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Caring for the

hospitalized patient with
opioid use disorder
During your career, it’s likely that you’ll care for individuals with
opioid dependence or addiction. Knowing the basics will help you
understand these patients and improve their outcomes.
By Dorothy J. Moore, DNP, FNP-C, CCRN

In 2017, over 2 million people in the US history of substance use disorder, being
experienced substance use disorders re- younger, and being male. OUD may lead to
lated to opioids, and this number may be lost jobs, separation from family and
far higher. The term opioid refers to both friends, and financial hardships. It isn’t
synthetic and naturally occurring drugs unusual for people with OUD to spend
derived from the opium poppy that bind to hundreds of dollars a week on opioids or
the brain’s opioid receptors. Opioids have become hospital “frequent flyers.”
analgesic properties, making them excellent
pain medications; however, most opioids Patient-centered care
cause euphoria, leading to their high poten- There’s a popular false belief that addic-
tial for abuse. They also depress the central tion is a character flaw—if a person just
nervous system and can stop a person from had better judgment and self-control, he
breathing, making them potentially lethal. or she wouldn’t be addicted to drugs.
People abuse prescription opioids in a This misconception can affect how we
variety of ways. They can take pills orally interact with our patients and how they
or they may crush them and then snort, interact with us. The stigma behind OUD

smoke, or inject them. Prescription opioid prevents patients from seeking treatment
abuse is a major risk factor for progres- and then from being honest about their
sion to heroin, which can be injected, opioid use if they’re hospitalized.
snorted, or smoked. Patients often worry that hospital staff
Opioid use disorder (OUD) is defined as a members will stigmatize them and treat
pattern of compulsive opioid use that con- them poorly, which can lead to defensive
tinues despite harmful consequences (see behaviors, possible conflict, and subopti-
Diagnostic criteria for OUD). This chronic, mal patient care. Patients with OUD often
relapsing disease is caused by many factors, fear that they won’t be treated for with-
including genetics, family dynamics, and drawal during hospitalization, which can
socioeconomic status. Risk factors include cause them to delay or defer care and lie
a mental disorder such as depression, a about their addiction.

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Some patients with OUD may present is always a good approach. Motivational
to the hospital and tell you they have interviewing (MI) is a counseling style in
addiction disease; others may be hiding which you’re the helper in the patient’s road
their issues from family members, friends, to change. Your role is that of an active lis-
or even themselves. Sometimes, a medical tener, with the goal of eliciting behavioral
crisis, especially one requiring pain man- change statements from the patient. One of
agement, brings an addiction diagnosis the most powerful aspects of MI is using
to the forefront. The connection you as a reflective listening—an empathetic style of
nurse make with your patient is critically counseling that “listens rather than tells.”
important. Use nonstigmatizing, nonjudg-
mental language when interacting with Identifying OUD
patients. Remember that, by definition, There’s no straightforward way to iden-
patients with OUD have lost the ability to tify a patient with OUD. Some patients
control their drug use. show no obvious effects related to their
Helping patients maintain a sense opioid abuse; others may be in with-
of control over their care is vital. For drawal. Others may be intoxicated
instance, you might ask a patient who’s an when they arrive at the hospital. The
I.V. drug user, “Can you tell me which vein intoxicated patient may appear sedated
I should use to start your I.V.?” This ques- and have pinpoint pupils (miosis). This
tion acknowledges that you understand the patient may nod off midsentence, have
patient is very familiar with his veins and is slurred speech, and have trouble staying
likely more expert at finding them than you awake. He or she should be observed
are. It also opens the door to conversation. closely for respiratory depression. It’s
Using open-ended questions, rather than best practice to place such patients on
telling your patient what you think is best, pulse oximetry and CO2 and respira-
tory monitoring. Locating the patient in
Diagnostic criteria for OUD a high-visibility area is important. It’s
To confirm a diagnosis of OUD, at least two of the following should be critical to establish I.V. access and be
observed within a 12-month period: prepared to administer naloxone, with
• opioids are often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than a healthcare provider’s prescription, if
was intended the patient’s respiratory rate consistently
• a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control opioid use drops below 6 to 8 breaths/minute.
• a great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain the opioid, Undiagnosed patients may have cer-
use the opioid, or recover from its effects tain red flag behaviors, including repeat
• craving or a strong desire or urge to use opioids
hospital visits for pain without any physi-
• recurrent opioid use resulting in a failure to fulfill major role obligations
ologic source, a pattern of seeking opioids
at work, school, or home
from several healthcare providers, and
• continued opioid use despite having persistent or recurrent social or
interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the effects of opioids inflexibility around the pain management
• important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up plan while hospitalized. However, none
or reduced because of opioid use of these necessarily identifies a person as
• recurrent opioid use in situations in which it’s physically hazardous having OUD. Diagnosis is based on multi-
• continued opioid use despite knowledge of having a persistent or ple factors and the key to caring for these
recurrent physical or psychological problem that’s likely to have been patients is a nonjudgmental approach.
caused or exacerbated by the substance Always acknowledge the patient’s con-
• exhibits tolerance* cerns and listen with an open mind.
• exhibits withdrawal.*
*Not met if the patient is taking opioids under appropriate medical supervision. Screening tools
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Assessing and addressing opioid use disorder
The Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10)
and CAGE-AID are tools used to screen

