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Logic: Chapters on Propositional and Predicate Logic.

Set Theory: Initial chapters covering Sets, Functions, Sequences, and Summations.
Algorithms and Complexity: Chapters on Algorithm Analysis.
Number Theory: Chapters on Integers and Algorithms.Logic: Chapters on Propositional and Predicate Logic.
Set Theory: Initial chapters covering Sets, Functions, Sequences, and Summations.
Algorithms and Complexity: Chapters on Algorithm Analysis.
Number Theory: Chapters on Integers and Algorithms.what chapters to study for gate cse from discrete
mathematics and its applications (detailed manner like which sections to sections from what chapters from this
book)Linear Algebra: Chapters on Matrices, Determinants, Eigenvalues, and Eigenvectors.
Calculus: Chapters on Differential and Integral Calculus.
Probability and Statistics: Chapters on Basic Probability, Random Variables, and Statistical
Methods.ZLIB.IO17959804Fundamentals: Chapters on Graph Terminology, Types of Graphs, and
Algorithms: Chapters on Graph Traversal Algorithms like BFS and DFS.
Advanced Topics: Chapters on Network Flows, Matching, and Planarity.

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