DAA Handwritten Unit1

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Tbs ont at Ca Movks). Ade vohat sl mount by data stent 2 cuheonetenih eile, Stiadleslhn tae a extart meanin pe innsighla, 46 busines. “Ee combines pivin ulples and practi | fom othe petals of mathmnahion stabichits, ges trotalligenss poand com puke engi | s sheng to analyze, lange amousls a dala 2). Dyine the tuum datapication ? Datapication is the puows of emu, Vasipus eee a Lige irtbe digttal data. | pou analysis and decision. making. : 30). Outline the Application OsLas datastent, | | : > Machine leaning, > Pata visualizatim. ) i » Reemmendakin systems. | coe pau detectin . a Moveketing. | ) > Finante: | } eduatin Jy). what ate the bvs oh Big Data ? The Svs 0° Big dota anu! 4. velocity. 2 Volume a eoiga oy Vasu 5 Value. 5a). es ‘ts the © inmperctanee of papa -ing Lang wage ? : ee Language ws Frnpe- ~tank as it hilt thom linpeut cand clean data “and peru —s ‘quantitative analyses. ; ba). Lick out the applicahions qi igh ~ing fn seal weld. ee » Einanws o i is ike \ Li > Banking. aise i > Health cows | i Duka wens » Sowal mudingin ws Ae eiaisd PEE) COMER 69 15 hy aT, eo “Nena IDS ONIT,F, (a masks) é 1b), Compan biqdala and dada'sd ens: | Big Data Data Science Ph Longe dlaka. | Analyzing dala . Epinna huge NBL onde patteun | % dota and qerwralt within sata and insights , |make ale Used in 2 oceeiti eed. in ‘chil, Stuwdty Seuian, innage ‘vecognition, | Feletommmuntenbion, “| aduashicernent | Tools ured cw Sais wehbe: 4 inaeepepauk ee | ae Re ery 28. shy dota suenu ‘ie fiesta than | Dain Scien te ieee hee ae Big dat because df utilizes machine, leanning | algoulthms te desian and , Cwate Catisticol methods to qurucale’ ingormatio | ee Pc fren Big dala that can be implement to enhance busines processes 3b). What is the skill cet sugqubud fo 2 Data Sucnilist . The Skill cet seequed por & iat efentist are tren. pound. ation in mathe- ~motin, rtatistia and programming. Gain expertise un dada manipulation, analysis, visualization. Masten machine leanning techni quis and algeuttnnn. : } 4s). Gplain about statistical inpenence ? Statistical froune is the prows 5 analyzing the susult and maki Conclusions yuom data cubjet to Honclem variation. % Statistical tmpuune & alio called inpountial dPatistiwy, __ ee - 5h). What ts pin a model 2 when a Model wd watd to be . Cuerfe ithing “Tt th & meade Of hour well a Machine Jearning model envializes fp Sfrutay doda ushich it was trained: Ovenyitting oceuss whin tht mode | Cannot genwalize* and. pli too Lasly te the t Diaining dotasel, ibe seh talib dn Aa Mt the ; Shabsheal woduls: Probability disbitbulton panctou a be used te, . -quentiby and dleseribe random vasiabley, thy, can. be aed te ditentnt. Stahistical . Signipicance, 4 E estimated. ees nae , Can “oes, ily also oe, ais be the Likel?hood that Pevimal valu ov called numoic dlackatepe. in par ern Saas tL dp oualt R dada'type pox mumbles fr Rs + you osipn «ded yal do 0 Vauiable x , then x will be n le type. a 8 Tnkegut aka type : > Integer. datatype Js used por Inkegon Values : > TD Stora value as integer, we need 4 Speugy ft as ‘incteg ve 3) Logical Aetalype : > hogical doin dake om etthon TRUE ty FAUSE » > “Thou fs anothur + “we dupe oF a eke called sien rns mis 4, Cite dockatype ' a8 > Tt ued do stout! rucmbeus with an imaginary compénents 5). Chasartor ue es = chanacter vals nM ae variable. ah V oT fh 6)» Raw dadalypr: uly Ha “A A ais Bi Te oa a). Opurators : : An Operate, uo. Syenbel Shek puyour prcations betuten stu opuands. Operatous [oR programming; , Thew aue> vauiews epurats io | Auithmetic Open actorrs * 2s Assignment qperatous - 3. Compascision Operokout. 