28 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! January/February 2020

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for OUD. DAST-10 consists of 10 yes-or-
no questions pertaining to drug use in the
past 12 months that can be used to screen “Tell me what withdrawal
patients for treatment evaluation. An an- is like for you” is a
swer of “yes” receives 1 point, except for
the third question, for which an answer question that
of “no” receives 1 point. A score of 1 to 2 enables you to
equals a low-level problem that requires
monitoring. A score of 3 to 5 indicates better understand
a moderate-level problem that requires your patient’s
further investigation. A score of 6 to 8 is
a substantial problem requiring inten- anxiety around
sive assessment. And a score of 9 to 10 hospitalization.
equals a severe-level problem, also need-
ing intensive assessment. CAGE-AID is a
4-question tool; if a patient answers “yes”
to 2 or more questions, a complete assess- hospital and not receive adequate treat-
ment by a trained provider is advised. ment for their withdrawal symptoms.
Point-of-care urine toxicology screening Fear of untreated withdrawal is a reason
tests can aid in identifying OUD, although why many patients with OUD elope from
they can show false results. For example, the ED.
the opioids fentanyl, buprenorphine, and Be sure to ask your patient which opi-
trama-dol aren’t routinely picked up by point- oids he or she regularly takes because this
of-care testing. For this reason, most will determine when to expect withdrawal
hospitals will perform gas chromatography- symptoms. For instance, a patient taking a
mass spectrometry testing, which is more short-acting opioid like fentanyl will begin
reliable and precise but can take hours to to experience withdrawal as early as a few
days to receive results. hours after the last dose. Typically with her-
Urine toxicology screening can also be oin, withdrawal symptoms peak within 72
useful in letting you know if the patient is hours of the last dose taken and can last for
abusing other drugs. It isn’t uncommon days. “Tell me what withdrawal is like for
for patients with OUD to abuse other you” is a question that enables you to better
drugs, such as methamphetamine or ben- understand your patient’s anxiety around
zodiazepines. Because opioids and benzo- hospitalization. Some patients describe
diazepines are both sedating, patients withdrawal as worse than the worst case
who take these drugs together are at of flu they ever had. The first symptoms of
greater risk for overdose than if they only withdrawal include yawning, runny nose,
use opioids. Diazepam, alprazolam, and watery eyes, drug craving, agitation, anxiety,
clonazepam are examples of common trouble sleeping, chills, and goose bumps.
benzodiazepines. As withdrawal progresses, patients may
It’s also important to explore whether experience sweating, abdominal cramping,
your patient abuses alcohol. Typically, a nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea. It isn’t
blood alcohol level is ordered if this is sus- uncommon for patients to report muscle
pected. Withdrawal from both alcohol and aches, sleep issues, depression, and drug
benzodiazepines can cause lethal seizures. craving for weeks to months after their last
drug use. Patients in withdrawal may be
Managing withdrawal anxious or even panicked. This can some-
A major concern for patients with OUD times lead to anger and even aggressive
is that they’ll go into withdrawal in the behavior. If a patient is acting out, January/February 2020 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! 29

