategy by giving

a platform for targeted advertising and making it easier for customers to provide

comments and reviews.

This study may help them to discover a lot about customer behavior and good

marketing techniques through exploring the effects of social media.

Assumption of the Study

There is a significant impact on marketing strategies, particularly on increasing

brand awareness and customer engagement.

There is no significance that the students are active users of social media

platforms and are familiar with various marketing strategies used by businesses on

these platforms.

The Scope and Limitation of the study

The scope of the study on the impact of social media on the operation and

marketing strategies includes the examination of the use of social media platforms by

businesses to enhance their operational processes and marketing strategies. The study

will explore how social media is being used to improve communication with customers,

increase brand awareness, and promote products and services. The study will also

examine the impact of social media on customer engagement, loyalty, and retention.
The research will focus on businesses operating in various industries and of different


The limitations will focus on the impact of social media as a marketing strategies

that will conduct by the researchers in a survey method. There is a total of 168

respondents and 30% of it will answer the questions made by the researchers in printed


Definition of Terms

SOCIAL MEDIA - Refers to online platforms and websites that facilitate the creation,

sharing, and exchange of user-generated content.

MARKETING STRATEGIES - A carefully planned and executed approaches that

businesses employ to promote their products or services and achieve their marketing


EMERGENCE - Refers to the phenomenon where complex systems or patterns arise

from the interactions and collective behavior of simpler components.

MULTIFACETED - Refers to something that has many different aspects, dimensions, or


TREMENDOUS - It describes something that is extraordinarily large, powerful, or


INTEGRAL - Refers to the concept or approach that encompasses and integrates

multiple perspectives, dimensions, or aspects into a comprehensive whole.

REALM - Refers to a distinct sphere or domain characterized by its own set of

principles, rules, or boundaries.

INSIGHT - Refers to a deep and intuitive understanding or perception that provides a

fresh and profound perspective on a particular subject or situation.

POTENT - Refers to having great power, influence, or effectiveness.

OUTLETS - Typically refers to channels or platforms through which products,

information, or services are made available to the public.

SIMULTANEOUSLY - Refers to the occurrence or performance of multiple actions,

events, or processes at the same time or in a synchronized manner.

PERCEIVED - Refers to the act of sensing, observing, or becoming aware of something

through the use of one’s senses, cognition, or intuition.

FOREMOST - A term used to describe something or someone that is at the forefront or

leading position in a particular field, domain, or category.

SWIFTLY - An advanced and efficient platform that enables businesses to streamline

their operations, optimize decision-making, and drive meaningful progress.

VAST - A dynamic and comprehensive platform that revolutionizes the way businesses

manage and utilize their data.

ENORMOUS - It signifies an exceptional scale and magnitude, representing something

of immense size, significance, or impact.

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature and Studies

Local Related Literature

Maureen m. Atienza (2019) Indicated that the Social media has been pervasive

in recent years, with the most prominent applications being social networking, content

sharing, and online access. Social Media Marketing (SMM) refers to marketing done

through social media. The study sought to evaluate the usage of social media marketing

in order to determine its impact on resort business in the Philippine province of

Batangas. It determined the profile of the selected resorts in terms of classification,

years of operation, location, and the years media marketing was introduced in the

business; identified the forms of social media used by the selected resorts; cited the

positive and negative effects of social media marketing in the resorts' business; and

specified the problems encountered by customers when using social media.

Regarding the disparities in the responses of the chosen resorts to the effects of

SMM; and presented a development strategy for proper SMM utilization. The descriptive

technique was employed, with a self-created questionnaire serving as the primary data

collection tool. To address the study's aims, many statistical approaches were applied.

To interpret and evaluate the collected data, frequency distribution, ranking, weighted
mean, and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used. It was determined that the

majority of resort enterprises in the Province of Batangas are classed as American

Automobile Association (AAA), the highest quality rating for resorts that have been in

operation for 10 years or more.

The majority of the resorts are located in the 1st District of the Province of

Batangas and began adopting SMM between 2006 and 2010. The Facebook account

was used by all of the Resorts' owners and clients. Both resort owners and customers

felt that SMM had both positive and negative effects. Among the issues faced when

using SMM are frequent posting and accounts that are not maintained or updated. A

proposed action plan for the proper use of SMM was developed.

Kafferine Yamagishi (2021) Indicated that the existing literature emphasizes the

role of social media platforms in promoting tourist destinations. However, there is a lack

of research on how social media contributes to the sustainability of these destinations.

This study argues that sustainable tourism initiatives can be integrated into the

traditional competitive nature of social media marketing as a communication strategy for

tourism stakeholders. Given this argument and the limited literature available on the

topic, the objective of this paper is to analyze the impact of social media strategies on

marketing indicators within the context of sustainable tourism.

To achieve this objective, the study employs a fuzzy cognitive mapping technique

to examine the changes in marketing performance indicators based on initial activation

values of social media marketing strategies. A case study is conducted on

Kalanggaman Island in the Philippines, which is an emerging tourist destination, to

illustrate the evaluation process. Three policy scenarios with interconnected social

media marketing strategies are examined: minimal effort, moving visuals, and

collaborative strategies.

