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Cornell University Press

Chapter Title: Abbreviations

Book Title: Unraveling the Gray Area Problem

Book Subtitle: The United States and the INF Treaty
Book Author(s): Luke Griffith
Published by: Cornell University Press. (2023)
Stable URL:

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to Unraveling the Gray Area Problem

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A bbrevi ati ons

ABM anti–ballistic missile

ACDA Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
ALCM air-launched cruise missile
BMD ballistic missile defense
CD Christian Democrat
CDA Christian Democratic Appeal
CDU Christian Democratic Union
CFR Council on Foreign Relations
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
CPD: Committee on the Present Danger
CSU Christian Social Union
DOD Department of Defense
DPC Defense Planning Committee
EPAA European Phased Adaptive Approach
ERW enhanced radiation warhead (or weapon)
FBS forward-based systems
FCO Foreign and Commonwealth Office
FDP Free Democratic Party
FRG Federal Republic of Germany
GLCM ground-launched cruise missile
HLG High Level Group
ICBM intercontinental ballistic missile
IDD Integrated Decision Document
IG Interagency Group
IKV Interchurch Peace Council
INF intermediate-range nuclear forces
IRBM intermediate-range ballistic missile
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
KAL Korean Air Lines
MAD mutual assured destruction

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xvi    A B B R E V I AT I O N S

MBFR Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions

MIRV multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle
MLF multilateral force
MOD Ministry of Defence/Defense
NAC North Atlantic Council
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NPG Nuclear Planning Group
NSC National Security Council
NSDD national security decision directive
NSDM national security decision memorandum
NSPG National Security Planning Group
NST Nuclear and Space Talks
NTM national technical means
OSIA On-Site Inspection Agency
PCI Italian Communist Party
PRM presidential review memorandum
PSI Italian Socialist Party
PvdA Labour Party (Netherlands)
SAG Screen Actors Guild
SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
SCC Strategic Coordinating Committee
SCG Special Consultative Group
SDI Strategic Defense Initiative
SG Special Group on Arms Control and Related Matters
SLBM submarine-launched ballistic missile
SLCM submarine-launched cruise missile
SPD Social Democratic Party
START Strategic Arms Reduction Talks
SVC Special Verification Commission
TALT Theater Arms Limitation Talks
TNF theater nuclear forces
UK United Kingdom
VVD People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy

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