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

ensuring staff safety is of the utmost this scale at regular intervals to monitor the
importance. Some tips for managing diffi- extent of a patient’s withdrawal.
cult patient behavior include remaining Depending on the setting, clonidine is
calm and reassuring, limiting the number often given to decrease withdrawal symp-
of staff members caring for the patient, lis- toms. Benzodiazepines are sometimes given
tening to the patient, and acknowledging for anxiety if not contraindicated, acetamin-
the patient’s feelings. ophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
The Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale, or drugs for pain, and loperamide for diarrhea.
COWS, is an objective way of measuring I.V. fluids are given to prevent dehydration.
11 signs and symptoms of opioid with- Another opioid withdrawal management
drawal: resting pulse, sweating, restlessness, method is to transition the patient to an
pupil size, bone or join aches, runny nose opioid agonist, such as methadone or
or tearing, gastrointestinal upset, tremor of buprenorphine, to suppress withdrawal
outstretched hand, yawning, anxiety or irri- symptoms. The patient is then tapered
tability, and gooseflesh skin. Nurses can use off the opioid agonist in a controlled set-
ting or the patient remains on the opioid
consider this agonist and is referred to a clinic specializ-
ing in medication-assisted treatment
Your patient, Jake, is a 27-year-old heroin user who’s an ED frequent
(MAT) as an outpatient.
flyer. Today, he comes in for treatment of a large abscess on his left
Patients should be warned about the
forearm. Remember the acronym OARS so you can navigate a mean-
ingful conversation with Jake using MI: risk of relapse if they’re weaned off opioids
in the hospital and understand that the
• O: Ask open-ended questions that can’t be answered with a simple
postdischarge period is a particularly vul-
yes or no. Example: “I notice you’ve been coming in to see us a lot
nerable time in terms of possible overdose.
lately. Can you tell me how it’s going?”
Discharge planning should include connec-
• A: Affirm by recognizing and encouraging Jake’s strengths. Example:
tion with follow-up addiction treatment.
“I think you have a lot of courage dealing with your addiction. We see
that when you come in and are honest with us about what’s going on.”
Assessment concerns
• R: Reflect by responding so that it’s obvious you’re listening and empa- A complete bedside skin check is very
thetic to what Jake is saying. Example: “What I think you’re saying is
important when you assess a patient with
that it’s getting tougher lately to be trying to score drugs on the street.”
OUD. People who inject opioids often do
• S: Summarize to recap what’s been discussed. This is a chance to so in unsanitary settings and use dirty
highlight reasons for change. Example: “You’ve been getting sick needles. This can cause deep, painful
more this winter and things are getting tougher for you. What are
abscesses, which are a collection of pus
some of the things that are keeping you from getting treatment?”
beneath the dermal layer. You’ll likely see
When using MI, ask Jake: a swollen, reddened area and may feel
• permission to discuss a subject (This is a good way to open the door fluid at the site. Take care if you palpate
to conversation.)
an abscess because they can be extremely
• to explain the pros and cons of the situation (What do you like about tender. I.V. drug use can also cause cel-
your lifestyle? What are some of the negative issues?) lulitis—surface skin infections that are
• to look forward (How would things be different for you if you could swollen, warm to the touch, and red.
receive treatment?) Report signs of infection, such as redness,
• to reflect on past times that went well in his life. (What worked and why?) swelling, skin that’s warm to the touch, or
painful areas, to the healthcare provider.
The idea with MI is to help your patient reflect and draw connections
Look for scarring along veins, known
for self-improvement. Research shows that this kind of insight is far
more powerful than telling patients what they should do. By using even as “tracks,” that develops for most I.V.
a couple of MI prompts, you may hear Jake ask for a social worker and drug users. Small, round, discolored areas
agree to explore treatment options. that are often fibrotic are common with
people who inject drugs subcutaneously.