The minimal effort scenario leads to an increase in counting metrics, comments,

and web traffic. The moving visuals scenario results in improvements in reach, counting

metrics, comments, and web traffic. Lastly, the collaborative strategies scenario

enhances indicators such as awareness, share of voice, counting metrics, comments,

and lead generation. The findings derived from this framework offer policymakers and

decision-makers a platform to analyze potential social media policies for promoting

sustainable tourism.

According to Amizette and Reyes (2019) revealed the beneficial impact of digital

marketing on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Philippines. According

to the research, digital marketing strategies proved to be effective in broadening the

reach of such enterprises beyond traditional physical stores, promoting customer

interaction, and leading to sales growth. Further, the study suggested digital marketing
as a cost-effective approach for SMEs to build brand awareness and stay competitive in

the contemporary business landscape.

The local studies conducted in the Philippines provide evidence that digital marketing

can have a substantial impact on customer buying intentions, particularly when utilizing

social media advertising, email marketing, and SEO effectively. Digital marketing

presents an effective tool for businesses to engage with prospective customers, thus

enhancing sales and operational efficiency, especially for SMEs.

Foreign Related Literature

Adam Hays (2023) Indicated that with more than 80% of consumers reporting

that social media, particularly influencer content, has a significant impact on purchasing

decisions, marketers across industries are driving the evolution of social media

marketing (SMM) from a standalone tool to a multifaceted source of marketing

intelligence on an increasingly important—and growing—audience. From 2004 (when

MySpace became the first social media site to reach one million subscribers) until 2022,

the tremendous rise of interactive digital channels propelled social media to levels that

rival television and radio. At the beginning of 2023, there were 4.76 billion social media

users worldwide—more than 59% of the world's population. As the use of social media

grows, marketers are developing methods to capitalize on the huge competitive

advantage that engagement with this crucial audience provides.

Valentina Dencheva (2023) States that everyone is aware that social media

originated as a source of entertainment and has evolved into a powerful tool for

marketing. While its main purpose is to connect people, it has also become instrumental

in linking marketers with existing and potential customers. Marketing experts strongly

agree that social media is crucial for their business, with 63 percent expressing strong

agreement. This conviction is reflected in the increasing investments made in this

medium. In the United States alone, spending on social media marketing is projected to

surpass 17 billion U.S. dollars in 2019, representing a nearly ten billion dollar increase

compared to 2014.

When asked about the main challenges of social media marketing, 67 percent of

people marketers identified assessing its effectiveness as their primary concern,

followed by designing strategies and analyzing acquired data. In order to evaluate

effectiveness, social media specialists in the United States employ various metrics. In

2014, the leading metric used was counting the number of hits, visits, or page views.

Additionally, 45 percent of respondents believed that the number of friends or followers

on social platforms was a significant indicator of marketing success.

The choice of specific social media platforms among professionals in the field

varies depending on the type of business transaction. Twitter appears to be a commonly

used platform, ranking second in usage for both business-to-business and business-to-
consumer industries. However, there is a notable difference when it comes to the

primary platform. Among business-to-consumer marketers, 94 percent utilized

Facebook, whereas among business-to-business marketers, 94 percent indicated that

they used LinkedIn.

Edelman (2010) In a study published by Harvard Business Review, the focus is

on how the Internet and social marketing have transformed both business operations

and consumer decision-making processes. The study challenges the traditional funnel

metaphor used by marketers to understand consumer product selection, highlighting a

shift towards a more open-ended approach. Consumers no longer follow a systematic

method of choosing products. The importance of brands connecting with consumers is

emphasized, and the study investigates consumer decision-making across various

industries (such as automobiles, skincare, insurance, mobile telecommunications, and

electronics) and continents.

Based on the study's findings, a four-stage model is proposed, which recognizes

the influence of social media in product advocacy and purchasing decisions based on

reviews and endorsements. By examining the entire customer journey, the research

provides insights to businesses on where not to allocate their energy and resources.

The study supports these insights with statistical data from various surveys, helping

organizations identify crucial areas to focus on in order to establish a strong online

brand image.
According to Hua Zhang (2023) Social media plays a crucial role in the promotion

and marketing of movies, contributing significantly to their success. This study will

initially provide an overview of the marketing strategy employed by Chinese domestic

movies. The emergence of social media and its distinct communication features have

attracted a growing number of users, presenting both opportunities and challenges for

the Chinese film industry. The present situation will also be examined, highlighting that

filmmakers have made advancements in marketing techniques by continually exploring

effective strategies. However, there are still certain deviations in film marketing

strategies that need to be addressed, including issues like excessive hype.

Consequently, countermeasures become essential. Faced with numerous challenges,

film marketers must comprehend the current public preferences in the market and

establish a standardized system for marketing films through social media. Additionally,

they should explore all possible methods to promote films, such as developing and

marketing film-related merchandise.

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