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UJCV II-2021


22 What Kind of Consumer are You?

Unit 6

a. Complete the questionnaire about yourself by circling your answers in the “About me”

About me About my partner

1. I love / like / don’t like / hate shopping.
2. My favorite kind of shopping is buying
clothes / food / music / things for the house.
3. I never / sometimes / often / always buy things
that are on sale.
4. I always / usually / seldom get my money's
5. My budget is very limited / a bit limited /
not at all limited.

6. I prefer to pay in cash / by check / by credit card.

7. When I shop I like to get free delivery / a good

payment plan / friendly service.
8. The most important thing about an item I buy is
the price / quality.
9. I don't think / think it's important to buy only
brand name items.
10. I prefer buying second-hand / new items.

b. Interview a partner. Choose at least 6 points to ask about. Write your partner’s answers
in the “About my partner” column.
c. Compare answers with your partner. Find two shopping habits that are the same for
both of you. Find two shopping habits that are different. Complete the sentences.
1. Both my partner and I we like to go shopping

2. Both my partner and I we like to buy clothes

3. My partner purchase with credit card , but I I buy with cash

4. My partner buy only brand things , but I as long as I like it, it doesn't matter

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