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You may see bruising on the thighs or but-
tocks with patients who inject opioids
directly into their muscles. It isn’t unusual
for people to use their feet as an injection Caring for patients
site out of a desire to hide their drug use
or because they’ve run out of usual sites. with OUD can
Patients who inject drugs may be quite be complicated,
self-conscious that their habit is obvious
but taking the time to check thoroughly for requiring compassion,
active infections is extremely important, sensitivity, and
especially in out-of-sight locations. Assess-
ing the extent of scarring from needle use expert knowledge.
can reveal the extent of your patient’s
addiction—more scarring can mean a more
advanced addiction disease process.

Complications opioids slow gut motility, leading to pain.

Paradoxically, long-term opioid use can Some of these patients are likely experi-
cause more pain rather than less. This is encing OIH as well. Patients with NBS
known as opioid-induced hyperalgesia can get caught in a vicious cycle of
(OIH)—a state of extreme pain sensitivity demanding more opioid pain medication
caused by desensitization of pain receptors even though the opioids are at the root of
from opioid overuse. OIH is different than their pain. Treating NBS can be challeng-
tolerance to opioids where increasing the ing; it ultimately requires weaning the
opioid dosage will decrease the patient’s patient off opioids and substituting nono-
pain level. With OIH, the patient experi- pioid analgesics.
ences pain despite an increased dosage of Constipation can be a chronic problem
medication that’s out of proportion with for patients with OUD because opioids
the medical situation. Examples of OUD affect mu-opioid receptors not only in the
patients with OIH include the patient who brain, but also in the gut, causing a slow-
winces or cries out when you take off a BP ing of gut motility. Many patients with
cuff but who has no physical injury or the OUD have developed routines for manag-
patient who describes constant 10/10 pain ing constipation, such as the use of laxa-
that’s “everywhere” with no clear injury or tives and stool softeners. It’s useful to ask
painful illness. your patient if constipation is a problem
When caring for patients with OIH, it’s and, if so, how he or she manages it. Regu-
important to acknowledge that they’re in larly assess your patient to see how often
real pain. Trying nonopioid analgesics may he or she is able to have a bowel move-
be beneficial, as well as adjuvant pain treat- ment, how long it takes, and whether treat-
ments such as warm or cold packs. OIH is ments are working. Of course, laxatives
ultimately treated by tapering patients off don’t address the underlying reason for
opioids or switching to an opioid agonist, constipation. For some patients, drugs
such as methadone or buprenorphine. This known as peripherally acting mu-opioid
can take weeks of treatment and is rarely receptor antagonists can deliver naloxone
done in the hospital. directly to the gut, reversing the effects of
Narcotic bowel syndrome (NBS) is col- opioids in the gut’s mu-opioid receptors
icky abdominal pain that gets worse as and lessening constipation.
opioid medications wear off in some Cotton fever is a syndrome associated
chronic opioid users. This is because with I.V. heroin use, with symptoms January/February 2020 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! 31

