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Mel R.

BS Environmental Planning 3A
EPM 135 - Local and International Planning


The term “city,” is a relatively permanent and highly organized center of population, of
greater size or importance than a town or village. The reason for this occurrence is it has a large
population with over a 100,000 people. Furthermore, a city is characterized by its government that
has higher political authority, an incredibly competitive economy, as well as big well planned built-in
infrastructures. The concept of city refers to a particular type of community (urban community) and
its culture, known as “urbanism” (Lampard, 2000). Many urbanists used the term urban utopia, a city
that is both idealized and imagined. There are already several urban utopia designs including the
famous twentieth-century city plans created by Ebenezer Howard, Le Corbusier, and Frank Lloyd
Wright. The Maximos city is an urban city with a goal to become great metropolis or mega city that
situated near Kemi, Finland.

To begin with, Maximos city is a welcoming place to all. It is a place where anyone can be
interacted to. With that in mind, you will be encountering plenty of people in the city left and right
on a daily basis. Just imagine a street life with a friendly neighborhood that is attentive and
cooperative to you. The city is diverse, so the people are made up of distinct characteristics,
qualities, or elements. Meaning there are a lot of distinct cultural backgrounds among the people
who live here. Interacting with these people from various backgrounds and life experiences can give
you a fresh take on life itself and learn to appreciate it even more. Moreover, there will be urban
stewardship groups who will work as volunteers or paid professionals to conserve, manage, monitor,
advocate or educate the public about the local environment in the city. For better understanding,
the Maximos city have a superb level of sociability in terms of respect and honor to people, groups,
and organizations.

When we talk about smooth urban mobility patterns and modes, the Maximos city is more
advanced and better. The road structures are built in 4-ways with well-planned and connected
linkages to reduce trip lengths thus creating the conditions to make walking, cycling and with several
trees along the roads to make public transport more attractive. The presence of signs with words
and images of landmarks and destinations along the roads to make the city easier to navigate. There
would be also diversion roads for big vehicles like dam trucks and cargo trucks prior to entering and
exiting the city. This makes much better use of road space and green space to avoid traffic
congestion at peak times or on rush hours. The parking pattern of the city would be requiring the big
and small establishment to have their own parking lot for their workers and costumers. In terms of
transport vehicles, the public transport transits are high quality (fast, regular, dependable, and eco-
friendly) that can move people efficiently, safely, and cheaply. On private vehicles, petrol-based
engine vehicles are prohibited in the city thus it prefers electric vehicles to lessen gas or CO2
emissions that pollutes the air. Moreover, the accessibility and proximity of educational, economic,
social, and cultural opportunities is easily to go to. People live close to the things they need for daily
basis or regular access to (i.e., shops, schools, health care, employment etc.). In every group of
residential areas there are shops, school, hospital, business establishments, etc. that is walkable and

The building patterns are mainly based on vertical structure and not horizontal structure to
avoid congestion of buildings. Most buildings are skyscraper with 40 to 50 multi story building that
designed to withstand earthquakes by using state-of-the-art structural design methodologies. These
skyscrapers can used for housing settlements or business establishments. There is also a mega mall
where you can by anything. Advance technology general hospital with high class doctors. police
stations and fire stations with well trained personnel to maintain peace and order.

Maximos city is a urban city that integrates eco-friendly practices, green spaces and
supporting technology into the urban environment to reduce air pollution and CO2 emissions,
enhance air quality, and protect natural resources. These activities lead to a healthier environment
for citizens and minimize the carbon footprint of the city. From this mind, the presence of parks and
multi-activity green spaces for fun and active recreational activities that improves the quality of life
for residents. Solar-powered buildings that provide renewable energy. Thus, it is economy friendly
because it helps to avoid peak electricity rates and provides reliable back-up power when the
electricity goes down. Moreover, every household are necessarily must have rooftop gardens that
provide shade, remove heat from the air, and reduce temperatures of the roof surface. Local
Business Ownership is very vital on the city’s economy too so by supporting locally owned
businesses, it will help to support local job creation, keeps more money circulating in the local
economy, and often receive better services. Local business owners are invested in their local
community, so they are more likely to give back, by sponsoring local community events and
initiatives which makes the environmental economy healthy. The Maximos City is also open to
foreign investors to promote economic development and contribute to sustainable growth of the
The Maximos city government are responsible for serving the needs of the city’s citizens to
have a comfortable life. They focus more on city infrastructures, basic services, and safety concerns.
Like keeping the water clean and maintaining sewer lines clear. Ensuring that the infrastructures are
safe and sound for human activities. Reducing crime rate by putting stronger and tightened security
all around the city. Protecting and preserving historical places and cultures. Increasing business
enterprises that uplift employment opportunities and helps reinvest tax revenue in the community.
Overall, making the city more attractive, peaceful, fresh, clean, greener urban environment and in
harmony with nature.

The assurance of the city to progress is having a good governance that guided by the
principles of planning. By making a policy framework that will help to provide long-term goals and
give overall direction to development of the city. Moreover, the city must focus on maintaining
urban sustainability like by planting trees and creating more green spaces while at the same time
encouraging more cottage industries, rather than large scale factories. Urban farming enhances food
production, reduces food insecurity, and mitigates the environmental effects of food transportation.
And growing food locally reduces the distance from farm to consumer. Encourages the practice of
urban farming that include vertical gardens, rooftop farming, community gardens, and encouraging
schools and restaurants to grow food. More improve water conservation and waste management
through sustainable urban planning to avoid water shortages. Developing solar power, and other
renewable energy projects, which are designed to keep the air clean for generations to come.

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