4: Logical opin atous. 4) © Ait matic opucatous | pox peut simple Asuthimetic opucators ; addition * Mathematical opercalions Suth ad and pe cubbiaction « They dake duu operands, pepo the 4 auithmetic operation, and prowide the sus The dist of aulthmelic opuatris avai lable in Ro aut: + — Addition —» Ex: > 44-20 4 retwns sum ‘of hex eee uae > arb [a] 30 — —» Sublaadion — Ex: > 4<=20 reluscrs dijpacnee bho >: byt iet0 . 2). as Ma dieten Sacaten B U= ( 4 ; ee PANNA cree fs vs > Mubliplicalim > Bes 5 a2 20 f yobublee prpdunt! ep y Sule <= to} fio numybe Sak < [4] ao : | > Divitin —“3 Ex! >< Op ") velusind gieottentap A obSe 0 two dumbes, 3 afb [1] 2 > AZ a Ny Subs Exponent itn PER, > b Z-l0 oem 'b j [a] 4-0 2uers | ut, > modulus —> Ex: > a<-a vaetiuind emai nde > be=-W | Sakhb ee [a] 0 hl % oe Bee S ese a iis. Ristenhae eee | op Sia s ’ (4] 2-8 : Q). Assignment opecatous : , ‘Assignment opetates auton a value to a voutable. — - Tho Aict aus lan ment openatos available in Raw: <=) > fasiqnrnent Bei Dok <4 $ a oO > 4 yelwens sight +o lept fa) 40 4 i | | . | ] i (St Pasig) > EY ys) 80 —> ex e woud ‘ohusers lege 4 wight pe 2 = 100 > Acciqment —> ih See holhs vaqial 4 [4] 10d 3). Comparci cion operate + s Comp ati ston. oper atous compat ae, | Vosiablir ov valus and que the rvecult . a Boolean. value. ithe bu ox fale, | the Ss Pg available in <=) ltethan ===> Ex ee 0 velwsuns die 76 right to let yé-lo ; Sig 2 ieee FALSE > cpgctintiny Bay Rice Yelusens Tu if lot > Ye Peeiae. p>oasy. ; (a) TRE, “Le => bw than oo qual ty Ex: > xz220 ribet Aten If exe thapiieiel) equat to ‘ > (1) “ve i Piss 5 Copal Be aad tasers dane if equal 40 (4] False» J —> Not equal to —> Eris eee vith Aree if - nol) equal fo [ay Hwee: 4). Logical Opauntous | logical. opuuntens pogo _spetaliond 2 AND, OR, utc. and puowlde a Boolean Value 0 output: The Logical opucalesa avaliable: th R aye: ; BX > lapical AND —> Ex! bu “| Rekusens tee iP both - Yee. Seer ers au True, ye x _ ———— i to gical kh — element vice, AND aE Oe | vetuoiuad: Wad ne both au Poor oye 4d » ~ CS —— par Nnais, voise Sige Ex: > aly 4 Detuum tue ff one Te {4} es Gaterient ig NUC: wc) what i& meant by populations and : Sampls fin data prowsing ? Explain the . import ance 8p prpulations and. Samples in j big datn domain, } — A population ub the enldu qvoup thot yeu want de duaur con clusions ' abeut. = A qhample ly He spenipic qveup that | i yout ustll collet dada priom, | Sampling ca Try euenu | Fae Big data used 4s deined by Ensumous amount 9 eux expanding, dive data being qenmated Tn Hs contest : — t i me can apply the Compt Oy population G Samplu to duive aed Ersighls juan smaller data ch which has tonctalerod perm (ange bata sel * Tat, examples roraider Loncept of pesecenali:zockion wea ae Asc Hew from large dala. sb. | os) wie hal 4s meant by rnedeling ? what an diyuunt Aypes 2 Explatn hew to build a Statistical model ? = Modeling th the pow of Stoapliying the diagram su data modd op sofware Sistem by applying evtain porunal techniques —> The following guru the types 4 modeling: eS J Oa q 3. Network. 3. Relational - 4 Objet oriented « a Enltty relationship: & Dimensional. Ge Graph:

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