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(Osler nodes); nontender lesions on the
palms and soles (Janeway lesions); and
retinal hemorrhages (Roth spots).
Enhanced communication People who inject drugs and share
skills, along with other needles or other equipment are at high
risk for HIV, hepatitis B (HBV), and hepa-
key strategies, will titis C (HCV). People can contract HCV
improve your patient’s by sharing pipes and other drug para-
phernalia that come in contact with body
care experience, reduce fluids. People with OUD may also have
readmission rates, and impaired judgment, causing them to have
unprotected sex. Patients with OUD may
potentially save a life. be fatalistic about their lives and future,
feeling like there’s no point in preventive
care. As a nurse, you can educate patients
on the importance of being tested for
including fevers, body aches, nausea, and viruses and about treatment and preven-
an elevated white blood cell count. It’s tion options, including HBV vaccination
thought to be caused by filtering liquid and treatment for HCV and HIV. People at
heroin through cotton balls. The cotton high risk for contracting HIV, such as IV
may contain bacterial endotoxins, which drug users, can take preexposure prophy-
cause illness. Cotton fever usually goes laxis, or PrEP, antiretroviral medication
away on its own, but these patients typical- to help prevent HIV. Encourage patients
ly receive a full sepsis workup. to adopt harm reduction strategies, such
Infective endocarditis (IE) is a life- as community needle exchange programs
threatening complication of using dirty that offer free sterile needles. Your hos-
I.V. needles. Infected venous blood travels pital’s social workers should be aware of
to the right side of the heart first, so right- these programs and can provide resources.
sided heart valves are more likely to
develop IE. Listen carefully to your Managing pain
patient’s heart for abnormal cardiac find- Hospitalized patients with OUD may
ings, including murmurs, gallops, and experience acute pain and require addi-
pericardial rubs. You may hear adventi- tional opioids. Because they’ve built up a
tious sounds in a patient with OUD who tolerance to opioids, the amount of medi-
appears well but who has a chronic infec- cation needed to treat their pain is usu-
tion. Report any abnormal findings to the ally much greater than for opioid-naive
healthcare provider. patients. Often, these patients are labeled
Acute IE can progress rapidly, often as “drug-seeking” because of their in-
presenting like sepsis with fevers and creased pain medication requirements.
chills, shortness of breath, cough, or chest When caring for patients with OUD in
and joint pains. Other signs can include acute pain, acknowledge that you accept
a stiff neck, delirium, stroke symptoms, their reports of pain. Always perform a
and conjunctival hemorrhage. There are thorough pain assessment using a “PQRST”
several classic signs of IE that are found in approach and ask about precipitating fac-
some, but not all, patients: petechiae scat- tors, the quality of the pain (sharp, burning,
tered around the body from microvascular aching), its location and whether it radiates
emboli; dark red, linear splinter hemor- to other locations, the patient’s subjective
rhages beneath the fingernails; tender description of the pain, and the time the
nodules at the ends of fingers and toes pain occurs (onset, duration).

32 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! January/February 2020

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Don’t withhold opioids if they’re pre-
scribed for your patient unless you’re on the web
concerned about respiratory depression. American Nurse Today
Patients who take opioids on a daily basis NP role in medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder
should be given their baseline level of
medication, plus additional opioid medi- American Nurses Association
cation to control the acute pain. Some Opioid epidemic
patients may require 50% to 100% more
medication than their baseline dosage. opioid-epidemic
Closely monitor all patients receiving opi- American Society of Addiction Medicine
oid medication for signs of oversedation. The ASAM national practice guideline for the use of medications in the
Using a sedation scale, such as the Pasero treatment of addiction involving opioid use
Opioid-induced Sedation Scale (POSS), is
best practice when managing a patient consensus-docs/asam-national-practice-guideline-supplement.pdf
who’s receiving opioid medications. The National Institute on Drug Abuse
POSS measures a person’s level of seda- Opioid overdose crisis
tion. Assessments include: asleep, easy to
arouse; slightly drowsy, easily aroused; Providers Clinical Support System
awake and alert; arousable but drifts off Opioid use disorder: What is opioid addiction?
to sleep during conversation; and somno-
lent with minimal or no response to ver- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
bal and physical stimulation. Medications for opioid use disorder
Patients who are on MAT for OUD may
be taking either methadone or buprenor-
phine on a daily basis as an outpatient.
These medications treat the patient’s crav-
ings and prevent opioid withdrawal. If Many hospitals now start patients with
patients don’t continue to receive these OUD on buprenorphine, then discharge
medications or a morphine-equivalent them with a small amount of medication
dosage of another opioid, they’ll go into to bridge them to obtaining care through
withdrawal. Although methadone and an outpatient MAT program.
buprenorphine are analgesics, patients on
MAT aren’t receiving enough opioid medi- Discharge planning
cation for treatment of their acute pain, so Discharging a patient with OUD is one
additional pain medications are required. of the most important parts of his or her
Methadone has a long half-life; the hospital care. This is a chance to help pre-
usual practice is to continue the patient’s vent readmission. Important elements for
methadone maintenance dosage and add a discharging a patient with OUD include:
short-acting opioid such as fentanyl for • Screen patients with high-risk behaviors
acute or breakthrough pain. Management for HIV and viral hepatitis and connect
of patients on buprenorphine is more them with follow-up services.
complicated because it binds more tightly • Instruct patients on how to use nalox-
to mu-opioid receptors than other opioids, one in case of overdose and encourage
inhibiting the analgesic properties of those them to teach a loved one. Some hospi-
drugs. These patients may be switched to tals now discharge known opioid abusers
traditional opioids and buprenorphine with naloxone.
may be temporarily discontinued. Nono- • For I.V. drug users, provide a list of
pioid medications, such as gabapentin and community resources for needle exchange
I.V. acetaminophen, can also be used. programs. January/February 2020 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! 33

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

• For patients going home with buprenor- Englander H, Mahoney S, Brandt K, et al. Tools to sup-
port hospital-based addiction care: core components, val-
phine, teach safe storage and disposal of ues, and activities of the Improving Addiction Care Team.
the medication, especially where there are J Addict Med. 2019;13(2):85-89.
small children or teens in the home. Farmer AD, Gallagher J, Bruckner-Holt C, Aziz Q.
Narcotic bowel syndrome. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol.
• Connect patients to outpatient addic- 2017;2(5):361-368.
tion treatment services. Jungquist CR, Smith K, Nicely KL, Polomano RC.
Monitoring hospitalized adult patients for opioid-induced
sedation and respiratory depression. Am J Nurs. 2017;117(3
Life-saving knowledge Suppl 1):S27-S35.
Caring for patients with OUD can be com- National Institute on Drug Abuse. Drug use and viral
infections (HIV, hepatitis). 2019.
plicated, requiring compassion, sensitivity, lications/drugfacts/drug-use-viral-infections-hiv-hepatitis.
and expert knowledge. Enhanced commu- National Institute on Drug Abuse. Opioid overdose crisis.
nication skills, along with an understanding 2019.
of key focused assessments, management of
Quinlan J, Cox F. Acute pain management in patients with
opioid withdrawal, pain control strategies, drug dependence syndrome. Pain Rep. 2017;2(4):e611.
and discharge planning, will improve your Rosenthal ES, Karchmer AW, Theisen-Toupal J, Castillo
RA, Rowley CF. Suboptimal addiction interventions for
patient’s care experience, reduce readmis- patients hospitalized with injection drug use-associated
sion rates, and potentially save a life. ■ infective endocarditis. Am J Med. 2016;129(5):481-485.
Sonneborn O, Bui T. Opioid induced constipation man-
REFERENCES agement in orthopaedic and trauma patients: treatment
Anderson TA, Quaye ANA, Ward EN, Wilens TE, Hilliard and the potential of nurse-initiated management. Int J
PE, Brummett CM. To stop or not, that is the ques- Orthop Trauma Nurs. 2019;34:16-20.
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best practice. American Nurse Today. 2019. www.american Dorothy J. Moore is an Assistant Professor at the San Jose (Calif.)
Dion K. Perceptions of persons who inject drugs about nurs- State University Valley School of Nursing.
ing care they have received. J Addict Nurs. 2019;30(2):101-107.
The author and planners have disclosed no potential conflicts of
Donroe JH, Holt SR, Tetrault JM. Caring for patients with interest, financial or otherwise.
opioid use disorder in the hospital. CMAJ. 2016;188(17-18):
1232-1239. DOI-10.1097/01.NME.0000613612.06467.18

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